Deep, Hard, and Rough

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Deep, Hard, and Rough Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  “Your body was made for me, Luna.” He rested his head between her shoulder blades, curved his big body around her, and continued thrusting his dick into her until he bottomed out, and they both sighed.

  The discomfort of being stretched so completely, of this new position having him hit parts of her inside that had never been touched, and just knowing it was Genet who did it all had her inner walls clenching around him involuntarily. The heavy weight of his balls against her soaked, swollen pussy had her pulse racing and the need for him to start fucking her raging inside of her. Before she could demand he quit tormenting them both, he slapped his hands on the glass on either side of her head, pulled his hips back so he slowly slid almost all the way out of her, and then pushed back in with so much force the small amount of space between her and the glass disappeared. She was fully pressed against the window, and didn’t know what was up from down as Genet fucked her so hard, so deep, and so rough her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “God, that is it. That is so fucking it.” He dug his nails into the flesh of her belly, and slammed in and out of her. His balls slapped against her pussy, bumping her clit with every upstroke, and all she could do was hold on as the tidal wave that started to crest inside of her. “Take it. Take all of my fucking cock like you’re starving for it.”

  His voice grew lower, more distorted, and when she opened her eyes and stared at his reflection in the glass she didn’t see her sweet Genet, but the fierce warrior he was born to be. His eyes were wild, his hair even more damp. Beads of sweat dripped down his temples, splashed along her back, and she swore she burned alive from it. Perspiration formed along the indentation of her spine, and when he dipped his head lower and ran his tongue up the length, lapping up the fluid, ripples coursed through her pussy. She was so close, so damn close to coming.

  Still holding onto her hips Genet took a few steps back, causing her to bend forward and brace her hands on the glass. Condensation formed on the window, causing a steamy, hazed atmosphere to wrap around them. Genet fucked her like his life depended on it, like he couldn’t get enough. His words were low, muffled, and so damn dirty.

  “Your fucking pussy is tight as hell, squeezing my dick like a fucking vise.” The head of his cock brushed along that tender spot deep inside of her, and she cried out and squeezed her eyes shut. “Yeah, that’s fucking it. Right there, Luna.” He slammed into her again and again, teasing that bundle of nerves until she couldn’t contain it any longer. With one mighty thrust into her pussy she exploded around him. Something broke, a dam of epic proportions, and she swore she lifted off the ground from the ecstasy that took everything from her. Wetness coated her inner thighs, whimpers and cries left her mouth, and then there was nothing else but euphoria.

  “Motherfuckingshit, Luna.” His curses rang through her, and the orgasm that took control of her like a starving man claimed him as well. He thrust into her once, twice, and on the third one buried his dick so far inside of her she swore he touched her womb. When the pleasure receded and she floated back to reality she was aware of Genet pulling out of her, and of a heavy gush of fluid leaving her.

  “Baby, we are going to have to hit that spot more often.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, trying to keep her eyes open and her body upright. He grinned broadly at her, and the self-satisfied male came out of him instantly. “Didn’t know you could get off like that, soaked damn near everything, but fuck was it hot.” He gave her ass a slap before reaching down and pulling his shorts up. After he helped her clean up and dress, she sat down and sighed. God, if they kept this up she wouldn’t be able to walk, but then again she had a feeling that was their intention. What alpha, possessive male wouldn’t want a willing female spread out before them, ready to take it? And gods was she ready to take it, from all of them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The ship broke through the barrier of the planet of Aktulla. Luna watched as stars and darkness disappeared and the glow of the early morning sun broke through the bay windows of the part of the ship she was currently seated in. When the brothers told her to prepare for the descent, butterflies had filled her belly. Her nerves were shot, but it wasn’t about escaping them, but more that she didn’t know what her future held. What Luna did know was she wanted to be with these men.

  Over the last week their appetites for her body were insatiable, but in all honesty she hadn’t been able to get enough either. She was exhausted and sore, but in a way that every time she thought about why she felt like that she grew needy for them. They told her what they liked, talked her through the things she was unsure of, and made sure she was always experiencing the most pleasure when they were all together.

  There was no shame in the fact she felt comfortable and safe with them, and that despite their short time together she wanted to finally relax enough to let someone else watch her back.

  She might feel these unexplainable emotions for them, ones that felt more confusing with each passing day, but she also refused to relinquish everything she had. She had run for her freedom, and would not be relinquishing it. No one knew what the future held, least of all her, but she had to start somewhere, and if there were three warriors that vowed to offer her safety and affection, why would she refuse it? They weren’t forcing her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. Although Erak and his brutish cockiness could border on that at times, he never took away her choice. This wasn’t the end, but the beginning of the rest of her life, and she anticipated what lay ahead.

  The straps holding her securely in her seat dug into her shoulders, but that was partly because she was leaning far out, trying to take in as much of the scenery as she could, so she was causing herself the discomfort. The monstrous mountains came into view, with the snowy peaks and tapering down to vast greenness. Dozens of lakes could be seen from her vantage point, and she was struck by how serene and beautiful the planet of Aktulla was. The holograms she had seen while living on the planet of red dust had hinted at colorful worlds, ones where there wasn’t half-dead flora and dust that was the equivalent of dried blood covering every inch of the dead world.

  The sun started to rise over the horizon, and she lifted her hand to block her eyes from the beautiful yet intense glare. She had opted not to stay in the control room where the brothers were, instead wanting to take this moment, alone, to let her emotions fully out as she looked at what would be her new home. There had been several times where she had stayed curled up with either Raimi or Genet, listening to them talk about their home with wonderment and adoration in their voices. They showed her images of the crystal clear water, the thick forest, and the sprawling countryside. It reminded her of images of the now barren and stark planet Earth, which she had seen as a child with her adoptive mother. Knowing her ancestors had come from a planet that once held blue oceans and green trees had her aching to go there, but the planet was long since destroyed by greed and war, and now sat as an unlivable rock four solar systems over.

  The farther the ship descended the clearer the landscape became. Pinks and blues of the flowers that filled the fields below had tears springing to her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and let the smile she had been holding in break free. She had done it, had actually broken away from the vileness that had always been her life. Happiness and prosperity were right in front of her fingertips. They only question was would she finally allow herself to be free enough to enjoy that life with Erak, Genet, and Raimi?

  The pressure in the ship stabilized as they came closer to a large structure in the distance. Below was nothing but a large, square building, smooth and flawless, and looking anything but technologically advanced. It must have been a landing dock of some sort. The ship was lowered to a pad, and as locks clicked in place they started to descend even further into the ground. The bright sun disappeared as darkness washed over her. Immediately panic started to settle within her, but before it could claim her bright, artificial lights opened up around them and she once again covered her eyes. The harness tha
t held her in place unlatched, and she stood, rubbing her shoulder and feeling blood return to the area.

  She turned to make her way back to the command center, but before she got two steps in the door was opening and Erak was striding in. He was alone, and when the door closed behind him, and she saw the look of determined heat in his face, she took several steps back and braced herself against the side of the wall. His hands landed on either side of her head, and he leaned down, claiming her mouth in the way he normally did: all-consuming and possessive. A moan spilled from her as he stroked his tongue along hers several times before breaking the kiss and trailing his lips along her neck.

  “What was that for?” Not that she was complaining, but she assumed he would be eager to greet his family, see his home and people again, and get off this ship.

  A low rumble left him. “Do I need a reason to touch my female?”

  A smile formed on her lips, and she sighed when he scraped his teeth along her pulse. She was still a bit sore from when Genet had taken her right before liftoff, and again when Raimi had surprised her before they descended. That had been a surprise, and had been fast, hard, and made her head spin. She was coming to realize that when the brothers wanted her, they didn’t care what they were doing. They stopped, came to her, and quenched their needs.

  But she was not sore enough that she would deny Erak anything. His erection was hard, demanding, and so big pressed against her belly that her mouth and pussy watered for it, but despite his arousal he didn’t take her. Fucking her mouth with his lips and tongue instead, Erak had her panting in need and frustration. She didn’t want to be all hot and bothered when she met his family, and if he didn’t stop she would be, and they would be able to smell it.

  “If you’re not going to do anything about what you started, then we need to stop.”

  He growled against her mouth and kissed her harder.

  “Erak.” She pushed at his chest until he leaned back, but she knew he had allowed her the power to do that. His violet eyes swirled with unrestrained lust, but still he didn’t ease both of their need. Since being on their ship Luna felt like a damn addict for them, needing her next fix, and knowing they were the only ones to give it to her. Between her thighs was sore but always wet. Every time she turned around there was one of them taking control of her body. It didn’t matter how slow or gentle they were, having sex three times a day, with three different very well-endowed males, was bound to have her wanting to curse them and how insatiable they were, and bring them closer for more.

  But after it was all said and they would run her a bath with healing beads that had her soreness vanishing, wash her from head to toe, tuck her into the bed they had started sharing, and wrap their big bodies around her protectively. How could she deny them anything when they had changed her outlook on life, and changed her for the better ultimately? In just that short time she adored them, and her feelings from them only grew with each passing day. She didn’t know what the concept of love was, and had never experienced it in her life. She knew she wasn’t in love with them … yet, but Luna had a feeling that was inevitable as well.

  “Seriously. We have to stop.” Erak looked like he was about to argue, but the big brute fortunately kept his mouth shut. “I don’t want to be smelling of sex when I meet your family.”

  “Fallina, it’s only my father left of our line, and anyone else that would have a problem with it would have to deal with me, Genet, and Raimi.” He started licking her neck. “And believe me when I saw no one will dare say a word to us.”

  That she had no doubts about, but still. She pushed at his chest, and although she had said she wouldn’t deny them a thing, right now was going to be one of those times when she just had to be adamant.


  He looked in her eyes, and after sighing heavily, leaning down and kissing her once more, he backed away.

  “You’re lucky you’re my mate. I’m not used to being denied.” She couldn’t help but grin, even with his damn cocky self. “Come on, Fallina, let’s go meet my father, and get this over with.” He seemed exasperated, but he also couldn’t hide the edge of anticipation in his voice. After taking her hand and leading her to the control center, he stopped and barked out something in his native language to Genet and Raimi.

  His brothers glanced over at him with scowls on their face, snapped something back in their language, and did the universal sign for “fuck off”. Luna couldn’t help but laugh at that, which had all three men looking over at her with their eyebrows raised in question.

  Raimi clipped out a series of commands, and the sound of the main bay doors dematerializing drew her attention. Aside from the sound of the door vanishing, there was an almost eerie stillness.

  “Is there no one to greet your arrival?” She looked up at Erak just as Rami and Genet moved closer to her. They were royalty, yet there was no welcoming party for the princes’ return?

  “This is just the unloading and departing dock.”

  “Our culture doesn’t work like that, baby.” Raimi brushed her hair off her shoulder and kissed the side of her neck.

  “You have to remember our planet is one made up of hardened warriors. The females are scarce, but the ones that do inhabit this planet are here with their mates and protected heavily.” Genet stood in front of her and smiled.

  Yes, she remembered the conversation the men had with her concerning their customs. To think that only sons were born from these great warriors was very sad. They would never have daughters, but then again when their world was really about breeding the next generation of fighters, what use would a little girl have in that sense?

  With Erak leading them, and Raimi and Genet flanking her, they descended the ship and started making their way down a long corridor. The lighting automatically flickered on with each step they made, showing a seemingly endless metal tomb. There was no sound aside from their feet hitting the smooth ground beneath them, and after what seemed like an eternity the hallway opened up to a command post of sorts. There was a large door off to the side, and at least ten overly large men sitting around hi-tech computer monitors. The flashing lights, strange written language, and geographical images that flashed along the screens were so grossly foreign she felt extremely out of place.

  The men all stood in unison, bowed at the waist at the brothers, and all roared out a string of sentences at the same time. Luna could only assume it was a display of respect for their royalty. Erak tightened his hold on her hand, and they continued on their path through the lone door and down another hallway, but this one wasn’t nearly as long as the one before.

  “This place is huge.”

  Genet looked at her and smiled.

  They had walked seemingly forever before they stepped into a stark white circular room. Genet entered a series of codes into a holographic keypad, and when it lit up monitors materialized all around them. After Genet typed in something else, the room started to rise, and she held onto Erak’s hand tighter and reached out for Raimi’s.

  “There isn’t anything to be frightened of, sweetheart.”

  Giving Raimi a grateful look, she knew that she had no reason to be scared at what she would find once they reached their destination, but the fact remained this was a totally new place for her.

  The room suddenly stopped moving, and the ceiling above them started to disintegrate into a thousand tiny shards of light. The sun broke through, bathed everything in a golden hue, and vanquished any and all electronic devices that had been visible. They were no longer standing in a sterile, barren room, but had thick trees on all sides of them, and the scent of clean, fresh air filling their lungs. Everything looked so beautiful, so clean, and she was struck speechless.

  “Just a little farther and we will be at the palace.” Genet turned and looked at her. He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes. “Are you okay with all of this? I don’t want to overload you too fast or too soon.”

  She shook her head as an answer, and the
smile he gave her was one of relief.

  “Good, because I want this to be perfect for you. We all do.” He leaned down and kissed her lips gently. “If you are tired from walking we can charter a small craft.” She was shaking her head before he finished. No way in hell was she going to give up the chance to walk through nature. “I’ve wanted to do something like this my entire life.”

  They started moving through the thick foliage, and Luna couldn’t take in enough of it. Everything smelled so fresh, looked so vibrant, and held so much life. Colorful birds flew above her head, their beautiful songs traveling as far as she could hear. The scent of clean water filled her nose, and she inhaled deeply. The green, reds, and browns of the trees, the vibrant yellows, blues, and oranges of the forest creatures scurrying about, had tears actually forming in her eyes.

  So this was freedom? Her home planet was nothing but death and red dust, but there was nothing of the sort here on Aktulla. She couldn’t leave this place, or these men, not when life filled her, flowed through her veins and had so much happiness moving through her entire being that she was going to explode from it. The trees opened up, and right before her was an architecturally advanced building. A skyscraper that seemed to touch the heavens, the Aktulla palace was like nothing she had ever seen. It was close but so far away, and the detailing was like nothing she had ever seen. Crystal clear ponds in shades of emerald green lined the monstrous building, and the closer she got, the more detail she saw worked into the smooth, seamless stone. Scenes of war were etched into the sides of the palace in startling clarity and details. Guards in fierce looking armor flanked the front entrance, and she wondered how many other soldiers had been hiding within the forest, protecting the brothers and their King. The sounds of metal clanking together had her turning to her left. In the very near distance she could just barely make out hundreds of men fighting and training together. How had she missed that upon walking up?


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