Deep, Hard, and Rough

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Deep, Hard, and Rough Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  Raimi’s voice rose with anger and Erak looked down at Luna. He knew the moment she woke, felt her slowly awaken and come into consciousness.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Raimi buried his head in her hair and inhaled deeply.

  “Mmm, I don’t know how to feel about the three of you arguing about having sex with me.” There was a smile in her voice. She rolled over onto her back and stretched. Her glorious breasts lifted with her movement, and her rose colored nipples tightened as the air hit them. Fuck waiting, he was taking her now. He didn’t bother holding in the rumble that came from his chest, and the moment he saw her eyes widen, heard Genet and Raimi curse, and sensed her arousal rise, he went for her. His brothers moved out of the way right before he pressed his body to hers and laid claim to her mouth. Stroking her lips with his tongue, dragging his teeth along the spongy flesh, and settling his hips between her thighs, had Erak tightening his fists in her hair. Tilting her head back with his iron-like grip, he angled her how he wanted her, and the gasp of pain and moan of pleasure that left her was nearly his undoing. He may be going a bit rough, but he was also not giving it all to her, taking full control, and showing her how an Aktulla male took his mate. He didn’t want to frighten her or harm her from the intensity. Spreading his knees apart forced her legs to go even wider. Erak pressed his cock against her hot wetness and dragged his lips down her neck. Fuck he wanted to bite her hard enough to break skin, to taste her blood and let his scent to go right in her fucking body. The urge was right there at the surface, but he held back, for right now at least.

  There was rustling on either side of him, and he didn’t need a visual of the sight of his brothers stroking themselves, because he knew damn well that was what they were doing. Taking hold of her wrists, he brought them up and over her head. He secured both of her wrists with one of his hands, and a surge of power went through him at the fact she was his for the taking, and that he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. It wasn’t just that he could dominate her, but that she was willingly giving herself to him, and allowing him to have full access of her body unrestrained. That alone was an aphrodisiac of monumental proportions. He didn’t want to go slow. Erak wanted to shove his dick deep inside of her, feeling her stretch so damn wide around his cock that he didn’t know where he ended and she began.

  “I want to be gentle, but fuck, Fallina, it’s so damn hard.” Taking hold of a piece of her succulent flesh between his teeth he pulled the skin at her throat taut. He could so easily break the flesh, but he let go and ran his tongue along the area.

  “I just want you, all of you.” He leaned back, watched as she closed her eyes, tilted her head back so her throat was arched, and felt her pussy slide against his erection when she lifted her hips. In his peripheral vision he saw Genet move closer, but he didn’t watch as he guided his dick into Luna’s mouth.

  “Just open for me, Luna, suck as much of my cock in your mouth as you can, and run your tongue along the underside.” His brother coached her on what to do, how to please him, and by the hum of approval from Genet she was doing a phenomenal job. Closing his eyes and going back to her throat to lick and bite, he also reached between their bodies and took hold of himself. Aligning the tip of himself at her entrance, he told himself over and over again that he needed to go slow, at least for her first time. Hurting her in a way that wouldn’t cause ultimate pleasure was not what he was going for.

  Slow and easy. Gentle and kind.

  Fuck, but it was hard. The head of his dick pushed through her opening, and he dug the pads of his feet into the mattress, stabilizing himself so he didn’t shove right into her pussy. She breathed out heavily though her nose since her mouth was full of Genet’s cock. Lifting his upper body off of her, he looked down her abdomen, at the small indentation of her belly button, and stopped at the top of her pussy. She had a trimmed inverted triangle of auburn colored curls, and even though his kind didn’t have any hair aside from what grew on their head and face, he found the sight very feminine and arousing. Placing his hands on either side of her pussy, he framed it and his eyes grew heavy from the intoxicating sight of what he considered his. Extending his thumbs to her pussy lips, he slowly pulled them apart and stared in wonderment at the brighter pink flesh that was revealed. He only had the head lodged inside of her sweet cunt, and although he was dying to fuck her good and hard, he only slipped a little further inside. Her hole was stretched taut around his girth, the skin wet and shiny and all fucking his.

  “Mine.” That one word had her opening her eyes and letting Genet’s dick slip from her lips. His brothers mimicked what he said, that one word echoing over and over again as the heat and lust intensified in the room. “You’re fucking ours, Luna.” She licked her red, swollen lips and nodded. Good, she knew it and wasn’t going to deny him his right to state as much. Raimi moved onto the bed, and she eagerly sucked on his brother’s dick, following the same instruction his youngest brother explained to her. Erak looked away and focused on her gorgeous pussy, one that was about to be filled completely with his cock. Her hymen was right there, right fucking there, and the possessive and territorial part of him grew high over the fact she had never been with another male. The sloppy, slurping sounds of her going to town on Raimi’s dick, and then switching to Genet’s fueled him on, because she was growing wetter by the second.

  Keeping a firm hold on her plump pussy lips with his thumbs, he closed his eyes and said, “I’m sorry, Fallina, but this is going to hurt.”

  Oh, he wanted to give her pain, but the kind he wanted her to experience was one that would morph into pleasure. Taking her virginity certainly couldn’t be construed as being pleasurable, but there was nothing to be done about that. He’d take it away if he could. He could feel his mate’s emotions as well as he could feel his own, and sensed her acceptance over what was about to happen.

  Taking a deep breath, one that expanded his chest out wide, he pulled back the inch he had lodged inside of her, curled his nails into her hips, and pushed through her hymen. The sensation of breaking past a wall, the warmth of her blood being spilled, and then of her tightness gripping him, snapped something inside of him, something deep and dark and one that craved so much more. Her thighs clamped around his waist and she let out a whimper, but Genet and Raimi were there to calm her. Fuck, he really didn’t have that kind of make-up, not the kind that was good with comforting a female, even if she was his mate. He felt like a bastard right then, that he wasn’t the one leaning over her, whispering how good she was, how soft and giving. But maybe that was why fate had decreed she was also Raimi’s and Genet’s? Together they made up exactly what she needed, what they all needed to be for her.

  Her inner muscles clenched rhythmically around him, and he gritted his teeth to hold off from thrusting in and out of her. When he pried his eyes open he saw her staring at him. His brothers knelt beside her, running their hands through her hair, down and over her chest, and back up her neck.

  “Don’t stop now,” she whispered, and he swallowed the sudden lump that formed in his throat.

  “Never.” Holding onto her waist he tore his eyes away from her and stared at where his body met hers. She took him, all of him, and a roar broke through his throat. Pulling out and then pushing back in, Erak was on the verge of coming just from that sight alone. The sucking sound of her giving Raimi and Genet head filled the room, but he focused on her and him. The sound of her moaning in conjunction with what they were doing to her, and the noise of her wet pussy sucking at his dick was like a hungry mouth. It was a visual and auditory overload, and he couldn’t stand it, couldn’t last deep inside of her. Blood was smeared on his dick from when he broke her innocence. The fact she looked at them for protection, for acceptance, all of it bombarded him as he fucked his female, as he brought her close to climaxing and going over the edge with him. His brothers grunted, their own release following closely. He flicked his eyes to her rounded chest, the way her breasts bounced up and down as he plowed into her.
She would be sore in the morning, but she took his fucking cock like she owned it. Luna met him thrust for thrust, lifting her hips in time with his own pumping hips. Their skin slapped together, causing a cacophony of sound that moved around them in an erotic haze.

  “Fuck, Luna.” Raimi groaned as his stroked his dick, and Genet grunted as she sucked him off. She was working his brothers well, too, and making them feel as though they were right there with her. He didn’t like watching his brothers getting off, but he liked she was turned on because she was doing it. Her pussy was wet and sloppy and milking him like she wanted his seed. And fuck he wanted to give it to her.

  “So good, baby.” Genet moaned out, and Erak knew he was a few strokes from coming. Raimi, too. Erak focused on her tits again, the hard tips that begged for a mouth. He only needed a few more pumps and he would fill her up with his cum, and make her take it all.

  Placing his thumb on her clit he started rubbing the nub back and forth, and that was all it took for her to wrap her legs around his waist and grind herself on him. She was a virgin, but holy fucking shit did she know how to work it. The fact she used his lower stomach to rub herself against him, and to heighten her pleasure, had him digging his toes in the bed once more and plowing into her over and over and over again.

  Be gentle. Gentle.

  No, he had been gentle enough, for him at least. His knuckles turned white as he held onto her waist, slamming her down on his shaft as he pushed up into her. Raimi let out a low, long groan, and then he was coming all over her chest. Genet grunted and cursed, and then he was pulling away from her mouth, and jerking himself off. A second later he came across her tits and belly, too.

  “Oh, God, Erak, Raimi, Genet.” She thrashed her head back and forth, and then she was climaxing again, and that was when he lost it. Erak threw his head back, felt his muscles strain from the force, and bottomed out in her. He came hard and powerfully, his whole body shaking from it. When he gave her every last ounce of his cum he planted his hands on either side of her, leaned down but was mindful of the cum that covered her chest, and kissed her on the lips.

  “Fallina.” He kissed her again, and again, and felt himself harden even after just having an orgasm. “You’re ours, Luna.”

  Her eyes were closed, and a smile was on her lips. She didn’t answer, but she didn’t say no, and that was good enough for him.

  “I’m going to run her a bath.” Genet climbed off the bed and so did Rami, but his youngest brother came back a few minutes later and cleaned her chest off.

  “Come on, baby, let’s get you cleaned up.” The warm water would help ease her muscles, but they also wanted to take care of her, tend to her in the way a male did for his female. It was the way of his people, and Erak had never understood it until this very moment. He realized there would never be another female for him, and that suited him just fine.

  Chapter Twelve

  Luna rubbed her sweaty hands together and stared out the window in the common room. They were making their final descent to the planet of Aktulla, and although she was excited, she was also scared as hell. How would their people feel about the three of them bringing her back, claiming a human as their mate? The sound of the door opening behind her had Luna looking over her shoulder. She saw Genet walk in, a smile already on his face, but something else flickered across his expression. She turned fully around, warming instantly by his presence. He smelled good, like clean sweat, and by the look of his damp hair and equally damp shirt, it appeared he had just gotten through sparring.

  “Hi.” She wanted to ask him what he was doing here, that shouldn’t he have been preparing the ship for landing, but before anything could come out he had her pressed against the window, and his mouth was on hers. The salty flavor of his sweat mixing with his own natural scent mingled on her tongue. This was a fierce Genet, not the same one that had touched her so intimately and gently when she had been with all three of them only a week ago. In between deep, drugging kisses she said, “Genet, what are you doing?”

  His hand snaked down her body, and through her clothes he pressed the heel of his palm against her clit. A shockwave traveled through her and a sigh escaped. Biting her lip roughly, he dragged his teeth back and forth, causing the flesh to swell from his ministrations, and then he licked the sting away and started the delicious abuse all over again.

  “I’m taking what’s mine.” He started to apply pressure to her pussy, slowly at first but then went harder, more aggressive. “As I sparred with my brothers, all I could think about was you up here all alone, the sweet taste of your pussy on my tongue, and the feel of your soft flesh under my hands.”

  The pressure between her legs eased as he moved his hand away, but before she could protest he was pushing her pants down, and sliding his fingers through her slick labia.

  “So fucking wet and responsive to my touch.” His words were nothing more than a rough timbre against her mouth, and she dragged her tongue along his lips, loving when he growled even deeper.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Not that she was complaining, but she was used to this kind of assertiveness from Erak, not the scientist out of the three, and the seemingly tamest brother. He leaned back so she could look in his eyes.

  “Why would you think anything has gotten into me, Luna?” He dipped his head and dragged his tongue up the center of her throat, causing her head to loll back and ecstasy to course through her. He continued to rub her pussy, touching every single tingling inch of her until she was lost on the sensations.

  “You just seem … different.” The last word was more of a strangled whisper when he bit her hard enough that pain had her whole body growing taut, but that discomfort immediately vanished when he reached between their bodies and pushed down his training shorts. The sound of the material falling to the floor was preceded by the hot, hard length of his dick pressing into her belly, and the sensation of his slick pre-cum coating her skin.

  “Different?” He murmured against her flesh and bit her again. “How so?” Genet started a slow pump and grind against her, and dammit she was helpless against the onslaught of his passion. His sweat coated her skin, seeped through her shirt, and had a drug-like feeling swimming through her. If this was how they acted after a good, hard fight and workout, she was all about them doing more of it. Don’t get her wrong, she enjoyed having the tender touches and softly spoken words, but a darker side of her, one that had been awakened by Erak, showed her she also liked their brute strength and the way they overpowered her at times.

  “You seem fiercer.” A cry of pleasure left her, and the last part of her sentence died in the air when he slipped two thick fingers into her pussy. He pumped those digits over and over into her, while he pressed his thumb against her clit hard enough to have stars dancing behind her vision. It was agony and ecstasy all rolled into one ball. She reached out and held tightly to his narrow, hard waist when he twisted his fingers, crooked them inside of her, and stroked nerve endings she didn’t even know she had. Hard, wracking sobs left her, and she lifted onto her toes, trying to get away from the wicked torment he was giving her, but also finding herself rubbing her pussy on his hand like some kind of fiend.

  “That’s it. Give it to me.”

  Her eyes snapped open at his demand, and confusion waged war with pleasure.

  “Yeah, I know you need it like this, know that taking you against the wall with my hand nearly shoved all the way inside of you gets you off.”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head when he pressed the pads of his fingers deeper inside of her. “Genet—”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I like taking you rough, too.” He leaned in, and his humid, sweet breath brushed along her cheek. “I may like to have you a trembling mess under me as I slowly stroke you with my dick from the inside out, hearing those breathy little moans you like to give, but make no mistake that I am a male, a warrior, and as such like to fuck good and hard.”

  Right when she thought she was going to come, he pulled his fing
ers out of her, shoved her pants down her legs, and pulled her shirt up and over her head. Genet spun her around so the cold glass was the only thing keeping her grounded, and thrust his reaction into her lower back. Outside the darkness of space greeted her, and the glass fogged up in front of her from her frantic breathing.

  “You want that, don’t you, Luna?” He pushed the long length of her hair off her shoulder and dragged his tongue over the nape of her neck. “You want me to fuck you, just as badly as I want to fuck you.” His warm breath cascaded over her shoulders, and a shiver worked through his muscular frame. “Shit, I can smell how fucking wet you are for me, and can imagine how fucking tight that pussy of yours is.”

  His cock gave a mighty jerk, and more pre-cum coated the skin of her lower spine. Without saying anything else, just making deep growly noises, Genet gripped her hips, cocked them out so she was forced to stand on her toes for support, and palmed the cheeks of her bottom. Gripping one mound, he spread it, and in the next second she felt the bulbous head of his erection probing the entrance of her pussy. Not being able to keep her eyes open any longer, Luna gave up the struggle, closed them, and rested her forehead on the glass.

  “That’s it. No sense in fighting the inevitable.”

  Luna wasn’t about to argue the fact she had no intentions of fighting anything, not when he was making her feel too damn good. How in the hell did she get to this point in her life, where she had been reserved and now felt like a wanton vixen?

  “You’re thinking too hard, and that is never a good thing when I’m about to fuck you.”

  Oh. Gods. His language was crass, and she liked it, and wanted more of it. His smell was unique, his touch different, and when he slowly started to press inside of her, even that felt different. Whereas Erak just shoved his cock into her, Genet was easy, letting her body stretch around his girth, and drawing out the pleasure. His hands landed on her hips in an almost bruising grip.


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