Spicy Seduction

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by Walters, Janet Lane;

  “Into the bedroom. There’s something I have to get from downstairs.”


  “Protection. I’ve never been with a woman without using a condom.”

  “Never. Even when you were a teen?”

  He ran a hand down her back. “Not even then. That was one lesson my father taught me.”

  Grace smiled. His words removed any suspicion Charlene had raised. The other woman had lied about Jules being her son’s father.

  As Jules dashed downstairs Grace had time to think. Did she really want to do this? Memories of last night’s shattering climax beneath his caresses arose. Did he realize she had never done this before?

  Scenes from the past flooded her thoughts. Her mother’s screams filled her head. The musty odor of the closet blended with the smell of booze and pot. She fought regression into the emotions of that frightened child.

  Last night Jules had been loving but she doubted love was in his thoughts. The waves of fulfillment she’d felt during the climax had been wonderful. She wanted to feel them again. Only with Jules. Her crush of years ago had blossomed into love. He’d been the faceless man of her dreams. How she wished he could be that man in reality.

  Not going to happen.

  She drew a deep breath. There was no guarantee of anything lasting beyond the wedding. He would flit like a bee seeking a new flower. She wanted him, even needed him enough to accept what he offered. Grace clutched her hands. She wouldn’t beg. She would let him go.

  Jules entered the bedroom. He dropped packets on the bedside table and joined her on the bed. He drew her into his arms. Her breasts pressed against his muscular chest. She opened to him. Tongues flicked together. She tasted the spices that had seasoned their food.

  For a long time they kissed and touched. She felt his erection grow against her belly. Wanting to bring him closer, she raised one of her legs over his.

  He released the kiss. “A bit dangerous. Love. Don’t tempt the dude. He has no caution.” He rolled away and reached for one of the packets.

  “Must we rush?” she asked.

  He rolled to his back. “Just a precaution. I want to kiss and touch every part of you.”

  She watched as he rolled the condom over his penis. Next time, hers would be the hand sheathing him. Twice, she thought.

  He rolled her to her stomach. She felt him leave the bed. “Don’t go.”

  “I’m not. Just went for this.”

  She felt his hands on her shoulders and caught the vanilla scent of the lotion Lauren had given her for her hands. Jules kneaded the muscles of her shoulders. She felt the knots uncoil. His erection brushed over her butt. She wiggled and tried to open her legs but his knees pressed against her thighs.

  ”Relax,” he said.

  “I might fall asleep.”

  “I don’t think that will happen.” His hands moved down her back stroking the sides and then he reached her rear. He massaged the fleshy parts with a finger sliding between her thighs to stroke and retreat. Before she could protest he moved down her legs until he touched her feet. He cradled one in his hands and stroked.

  Words of love she couldn’t say filled her thoughts. To say them would make Jules cease the magical sensations rolling through her body.

  When he finished massaging her feet, he turned her to her back. His mouth fastened on hers, his tongue thrusting in movements captured by her body. His hands found her breasts. He pulled and rolled her nipples. Each movement sent currents to settle between her legs. One of his hands trailed over her body and slid between her thighs. He parted her labia and laughed.

  “You’re ready for me.”

  “Yes, oh, yes.”

  He released her mouth and slid her legs over his thighs. He stroked and stimulated with hands, mouth and tongue until she felt as though she would soar.

  “Now,” she said.

  “Just what I was planning, love.”

  He slid his erection over her clit and began to slowly enter. “So tight. So slick.”

  She wrapped her legs around his hips to press him closer. He began a slow slide and retreat. She feared he would stop. She grabbed his head and pulled it down so their lips touched. Her tongue slid into his mouth. He thrust again and she felt a tearing sensation. Soon the rhythm of his thrusts set her moving to match his pace. Any discomfort vanished. She tensed her inner muscles tighter and again the tidal waves washed over her.

  Jules roared her name. Thrust once and twice and collapsed.

  Grace stroked sweat from his face. She kissed him. “I love you.” She hoped those words were only whispered in her thoughts.

  She lay cradled in his arms and drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Jules held Grace while she slept. Though he tried he couldn’t doze off. Her whispered words spiraled through his thoughts. Had she meant those words or had they slipped out at the height of her orgasm? The climax had been so forceful he had nearly echoed her words. Lord, what a mistake that would have been.

  He ran a finger over her face. Those words made acid roil in is gut. How often had his parents spoken of their love for him? He had believed and they had betrayed his trust. The moment they had died he created walls around his emotions.

  As she sank deeper into sleep, Grace’s breathing slowed. Jules closed his eyes and tried to drift off. Something tickled his thoughts but he couldn’t pin down what nagged him. He slid his arm from beneath Grace. She turned on her side. He left the bed and stopped short.

  She had been tight, so very tight. He’d been afraid he might hurt her until she’d used her feet on his ass to more him forward. Was it possible? He reached for the condom he had dropped in the wastebasket and carried it to the bathroom. He saw blood on the sheath. He held in a groan. The things Grace had said about her mother rose. Her actions last night had shown her inexperience but some women didn’t involve themselves in oral sex.

  “Can I do for you what you did for me?”

  He wanted to shout a denial. Had he been her first? He knew the answer was yes.

  Jules fled the bathroom and dashed downstairs nearly crashing into the wall when he made the turn at the landing. He grabbed his clothes and sank on the couch to dress. The intensity of the connection to Grace and the realization of all she’d given to him brought added to his anger at himself. He was no better than the men who had come home with her mother. He’d betrayed Grace’s trust because he couldn’t offer more than those men had given her mother.

  Not money or drugs. All he’d brought was a contract for a feature in a magazine guaranteed to send her bakery to the top.

  I love you. Those whispered words burned like acid. He didn’t know what he felt other than disgust with himself. Grace wasn’t the type to play games. Not in the past or today.

  He had to escape. A vise gripped his chest. He gulped breaths but the tightness remained. He needed to decide how to repair the damage. A half laugh half groan escaped. There was one way but he wasn’t ready. How could he trust her not to walk away like every other important person in his life?

  He pulled on his boots, shoved his arms into his coat and slipped into the night. As he drove away he knew he followed the pattern he’d chosen after his father’s death in prison and his mother’s suicide.

  Walk away first.

  When he reached Tony’s house, he let himself inside. He crept upstairs, grabbed his belongings and jotted a note.

  Had to return to the city. Meet and greet done at the bakery. Talk to you on Monday.

  He couldn’t tell Tony there was no chance for him to be best man. Between now and the rehearsal he had to come to grips with what he’d done so he and Grace could manage two days together. He crept downstairs, left the key on the hall table and walked to the Jeep.

  The drive took him along nearly deserted roads where snow still clung to the trees. Along the sides of the road, the white of yesterday was stained with dark streaks. Just like he had stained any hope of a relationship with Grace. As he crossed
the bridge and entered the city regrets churned his thoughts.

  What would he do about Grace? She loved him. Love was wisps of smoke easily scattered by the winds of everyday living. He was attracted to her. He enjoyed her company. Their love-making had involved more than sexual release. The past two nights had raised memories of the past to hover wraith-like in his thoughts.

  He seldom examined those troubled times. Returning to the place where his life had changed so drastically had given body to the ghosts dancing in his dreams. Was he as self-centered as his parents? He feared the truth.

  He pulled into the space in the parking garage and rode the express elevator to the top floor. His plans for obtaining Grace’s signature had worked but success had left him cold.

  After checking his messages he paced across the living room to the bedroom and back. The worst scenario caused by his actions might come true. On Monday he’d have to tell Allie he’d failed. How could he expect Grace to sign the contract and how could he explain why he had failed?

  * * * *

  Grace stretched and reached for Jules. The sheets where he’d lain were cold. She rolled to her side. Only a faint trace of his scent remained on the pillow. Light filtered from the bathroom. Of course. She tossed the comforter aside. A frown wrinkled her forehead. No sound of running water. She pulled on a robe, checked the empty bathroom and ran downstairs. His clothes were gone. A sinking feeling settled in her gut. What had she done wrong? Why had he left?

  A few tears fell. She pressed her fingers against the tear ducts to halt the flow. She had no reason to cry. She’d known nothing between her and Jules could last. Anger warred with acceptance. The man was a player and she had been played.

  She stared at the pages of the contract neatly stacked on the dining room table. An urge to rip them into confetti rose. Her hands shook as she lifted them. She couldn’t. After drawing a deep breath she found an envelope. This afternoon she would show the papers to Tony.

  Her shoulders slumped. With a sigh she plodded upstairs. She opened the wall-in closet and stared at the dress the color of holly berries Lauren had chosen for her maid of honor. Could she stand with Jules at the rehearsal and ceremony knowing any chance she had to receive his love was gone? She clamped her teeth. She could. He would be the one to regret walking away.

  She reheated some of the remains of last night’s dinner for breakfast. As she planned her day, anger pulsed in her thoughts until depression settled on her shoulders. She shook her head. She wouldn’t let him ruin the day. Like a whirlwind, she vacuumed the rugs, changed the sheets, started a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. She showered and dressed.

  When she left the house she drove to the bakery. After putting covers over her boots she took the box with eighteen different cupcakes for Lauren and Tony to choose the ones they wanted for the display from the cooler. She stepped into her office for the books. Tonight she planned to work on them.

  After putting the box and books on the passenger’s seat, she drove to the group home. By the time she rounded the van, Charlene had opened the passenger’s door.

  “You’re a liar. I knew you had more.”

  “Don’t touch that box. They’re an order I’m delivering for a tasting.” She reached around Charlene, slammed the door and locked the van.

  “You almost smashed my fingers,” Charlene said.

  “They were where they didn’t belong.”

  “You’re so selfish.”

  Grace ran up the walk to the kitchen door. “And you’re greedy.” She knocked and opened the door. “Hi,” she called.

  Mrs. Patterson looked up. “About time you got here. Charlene has good news that calls for one of your chocolate cakes.”

  Grace washed her hands. “I can’t stay long. I have a tasting for a wedding. Lauren and Tony want a tower of cupcakes.”

  Mrs. Patterson scowled. “And they’re more important than doing something for me.”

  “It’s business.” Grace began seasoning the roasting chickens. “You have my recipe for the cake. That’s all you need.”

  “She’s selfish,” Charlene said. “Will you bake a cake for my wedding? Cupcakes aren’t at all sophisticated. The man I’m marrying is very rich.”

  Grace turned. “Really. Who might that be?

  Charlene ignored her, “Mama, Monday morning Mr. Gumble is serving him with papers for back child support. More than nine years. I’ll have a lot of money.”

  “What if he won’t pay?” Mrs. Patterson asked.

  “No way he’s wiggling out of this.” Charlene laughed. “If he wants to pay less, he can marry me. I’ll be out of this dump and living in New York City.”

  Grace frowned. “What are you talking about? Just how did Derek come into money? Did he rob a bank?”

  Charlene’s shrill laughter cut like a wire. “Derek’s a fool. Years ago I told you who my baby’s daddy was,”

  Grace hadn’t believed Charlene then or now. She’d never witnessed any liking on Jules’ part toward the bleached blonde. He’d always brushed off Charlene’s blatant attempts to corner him.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Grace said. “Jules has some powerful friends.”

  “Just because he stopped by your shop and pretended not to know me doesn’t mean he didn’t follow me to my place. We had a grand reunion.”

  “Didn’t happen.”

  “How would you know?”

  “He came to the shop to discuss a feature for Cupcakes in Good Cookin’. We spent the evening over dinner discussing the contract. We talked about the past and your name never came up.”

  Charlene stepped closer. “Stay out of this. Don’t ruin things for me and my folks. You owe us big time.”

  Grace gulped a breath. For years she had believed she owed the Pattersons for her care. For that reason, she came on Sundays to cook. She covered the chicken with foil and put them in the huge oven. “A half hour before they’re done, remove the foil so the skin will brown.” She removed her apron.”

  “Where are you going?” Mrs. Patterson asked. “What about the potatoes, gravy and vegetables? You need to help with them and bake that cake.”

  Grace’s hands clenched. She’d been an easy mark. What had been an act of kindness on her part had become a demanded duty. “I have an appointment. I told Charlene last night to pass the message along.” Though she would arrive at Lauren’s and Tony’s early, they wouldn’t mind, especially when she told them what Charlene planned.

  A sneer spread over Charlene’s face. “Gonna suck up to your soon-to-be rich friend? Lauren knows how to play the game. So do I. Just you wait and see.”

  Grace strode to the door. Mrs. Patterson followed. “It’s not right you running off. Since you come back you’ve always cooked Sunday dinner. Are you jealous Charlene snagged herself a rich man? Glad she finally admitted that Grayson boy give her Robby.”

  Grace ran down the walk to the van. She pulled from the curb before Charlene or her mother arrived. Once she’d driven several blocks she pulled over. Rage shook her body. For an instant she considered Jules’ hasty departure. Had he gone to Charlene? Doubt slithered beneath her memories of how Jules had avoided the other girl years ago.

  She thought back to that time. Charlene had never told the truth when she thought a lie would work. Besides Jules had said he’d never had sex without protection even as a teen. She needed to warn him about Charlene’s intentions but she had no way to reach him. Tony would know.

  She pulled onto the street and drove. After reaching the huge house she parked in the driveway. With the box of cupcakes in hand she hurried up the walk to the house.

  Lauren opened the door. “You’re early.”

  “I know but I need to talk to Tony. He has to call Jules.”

  “What did he do to you?”

  Grace blushed and looked away. “It’s not about me.”

  Lauren took the box. Grace hung her coat in the hall closet and followed her friend down the hall. “Where
’s Jamie?”

  "In the family room with the sitter.” Lauren paused. “Something happened. Jules crept out during the night. Left a note.”

  Grace shrugged. More than he’d left her. “I have no idea why but there’s something he needs to know. And I’ve business for Tony to clear.”

  “About what?”

  “The contract with Good Cookin’ and something Charlene plans.”

  “That witch.”

  Grace laughed. “Change the ‘w’ to a ‘b’ and you have what she is. Upset me so much I didn’t stay to finish cooking dinner. Mrs. Patterson got all bent and angry.”

  “Why you go there every Sunday makes me question your sanity. She uses you.”

  “I know.” Grace sighed. “I’m going to stop but I do feel sorry for the girls.”

  “So do I but I’m glad you’ve finally seen what Charlene and her mother are up to.” They paused in the doorway of Tony’s home office.

  He looked up. “Time for the tasting.”

  “Not yet. Grace needs your advice.” Lauren carried the box away. “I’ll get things set up.”

  Grace walked to the desk. “I have a contract for you to look at. That’s first. Then, well, Jules has a problem.”

  “Sit.” Tony waved to a chair. He slid the pages from the envelope and read them. “I’m sure Jules explained the terms. Do you have any questions?”

  “Just a fear I’m moving too fast.”

  “You aren’t. I’m here to help. If you need money, just ask. Either as a loan or an investment. Do think about doing a cookbook. Just sign and I’ll send it to Jules by messenger tomorrow morning.” He handed her a pen.

  As Grace signed her hand cramped. She drew a deep breath. “Here’s hoping.”

  Tony put the papers in his briefcase. “What did Jules do?”

  Grace settled back in the chair. “It’s more about what he hasn’t done. Yesterday Charlene Patterson ran into him at the bakery. She pretended she didn’t know him and left. Must have sought some attorney named Gumble. She claims Jules is the father of her son.”


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