Strictly Stuck

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Strictly Stuck Page 4

by Crystal D. Spears

  Chapter Four — Jade — Part Two

  As I am scurrying around fixing myself I see the look of confusion on his face. I sigh and sit beside him leaning my cheek on the cool glass.

  I told that ass not to make me fall for him. I fucking told him. And—what does he do? He fucking starts the process! That one stupid fucking look! That one possessive you’re mine look. It wasn’t a look of lust it was a look that contained feelings!

  I’m not going to expose my heart to him, he can keep trying, but it’s just not going to happen.

  “Jade—what’s wrong?”

  What is up with my name all of a sudden? Dammit! Okay, you can tell him without exposing yourself.

  I turn to look at him as our cart starts moving again.

  “Dean, you gave me the look.” It comes out in a whisper. I think.

  “What look Jade,” he says eying me down.

  “A look of not just lust Dean, the look, you know the one where it shows and contains feelings? That look. That’s the look,” I ramble out.

  Did that even make any sense?

  Dean shakes his head at me smiling.

  “And, this is a problem because,” he teases as he ruffles his hair. How does he do that? Takes a thoroughly fucked looking hair do and makes It even better?

  “Dean,” I whine.

  His look goes serious. “Look gorgeous, this isn’t just about sex. I told you I would do my best at making sure you didn’t fall in love with me. What I didn’t promise however is that we wouldn’t develop some kind of feelings.”

  “I’m dating your brothers and you,” I point out. “How in the hell are you even saying this?”

  “Because in the end you will end up with one of us or none of us — but my time with you won’t be wasted,” he shrugs.

  That makes a little bit of sense.

  “Okay time to change the subject ask me a question, any question.” Please ask something that doesn’t deal with emotions.

  “Right, what’s your major?”

  Thank you! He helps me stand as our cart comes to the bottom. We get out and walk out the protective gate.

  “I’m going to be a Sex Therapist,” I say nonchalantly.

  He stops walking turning towards me. “Seriously,” he smiles.

  “Yes seriously.”

  “Well—how very fitting,” he jokes.

  “Ha, ha very funny—,” I’m cut off by my phone playing Layden’s ring-tone. He knows I’m with his brother what the hell?

  “That’s Layden’s ring; he knows I’m with you why would he be calling right now?” I fumble in my purse for my phone.

  Dean groans throwing is head back in frustration.

  “He’s calling because Ty called him and now he’s probably flipping a fucking wig.”

  Shit I forgot about her!

  I hit ignore on my phone. I need answers from Dean first.

  “So you and Ty huh? Is she going to be a problem?”

  He lets out a string of curses before answering me.

  “I honestly don’t know Jade,” he curses again “I didn’t stop fucking her completely until you and I started up.”

  I hear warning signs like a mother fucker going off in my head!

  Hold the fuck up!

  “Excuse me?”

  “Fuck, I knew this shit would happen,” he grunts.

  “You’re grunting? Really? I’m the one who just found out some serious shit and you’re the one grunting?” I stomp my foot like a child wanting a balloon it’s parent won’t let them have.

  My phone starts ringing again, this time I answer it. “Be at my fucking dorm when I get back,” I yell into it then hang up.

  “Take me home, now please,” I start walking off.

  “Dammit Jade!” Dean comes running after me.

  “What,” I whirl on him.

  “I haven’t touched Ty since you, I swear. I need you to know this please,” he begs.

  “Fine whatever sure— just take me back your brother will be waiting. Let’s see what he has to fucking say.” I start walking back to the Rover again.

  The silence is so damn eerie back to my dorm.

  —Layden’s Thoughts

  Fuck if Jade didn’t sound pissed off when she barked into the phone to ‘get my ass to her dorm’. What does my ass do? Oh my ass gets to her fucking dorm room. Jade has always meant business. Just like she did when she dumped my ass the first time. No-one and I mean no-one sticks to their fucking guns like Jade does. I knew she was going to be pissed; she wasn’t thrilled to learn we’ve done this before. So— I bet running into Ty on her date with Dean wasn’t fucking pleasant.

  I’m leaning against her dorm room door when she and Dean come walking up. She takes one look at me and I can tell in her eyes she’s going to let us fucking have it. Dean gives me a look that says ‘we’re so fucked’!

  And he’s absolutely probably fucking right. She opens the door and gestures for us to go in silently.

  Oh yeah! So fucked, silent Jade is fucking scary that’s when you know she’s thinking.

  Chapter Five — Jade — Part One

  Dear Mental Diary,

  Right now I feel lost hurt and confused. Remember to write these things down. You’ve never given a flip about what people do so why all of a sudden do you care what four guys do or did in the past?

  Layden looks how I feel. Defeated. Yes that word works.

  Fine they want me to go first. “So—Ty is fucking gorgeous, oh— and I’ve also learned I’m not fucking special at all.” I grab a beer out of our mini fridge. Big no—no too, if I was caught with this in the dorm.

  I pop the tab and literally guzzle that shit like a man. “I’m fucking ecstatic to know there ain’t shit to my water. You guys just find girls to share. Girls that are willing do this complicated fucking mess.”

  My mind is all over the place. I need more alcohol and beer isn’t going to satisfy this fucking craving. I walk over to my small ass closet pulling out a short white strapless dress. I strip out of my dress and moist with sex panties. I don’t even both turning around to look at Dean and Layden. I unsnap my bra and slip on my white tight dress. Walking over to my tree jewelry box I grab two red beaded necklaces throwing them on. I bend over and reach under my bed for my red fuck me stiletto heels once I find them I sit on the edge of my bed putting them on. I stand.

  “Jade—what are you doing?” Dean slowly asks as I fluff my hair into a messy down mix. I hair spray the shit out of it too.

  “Getting ready, we’re going out I need something else besides beer and I want to get out of this room before I say something I might regret.”

  I pull out some faux eyelashes and gluing them on. I line my eyelid with coal black liner flipping the line at the end of my lid. I repeat doing the same to my bottom lids. Exotic. That’s exactly what I went for and achieved.

  I throw the liner down and turn around only to find two gaping men.

  I smirk. “Ready?”

  “Uh, yeah, let’s go,” Dean says in a mumble. Layden hasn’t spoke at all he’s just staring at me. I roll my eyes as I grab my phone and I.D. These asses are buying my drinks tonight.

  “Baby, you do realize tomorrow is Monday right? We have classes.” Oh he finally speaks.

  “Who the fuck are you? What the hell did you do with the fun Layden? Bring him back please because this new pussy ass bitch of a man standing in front of me is really pissing me off,” I yell.

  His quiet demeanor slips away right in front of me.

  Fuck! There he is!

  “You’re going to regret talking to me like that Jade,” he growls dragging me out of the room. Dean laughs and follows behind us shutting my door.

  “Not likely I’ve been missing you, that pussy Layden sucked ass,” I laugh because I’m definitely not kidding.

  Dean comes up on the other side of me grinning like a damned fool.

  “What’s up,” I ask him because that grin is way to fucking cocky.

“Hard dicks and airplanes,” he points down wards “see hard dick,” he says and then points upwards “and airplanes.”

  And my bad mood is gone. Just like that.

  “You silly fool!” I shake my head laughing. “There is no doubt in my mind now that you guys are brothers.”

  — Dean’s Thoughts

  She’s literally killing me with that fucking white dress and with the knowledge that she has absolutely nothing under it is torture. Pure fucking hell. But I can’t help but grin like a damn idiot.

  And when she asked me what’s up I couldn’t help myself. At least I made her smile again.

  I can’t believe Layden and I let her walk out of her dorm looking the way she does.

  Strapless dress, nothing underneath, fucking hooker heels, teased hair and fake eyelashes. What in the fuck were we thinking?

  I decide I can’t drink that much tonight so I’m going to turn around and go pick up the Rover. There is no way I can get drunk while she’s dressed like that. FUCK!

  Chapter Five — Part Two — Jade

  Dean stops walking.

  “I’m gonna go grab the Rover,” he starts walking away.

  “Dean,” I holler stopping him in his tracks. I sashay over to him. “Hurry back,” I whisper against his ear as I grab his Anaconda causing him to growl.

  “Ah hell, dammit gorgeous,” he turns his head smashing his lips to mine.

  “Fuck it, c’mon Layden,” he growls against my mouth.

  What does he mean c’mon I want to go out!

  “What the hell Dean? I wanna go out, not go home!”

  “Trust me,” his husky voice growls out as Layden comes up behind me turning me around.

  What in the hell is going on?

  Before I can process what’s going on I’m hoisted up and wrapping my legs around Layden.

  Ah— I’ve missed this. He always takes what he wants!

  When your legs are wrapped tightly around a man like Layden you don’t just let him carry you. No. You rub up against that shit, so—that’s exactly what I do. I run my fingers through his gorgeous black hair.

  Fuck! I’ve missed him so damn much!

  “Rover,” Dean grins at his brother.

  “Rover,” Layden answers back.

  “Babe, you remember how if you pissed me off I would just spank that beautiful bare ass? Well you pissed me off calling me a pussy so—now your pussy, ass and mouth are going to be throughly fucking used,” he says against my bare shoulder.

  “There is only one problem with that statement Lay,” I purr “you know I love being fucking used.”

  “Shit,” Dean growls.

  I’m becoming inpatient. I don’t know what to expect, all I know is I have Mr. Chiseled with a pierced Anaconda and my sexy rugged tattooed street racing man giving me lustful looks.

  My breath becomes ragged with anticipation I’m about to become ‘used’ and hell if I don’t want it.

  I barely notice as Dean hits unlock. I turn my attention away from Layden and watch as Dean has one leg hanging out the door as he starts the Rover. He pulls the Rover out of its parking spot and angles it towards the campus quad and parks it sideways.


  “It’s for more privacy,” Dean shrugs while he turns completely sideways in his seat propping his feet along the car door frame. I watch him while Layden caresses the bottom of my ass.

  “Watch him babe,” Layden growls.

  With pleasure!

  Dean slowly unzips his shorts while his eyes continuously assault me. I am lost in the sea of green that is Dean. His cock jumps free and my eyes snap right to it. I watch as he begins stroking that huge Anaconda that I love so fucking much. Slowly Layden lowers me to the ground pushing me towards Dean. My eyes are still fixated on him I can’t seem to stop watching as his long fingers are wrapped around that huge cock of his.

  Layden’s hand presses against my middle bending me over so my mouth is directly over Dean. I lick my lips in a hungry need. I feel cold air hit my ass as my dress is being dragged up my body stopping right under my breasts. I’m practically full on naked outside and I could care less. I don’t give a damn about anything other than the pleasure I’m about to be given. I roll my eyes.

  Used my ass! How could any female in their right mind think this is being used? If this is being used, they can use me all the fucking time!

  “Baby,” Layden whispers huskily into my ear as his muscular body presses against my back. “I want you to suck Dean’s cock while I fuck you, yeah.” It’s not a question it’s more of a command. I can’t speak, I can’t even nod. “Babe,” he growls as one hand cups my bare pussy “you will suck his cock while I use this beautiful fucking cunt!”

  “Oh god.” It’s all I can manage to moan as I close my eyes. Before they flutter back open my hair is being wrapped tightly around one of Dean’s strong hands and my head is being shoved down onto his gorging cock. My eyes snap completely open and I moan when the taste of Dean’s raving flesh enters my mouth.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  Yes please!

  I want to wrap my hands around his cock but they are secure around my back by Layden’s strong grip. I’ve never been so damn wet before in my life. No thoughts, none at all as I feel the tip of Layden at my entrance. “You want us both baby?”

  Oh god how does Layden even think I can answer him right now?

  And that’s when it happens. The sting. The sting of his palm against my bare ass.

  “Fuck,” I hiss over Dean’s cock.

  “Do you want us both,” he growls teasing my entrance.

  “Yes,” I whimper out around Dean.

  “Shit, make her do it again,” Dean moans and I grin against him.

  “You want me to make her whimper again brother?”

  “Fuck yes,” he growls.

  Layden’s grip tightens around my wrists and he impales into me with such force.

  Boy do I ever whimper.

  I can think of nothing more but giving Dean pleasure as Layden takes his.

  As my mouth moves up and down along Dean I run my tongue in circles causing his grip to tighten in my hair.

  “Dude—hurry the fuck up—I can’t— fucking—last much longer,” Dean grunts out as he rams himself down my throat.

  I almost gag, but my mind goes somewhere else—my hands are now free. “Babe, place your hands on Dean’s knees.”

  I nod my head and do as he demands.

  The loss of Layden’s muscular grip makes me almost want to cry until I see why out of the corner of my eye. One hand squeezes the top of the Rover door while the other is placed on the roof. I look up at Dean his piercing green eyes telling me silently to hold on.

  Why the hell—

  Oh fuck!!!!!

  My hands slide up Dean’s legs as Layden uses all his body strength to ram into me hard, fast and over and over again.

  My entire body starts trembling and I’m whimpering as I take Dean in my mouth faster. I’ve never felt anything like this before. The need to pleasure two men at the same time wanting to make sure their needs are taken care of and not just mine.

  Something goes off inside of me. I want to make them mine. I want them to look back at this moment and never want anyone else the way they want me at this moment. When this ends— when we end I want them to fucking dwell on the loss of me entirely.

  I’m such a bitch!

  With that mission clear in my mind I still let my orgasm build, but at the same time I’m focused and now even more determined. I use every ounce of my energy left clamping down on Layden as I suck and slurp Dean like my very breath depends on it.

  “Shit! Dammit Jade do that again,” Layden growls slamming into me harder.

  “She—gah—she clamped down on ya—fuck—didn’t she?”

  Layden let’s go of the Rover gripping my hips tightly his fingertips digging into my hips.

  “Yeah, I’ve missed her pussy,” he huffs as he pounds me into oblivion. />
  Queue the damn rainbows! I swear I see rainbows dancing around in my vision.

  Oh God!

  “I’m coming,” I whisper mumble against Dean causing him to growl and let out his release.

  “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck,” Layden curses letting go of my hip and slapping my ass.

  “Lay,” I screech as I lick my lips breathing on Dean’s now semi erect cock.

  “Say it again baby,” he grunts.

  “Lay please,” I beg.

  Just come please!

  I can’t take it anymore my legs are weak my senses are on high alert please, please, please I silently beg.

  He grunts “Fuck baby I really did miss you!”

  I lay my head in Dean’s lap as he catches his breath and Layden comes hard.

  “I’m supposed to be mad at you both.”

  “We know gorgeous, we know,” Dean runs his fingers through my sweaty sexed up hair.

  I have no energy I’m sleepy and my legs are weak they fill like concrete molds they’re that heavy. Layden zips himself up after disposing of his condom. He comes back pulling my dress down lifting me up into his arms like I’m a newborn. I sigh looking over at Dean who is now getting into his Rover completely.

  “Where are you going,” I whine.

  “Gorgeous its Layden’s day tomorrow I’m gonna give him tonight if that’s okay with you.”

  Okay, yeah this is just weird and screwed up!

  “You’re just going to leave not giving me a kiss goodbye or anything?” I feel the tears gather in the corner of my eyes.

  Well this is new.

  What the hell is going on? Breathe Jade. Breathe.

  His eyes widen and he climbs back out of the Rover and stalks over to me. Dean leans down and whispers against my lips “bye angel kisses I’ll text you tomorrow.” His lips are smooth and soft against mine he pulls back a little wiping the corner of my eyes smiling at me. “No need to cry gorgeous, tomorrow,” he promises before turning around.

  FUCK! I’m falling in love and hard for Dean!


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