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Teach Me: Sinful Desires

Page 9

by Sienna Mynx

  “Huh? Are you kidding me?”

  “No shit girl. I don’t know what happened,” Naiya said.

  Destini just looked on blankly.

  “Get up! C’mon, get up.” Naiya tugged at Destini’s hands and made her stand. Smoothing her hair back from her face, she kissed Destini on the cheek. “Now, I hope you got some bacon. I feel like a club sandwich. You game? Doritos and cherry-pop, cause I know you got some cherry-pop.”

  Destini shivered at the mention of the word cherry. She forced a smile, but knew the drained hollow look to her face told of her shame. “Yeah, I got some.”

  “Good… now march!” Naiya pointed to the room door. She watched her friend as she headed for the bedroom. Destini’s legs were stiff and her movements sluggish.

  Destini had chosen to soak in cool water to ease the swelling on her butt cheeks each day, but today’s bath actually had her feeling better. The welts to her backside were all but disappearing. The sinful memories of what caused them remained. She wiped her hand over the condensation on the mirror to get a good look at herself.

  Passionate hickies peppered her breasts and neck. She bruised easily, so the purple-reddish marks looked more like battle scars than love bites. Destini ran a finger over them. Sir’s face came forth out of the shadows of her memory. Her eyes fluttered shut under his dark, penetrating gaze, and she was forced to recall the ways he sucked her skin through his teeth as he did the other things. Things that sent a quiver from her pelvis bone to her shaken core. She hugged herself, waiting for it to pass, but desire bloomed in her and spread like heat waves under her skin. What was happening to her?

  “Wake up.” She’d only closed her eyes for a brief second. Exhausted, but more alive than she’d been…well, ever.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Doesn’t matter.” He slid the covers off her body, slowly revealing her curves. Then he lifted her into his arms.

  “I’m exhausted. I think I should go home,” she pleaded.

  “No. The sex is so much better when you’re feeling this way,” he whispered.

  “Sir, no more,” Destini mumbled, as he carried her from the bed.

  He kissed her cheek, cradling her gingerly with her nude body pressed up against his own. She held to his neck and tried to focus, tried to summon strength for what was to come next. With butterflies in her stomach, she ached for a conclusion.

  Sir pressed his lips to her ear and spoke softly, his voice warm and seductive. “I need to teach you how to take care of your body Cherry. You will have some bruising and swelling. I can’t bare the thought of you in pain.”

  “I don’t feel pain. I feel loved,” she whispered.

  “Then let’s write our own love scene. Write one for just me and you.”

  Destini blinked at the request. Her eyes lifted.

  “Write? Love scene?”

  “Me and you, not Rain.”

  She saw awareness in his eyes. Awareness that she’d missed before. He knew her body, her desires; he knew Rain was a fake. Did he know she was an author? Who the hell was he?

  They crossed the room past the still-burning candles; flames flickered with the shift in air as they went. Through a black door she never recognized in the room, they continued to a cool area he’d prepared for them. Her head went back and she sucked in another deep breath, causing her breasts to rise and fall under his watchful gaze. He carried her as if she weighed nothing, her arm slipping from his neck down his back. Her head tilted back further. Sir shifted her weight, lifting her higher, as they walked through the bathroom. He ran his tongue over her nipple.

  Destini was so raw. Every nerve in her body pulsated, throbbed, causing the blood to boil in her veins. It was a charge of sensations going all the way through to her marrow. She exhaled slowly.

  “You’re trembling,” Sir breathed in deep as if inhaling her very essence. “I like that.” He exhaled slowly with his voice lustful and thick.

  They entered another candlelit alcove with a claw-footed porcelain tub fit for two. Destini felt a sense of relief. The glistening cool clear blue waters called soothingly to her. Speechless, he eased her into the tub, the largest of its kind she’d ever seen. Destini’s head dropped back on the rim and her tired eyes closed slowly, lashes resting on her cheeks.

  The icy temperature of the water had her sucking in deep breaths and relaxing, all at the same time. “Why is it so cold?”

  “Always a cool bath my pet. Add some lavender in the water,” he kissed her brow. If it had been a degree hotter, she would have been torched; her body was already aflame in every orifice below her waist. How did he know she needed this so desperately?

  “All those lovely fantasies in your pretty head,” he mumbled, smoothing her hair back.


  Sir smiled, his green eyes even darker than emeralds in the candlelight. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. “Better?”

  “Yes, but its late and, I should... I should go.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then when?”

  “Stay until the sun comes up. I don’t plan on letting you go until I have to. Possibly by force. I can’t imagine letting you out of this room then.” He rose, went to the other side of the tub and eased himself in, eyes on her the entire time. Destini should’ve objected. Instead, she dissolved in the cooling waves stirred by his descent. She drifted along them and relaxed. Then her eyes fluttered open once more after several short minutes passed. Sir’s arms rested on the opposite sides of the tub. He watched her.

  “Come here,” he finally spoke.

  Lifting, she did as he asked. He closed his legs so her knees could go on either side. His thick cock bobbed in the waters. He reached and palmed the curve of her cheek and brought her face closer. The kiss was the softest of the night. She eased up against him, her breasts brushing his tight pecs.“Like I said… we’ll keep going, again, and again, and again.” He breathed the commands into her mouth.

  Sir’s hands slipped under the water and cupped her tender ass. She felt a jolt of pain, then relaxed against his holding her, knowing any objections would be futile. He eased her up so she sat on top of him. She was too disoriented to consider what they were doing. What would come next? And when she slid down on his thickness, bare, she didn’t care. A perfect fit. She gripped the tub behind him, where his head rested, and started to work her hips.

  “How do you manage it? To keep… keep going? Isn’t it physically impossible for a man to maintain an erection for this long?” she asked.

  “I haven’t cum. Not yet.”

  “Oh my God,” she sighed.

  “Aah…yeah…, the things you do to me,” he moaned. Destini rode the wave with him, agreeing and fucking him until she was careening again past the point of no return.

  “Will you cum now,” she asked feeling her self on the crest of an explosion.

  He ran his hand down her breast. He leaned in and licked her nipple. “I want to cum down your throat,” he said.

  She stopped moving and her eyes connected with his. She resisted the urge to snatch the mask from his face. It was a part of him now. She realized she didn’t want to see him without it.

  “Okay,” she answered. “But I’m not good… at it,” she warned him.

  The sly corner of his mouth titled into a half-smile. “I’ll teach you.”

  “The only time we didn’t use protection,” Destini mumbled, ashamed. After he bathed her, they went back to the room and made love until they both collapsed. More wax, more heat, more games, again, again, and again and just as he promised he taught her how to suck his dick until he exploded in her throat. She opened her eyes and faced herself. She enjoyed it, some of it.

  In the light of the day, she discovered it wasn’t easy to live with her reckless behavior. Sir, her masked lover was gone and her conscience was all that was left. She knew nothing about him. Not even his last name. He wasn’t her boyfriend, fiancé, even a friend. She’d given up something
she always considered special, sacred, to a complete stranger––just because he asked. Writing it, writing Rain, wasn’t her fantasy. Her writing was more than that for her. The character was just an expression of her creativity. Why couldn’t she have left it at that? Now she couldn’t even bring herself to type a word. He was in her skin. He branded her in ways that shouldn’t be possible. It was true. She felt like an addict shivering through her craving for another hit. Just one more hit.

  “Dez, I don’t see any turkey in––” Naiya stopped under the threshold of the now flung open bathroom door. She looked Destini over with growing horror. “What the fuck? What the fuck happened to you?” Naiya looked up and their eyes met. Destini grabbed her robe and put it on, embarrassed beyond belief. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “You went. Didn’t you?” Naiya asked.

  Destini forced a smile. “Yeah, me and Rain went to Ajani. It was interesting.”

  “Who… how did you get those bruises? You went up into one of the rooms?”

  “It’s not that bad.”

  “Who did that shit to you?”

  “Naiya, I consented. Okay? It’s over. I’m fine.”

  She turned, looking for her toothbrush. Naiya came inside stroking the back of her hair. “Dez, you weren’t supposed to be hurt. Get wild, yes, but you weren’t to be hurt… I’m going to fucking kill Nero!”

  Destini shook her head. “It’s not what you think. I… I—.” Her voice faltered. She was unable to tell her the rest.

  “Come here.” She turned into Naiya’s arms. It felt good to hug someone she loved. Someone who loved her. Made her feel sane. That’s what she needed more than anything, to feel sane.

  “Sweetie, I’m so, so sorry. I never meant for this to happen to you. Never. I mean, yes, it’s a sex den and yes, it can be wild but, Dez, you didn’t have to go through that. It was only supposed to be fun, never this. I would never want you hurt. It’s my fault.”

  “Stop it,” Destini said. “It’s over. Leave it alone. Besides, I’m grown. I went because I wanted to. He didn’t do anything I didn’t consent to. Let it go.” She walked around her.

  “No one consents to being traumatized. That’s bullshit. Did you drink? Did he slip something in your drink?”

  Destini stopped at the door, considering. She looked back and shook her head slowly. “No I––”

  “Sir went too far. Partying is one thing but––”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said he went too far,” Naiya huffed, too angry to recall her exact words.

  “No, you said ‘Sir’.”

  Naiya blinked. “Huh?”

  “I never told you his club name was Sir.”

  Naiya looked away. “Sure you did, just a minute ago.”

  “No! I did not. Naiya, did you––.” Destini stepped back with abject horror. “You set this up?”

  “Let me explain,” Naiya began.

  Destini stormed out of the bathroom, her head spinning, stomach lurching. She put her hands to her head. Thinking of the things he said. Remembering it all.

  “Dez, let me explain.”

  “Get out!” She whirled around, her face streaked with tears. “Get out!”

  “Please, Dez. I told you I was dating Nero at the club. We got to talking. Somehow I mentioned you and how you write this stuff. He said he knew someone who could give you a good time, if you ever came. I swear I––”

  Destini stormed over and grabbed Naiya by the arm. She dragged her, snatching up her friend’s purse along the way. Naiya fought against her hold. “Dez, stop this. Let me explain. It wasn’t a setup, not for you to be hurt. It was just––”

  Destini opened the door and handed her, her purse. “Get out!”

  “Oh God. I love you. Dez, please don’t be mad at me.”

  Destini pushed her out. She slammed the door shut on her. Naiya’s pleas outside of the door meant nothing. Her heart was broken. Well-intentioned or not, Naiya’s betrayal was the last straw. So it was a game, all a game, and not the game of her choosing. Sir was an illusion and she was a fool for lusting for him still. She stumbled away from the door, ignoring the bangs and constant pleading. Ignoring the torturous way her body mourned for him through it all.


  Four weeks later

  “Ms. Sanders?”

  Destini eyes shot up from the contents of an open cardboard box on her desk. Inside were pictures and drawings her students made for her. The room was decorated with ribbons and streamers for the little going-away party the class had thrown in her honor.

  “Principal Carson?”

  “Today is your last day.” He strolled in.

  Destini smiled. “Looks that way. What are you doing here? You quit?”

  “I was called back by the school board to make sure my replacement was introduced to the staff. I’m just passing through.” Carson’s hand went to a yellow streamer decoration; he fingered a few others then stepped around and returned his eyes to her. “To say that you will be missed is an understatement. The students love you. The school wishes you’d reconsider.”

  “I can’t. I won’t. But what about you? Where are you going?” she asked.

  He stared at her. His stare so penetrating she looked away. His eyes were green, just like a man who visited her dreams that she fought to forget from her memory. Just like the mysterious lover Rain was now avoiding in her books.

  Destini wanted to leave more than ever. It had been weeks since she spoken to Naiya. Not for her friend’s lack of trying, but Destini kept her distance. She wasn’t angry anymore. Not really. Each time she saw her she thought of him. And she just didn’t want to think of him. Her HIV test proved to be negative. Still, she would need to take another one in three months.

  “About that dinner. The offer still stands,” Carson cleared his throat. “A farewell dinner, maybe.” He stepped toward her. “Ms. Sanders, I… I never asked, never considered asking before, because we worked together. I have so much respect for uhm… for you. But I, well you’re quite a woman. There’s something I want to share with you. Something I did… ah, well, something I need to say.”

  She felt heat flood her cheeks from embarrassment. He wasn’t flirting. He was asking her out. On a date? Destini shook her head to the offer. The old Destini would choose him just because he asked and feel obligated to at least have dinner as a courtesy. He fit all the requirements. He was controlling enough, and proper enough, and pleasant enough. But now, now she knew differently.

  “I’m flattered. Really, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Yes?” he said with a hopeful smile. “I think we need to talk.”

  “We don’t. I appreciate your being kind, and I’m flattered but I’m sorry, Bryce. I can’t. I’m leaving this job, the city, all of this behind. I don’t want to start any new friendships I won’t be able to explore.”

  He nodded. “Then know that it was my pleasure working with you. Knowing you.” he said and backed away. He turned and left. Destini looked up to see Naiya at the door. She glanced away and continued to pack up her things.

  “So you’re doing it, huh? Leaving,” her friend asked.

  “Looks that way.”

  “Dez. I’ve wanted to talk to you, but… I respected that you don’t want to.”

  “It’s done. Okay? Let’s just leave it at that.”

  Destini turned and reached for the things behind her desk. Her heart hurt from it all. She didn’t want to discuss or analyze that wound. Too many years of friendship were between them. Naiya felt the same way. Her usually pushy, loud manner was gone. There was a quiet sadness to her voice now.

  “I’m sorry. I love you. You’re the only one who can stand my crazy ass.” Destini looked up to see Naiya twisting her hands and chewing on her glossy lips. “I went several times to Ajani. Nero… well, he’s addictive. We fooled around, but nothing hardcore. Just the idea of being there, you know?”

  When Destini didn’t respond, Naiya stepped c
loser and continued. “So you got your freak on, huh?” she tried at a joke. When Destini didn’t laugh, Naiya dropped her eyes away and sighed. “I lied. Before I agreed to Nero’s offer I asked for him to point out the man he said would help you. Sir would show up sometimes. He would observe mostly. Always in a mask. Did he take it off for you?” she asked. Destini again didn’t respond. “He was quiet, reserved, like you. I thought he was shy. I mean, the women were on him like flies. Most men broke under that sexual tension. You know? He just sat in that booth drinking, watching. Then one night Nero brought him over while I waited at the bar. We started talking. I started talking, I mean. You know how I run my mouth. And, girl, outside of this school you’re about all I have to talk about. It was the sauce. Loose lips and all that jazz.”

  “I don’t need to hear this,” Destini said.

  “Yes, Dez, please. I mentioned how you were more adventurous than me and didn’t know it. Girl, I envy you. How talented you are. How creative. I just got a kick out of the place and how Rain would do it. He suggested the Leather Straps Love event. I told him you would never agree, but if you did… to look out for you. Showed him your picture from my phone. You know the selfie we took at Macy’s when we got silly swamping dresses in the changing room?”

  Destini looked up. “You gave me up to a total stranger? In a sex bar?”

  “I’m sorry, Dez. I really am. God, please forgive me,” she said, her voice breaking. “It’s always been safe there. Very exclusive. I went too far. I did. I was wrong. But I love you, girl. You know that. We’ve been friends for too long to let it go like this. I’ve learned my lesson. I swear. If you leave town like this, I’m going to lose it. Seriously, I love you that much. Forgive me. Please.”

  Destini walked around her desk and Naiya rushed her for a hug. The embrace was tight and strong. The two of them had missed each other terribly. Forgiveness was harder than holding on to anger, but easier when Destini considered the alternative of leaving town and losing her best friend.

  “I’m so sorry. So sorry,” Naiya sobbed.


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