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Brotherhood Protectors: Guarding Aurora (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 6)

Page 9

by Lynne St. James

  “I agree, Hank. I think we’re better off here, besides I don’t want to bring any trouble your way.”

  “It wouldn’t be…”

  “What about Emma? I would never forgive myself if something happened to her.”

  “We’d keep her safe.”

  “I’m still not going.”

  “Okay, but if anything else happens, I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “If you he-men are done making all the decisions, how about we eat?” Sadie said as she pushed past them to get to the stove.

  “You made chicken Tetrazzini?”

  “Yeah, I figured why not try it. My kitchen skills have improved tons since you’ve been helping.”

  “I can vouch for that.”

  “No one asked you. Unless you want to feel the burn of this dish I’d suggest you move.” Sadie smiled and brushed against Hank as she moved past him. Raptor envied their relationship, well not envy so much as wished for the same with Rori. But if he couldn’t keep her safe he wasn’t worthy of her love.

  Dinner was delicious, even though he had no idea what chicken Tetrazzini was, he’d eat it again in a heartbeat.

  “Thanks for bringing dinner, Sadie. I’m sorry I don’t have anything to offer for dessert. Unless you want to go get something out of the bakery? I need to get down there and clean and prep for tomorrow still.”

  “I don’t think you need to worry about that. The bakery will be closed tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll make up for it in sales when you open. Everyone in town will want to hear what happened.” He wasn’t going to allow her to push herself. She needed rest and time to recuperate.


  “There you go with the buts again.”

  “I hate to say it but I agree with Raptor, I think you should just take a few days off. You’re the only bakery in town you won’t lose customers.”

  “I’d prefer you didn’t open again until we figure out who’s targeting you. Today proved they’re serious and don’t plan on letting up. You could have been killed.” The last thing Raptor wanted to do was make her sad, but he needed her to listen to him so he could keep her safe.

  “I’ll give you tomorrow. But after that, we’ll see.”

  “You are one stubborn woman.”

  “Only when it comes to something I care about.” Her words made him hope that one day she’d care about him that way.

  “I think we’ll head back to the ranch. If you need anything call, I can be here in about twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks, Hank. Sadie, if you ever decide you want a new career you can come work at the bakery with me.”

  “No way. The middle of the night feedings were bad enough, I don’t need to do it daily. Thank you though.”

  The women hugged, and Hank gave Rori a kiss on the unbruised side of her forehead. “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll go down and lock up, stay put, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Raptor shook his head as he followed the Patterson’s down the stairs.

  “You better not hurt her,” Sadie said.

  “What? I’d never hurt her.”

  “She’s fallen for you, whether you see it or not. Don’t you dare break that girl’s heart. She’s already been through too much.”

  Hank looked as surprised as Raptor at his wife’s comments.

  “I don’t plan on ever hurting her. I hope she’ll have me, but I have to make sure she’s safe first.”

  Sadie nodded and smiled. Obviously hearing exactly what she was hoping. Raptor checked the lock on the bakery door, then locked the apartment entrance and headed upstairs to his angel.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rori was waiting for him in the living room. She looked half asleep, but she needed to be awake for a while longer because of the concussion protocols. “How are you feeling, can I get you anything?”

  “I’m good.”

  “How about some coffee?”

  “I don’t think so. Why don’t you come sit with me?”

  “I wish you would have let us fill the prescription for the pain pills. You’re going to need them, if not now, you will in the morning.”

  “I’ll be fine. I hate those things they make me feel loopy.”


  “Maybe in a bit. I want to talk.” It was never a good thing when a woman said those words. It’s one of the first things men learn.

  “What do you want to talk about?” he asked as he sat on the couch. She was leaning against one end, and he picked up her feet and draped them over his lap. He rubbed one foot and then the other without even thinking about it. They were such tiny feet compared to his size thirteens.

  “Mmm, that feels good. But don’t try to distract me.”

  “I’m not.” She was wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and looked adorable with her curls spread around her shoulders. He’d love to slide his hands through all those curls while he made love to her. Just thinking about it made him need to shift position so her feet wouldn’t rest against his erection. “What do you want to talk about, angel?”

  “What were you and Hank discussing? It’s not right if you don’t tell me.”

  “I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you. But I was hoping to get more information first.”

  “What did you find out?”

  “Do you remember Jim ever talking about a twin sister?”

  “I don’t think so. He has a twin?”

  “Yeah, and she took his death hard. She’s been in and out of mental facilities since then.”

  “Oh no. That’s horrible. But what does she have to do with me?”

  “We think she’s the one behind the phone calls at least. We were able to trace them back to her.”

  “Why? I’m surprised she even knows who I am.”

  “As near as we can figure, she saw the piece about you and the bakery. In her twisted mind, she probably blames you.”

  “But she never even met me. It makes no sense.”

  “It’s probably easier to blame someone she can see than the terrorists.”

  “But he was in Paris long before I got there.”

  “She’s unbalanced, and that makes her dangerous. I think she’s behind all the attacks.”

  “Really? She’s here, in Montana?”

  “Not that we can tell. As of yesterday, she was seen in Boston. I think she hired someone to hurt you, and it wasn’t enough, so she escalated, and today she almost killed you.”

  “But if she’s not here…”

  “If she hired someone she’s just as culpable.” Worry wrinkled Rori’s brow. He’d only succeeded in upsetting her when he should have been trying to get her to relax. But he didn’t want to keep information from her either. Technically, he worked for her, and she had a right to know it all.

  “What happens now?”

  “We’re trying to track her calls and movements. Keep an eye on her and see if she’s been in contact with anyone local. There was a guy hanging around in a leather jacket today that looked out of place, just looking around, then took off without buying anything. Later I saw him when we were pulling out of the parking lot.”

  “Is that why you yelled to stop?”

  “Yup. I guess it was a good thing too, at least it kept you from stepping on the gas.”

  “You think he’s involved?”

  “I don’t know, but he was at the accident scene, but Hank wasn’t able to grab him. For me, that’s too many coincidences.”

  Nodding, she chewed on her lower lip and stared at the wall. The wheels were definitely turning, and he’d give anything to know what she was thinking.

  “It’s all my fault, just like I told you. If Jim hadn’t proposed, then he’d be alive.”

  “You don’t know that. Don’t let his sister put thoughts in your head. He was a grown man, able to make his own decisions. He chose to be there.”

  “I know, my brain agrees, but not my heart. It’s hard.”

  “Yes, it is. It’s t
he same for us if we lose a team mate.

  He put her foot down and slowly ran his hand along her leg and under her pants until he reached the scarring from the bullet wounds.

  “It feels weird, right?”

  “Not really, mine is worse. Does it hurt still?”

  “Sometimes, mostly on cold or wet days.”

  “Mine too.”

  “Can I ask what happened? How you got the scar on your face and why you limp?”

  “My last mission was a total clusterfuck. I can’t really tell you much, it’s classified, but I lost a good friend. I had some substantial injuries, and two surgeries on my thigh. But I’m better, just not good enough to go back to my team.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s my own fault, I was distracted.” He wouldn’t tell her he’d been thinking about her. It had been his own fault, after Paris his mind just wasn’t on point like it had been and whenever he had downtime his mind wandered to thoughts of her. What was she doing, was she okay, was she happy? He’d had it bad.

  “I’m still sorry. You were wonderful in Paris. I know I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t come when you did. That’s twice you’ve saved me.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “Were you, today, just doing your job? You said last night you wanted more. Is that true?” What was she asking?

  “Yes, I don’t say anything I don’t mean.”

  “I’ve been thinking about things too. And then when we had the accident, I realized I didn’t want to die without making love with you.” Okay, he hadn’t seen that coming. The concussion, maybe?

  “I’d love to, but I don’t think you’re in any shape for that right now.”

  “I want you, Raptor. I need you, please don’t make me beg.” He couldn’t, he wanted her too much to make her beg. But he refused to cause her any more pain.

  “Are you sure? Because once you’re mine, I’m not letting you go. I can’t. Not after spending two years trying to find you.”

  “I’m sure. Raptor, please love me.”

  It was sheer force of will that stopped him from taking her, branding her with his seed. Instead, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. After pulling the comforter aside, he placed her on the bed and climbed in next to her, still fully dressed. The barrier of his clothing helped him hold on to his control. If he felt her skin against his, he’d be toast.

  “Rori, are you really sure?”

  “Yes, I want you so much it hurts.”

  He’d hate himself in the morning if he caused her any more pain, but at least he knew it wasn’t drugs talking, maybe adrenaline though. He understood her need, her desire, he just prayed he had the strength to maintain his control.

  Pulling her into his side, he kissed her. Sliding his tongue across her lips, she tasted so sweet. Taking possession, his tongue slipped between her lips and swept inside her mouth, drinking in her flavor.

  Craving burned within him, pushing him to take her, to be skin against skin, to possess her until he was all she could think about. Reality was like ice water on his libido when he pulled off her t-shirt. Bruises painted her chest from the airbag and matched the ones on her face. How could she not be in terrible pain? “I don’t want to hurt you, angel.”

  “You won’t, please, baby. I need you inside me.”

  He stood and removed his shirt but left his jeans on. His willpower was not a bottomless well, but if she wanted him, she’d get him, just not all, not yet.

  Climbing onto the bed, he straddled her legs and grasped her sweats by the waist until he’d pulled them off her legs, slowly. Like he was unwrapping an expensive piece of chocolate. She was even more beautiful than he’d thought possible and seeing her in just her bra and panties, he had trouble swallowing.

  “I know I’m not beautiful or thin…”

  “Shh, don’t you dare say anything bad about this body. It’s incredible, and now it’s mine, all mine, and I’m going to love every inch of you.”

  She blushed, and it traveled from her cheeks, down her neck, and across her chest. He was sad that the first time he was seeing her, she was in such pain. She might be trying to hide it, but it was visible in her deep blue eyes, as was her passion. He’d make sure the desire was stronger.

  Whoever had invented the front closure for bras should get some kind of award. It made life easier, and in this case, it was a life saver, as he opened the hooks and exposed two gorgeous globes of flesh. Her nipples were mauve and already hard little peaks. He’d dreamed of this moment for so long, and now that it was real it so much better than he could have imagined.

  Her skin was soft, like rose petals, and tasted of cinnamon and sugar. Teasing each of her nipples with his teeth and tongue, and hearing the sound of her moans filled him with need. She was the goddess of his dreams and had come to life to be spell him. He didn’t care, he’d gladly pledge the rest of his life to love every part of her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Every lick pushed her a little closer to the edge of the abyss. His mouth, his tongue, fingers, played with her body like she was something to be treasured. She ached for him, her core wet and ready for him, but he still had his pants on. Was he trying to drive her crazy?

  “Raptor, baby, please. I need you.”

  “And you’ll have me, angel. Tonight is all about you.”


  “What did I tell you about those buts? Let me love you, Rori, let me sate your desires.”

  “Oh God, this is torture.”

  “No, angel, this is love.” Then there was no more talking. He slid her soaked panties down her legs then spread them open. She thought she’d die of embarrassment as he stared at her woman parts. Then he traced his finger along her and scooped up some of her juices. Watching him slide his finger into his mouth and close his eyes, stoked the fires in her core. He was going to be the death of her yet.

  When his tongue touched her most sensitive spot, she arched off the bed. No one had ever done that for her before, and now she couldn’t believe what she’d been missing. Bright lights flashed in her eyes as her body shuddered and tightened, as he continued to lick, suck and nibble on her clit.

  As she came, she cried out, moaning his name like a mantra over and over, as she rode the waves of pleasure. Never had she experienced anything that came close to the heart pounding release that left her feeling boneless like a ragdoll.

  Raptor moved to lie next to her, and she cuddled against him. “Are you okay, my angel?”

  “Yes. Oh, my God, I had no idea.”

  “What do you mean? You’re not a virgin, are you?”

  “Oh no. But I was only with Jim and he never—” her voice trailed off, she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She wasn’t a prude, but sex wasn’t something she discussed with anyone.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, he didn’t know what he was missing.”

  “Can we do it again?”

  Raptor laughed and pulled her closer. “Anytime you want, and more, so much more. I am looking forward to teaching you so many things. But you need to heal first. Then you can really enjoy it.”

  “But you didn’t…”

  “I told you, tonight was about you. I meant what I said last night. You will always come first.”

  Joy filled her to overflowing, but there was sadness as well, for what would never be. Raptor made her complete in ways Jim never had, maybe he’d never been the right person for her. But would he want to spend the rest of his life in Montana when he’d traveled the world? His friends were all in Florida, and so was his job. Pushing the thoughts from her head, she focused on the feel of his arms around her, the beat of his heart against her cheek, and the love filling her to the brim.

  “Can I get you anything? Some water? Food?”

  “Water and a Tylenol would be great.”

  “See I knew you should have filled that script.”

  “No, it’s not bad, except for the pounding in my head. I’m really fin

  “Hell yeah, you are, better than fine, and you better never forget it.”

  Would she ever stop blushing when he said stuff like that? She loved how open he was, and how concerned about her wellbeing above and beyond the call of duty. But it was more, she loved him. There was no way to protect her heart, she no longer had it, she’d given it to her protector.

  He'd just stepped into the bedroom with her water when the building shook from the force of a loud blast. It almost knocked Raptor off his feet.

  “What the fuck? Put some clothes on but stay inside for now. Unless you smell smoke don’t come out.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To catch the motherfucker. He’s going to learn what it means to mess with my woman.”

  “Please don’t go. Let’s just call the sheriff.”

  “Call Hank instead, I’m sure someone already called the sheriff.”

  “I’ll be right back. I love you, angel.”

  And he was gone. She hadn’t even had a chance to tell him she loved him too. Please, God, don’t let anything happen to him. Getting up, she pulled on her clothes and called the Patterson’s.

  “Rori? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. There was an explosion and Raptor went to check.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In my apartment.”

  “Good, stay there. I’m on my way.”

  What was it with these men? Every last one of them was bossy. When all of this was settled, she was going to have a long talk with Raptor about bossing her around. Tears of worry filled her eyes, she couldn’t lose him now. God couldn’t be that cruel. He had to be okay.

  Her cell rang a moment later, it was Sadie.

  “What’s going on? Hank said something blew up.”

  “I don’t know more than that. Raptor ran downstairs to check it out, but he said he’d be right back.”

  “Ah honey, he’ll be okay. All the teams’ guys manage to get out of the worst situations. This is nothing for him.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. I know I am. Do you want me to come over?”


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