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Friends With Extra Benefits

Page 28

by Luke Young

  That night, Jillian and Brian watched the baby. Adam had food delivered from his restaurant, and after the meal, he carried Victoria to her bedroom. There, he slowly stripped off her clothes and then his, and they made love for not three hours but a solid thirty minutes. Adam was right; he did look spectacular for a man his age, and he also performed like one much younger.

  Victoria was a little self-conscious about her new body, but he made her feel like a supermodel as he explored every inch of her. It wasn’t the best sex she had ever had, but it was pretty damn good. Afterward, she rested her head on his chest, took a deep breath and found herself thinking about Jim. She tried to push those thoughts from her head, but they refused to go away.

  After Adam left, Victoria went to Jillian’s to bring the baby home. Kaylie was asleep, and Victoria didn’t have the heart to disturb her. The girls stayed up chatting, while Brian went up to bed. Victoria told Jillian all about her date, but she didn’t mention how thoughts of Jim still filled her head. An hour later, Kaylie woke up for a feeding, and Victoria took her home with a lot still on her mind.


  A few days later, Jillian sat in the viewing area for Court One at the tennis club, where Brian worked. Brian was giving a lesson to a set of twins. Brian had been working with the eight-year-old brother and sister for the last few weeks, and both fine tennis players for their age. This particular lesson was focusing on their serves. Brian glanced up at Jillian. Smiling, she waved down to him through the large glass window.

  Sarah Jacobs, the club’s owner, walked into the room. “Jillian, nice to see you again.”

  “Hi, Sarah.”

  Sarah joined Jillian at the glass, and they both watch Brian work with his students. Sarah said, “He’s great with the kids.”

  “He really likes working here. It’s a refreshing change to see him come home from work and not be in a bad mood.”

  Smiling, Sarah added, “What do they say…? Enjoy your job, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

  Jillian nodded. “That’s how writing is for me.”

  “Oh, so how’s the new book coming?”

  “I’m about halfway there.”

  “Can’t wait to read it,” Sarah said. “Are you guys playing today?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never played indoors. Brian tells me I’ll love it.”

  “What’s not to like? No wind. No sun. No scorching heat.”

  “Sounds too easy.” Jillian smiled.

  “You still have to hit it over the net and keep it in the lines.”

  “Aw… the hard part.”

  They shared a grin before Sarah asked, “Has Brian told you that I’m putting him in charge while I’m visiting my daughter in Vermont next month?”

  “No, he didn’t mention it.”

  “She having her first baby, and I’m going to stay with her for a couple weeks. Once I get up there, I’m not sure I’ll want to leave.”

  “It’s not easy being a new mother,” Jillian said.

  They shared a knowing smile.

  Sarah began, “I miss Vermont… the change of seasons, the snow. I used to ski a lot. I’ve never gotten used to a warm Christmas.”

  “You grew up there?”

  “Born and raised.”

  “So, why Miami?”

  “I married Dale and followed him down here. Now that he’s gone, I’m not sure why I’m still here. At some point, I’m sure I’ll move back. I’d need to sell the club first. In this economy, that might not be so easy.”

  Returning an understanding nod, Jillian said, “We were just skiing a few months ago. It was fun, but I’m not sure I could ever get used to living in a cold climate.”

  After Sarah returned a sympathetic nod, she checked her watch. “I’ve got to run… Well, have fun playing.”

  Turning, Sarah headed toward the door. Jillian watched her with her mind racing and then called out, “Sarah.”

  Sarah turned back to Jillian. “Yes?”

  “What if you could sell the club, uh, really easily?”

  Sarah widened her eyes as Jillian gave her a big smile.


  When you have two willing parties and money is pretty much not an issue, it’s amazing how quickly a business transaction can be wrapped up. Jillian bought the club without Brian having so much as a clue about what she was up to.

  A little over a week later, Jillian parked in front of the tennis club a few minutes after closing time and found only Brian’s and one other car in the parking lot. Inside, she discovered an employee finishing up some paperwork and learned that Brian was in the locker room. Confirming that the club was otherwise empty, she sent the employee home.

  Jillian locked the front door, turned out the lights, and made her way to the locker room. After opening the door, she grinned upon hearing the shower running. Jillian slipped off all her clothes, grabbed a clean towel from the shelf, and placed it on the bench in front of the lockers. She sat down and waited while wearing only a smile. Moments later, Brian turned off the shower, dried off, and then walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  Spotting Jillian naked on the bench, he did a double take. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you.”

  “Well, I can see that. I mean, I hope you were waiting for me, since you’re all naked and everything… but Joe could come in here and see—”

  “I sent him home.”

  “What do you mean, you sent him home?”

  Smiling, Jillian spread her legs wide. Brian glanced down to her perfectly coifed pubic hair and cleared his throat. She commanded, “Just shut up and get over here.”

  He moved until he was standing two feet from her. There was a telltale lump rapidly growing under the towel. Reaching out, she grabbed him by the towel and pulled him closer. Jillian looked up at his face as she slowly pulled the towel end he had tucked securely against his body. She let it go, and it fell from him, exposing his nearly-hard penis.

  She licked her lips, grabbed him with both hands, and pulled him closer. Placing her lips to his belly button, she kissed him there as his manhood hung down, pressing between her breasts. Jillian breathed in deeply. “God, you smell good.”

  Brian looked nervously at the door as Jillian took hold of his penis and planted a tiny kiss on the tip. Glancing down at the sight of her delicate hands wrapped around him, he shook his head and stammered, “Um, what about Sarah? She comes by to close up some nights, and she—”

  Jillian glanced up at him and smiled. “Sarah won’t be coming back.”

  “Oh, okay…” Brian muttered as Jillian slipped her lips around his shaft. He closed his eyes tight and swayed from side to side dizzily as Jillian worked her mouth over him enthusiastically.

  Looking down, he enjoyed the show for about two minutes before his curiosity got the best of him. “Sorry, but what do you mean Sarah won’t be coming back?”

  Jillian ignored him and kept going. He let her continue for thirty more seconds before he just had to know. Shaking his head, he pulled away from her. Jillian gave him a disappointed look as she said, “Really?”

  “What you are doing is totally amazing and everything, but I’ve got to know why you said Sarah won’t be coming back.”


  “Yes, now.”

  “Okay, I… I mean, we are now the proud owners of this club.”

  Brian looked at her in completely shock. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I was looking for something to invest some money in, and I figured, who better to invest in than you.”

  Reaching out, she grabbed his erection and pulled him back to her. She stared at his manhood, mesmerized, as she massaged it with both hands.

  He asked, “Are you serious?”

  She looked up at his face. “Yes. It’s all yours to run. Hire whomever you want. Change whatever you want. Have fun.”

  “That’s freaking amazing!” He beamed. “I feel like I should be giving you, yo
u know… instead of you—”

  “You can do me later. Are we done talking now?”

  He nodded. Jillian quickly went back to work. Running his hands through his still wet hair, he stared down at her in disbelief of both the blowjob and his ownership of the club.

  Just then, Victoria opened the door and walked into the locker room. She spotted the intimate act, and her eyes locked on Brian’s penis. She grinned. Hearing a noise, Brian looked over in shock to their spectator. He turned away, pulling his manhood from Jillian’s mouth.

  Jillian looked up, slightly annoyed. “What the hell is it now?”

  He pointed to Victoria. Glancing over at Victoria, Jillian quickly folded her arms over her breasts.

  Victoria shook her head with a grin. “Isn’t it against club rules to get a blowjob in the men’s locker room?”

  Brian glared at her. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s my club, too.”

  Jillian nodded. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Meet our new partner.”


  “Yeah, she was also looking for an investment, and she figured Jim could work here with you.”

  Victoria smiled. “It’ll be great.”

  Giving her a scolding look, Jillian said, “I told you I was coming up to surprise him and tell him.”

  “I figured I could help you.” Victoria drank in Brian’s body for a moment and then added, “but it looks like you don’t need any help.”

  Jillian rolled her eyes and chuckled.

  “You know, this is a great idea.” Victoria said as she looked around the room. “We combine a tennis club with a sex club. You could have nude tennis and unisex locker rooms. Maybe even swinger parties.”

  Brian turned toward Victoria with his hands over his groin. Both he and Jillian stared at her like she was out of her mind. Narrowing her eyes, Victoria pointed at the wall across the room. “I wonder if that’s a loadbearing wall. Isn’t the ladies’ locker room over on that side?”

  Brian gave Jillian an incredulous look. “We’re not going to have a unisex locker room, are we? We have some senior male members whose balls are nearly hanging to the floor. I know, I’ve seen them. It’s not something that any woman would ever—”

  “I’m just kidding.” Victoria smiled.

  “Thank God,” Brian replied.

  “We’re in the middle of something here. So, if you don’t mind…” Jillian said with her impatience growing.

  “Just keep going. I’ve seen you guys do that before.”

  “Get the hell out of here.” Jillian glared at her.

  “All right.” Victoria smiled. “Oh, before I go…”

  “What now?” Jillian asked.

  “I plan on taking a look around. Are there any other places I should avoid? Like, you two aren’t planning on doing anal out on Court Three, are you?”

  Holding back a laugh, Jillian pointed to the door. “Seriously, get the hell out of here.”

  “Okay, okay… geez.” Victoria sighed, turned, and headed for the door. Brian put his hands up and ran them through his hair as he and Jillian shared a look. After opening the door, Victoria turned back. Brian quickly covered up again as Victoria widened her eyes and said, “Just think about the nude tennis.”

  “That sounds like an amazing idea,” Jillian fired back sarcastically.

  Victoria smiled. “Nice penis, Bri.” Then she slipped from the room.

  “Anal on Court Three sounds pretty hot,” Brian quipped with raised eyebrows.

  Jillian grinned up at him. “I’ll think about it. Where were we…? Oh, yeah.” Reaching out, she grabbed his erection and began pulling on it sensually. Brian tilted his head toward the ceiling in ecstasy. As his lovely wife slipped his quickly hardening penis back into her mouth, he grinned. For some reason, he began thinking about the logistics of nude tennis.


  Jillian wore a sexy nightshirt as she cradled the adorable little Kaylie Tamer, who was currently enjoying a bottle. Her little eyes were closed and she was quickly falling asleep. Brian stood behind Jillian, wearing only boxer briefs and a big smile.

  He whispered, “God, she’s cute.”

  “I want one,” Jillian replied in a whisper as she placed Kaylie gently down into her bassinet.

  “You want to adopt?”

  “Maybe, but I should make an appointment with my doctor. He didn’t say it was impossible for me to get pregnant… just unlikely. Victoria was kind of in the same situation, and look what happened there.”

  They shared a smile as they each walked to their respective sides of the bed and climbed in.

  “Yeah, but she had like an incredible amount of sex for, like, three years in order to get that lucky. Are you willing to really do the work?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’m willing.”

  Brian’s smile faded. “Oh, but I don’t want a girl.”

  “Why not?” Jillian asked, completely taken aback.

  “There is no way that I want to worry about her going on dates and all that. Boys are easier. They’re monsters, but they’re easier.”

  “I don’t know… A little girl would be so cute.”

  Brian frowned. “Yeah, we already have a son.”

  She nodded casually until they both broke into a chuckle.

  Jillian pulled off her nightshirt and Brian looked her over with a sexy grin as he pulled his boxers down and tossed them to the floor.

  “Just keep it down,” Jillian said.

  “No, you keep it down.”

  Jillian smiled. “You’re right, it is mostly me. I’ll try.”

  Moving in to kiss her, he suddenly pulled back. “Aren’t we forgetting something?”

  “Oh, yeah. Yes, where is it?”

  Brian glanced around the room and spotted the magazine. He rushed over, grabbed it, and returned to bed.

  Jillian asked, “Now, you promise you didn’t already look at it?”

  “I swear.”

  Brian returned to bed with an issue of Playboy. On the cover appeared the sexy, somewhat truth-avoiding, man-manipulating, anal-loving, and incredibly flexible Miss Natalie Brookhart, now known as Miss June. They both looked with wide smiles at the cover picture of Natalie performing a somewhat difficult ballet pose while wearing some tiny, mostly see-through lingerie.

  “I can do that,” Jillian grumbled.

  He nodded. “I’ve seen you do it. Actually, I think we did it once while you were doing that.”

  “We did,” she announced proudly.

  Flipping to the centerfold picture of Natalie lying on satin sheets wearing nothing but a red ribbon around her neck, Brian said, “Your tits are much nicer.”

  “You think?”


  Brian turned to the next page, which showed a picture of Natalie lying on her back with her legs curled up in some insane position, her head only a few inches away from her most intimate of parts. His mouth dropped open as Jillian made a slightly horrified face.

  “But can you do that?” Brian asked.

  Jillian scoffed. “No. Why would you need to do that?”

  Smiling widely, Brian replied, “Yeah, I guess that’s the position she was telling me about where she could lick, you know, a guy’s balls while he was…” He stopped talking when he took in Jillian’s expression. His smile faded, and he stammered, “We, uh, don’t really need to do that… that just looks wrong and—”

  “Oh, maybe I’ll work on it,” Jillian announced.

  “Really?” A bright smile returned to his face.

  “I said maybe… But for now, you’ll just have to survive with regular… old… ball… licking.” Grinning, she slipped down to his lap, lifted up his penis, and began excitedly exploring the twins with her tongue.

  Brian tilted his head to the ceiling, tossed the magazine onto the bed, and reached back to put a death grip on the headboard. He exhaled deeply and simply said, “Wow.”

  Moving her head to his thigh, she gl
anced up and smiled. “Will this work for you?”


  Jillian went back to work. Brian’s body shuddered as his eyelids slowly closed, and a huge smile spread across his face.


  Victoria, Jim, and Caroline relaxed outside in Victoria’s hot tub just as Jillian and Brian were moving into a sixty-nine position.

  The new parents, along with Jim’s fiancée, all wore swimsuits. Popping the top off a bottle of champagne, Jim poured everyone a glass. As they relaxed in the tub, the three quickly polished off the first bottle. After Jim opened the second and poured another round, he asked, “So when are you going to tell us what we’re celebrating?”

  “Not celebrating, really…” Victoria took a big sip and smiled. “God, this champagne is good. I haven’t had a drink in weeks.”

  Caroline and Jim shook their heads in agreement and each took another sip.

  Victoria continued, “I really want to thank you both for all your help with the baby. I never could have made it this far without you and, I, uh…” She began losing it as a tear rolled down her cheek. Caroline moved to her and said, “It’s okay. You can always count on us.”

  After covering her mouth in an attempt to control her emotions, Victoria smiled. She took a big sip of champagne. “I’m better now.” Then she let out a long, slow breath before continuing, “So, I wanted to ask you both if anything ever happened to me, I mean, God forbid, well, I want you both to raise Kaylie.” Victoria curled her lip as she stared at Caroline’s face. “Caroline, I would like you to raise her as if she were your own daughter.”

  “Don’t talk like that.” Shaking her head with her eyes welling with tears, Caroline continued, “But, of course, I would. She’s beautiful and such a perfect baby.”

  “She is,” Victoria agreed.

  Jim gave Victoria a gentle smile. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  “I know. I know, but just in case, I want to know she’ll be taken care of. That’s why I’ve named you both as beneficiaries in my will, and there’s a trust fund for Kaylie to go along with it, but I wanted you guys to have something.”


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