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Friends With Extra Benefits

Page 25

by Luke Young


  Twenty minutes later, Jim returned to Victoria’s room with a nurse, who was carrying their adorable baby.

  Kaylie still had the feeding tube coming out of her nose and taped to the side of her face. Her eyes fluttered open a bit and were a pale blue. She was awake, but groggy, as she waved her arms around slowly. Victoria smiled brightly as the nurse gently placed Kaylie into her arms.

  “Oh, my God… She’s perfect.”

  Moving closer, Jim stared down at mother and child while desperately fighting back tears. Brian looked at him while struggling to hold back a chuckle. Jillian glanced at Jim and shook her head, touched by his emotion. Shifting her glance to Brian, she gave him an incredulous look. Brian caught her stare and curled his lips as he pulled himself together. Jillian shook her head at him, returned to the baby, and smiled.

  “You are such a pretty girl,” Victoria said softly.

  The nurse smiled. “I’ll return in a few minutes to take her back. This is her first big girl trip, so just a short one today. After that, we can work on pumping some milk for her.”

  Victoria replied, “Okay.”

  Brian shot Jim a juvenile smile as the nurse left the room. Rolling his eyes, Jim returned a look that screamed “Grow up.” Jillian caught Brian’s expression once again but this time fought to hold back a laugh. After composing herself, she elbowed him gently in the stomach before giving her new husband a proper head-shaking, disapproving grin.

  Holding his hands up as if to say he would behave, Brian fought to suppress his own grin. Jillian shook her head once more and then turned her attention to the baby. “She’s precious.”

  Victoria glanced up at Jillian with her heart melting away. “She’s so tiny.” She looked to Kaylie and said, “You are so cute.”

  Kaylie’s eyes blinked open, and she appeared to be staring up at her mother. Victoria smiled brightly as she said, “Yes, you know your mommy. We are going to have so much fun together. We can pick out clothes and toys, and your daddy can help.”

  Kaylie’s eyes drifted closed as Jim leaned in and said, “You are such a beautiful girl.”

  Jim extended a finger to the baby, and she blindly waved her hand at it. “I think she wants to give me five. She’s, like, so advanced already… like a little genius.”

  While still fighting his juvenile reaction to seeing his little brother as a father, Brian leaned in for a closer look. His gaze traveled up to Jim then back to the baby as the silly smile melted away from his face.

  Victoria flashed her eyes to Jim. “She’s really tired.”

  “She’s been through a lot,” Jim replied in a soothing voice.

  Jillian glanced up at Brian, who now appeared to be on the verge of crying his own tears. Reaching out, she ran her fingers along his arm before taking his hand. He looked at her, embarrassed, then rubbed his hand over his mouth before clearing his throat. Leaning over, she whisper in his ear, “You’re just like your brother.”

  Brian shook his head no, and Jillian smiled as she nodded yes. They both returned their gaze to Victoria, Jim, and the baby and then glanced at each other feeling a little awkward, like they were crashing this new family’s first truly intimate moment.

  After motioning to Brian with her eyes, Jillian took a step back. Brian followed. Jillian said softly, “We’re going to give you guys some privacy.”

  “Especially if you’re going to be pumping.” Brian quipped as he held back a chuckle.

  Jim glared up at him, and Victoria shook her head with a smile. Then the new parents both returned to making over their precious baby as Jillian and Brian headed out of the room.

  Once they reached the hallway, Jillian checked to be sure they were alone. She moved to Brian and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away, he asked, “What was that for? I thought you might be mad, but seeing my brother as a father just, uh…”

  “I’m not mad. I mean you are being a little immature, but…” She smiled. “I don’t know I, uh, got so wet just seeing you all emotional.” She placed her tongue between her teeth, glanced around to be sure the coast was clear before leaning to him and whispering, “I kinda feel like blowing you or something.”

  He gave her a bright smile. “Really? There’s a bathroom over there where the door locks.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”


  “We can’t, can we?” Jillian glanced up at him with a half-innocent, half-naughty look.

  “Or we could go to the car.” He lifted his brows with a sexy smile.

  Jillian stared back at him, shaking her head. “I really don’t want to end up on the evening news. I think you’re just going to have to wait until tonight.”

  “Seriously? You’ve got me all hard and everything.”

  Redirecting her eyes south to the problem area, her jaw dropped. “Gee, you are… wow.”

  “You see.”

  She glanced down both sides of the hall and then pressed her body to his, kissed him more passionately this time before pulling away. “I’m so horny, myself, but we’re just going to have to wait.”

  After giving her a disappointed look, he adjusted his pants. “Okay, but you’ve really got to stop doing this to me. It’s not healthy for a guy my age to get all worked up and then left hanging.”

  Jillian smiled and grabbed his hand. “I know. I’m sorry. You’re just so cute.”

  They began walking toward the elevator, and she added, “I’ll give you the full treatment later.”

  “You better.”

  “And maybe we could even do… everything.”

  “Are you serious?”

  Jillian smiled. “Yeah, I kind of feel like it. Don’t you?”

  He nodded quickly. “When don’t I? Geez… now I think I’m going to need to sit down.” Brian glanced down to his bulge, and Jillian followed suit. It was unmistakable now.

  Her eyes widened. “You know… we could go home now and check on Caroline. She probably needs a ride to the hospital.” She winked at him.

  “Okay, yeah… perfect.”

  “I’ll go tell them and be right back.” Glancing at his lap, she rolled her eyes. “Try to settle down or something so we can get out of the hospital without attracting too much attention.”

  Jillian broke into a grin before she turned. Brian watched her head back to Victoria’s room while wearing a wide smile.


  Twenty minutes later Brian and Jillian walked into the house to find Caroline sitting in the living room with her purse in her hand and waiting impatiently.

  “I’ve been trying to call Jim for the last hour,” Caroline said curtly.

  “He probably just has his cell off. You know, the hospital rules, and all,” Brian replied.

  Jillian and Brian shared a quick glance and then looked back at Caroline. Jillian said, “We, uh, came back to see if you wanted to go to the hospital.”

  “Thank you so much.” Caroline took a step toward the door.

  Brian stammered, “You’re ready now… We need a few minutes before, um… Can I make you some breakfast or something?”

  “Already ate, but thanks.” After giving him a quick, polite smile, she began firing off questions, “How’s the baby? What’s going on at the hospital?”

  Jillian replied, “She’s doing well. They took her off the ventilator.”

  Brian began, “And they’re working on pumping breast milk right about, uh…” He bit his lip fearing he had said too much.

  “Who’s they?” Caroline asked, concerned.

  “Uh, Victoria and the nurse.” Brian stammered as Jillian gave him a tired look.

  “Where’s Jim?”

  “He’s, uh, I’m sure he’s waiting outside,” Brian murmured with a hesitant smile.

  Jillian smiled. “Could you give us a few minutes? I really—”

  “She has diarrhea and uh needs to…” Brian blurted out. Jillian glared at him, horrified.

  Caroline reacted with a sour face. “Oh, okay,�
�� and moved to the sofa.

  After rolling her eyes at Brian, Jillian said sternly, “If you two will excuse me.”

  Bouncing up and down on his heals impatiently, Brian’s gaze darted around the room. Caroline glanced up at him, their eyes met, and they shared an awkward moment. He bit his lip and then said, “I’d better see if she needs any Pepto or anything.”

  Caroline nodded uncomfortably, and he took off up the stairs.

  Rushing into the bathroom, Brian discovered Jillian sitting on the toilet peeing.

  She looked at him dumbfounded. “Seriously, diarrhea.”

  “I panicked.”

  “Couldn’t you give yourself diarrhea instead?”


  Brian began unbuttoning his pants. “We’d better hurry up.”

  Staring at him with her mouth open and her eyes narrowed, she flushed and pulled up her underwear. She stood while still glaring at him, pushed down her skirt and headed to the sink. “You can’t seriously still want to—”

  “I’m still sorta hard, and we—”

  “How can you be after all that intestinal distress talk?” She rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s right, you’re a man. I almost forgot.”

  Brian pushed down his underwear and sure enough, he was almost at full staff. He smiled at her, and she glanced down, wearing a sickened expression. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m just so hot for you.”

  “I’m hot for you too, but come on. I’ll bet if I really had what you said I had, you’d still be chasing after me with that thing.”

  “Probably, but only if you showered first.”

  Jillian rolled her eyes as Brian widened his suggestively.

  He began, “So what do you think? I mean, we—”

  After interrupting him with a scoff, Jillian whispered, “Caroline thinks I’m up here pooping my brains out, and you still want to do it?”

  “Well, we probably don’t have time for all that, but maybe just a quick blowjob or a, uh—”

  “Wait, and just where does Caroline think you are?”

  “Um, helping you, I guess.”

  Jillian furrowed her brow. “Helping me.”

  “I came up to see if you needed Pepto.” Brian shrugged. “I’m not thinking all that clearly, okay…”


  Glancing back down at his erection, she shook her head with a grin. “I’ll give you three minutes.”

  Brian smiled. Jillian got down on her knees and brought her A-game. After ninety seconds she forgot all about Caroline and really lost herself in the experience. Brian struggled to complete the mission quickly, but it wasn’t happening. After another minute, Jillian glanced up at him and then pulled away, winded, and tugging at her collar.

  “You’re not even close, are you?”

  “Sorry, there’s too much pressure. You know I can’t perform when—”

  “Finish now,” she commanded.

  He nodded quickly and she slipped back over him. Brian gritted his teeth and tensed every freaking muscle in his body as he fought to push it out. Getting up on his tiptoes, he held the wall with one hand for support as the struggle continued. A huge vein swelled up in his forehead, looking like it might explode before anything else actually did.

  After forty more seconds Jillian pulled away from him and shook her head. “That’s it.”

  “Really?” He gave her a disappointed look.

  “Sorry, we’re just going to have to do this later.”

  Checking her face in the mirror, Jillian grimaced. “I’m a mess now. Thanks.”

  “I think you look fine.”

  Brian stood with his underwear and shorts still around his ankles, his erection still pointing straight out and not making a move.

  She glared at him. “Let’s go.”

  “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean, you can’t?”

  “I need to finish before—”

  “You’re actually going to jerk off now?”

  He shrugged.

  Jillian shook her head and breathed out deeply. “Here I was giving it everything I had, and you couldn’t finish.”


  “I’m getting out of here. Just get it done quickly.”

  “All right, all right.”

  Glancing down once more at his problem, she shook her head with a smile before she headed to the door. Stopping suddenly, she looked back. “Just make sure you think of me when you’re doing it.”

  “Who else would I—”


  “Oh, and we’re doing it later, so don’t go tiring yourself out.”

  “I’ll be ready later.”

  Jillian nodded skeptically before breaking into a grin. Moving to him, she kissed him on the cheek and smiled. “God, you are cute.”


  Jillian slipped out of the room, and Brian quickly went to work.


  Ten minutes later, Brian drove with a slightly red face as he was still recovering from his recent overexertion. Glancing over at him, Jillian shook her head while holding back a smile. Caroline sat in the back seat, staring out the window at the beautiful Miami skyline. She glanced down at her bare finger, where her engagement ring had been displayed proudly up until twenty-four hours ago. She could think of nothing other than Jim watching Victoria pump out breast milk from her huge, perfectly-shaped breasts.

  Sighing, Caroline glanced at her purse. After a moment of reflection, she reached into her bag and pulled out the large diamond ring. She slipped it over her finger and turned the stone toward her palm as a slightly evil grin spread over her face.

  In Victoria’s room, Jim stood nearby, watching as the nurse demonstrated how to pump milk from Victoria’s swollen breasts. He found it hard to look away as the gorgeous twins were now so much larger than he had remembered.

  Jim stared at her cleavage as the gentle hum of the pump filled the room. Drifting away, his thoughts went to St. Barts and the amazing sex he and Victoria had enjoyed together. His mind went to the image of him hovering over her as he looked down while she was pleasing him so amazingly. He smiled as he stared at her breasts without really focusing. Glancing up at him, Victoria noticed his stare and smiled. “Jim.”

  Victoria called a little louder, “Jim.”

  He snapped out of it and looked at her face. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

  “About what?”

  “Uh, just St. Barts. The wedding and other… stuff.”

  Victoria gave him a smile.

  After turning off the pump, the nurse said, “I think that’s enough for now.”

  Victoria placed the pump on the table next to her as the nurse left the room. She secured her top and smiled up at Jim. “That feels weird.”


  “It’s just… I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “You don’t have to.” Jim said, “Uh, you said your breasts were all veiny. I didn’t see anything wrong with them at all. They look fine to me.”

  She quickly pulled her top and exposed both of the golden globes. Bending her neck down, she hefted one of them up and pointed to a tiny blue vein. “You see.”

  He narrowed his eyes and moved in for a closer look. “You’re crazy. There’s nothing wrong with those.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I like the old ones better.”

  Jim moved back to a safe distance. “Sure, the old ones are great, but, uh… Sorry, why are we talking about this?”

  She giggled. “You brought it up.”

  “Right. I just wanted to tell you the new ones are fine, and the old ones were fine, too.” He looked away nervously. “I’ll just stop taking about your breasts now.”

  “Okay,” she replied casually. After covering everything up, she asked, “Can I see the bracelet one more time?”

  “Sure.” He pulled it from his pocket and handed it to her.

  Just as Victoria held it up to admire it, the door swung open and Jil
lian, Brian, and Caroline walked in. Jim glanced at the visitors then back to Victoria as she dropped her hand to the bed and hid the bracelet under the sheet.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked at Caroline. “Oh, are you feeling better?”

  She nodded and moved to him for a hug. They embraced for a little longer than necessary while Caroline splayed her fingers wide in front of Victoria as she wrapped her arms around Jim. The engagement ring was unmistakably visible, and Victoria’s eyes quickly went to it.

  Pulling away from Jim, Caroline brought a hand up and pushed hair from her face, which once again put the ring on display. Jim caught sight of it now, and his eyes narrowed. He glanced at Victoria and saw her staring at it.

  Jillian noticed it as well but didn’t say a word.

  Victoria asked, “Is that… is that an engagement ring?”

  Looking down in mock surprise, Caroline replied, “Oh, my God.” She glanced at Jim. “Sorry, I totally forgot I had it on.”

  Jim frowned slightly. “We were going to wait to tell everyone, but yes, we’re engaged.”

  “Congratulations,” Jillian said.

  Brian shook his hand before moving to hug Caroline.

  After painting on a smile, Victoria said, “Congratulations. That’s wonderful.”

  Caroline shook her head with a silly smile. “I’m sorry. We didn’t want to take anything away from your big day.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Victoria replied.

  “So how’s the baby? I hear she’s breathing on her own.” Caroline said.

  Jim replied, “Yes, she’s doing great.”

  “And you guys are now pumping?” Caroline asked in a bright, happy voice with her eyebrows raised.

  “Uh, well yes, I mean Victoria is. I’m just…” Jim stammered.

  Victoria’s and Jillian’s eyes met, and they shared an awkward glance. Feeling the bracelet still in her hand under the sheet, Victoria paused for a moment, thinking. She grinned slightly with the plan forming in her head. Putting it into action, she grimaced, clutched her stomach, and let out a groan. Placing one hand on the bed while under the guise of adjusting her position, she moved her other hand, dropping the bracelet off the bed right at Caroline’s feet.


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