Strictly Stuck

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Strictly Stuck Page 5

by Crystal D. Spears

  “No, no, no,” I chant whisper.

  “What’s no, no, no for babe,” Layden’s voice brings me back.

  I can’t let this happen.

  Stand firm Jade stand firm!

  “Nothing Lay I’m just really tired now,” I smile up at him as he carries me across the parking lot and into my dorm.

  Layden carries me up the steps like I weigh nothing. I always forget how strong he is. I’m about to tell him I’m happy were trying again when I see Brayden out of the corner of my eye.

  “Well am I just the luckiest girl in the world or what? I always have hot men waiting at my door for me.” I tease them both until I see the look on Brayden’s face.

  “Bray baby what’s wrong,” I ease myself out of the carry position Layden has me and as soon as my feet hit the ground I take off towards him.

  I’m still getting used to his looks and I can’t decipher this one at all. That worries me. It’s almost like sadness.

  “Bray what’s wrong?” I wrap my arms around him tightly breathing my question again.

  “I thought Dean was with you I was looking for both Dean and Layden, but isn’t it Dean’s night?”

  I pull away from him looking into his coal black stare that has no more sadness just anger now.

  “Layden call Dean get him here now it’s really important.”

  —Brayden’s Thoughts

  Jade lets us into her room while Layden calls Dean. They’re going to flip the fuck out. But my brothers are not who I’m worried about right now. Jade is going to be hurt and fucking pissed. I ran into Tyson buying a damn pregnancy test after she ran into Dean and Jade tonight. After hearing Layden tell me about him and Tyson I made that little bitch take the test in the pharmacy bathroom. Fuck, then she informs me that she’s been fucking Dean off and on since the breakup that’s when I really lost it. I totally fucking lost my cool. Why? Because the bitch ass tramp is fucking pregnant and I have the fucking test to prove it. My brothers are so fucked right now. See? I can’t even stop cursing I’m so pissed! Dean must not have been very far away because he comes striding into the room. I take a deep breath running my fingers through my hair. Shit!

  Chapter Six —Part One — Jade

  I don’t like the look on Bray’s face it’s freaking me out. I flop down on my bed my whole body is wore down so I lean back on my elbows.

  “So— I ran into Ty at the Pharmacy when I was picking up some condoms,” Bray says with no shame in his voice and I smile at that, but frown at more Ty news.

  Well is he going to tell us what the hell he needs to tell us? I’m about to scold him when what he says next sits me straight up.

  “Tyson is pregnant.” I sit straight up every strand of hair on my body raises. It rises because I now know Dean and Layden both were messing with her before me.

  “So why you telling us,” Layden shrugs off.

  “Dude she says it’s one of yours. I made her take the test in the restroom at the pharmacy and give it to me.”

  Brayden pulls a box out of his back pocket. “Here it’s in this box it’s been pissed on though dude be careful, but yeah it’s positive,” he clears his throat. “So yeah one of you might be a father.”

  “There ain’t no fucking way,” Layden growls taking the box from Bray. He pulls out the stick and grunts out “fuck”.

  “Well—this is just flip fuckintastic,” I scream jumping off the bed.

  “Really? Anymore bombs being dropped on me tonight? Think hard because I can’t take anymore!”

  I never thought the saying seeing red really existed until now. I’m totally seeing red and want to beat their asses.

  “So which one of you idiots weren’t careful enough,” I fold my arms staring them both down.

  “Gorgeous you are the only girl I’ve been in bareback,” Dean says carefully.

  So I turn my glare directly on Layden “What about you Lay baby, we know how you get lost in the moment and all,” I smirk.

  “Well I said fuck didn’t I? Shit motherfucker,” he groans throwing the box into my trash.

  “Uh no get that damn box out of my trash— like I need another reminder that one of my boyfriends might have a child on the way.”

  “You’re not dumping me,” he looks stunned.

  Well no it might not even be his

  “Layden it might not be yours when she gets far enough along in the pregnancy we’ll have her tested,” I look at him like he’s stupid. “Don’t you guys know anything? You don’t have to wait until she pops out a kid.”

  Lay looks like the weight of the world was just lifted off of his shoulders. “You mean I won’t have to wait nine long ass months to know?”

  “No,” I frown.

  “But it’s still bullshit Layden all of us,” I point to all of them “is hard enough without throwing in an ex-girlfriend and now a baby.”

  He also needs to talk to Tyson even though I don’t want him alone with her he needs to get this all pulled together.

  “You need to talk to Tyson tomorrow, explain that you want her tested when she’s far enough along.”

  “That’s all great and all, but what if the kid is his then what?”

  I look over at Dean and he’s scowling at Layden. What for I’m not sure. Yeah, sure, I’m beyond pissed off but the shit was before me.

  “Well, we’ll deal with it if we make it that far. I told you guys this is dating,” I huff. “Ya’ll are acting like we’re married or something.”

  Brayden’s been quiet until I spoke those words. “So we’re just dating? Am I wasting my time with you Jade? I understand this shit is unconventional, but hell if I’m going to waste my time just fucking someone without gaining feelings. If I wanted that I have an entire campus I could fuck.”

  My mouth drops open. “I…I—,” I try to answer but I’m cut off.

  “No sexy what’s it gonna be? Stop putting up a front. Yeah, we get it you think you’re made of steel. Guess what you’re not. So— am I planning on fucking a cold hearted bitch or someone who is going to open up? I rather know beforehand so I’m not wasting my time caring.”

  I look from Bray over to Dean who has an eyebrow quirked up then over to Layden.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you three? Seriously?”

  Are they crazy they want me to give them what is strictly off limits? Yes, that’s it they’ve gone mad.

  “Nope, no way, you all know off limits.” I place a hand over my forbidden heart.

  And this is where I lose my cool. “Out all of you! Get the fuck out I don’t need this crap,” I cry out.

  “Jade,” Dean tries to grab my arm and I back up.

  “No! You guys know Layden fucking broke me! My heart is off limits; you can care about someone and not love them.”

  I wipe my eyes; this crying shit is starting to piss me off.

  “Just go,” I whisper “all of you, please,” I beg.

  “Dammit Brayden,” Dean growls.

  Yeah dammit Bray because he just caused this shit storm. I need my best friend the guy one. Nate. I need my funny best friend right now.

  “When you guys act like this it makes me regret everything,” I walk to my door and open it. “Seriously, I need time to cool off you guys need to leave.”

  Dean walks up to me first. “Jelly donuts and espresso in the morning to talk?” He looks so hopeful, but I plan on fixing things with Nate in the morning. Then after morning lectures I’m meeting Amber for lunch.

  “Nope gonna try and patch up me and Nate’s friendship in the morning.”

  It’s his turn for jaw dropping. “Jade—,” I throw my hand up stopping him.

  “Nope, stop acting like a jealous boyfriend. Nate’s been in my life for a long time. I’m patching things up that’s it.”

  “One,” Dean holds up a finger “I am a jealous boyfriend, two,” he holds up another finger “make sure he understands friendship that’s it Jade nothing more. Thirdly,” he holds up a third finger “what about

  “Can’t— meeting up with Ambs for lunch,” I shrug.

  I’ve never seen him look so damn frustrated it’s kinda cute in a hot way. “Besides its Layden’s day tomorrow and I’m making him talk to Tyson about the baby stuff.” I look over at Layden with a pointed I dare you to argue with me glare. “And since Layden is going to be busy I’m picking Brayden tomorrow. Apparently he and I have some shit to go over,” I shrug.

  “Good,” Dean looks over at Brayden and smiles.

  These damn guys are going to kill me.

  “So what about it Bray? Tomorrow after the afternoon classes?” I pin him with my best smile.

  “Depends,” he grins back.

  “On,” I tease him.

  “Am I getting Jade the cold hearted bitch or the Jade that will open up?”

  Gah! He’s not going to make this easy on me.

  “Really Bray?”

  “Yes,” he crosses his arms firmly his legs spread in an ‘I’m sticking with this shit’ kind of stance.

  “You win Brayden.”

  “Thank you sexy,” he walks over to me kisses me lightly before walking over the threshold. “See ya tomorrow.”

  “Dammit does he always get his way,” I ask Layden and Dean.

  “Brayden is a male version of you Jade,” Layden laughs.

  Well shit!

  “What is it about you three? I can’t stay mad at you when you’re all together it’s infuriating,” I whine.

  “I don’t know were not blood related,” Dean laughs.

  “This is so messed up; just go you guys I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Dean kisses me on the cheek and leaves first.

  “What happens if the baby is mine Jade,” Layden whispers.

  “Lay,” I groan.

  “Babe seriously what if it is will you leave me again?”

  Dammit why do these men have to be serious all the time?

  “Layden just don’t hurt me. If the baby is yours I’ll learn to handle it okay? No more cheating that’s it Lay that’s all you have to do to keep me when will you learn—.” His lips hit mine cutting me off and I gladly let him. I drink him up completely. Everything about Layden when he is this close or touching me takes all my self-control away. His very presence sucks my soul dry.

  Realization dawns on me. I realize that I’m still madly in love with this man and I just mask it very well.

  “Layden,” I whisper against his lips “I still love you don’t hurt me again okay.”

  By telling him this I know I’ve just exposed so much to him. But Lay knows me. He would have seen right through me eventually.

  —Layden’s Thoughts

  I feel Jade’s walls crumbing down all around us. But the very least thing I expect comes whispering from those luscious lips. She still loves me and doesn’t want me to hurt her again. It’s that moment that I realize the damage I really done to her fucking heart and it about rips me apart. Stupid ass hot Adrianna wasn’t worth losing Jade over. I see that now. I see my fucking mistake clear as day. At first I admit I was being a selfish asshole. It hurt like hell losing Jade, but up until this point I thought she was being childish. Her forehead is leaning against mine. I start thinking about what if she was screwing someone else back then. Before our agreement with my brothers. What if she was doing Nate or somebody behind my back? Oh fucking shit that pisses me off thinking about it.

  My heart starts pounding and my breathing picks up. Calm the fuck down dude she’s here again. Don’t fuck it up! I take a few deep breaths and look into her gorgeous eyes.

  Chapter Six — Part Two — Jade

  “I love you too baby, so fucking much and I’m so fucking sorry,” he mumbles against my lips. It’s that moment I finally believe him. Believe he’s sorry for hurting me so deeply.

  “I know baby I know you are,” I pull back to look at him. He’s crying again, the first time we dated I never seen this man cry. But now this makes twice in a few days.

  “Baby don’t cry,” I wipe his eyes.

  “Fuck what is wrong with me,” he laughs.

  I need to try and lighten the mood this past couple of days has been a damn roller coaster ride.

  “You know what Lay,” I whisper staring into those deep coal eyes of his.

  “That coal black stare of yours sucks me in so deep you can always get your way. You just need to learn how to use it on me all the time,” I laugh.

  His thumb caresses my bottom lip. “Sometimes baby only sometimes. When you make up your mind you stick to it no matter what. Deep stare or not you’re a stubborn one.”

  Maybe. Maybe not I think to myself.

  “Lay will you stay with me tonight and just cuddle with me? I really just need to be cuddled.”

  I finally let Layden back in. And like I knew it wouldn’t take long. Like I said he owns my heart and soul. He’s like a love grim reaper or something. He just takes that shit and doesn’t give it back.

  “Yeah I’ll stay with you,” he shuts the door.

  My body and mind are so worn down all I remember is crawling into bed, hitting the pillow and falling asleep soundly. I’m awoken by my screaming alarm and I immediately think about Dean bitching about it that puts a smile on my face. I slam my hand down on the off button as I feel a large arm wrap around my waist. I look over at Layden he’s grinning ear to ear.

  “Whats the grin for?”

  He shrugs “It just feels good to wake up next to you again.”

  This newly found Layden scares me. He’s never shared his feelings so openly before and that freaks me out.

  I need space from these three men and I need to patch things up with Nate so I bring up the elephant in the room.

  “You need to go and speak with Tyson and I need to mend things up with Nate.” I climb out of my bed and grab my phone to text Nate.

  Me: Want 2 talk? Breakfast?

  Not even a few seconds go by before I hear back.

  Nate: Yeah usual place? Old time?

  Me: Yep

  Nate: K

  I place my phone on my dresser and pull out a pair of jean shorts and a simple halter top shirt. I want casual with flip flops I want Nate to take me seriously. Layden gets up sighing.

  “I hate that you’re going to meet up with him just voicing my opinion.”

  “Well he’s my best friend and you know better so don’t push me Lay please.”

  He throws his hands up in surrender because he knows not to push me on Nate and he better not start now; especially with me dealing with the whole entire Ty situation.

  “Alright baby, meet after the noon classes?” He asks while throwing on his shoes.

  “Yeah sounds good and be nice to Tyson I may not like her but she can drag us into hell if you’re not careful,” I warn him.

  Layden looks momentarily stunned by my adultness and I giggle at him.

  “What?” I tease him with a carefree shrug.

  He shakes his head with a smile and then turns those hypnotic coal eyes on me. “I love you baby,” he walks up to me throwing his arms around me. And yes I melt right into him sighing like a little love sick teenager. “I love you too Layden,” I mumble into his shirt. He kisses the the top of my head and it feels so fresh so new. Like everything might be different this time. I actually feel very content and I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

  “Bye baby,” he pulls away and walks quietly out of my room.

  I need to write in my diary it’s the only thing that will clear my head right now.

  Dear College Diary,

  I know I haven’t written in you for a while and there is so much to write. So Layden and I are back together and I’m also dating his brothers Dean and Brayden. My feelings on that — not to sure right now. My head is fucking everywhere. I love Layden he owns my damn soul. I am falling in love with Dean he’s so good to me. But Brayden he’s so deep about everything. Just the few conversations we’ve had have sucked me into him. I’m screwed. I know I’m youn
g and living a fun free life, but I mean isn’t unconventional to be semi in love with three guys? Oh and Layden might be the father of a girl named Tyson’s baby! And as much as it pains me that he might have a baby with someone else I can’t be upset it was while we were split up. And Nate I’m still not sure what is going on I hope I have something nice to write about him later. I fucking wanted him forever and he didn’t want me. And now that I don’t want him he wants me. How fucked up is that? I don’t want to lose one of my best friends. I can’t. I won’t.

  Sheila also slept with him and I think I felt a stab of jealousy and I need to get rid of that somehow. Of course I already love Nate he’s been my best friend for over two years so I don’t know what that pain is in my chest when I think of him and Sheila together. Let’s not forget Amber has always had the hots for Nate too. I also caught her checking Sheila out and she wants to have lunch on that topic tonight. Everything is such a fucking mess. Well I gotta go and meet up with Nate.


  Chapter Seven — Part One — Jade

  I walk slowly to the coffee shop I’m definitely not in a hurry now that I’ve thought about it. This might be one awkward conversation. It needs to happen though there is no way around it. The campus is already buzzing everyone scampering around. I’m losing my ice cold bitchness and I don’t like that. All these guys are breaking through my walls that I’ve fucking maintained for so many damn years. Even before Layden couldn’t get through and now all of a sudden my exterior is breaking down? What the fuck is up with that?

  As soon as I pull the door open for the coffee shop the aroma hits me and I smile. Espresso’s make me happy. I see Nate flagging me down he of course already has my drink order. I stroll over while the students stare at me. I feel like screaming ‘what’ at the top of my lungs but then that would really give them something to talk about. Instead I just smile and park my happy ass down across from my best friend.

  “Hey Nate,” I smile while I pick up my espresso blowing on it trying to cool it off.


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