Deep, Hard, and Rough

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Deep, Hard, and Rough Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  Once inside and after she lifted her jaw off the ground at the beautiful arching stairways, floor to ceiling windows that overlooked a massive purple-hued lake, and the detailing to the décor, she let her men lead her through their home. Despite the fact they were advanced with technology, everything screamed primal and old world. There were no artificial intelligence cleaning and cooking, and instead she found men just as big as the brothers doing those tasks.

  A booming voice came from a set of double doors they stopped in front of, and after Genet gave a hard knock and was granted entry, he pushed them open and they walked inside. Luna looked around, knew from the images she had seen of Earth, that what she was looking at was called a library.

  “Our father enjoys the simple, primitive things in life, and has made it his duty to make things as basic as possible, aside from our training, army, and of course intergalactic travels.” All of this newness and the happiness she felt caused emotions to crest inside of her. “The Aktulla army is the fiercest in three galaxies.” There was a proud tone in Raimi’s voice, but she knew it was well deserved.

  “My sons, I heard of your arrival and wondered how long it would take for you to come to me.” With Genet in the way she couldn’t see the body that matched the deep voice. “Well, my son, move out of the way so I can look at your mate.”

  Suddenly Luna was very nervous. Genet took a step back and to the side, just enough that the King, their father, could stare right at her. They resembled him in their hulking builds, towering frames, and facial features, but none of them had the rich brown hair coloring or light golden eyes. The king took a step toward her, and she noticed the brothers stayed right where they were: flanking her in an almost protective, territorial manner.

  “A human for a mate.” It wasn’t an accusation or a question. His words held more of a hint of wonder. “Such a small and fragile species.”

  Luna supposed any species compared to them would be frail in comparison. He inhaled deeply, and when he opened his eyes, ones that looked like the setting sun, she saw a flicker of pride on his face. “She is a good match, and will bring strong, healthy warriors to the royal family.”

  Heat crept up her neck, and Erak tightened his hold on her hand tight enough that she glanced up at him. There was apology on his face, no doubt from his father’s comment.

  Of course she didn’t say anything to the King on how she was a human, and not born to produce babies for the sole purpose of adding numbers to their ranks. She didn’t know if the brothers felt the same way their father did, but if they wanted this … whatever they were doing to work, then it would need to be a mutual relationship of understanding and talking things out.

  The king clapped his hands together, and his booming voice rang out through the room. “We shall have a feast tonight in celebration of my sons finding their mate.” He shook his head, and a smile formed on his lips when he looked down at her

  He nodded to his sons and bowed to her, and then he left them alone.

  “For a moment there I thought she might comment on the whole producing heirs comment.” Raimi didn’t stop himself from laughing, which in turn had Genet doing the same.

  “A feisty little mate we have.” Raimi turned her so he could wrap his arms around her waist and bring her body flush with his. “But ours nonetheless.” He ran his tongue along her bottom lip and she shivered. “It turns me the fuck on, though.” He took her mouth in a brutal kiss, and she knew what she would be doing until that feast tonight. With all three brothers surrounding her, their erections hard rods pressed against her body, and their mouths on her exposed skin, she wanted them, but it seemed the voice of reason, named Erak, decided to burst that bubble.

  “As much as I want to fuck you, Fallina, I think we should let you rest.” He said this although he continued to lick a path up and down the nape of her neck. “Besides, for as insatiable as we have been, I don’t want to break our fragile little human mate.” There was amusement in his voice, and then he had her out of Raimi’s grasp, turned around, and in his. “Besides, what fun would that be if she broke?” He was full out grinning now.

  “No fun at all.” He slid his hand in her hair, tugged harshly on the strands so her neck was arched and bared to him, and started kissing her. Genet took possession of her mouth, and Raimi gripped her ass, massaging the mounds. “If you don’t plan on taking care of what we are starting, I’d suggest you back up.” The three of them laughed at her, but at least did what she said. Now all she had to do was keep her hands off of them until later tonight. But she had a feeling that would be easier said than done.


  Hours had passed since the celebratory feast had commenced, and after dancing, laughing, talking with the mated females and how happy they were with their lives, Luna felt herself settle for the first time in her life. Who in their right mind would want to leave a place like this, where people did not hurt one another for pleasure, and where they actually enjoyed the company of just talking? True, the warriors were intense in everything they did, but when they looked upon their females all she saw was a deep rooted affection that spoke more than any words ever could. Erak had taken Luna outside to the gardens that surrounded the back portion of the palace. Flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors covered every square inch of the oasis. The triple Alges moons high above glowed an iridescent blue, casting a shimmery glow along the flora. She was overwhelmed by it all, by the sights, smells, and people that inhabited Aktulla. Even the sounds of the creatures that inhabited the surrounded forests led way to a symphony that was the night. The king may prefer to live in a more primal way, without the use of advanced technology in his home, and submersing himself in ancient artifacts like bound books, but she realized she much preferred to live this way. Kat’aki had been primal in many of the same ways, but it wasn’t as gloriously freeing as being with Aktullas. There was a freedom with them. The violence and filth didn’t surround her, didn’t consume every part of her life. Not anymore at least.

  She turned back around toward the party and watched through the open balcony doors as warriors that looked like they could snap someone’s neck clean off, took hold of their mates and brought them close to their bodies in a protective embrace. They loved those females like nothing else on the planet mattered, and they looked at them in the same way the three brothers looked at her. Did it always happen this quickly when they found their mates? Was it consuming and mind-blowing, and just … wonderful? When she had first seen Erak, Genet, and Rami at Tao, she had never thought this was where her life would lead her. Slavery, degradation, and pain were the only things she thought about, the only thing she assumed her life would amount to, despite her need to escape and live, but these brothers had showed her that with control, there could also be tenderness, and possibly even love.

  She looked at Erak, stared at his harsh features that weren’t what she would consider classically handsome, and knew that she wanted so much more out of her life, and she wanted that with all three of them.

  Sensing her gaze on him, Erak looked down at her, and the smile he gave her was so warm, so heartbreaking that she knew without a doubt she could very easily fall in love with him, and Genet and Raimi. It didn’t matter that the time spent with them had been miniscule in the grand scheme of it all, because after living a vile life, she would never take anything or anyone for granted. Luna also came to the realization that if she felt something, she would take hold of it with both hands and never let it go.

  Raimi and Genet came outside and stood beside Erak. The three of them looked at her, their gazes raking along her body with pent-up arousal and expressions that held no patience. They wanted her, and they wanted her now.

  “You are looking at us like you are the one that wants to devour us.” Erak’s voice was a low, deep caress along her body, and she let her eyes close. It felt good to be wanted as more than just a possession. This was just the beginning of their life together, but it was something that she didn’t fear, and actually
looked forward to. The future held many unknown things, but as long as she just let herself be set free, she could accept anything that was thrown her way. Besides, she also had these three to look after her, and that went a long way in making her fear vanish, and contentment and Elysium settle inside of her.

  “That’s exactly what I want to do.” Their triple, identical growls had her instantly wet, but for the first time since meeting her warriors, she was the one that went to them with the intention of easing the ache that seemed to control all of them. It was a glorious way to end the night, and start her new life.


  Luna covered Landyn up with a blanket and ran her fingers through the thick ash colored hair that layered his little eighteen month old head. She couldn’t help but smile at how much he looked like his father, Genet. Quietly slipping out of the room, she passed by Declain’s room, her rowdy three-year-old. Without going inside she leaned against the entryway and watched as Erak read to their son. Even three years later she was still amazed that her overbearing alpha husband had a soft side, but he showed it tenfold with her and their children. The baby growing inside of her, another little boy, this one Raimi’s, kicked wildly. Even though her past was just that, her past, she still sometimes had nightmares that Maximo would come for her. He had died back in her hole-in-the-wall home, and although time and being with Erak, Genet, and Raimi had helped wash away the horrid images of all of that blood pooling around him, and that blank, empty look she had momentarily seen in her haste to escape. She sensed someone stop behind her and looked over her shoulder to see Raimi.

  “Baby, you need your rest.” He rubbed her very large swollen belly, and their son gave a mighty kick. “Little Kale takes a lot out of you, and I know your back hurts.” He slid his hands right over her lower spine and started kneading her flesh. A low moan slipped from her, and Erak lifted his eyes to her and smiled. He dropped his gaze down to Declain, saw their little boy asleep, and kissed him on the head before leaving the room.

  “You should lie down, Fallina.” Erak bent down and kissed her on the lips.

  “That’s what I tried telling her, brother, but our little human mate is stubborn.” Raimi grinned and rubbed her belly once more. “I’m heading over to spar with Genet.”

  Raimi kissed her and turned and left. Erak led her to the bedroom she shared with her husbands. Erak helped her big ass on the bed and curled his body around hers. He stroked her arm, tickling her in a way that had her eyes drooping and the temptation of sleep washing over her.

  The bed itself took up nearly one whole wall, but it was needed when she was big and fat and nearly ready to pop out babies. It was also needed when she had three seven foot tall, three hundred pounds of muscled warriors sleeping beside her. They tended to spread out, stretching their long limbs, and taking up quite a bit of room, but Luna wouldn’t have had it any other way. They protected her, treated her like she was a priceless jewel, and didn’t keep her like a caged animal. They may be cocky, demanding, and want her to surrender to them, especially in the bedroom, but they loved her unconditionally. It was a give and take relationship, and there were times she felt like they took more than they gave, but then there were other times they knelt at her feet and told her words so soft, so sweet, she couldn’t hold back her tears. They may have brute strength, be giants in the literal and figurative sense, but at the end of the day they worshipped her like a goddess and loved her like the world was ending.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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