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Brotherhood Protectors: Guarding Aurora (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 6)

Page 4

by Lynne St. James

  “I can see that. I was worried you were hoping they were me.”

  “Uh, no. But that’s a thought,” she said and turned her face so he could see her smile. “Do you drink coffee? Espresso?”

  “If it’s caffeinated I’ll drink it.”

  “A man after my own heart. I usually have coffee up here then make a large pot for the customers when I get downstairs. I think I end up drinking more of it than they do though.”

  “You’ll have plenty of help today,” he said with a laugh. The sound poured over her like molasses and warmed her to her core. What was it about this man that could turn her into mush?

  Chapter Five

  It wasn’t as bad as he’d expected, or like Hank made it out. There was lots of flour, but the assorted breads, rolls, and pastries Rori created were amazing. He’d thought the strudel from the night before was delicious, he hadn’t been able to resist and had one after she went to bed. It was remarkable how one woman could create as much as she did in just a few hours.

  Just as he had his routines, so did Rori. She’d make the dough for the different types of bread and rolls first so they could rise. Then she’d work on the dough for the croissants that she’d made the day before and get them in the oven. It went on from there and in a few short hours the cases were filled.

  The bakery opened at six a.m., and there were already customers waiting. It surprised him, but maybe it was because her family had been part of the community for years. Then again, if he had a place like this near his apartment, he’d make sure to stop for something after his PT. He really missed his morning runs. Hopefully, he’d be able to work up to them again.

  After they’d helped all the customers who’d been waiting, Raptor poured two cups of coffee. “I bet you’re ready for a caffeine boost.”

  “Thank you. I’d really love a nap.”

  “I can’t believe you do all of this yourself every day.”

  “Why? It’s what I went to school to learn. It’s been my dream for as long as I can remember. I enjoy cooking different dishes and creating new recipes, but baking is my first love.”

  “Sadie said you went to the Cordon Bleu?”

  “Yup. I’d planned on staying in Paris, but then everything changed.” This was sticky territory. Did he keep asking questions or should he just admit he was there? In his experience truth was always best, but would it freak her out?

  “That night was horrific, for sure.” She turned to him, her eyes filled with confusion. He saw the exact minute when she remembered him. He hadn’t been sure she would, the shock of everything she’d been through could have clouded her memories.

  “You were there? Yes. You were there. You helped me, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t sure you’d remember. I recognized you last night, but when you didn’t seem to remember me, I didn’t want to push it.”

  “You saved my life.”

  “I think the ambulance staff had more to do with that. I’m sorry I couldn’t help your parents or your boyfriend.”

  Sadness clouded her eyes for a moment, but she blinked it away and gave him a sunny smile. “No, don’t feel that way. You did so much. I wanted to thank you, but you were gone before I had a chance.”

  “I was in Paris on a layover on my way back home from a mission. The flight attendant told me about this great restaurant. If I’d been ten minutes earlier things might have been different.”

  “You can’t think like that. I have to believe that everything happens for a reason. If not, then I wouldn’t be able to cope with this. I lost everyone I loved in one moment of hatred.”

  “I’m sorry. Is that why you came back to Montana?” The jingle of the bell on the door ended their conversation for now. He was relieved that she remembered him. There was so much he wanted to know about her, but it would have to wait. But maybe knowing he helped her before would make her more accepting of his protection.

  A steady stream of people went in and out of the bakery until three when she closed and locked the door. Sadie and Hank had come by separately to check on Rori, but he was sure it was more to check on them. He understood their need to protect her, but she was stronger than they realized, and a little too stubborn or her own good. He discovered that when he’d broached the subject of the deadbolt locks.

  “It went a lot better than I’d expected today.”

  “Were you worried about working in a bakery?”

  “Maybe a little,” Raptor said with a grin. “The closest I come to cooking is throwing something in the microwave.”

  “Really? That’s what you eat when you’re not on a mission? Well, while you’re here how about I teach you how to cook?”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ve lasted this long I think I’ll make it a few years longer. I’m sure the preservatives help to keep me young.”

  Rori choked on the coffee she’d just taken a sip of, and he had to pound her on the back. “Holy buttered biscuits, I can’t believe you said that. You’re a piece of cake, Raptor.”

  “Yes, I know. I’ve been told, by you, several times today in fact.”

  “You won’t be microwaving any meals in my kitchen. I can guarantee that.” Before she even finished talking she was yawning. She needed to get some rest, he was tired too, but he had a to do list to take care of. He was used to functioning on minimal rest. It was another thing that stayed with him even if he wasn’t on the teams anymore.

  “I know you want to rest, but we need to get to the hardware store and get some deadbolts for your doors.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Am I your bodyguard? Is my job to protect you?”

  “Yes. But…” He didn’t want to argue with her. The bright blue sparks firing in her eyes told him she was about to dig her feet in, and there was no reason. He needed to head it off before she got going. Without thinking about the consequences, he pulled her against him and kissed her. He hadn’t intended for it to be more than a gentle way to stop the discussion. But as soon as their lips met fire spread along every nerve ending.

  Surprise parted her lips, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her sweet mouth. He couldn’t contain his groan as he slid his tongue across hers. She tasted of coffee and innocence. He should stop, he knew it, but he couldn’t. The more he tasted, the more he wanted. But if he didn’t let her go soon he’d bust his zipper. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman affected him like Rori.

  If he didn’t stop, he was going to carry her into the kitchen, lie her on the counter and show her how much he wanted her. Reluctantly, he pulled away. Surprise and something else was reflected in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “It probably wasn’t the best idea. That’s cheating if you expect to win all our disagreements that way,” she said with a small smile.

  “Were we having an argument?”

  “I think we were about to.”

  “Hmm, it’s not what I remember.” She looked so damn adorable, Raptor dropped a soft kiss on her forehead. “We need to get to the hardware store. They probably roll up the sidewalks by five.”

  “Not exactly. And I still don’t think…”

  “We had an agreement, didn’t we? If I think we need to do something to make sure you’re safe, then you’ll let me.”

  “I don’t think that’s exactly what we agreed upon.”

  “C’mon, angel, anyone could push in your door before you knew what was going on. Those locks won’t keep anyone out who wants to get in.”

  “Fine, you win this one. But don’t count on winning them all.”

  “I won’t, but I sure as hell liked our discussion.” He waggled his eyebrows and laughed when her cheeks turned a bright red. She was sugar and spice and everything nice, just like the nursery rhyme. He couldn’t believe women like her still existed in this world. He’d gotten jaded over the years, and she was like a breath of fresh air amid a smog-filled world.


  “The hardware stor
e is two doors down, why don’t you go and I’ll take care of tomorrow’s prep work and get everything cleaned up.”

  “No, sorry, that won’t work. I’m your bodyguard, that means I need to be near the body I’m protecting.” She’d known he wouldn’t go for it, but she had to try. Her lips still tingled from his kiss, and she needed some space from Mr. Stud muffin to process the feelings churning in her head.

  The kiss was a surprise, she should have pushed him away, but instead, she’d pulled him closer. She could have stayed wrapped in his arms for hours. Her mind was like scrambled eggs around him. She’d loved Jim and planned to spend the rest of her life with him, but his kisses never left her craving more. Guilt soured the coffee she’d just drank. A job, that’s all he was to her, and she needed to remember it. No more kisses, no more betraying Jim’s memory. He’d loved her, proposed to her, and she still had his ring in the box in her dresser drawer. Every so often she’d slide it on her finger and for a few minutes pretend that November fifteenth had never happened, pretend that her life hadn’t changed forever.

  Guilt wasn’t doing her any favors, and as Sadie was fond of reminding her, Jim wouldn’t have wanted this. It was on her. She made herself feel the guilt, stuck in the molasses of life, instead of pushing ahead. She was living her dream—sort of. But close enough, and she really loved the bakery, it brought her joy and was enough. Or had been until Raptor swooped into her life.

  “C’mon, slow poke. It won’t take long, and then I’ll help you get ready for tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Let me grab my purse from upstairs.”

  “You don’t need it.”

  “Don’t start. My doors, my locks, my money.” This was one thing she refused to back down on. She had the money and could take care of herself just fine.

  “Okay, angel, if that’s what you want, then let’s get a move on. You need to get back into your routine, so you’re not dragging your honey buns around tomorrow.”

  Did he just call her butt honey buns? No way. She would have lit into him until she saw the huge grin on his face. Teasing was okay and easier on her heart than kissing.

  Without thinking she’d headed out the back door of the bakery without waiting for Raptor. Still preoccupied from his kisses, she screamed when she started to put her key into the outside door to the apartment.

  He’d appeared at her side and pushed her behind him before the scream faded from her lips. WHORE covered her door in red spray paint. They’d even covered the knob, and it dripped red paint onto the pavement like blood. No way had teenagers done this. As much as she didn’t want to, it was time to admit that someone had it out for her.

  “Did you touch the door?”

  “No, I’d been about to put the key in the lock when I saw it.”

  “Good. Do you have the number for the sheriff?”

  “Really? Do we have to call him? Can’t we just get paint and cover it? We’re going to the hardware store anyway.”

  “Rori, every incident needs to be reported. You have been doing it all along, right?” He wasn’t going to like her answer, she knew it, and he could probably read it all over her face. She was never very good at hiding her feelings.

  “Well…umm…not exactly. The flat tires and broken window, yes. I put in an insurance claim, and they needed the police reports.”

  “There’s more than that? Did you tell Sadie, Hank, anyone?”

  “Nope, like I said, I thought it was just a bunch of teenagers blowing off steam. Hank and Sadie didn’t agree, and now you’re here. But no, they don’t know about the other stuff. None of it was a big deal, I wasn’t even sure it wasn’t just regular things happening.”

  “You and I are going to have a long discussion after we see the sheriff and change the locks. Hopefully, the door is the extent of the damage.”

  For the first time, Rori was afraid. If everyone else was right, someone was trying to make her miserable at the very least or trying to hurt her at the worst. She didn’t know many people, and she couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to do her harm. None of this made sense.

  Chapter Six

  Before he’d gone back to the station, the sheriff and Raptor went upstairs to her apartment to check it out, but nothing had been out of place. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit he was relieved that her apartment hadn’t been touched. He’d had a hard time holding back his anger, Rori wasn’t one of those too stupid to live women, but she sure as hell was stubborn. He had a horrible feeling he was going to be really pissed off by the time she told him everything that had been going on. It had to stop, the fucker needed to be caught. If he was lucky, he’d be the one to catch the guy, and he’d make sure it was the last time he harrassed anyone ever again.

  As soon as the sheriff headed back to file the report, they went to the hardware store. The original plan had been for a couple of deadbolts and lightbulbs for the hallway. But now he added paint to cover the back door and a motion activated flood light for the back of the building. He wasn’t taking any more chances. What bothered him most of all was the fear on Rori’s face. It tore him up, and he was in full on protection mode. Only his years of training had stopped him from pulling her into his arms and promising that everything would be okay. But until he figured out who and why he couldn’t make that promise.

  After they returned from the hardware store, Raptor got to work. He wasn’t a regular handyman, but he’d been around enough tools in his life to take care of this type of stuff. He’d rechecked the apartment to make sure it was still safe and left Rori upstairs to relax.

  “I have to do tomorrow’s prep still.”

  “Relax for a bit, let me get this stuff done then I’ll help you. Deal?” It was obvious she wanted to argue, but from the huge dark circles under the deep blue eyes, she was just too tired and freaked out to push it.

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can come up with for dinner.”

  “Is there a restaurant we can go to instead? I think you’ve been through enough today.”

  “The diner…”



  Raptor didn’t even say anything, just gave her the look he’d used on his team members, it never failed to silence any opposition, and it was no different with Rori. Poor kid.

  “Fine. Come and get me when you’re done.”

  Nodding, he went to work after watching her walk up the stairs to the apartment. Damn she had a fine butt, he’d been teasing her with the honey buns remark, but he’d bet it was the truth. She had curves in all the right places, and his hands itched to explore them all.

  “Hey, easy, bro. I’m a friendy.” He’d felt the presence behind him, and pulled his gun and turned in one liquid motion. Hank backed up with his hands in the air. It took Raptor a second or two to stand down, his senses on high alert.

  “Sorry. You should know better than to sneak up behind someone.”

  “Oh I do, but I figured you heard me.”

  “I did. But I didn’t know it was you. And after this…” Raptor stepped away from the door to show Hank the damage. “I wasn’t taking any chances.”

  “Can’t say that I blame you. The town is all abuzz about the, and I quote ‘sexy guy working with Rori.’ Everywhere I went today I heard the whispers. Then when I heard the sheriff had been here, I wanted to check on Rori.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? Seriously? No one said anything that I could hear, but then we were so busy. I couldn’t believe the amount of business she does.”

  “I did warn you. She found a niche that needed to be filled in town.”

  “I believe it now. Actually, I think I did after trying the strudel last night. But after it went so well in the bakery, in other words, no trouble with broken windows or anything, I was surprised to see this out here. It makes me wonder if it’s the same person. The window was so blatant, but this is hidden behind the building. Not many people would see it. It’s definitely a more personal attack.”

  “Agreed. Does Rori have
any idea who it could be?”

  “Not that she’s said, but I told her we were going to have a talk tonight. Apparently, there have been other issues beside the two you knew about, and now this. You were right to suggest a bodyguard. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  “Let me know if you need help, I don’t have anyone who could handle this full time, but we can assist if you need it.”

  “Thanks, I’ll keep you updated. I’m going to give Chase a call later and see if he can have his computer geek, Alex, do some checking around.”

  “Good. I’ll talk to Sadie and see if she can think of anyone from high school who had a beef with Rori. She was always so quiet I can’t imagine it though.”

  “She was quiet? She’s one bossy woman now.” He’d heard her come down the stairs and figured a little provocation wouldn’t hurt. He enjoyed it when her eyes flashed, and her cheeks burned with color. Who was he kidding, he couldn’t get enough of any part of her.

  “I heard that.”

  “What are you doing down here? You’re supposed to be resting.”

  “I was hoping you’d be done. There’s a lot of prep to do for tomorrow still. And like you said I need my rest later.”

  “It’s only been ten minutes, angel.”

  Hank laughed and raised an eyebrow, probably at his use of his nickname for Rori. But Raptor rolled his eyes. “I can stay with her in the bakery while you take care of what you have to.”

  “You’ve got time for that?”


  “Thank you so much. I really do need to get that croissant dough prepped, or there won’t be any for tomorrow.”

  “Oh hell. We can’t have that. The town would be in an uproar.”

  “There are a few leftover eclairs if you’re hungry.”

  “Oh yeah, but only if you promise not to tell Sadie. She’ll make me do an extra two minutes on the treadmill. I want to shoot that damn thing.”

  “I’ll take one of those too if you’re offering.”

  “Nope, none for you. Don’t you have work to do?” She’d told him, and he howled with laughter as Hank followed her into the bakery. She was everything he’d imagined and more. As much as he wanted to get to the bottom of this, he wasn’t in a hurry to get back to Florida.


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