Spicy Seduction

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Spicy Seduction Page 7

by Walters, Janet Lane;

  “No way,” Tony said.

  Grace nodded. “Charlene lied. Jules never has sex without protection.”

  Tony arched a brow. “I won’t ask how you know that.”

  “Charlene said her attorney is serving Jules with papers for back child support tomorrow.”

  “How can she prove that?”

  Grace leaned forward. “The boy is the right age. I don’t think there’s anything else. Oh, besides child support she thinks she can force him to marry her.”

  “Not going to happen.” Tony reached for his cell and ran a finger down the screen. He pressed something. “Jules, Tony here. Call me ASAP.” He tried a second number and left the same message. “Looks like he’s not answering his phone.”

  “What else can we do?”

  “You nothing, unless you have more information. I’ll stop by his office tomorrow. This Charlene will be surprised when we demand a paternity test. If she refuses having one, a judge will order one.”

  The tension in Grace’s shoulders eased. Could the problem be easily solved?

  Tony rose. “Let’s lunch on cupcakes and enjoy a sugar high.”

  As she followed Tony, Grace’s thoughts roiled. How would Jules react to the news?

  Chapter Nine

  Jules sat in the coffee shop and sipped the beverage. The bitter taste lingered in his mouth. Not as smooth as the cups he’d drunk at Grace’s shop or her condo. He popped a piece of cinnamon roll into his mouth and made a face. Tasted nothing like the cupcake Grace had baked.

  He clenched his jaw and pushed thoughts of the weekend aside. The attempt failed. Everything reminded him of Grace and sex. He’d spent yesterday roaming the city streets and the night tossing and turning while chasing illusive sleep. Tony had left a dozen messages he hadn’t returned.

  What was he going to do about Grace? Would she even talk to him? He glanced at his watch. Nine thirty. He had to hit the office, call Allie and tell her he had failed. All because he’d let the dude take control.

  He dumped the roll and coffee in the trash and stepped into the biting wind of the winter day. Puddles of melted snow hid sheets of black ice. Walking became a challenge. Memories of the two nights with Grace haunted his thoughts. The sex had been explosive. So had the sharing of their pasts. What would have happened if she hadn’t said no ten years ago? The answer rocked him. He pressed a hand against the brick wall of a building. Ten years ago he would have fallen in love. Maybe he still hovered on the edge but he’d blown any chance of forever.


  Instead of facing his feelings he had run back to the city where shallowness was the norm. Who needed to invest emotions when most of the people you met were little more than strangers? Though he had a few friends their lives had changed. Their carefree days had ended in marriage. He groaned. The rest of his life would be lived on the surface. Grace would never trust him again.

  Moments later he entered his office. Mrs. Jamison smiled. “You’re late. That’s a first.” Her eyes narrowed. “You look awful. Are you ill?”

  He was but not physically. “I’ll live. I need to make some phone calls. Anything I should know.”

  She handed him an envelope. This arrived by messenger ten minutes ago. Allie Blakefield called for a report on some project. Tony’s on his way and a Mr. Gumble wants to see you at ten fifteen.”

  Jules clutched the envelope. He knew the content. An unsigned contract. What did Tony want? “This Gumble? Did he say what business he has with me?”

  “Only that it concerned a matter of importance.”

  Jules entered his office and opened the envelope. For a moment he stared. She had signed. A warm feeling stabbed his chest. Though he wondered why she hadn’t returned shredded paper he couldn’t ask. One of his problems solved. He didn’t have to confess to failure. He pulled up a number and hit speed dial.

  “Allie, it’s Jules.”


  “Welcome back. I’m holding the signed contract. Only difference is the owner wants to wait until November or December. Oh, she’s developed a fruitcake one that’s light, flavorful and plain delicious.”

  “Really. Usually hate fruitcake. I’ll order some. Looks like your charm was needed.”

  “Something like that. How was your trip?”

  “Italy was wonderful. The food fabulous and the country fascinating. That’s all I’ll say. Send the contract over. I’ll tell you about Italy at Tony’s wedding.”

  Jules buzzed Mrs. Jamison. He handed her the contract. “Send this over to Good Cookin’.”

  “Will do.”

  Tony slid past her. His words indicated a problem. Had Grace opted out as maid of honor if he was to be best man?”

  Jules faced his friend. “Sorry.”

  “Me, too. What happened?”

  Jules shrugged. “A touch of panic.’

  “You. Do not believe that for a second. You got the contract. Anything happen I need to know?” Tony sank on one of the soft leather chairs in front of the desk.


  Tony arched a brow. “She turned you down.”

  Jules’ hands clenched. The intercom buzzed. “Mr. Gumble is here. He’s an attorney and demands to see you immediately.”

  “Show him in.” Meeting this stranger was one way to halt Tony’s probing.

  “We need to talk first,” Tony said.

  “Too late. You can go. I’ll call this afternoon.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  The door opened. A heavy-set balding man ambled inside. “Mr. Grayson.”

  Jules nodded. “What can I do for you?”

  Mr. Gumble pointed to Tony. “Send your friend away. I’m sure you don’t want him to hear what I have to say.”

  “I’m not leaving.” Tony crossed his arms. “I’m his attorney.”

  “Then you know why I’m here.”

  “I do but he doesn’t.” Tony turned to Jules. “You should answer your calls.”

  “What’s going on?” Jules asked.

  The older man opened his briefcase and pulled out several papers. “I’m here on behalf of Robby Patterson and his mother, Charlene Patterson. I’ve papers for you to sign. You can make arrangements for the payment of the back child support she demands. She’s named you as her son’s father. “

  Jules’ mouth gaped. “Why would she do that? She never was one of my friends.”

  “We can make this easy or hard. She’ll settle for much less if you agree to marry her.”

  Jules laughed. “In a pig’s eye.”

  Tony grabbed Jules’ arm and turned to the older man. “What proof have you for naming Mr. Grayson as the father of this child?”

  "Ms. Patterson’s sworn word. The child’s age. Mr. Grayson’s presence in the house next door. His reputation.”

  “Proves nothing,” Tony said. “From what I understand there were seven other teenage boys living in that house at that time. Tell Ms. Patterson this. My client insists on a paternity test. If Ms. Patterson refuses to volunteer, I’ll go for a court order.” He smiled. “I’ve heard stories about her less than sterling reputation.”

  Jules looked from one man to the other. “This is what I have to say. I never touched Charlene. I’ll go for the test. That will settle this matter.”

  Tony pulled a card from his briefcase. “This is the name of a reputable lab. She can call for instructions.”

  Jules walked to the door. “The sooner the better.”

  Mr. Gumble glared. “Don’t think this means you’ll win. How can you deny her story?”

  “Easily. Never happened.”

  Tony grasped Jules’ arm. “Enough. Mr. Gumble, inform your client of our terms. We will await her decision and the results of the test.” He followed the older man to the door.

  The door closed. Jules slumped against the wall. “That was fun.”

  “Any chance the child is yours?”

  Jules scowled. “Charlene’s pants were the last pair I wanted inside. How d
id you learn about this?”

  “Thank Grace. Charlene bragged to her.”

  Jules’ hands clenched. After what he did to her, she had reached out to help him. Tony was right. He needed to find a way to show her he wasn’t all bad. For some reason she believed in him.

  Tony reached for the door. “Must have been some talk you and she had. Understand you always use condoms.”

  Jules’ face heated. “You’re right.”


  “Practical. Give me the name of the lab and I’ll head there now.”

  “You need to talk to Grace. Avoiding won’t do either of you any good.”

  “One thing at a time.” Jules opened the door and ushered his friend out.

  * * * *

  On Tuesday morning the moment Bonnie arrived Grace retreated to her office. She had expected Jules to call and at least thank her for the warning and the signed contract. When he did she would ask what she had done wrong Saturday night. Had he heard her whispered words and left because for him what had happened had been nothing more than great sex?

  You can’t go there.

  She heard the bell over the door chime. Her heart danced in her chest. She pressed her hands against the desk.

  “You can’t go back there,” Bonnie shouted.

  Had Jules planned another invasion? Hope flared like a rocket.

  The aroma of cheap perfume announced her visitor. Charlene stormed in. She paused in front of the desk. “I hate you. You ruined things.”

  “Ruined What?”

  “My plans. My lawyer said Jules had his present when he arrived to inform him of the suit and give him a chance to settle quickly. They insist I submit Robby to a paternity test. The only way he could have known was if you told him.” She laughed. “Fooled them. Pulled him out of school and sent him away.”

  Grace’s hand hovered over the phone. “What he asked for makes sense. Don’t you listen to the news? If Jules is Robby’s father, the test will prove the relationship. Jules would be a fool not to demand one, especially since so many years have passed.”

  “He’s not gonna get Robby’s and you can tell him so.” Charlene glared. “That lawyer asked Derek for a sample. The fool accepted a ride to the city with Lauren’s fiancé. Why did he stick his nose in?

  Grace hid a smile with her hand. “Tony happens to be Jules’ attorney. His father was the one who got Jules out of the trouble you tried to pin on him years ago. Bet he’d give you and Robby a ride.”

  “Ain’t gonna happen.” Charlene rounded the desk and slapped Grace. “You’re gonna have to tell my lawyer what I told you years ago.”

  Grace rose. “And I’ll also tell him I didn’t believe you then and I still don’t.”

  “How can you do this to us? Mama’s gonna be hurt. Daddy, too. After all they took care of you for years.”

  Grace stepped toward Charlene. “And they were paid to keep me. Plus I did cleaning and cooking when I lived there. I’m tired of being told I owe them. I’ve paid them back hundreds of times.”

  “You’re gonna be sorry.” Charlene whirled and stomped to the door.

  Grace slumped in the chair and let the things Charlene had said filter through her thoughts. What was Tony’s cell number? She found it in her book and dialed. The call went straight to voice mail. She called Lauren. “It’s Grace.”

  “A problem. You sound tense.”

  “Just recovering from a visit by Charlene. She said something Tony and Jules need to know. Tony must have his phone off.”

  “So tell me and I’ll pass it along. He’s in an all day meeting.”

  Grace repeated what Charlene had said. “She’s mean and spiteful.”

  “I know she hasn’t gone for the test. Tony and Jules are meeting with her attorney tomorrow afternoon. Where do you think she’s hidden Robby? If Tony knew that would help his case.”

  “Charlene sure won’t tell me. Blames me for ruining her plans for wealth.”

  “What about Mrs. Patterson.”

  “Doubtful but I can try.”

  “Anything you can learn will help.”

  Grace hung up and stared at the phone. Could she learn something from Mrs. Patterson? Was worth a try. She dialed the group home. One of the girls answered.

  “It’s Grace is Mrs. P. there?”

  The girl giggled. “She’s off somewhere. Place was jumping earlier.”

  "How so?”

  “Charlene came storming in dragging Robby and a suitcase. She was yelling about how she had to hide him. She and Mrs. P talked. Then Mrs. P took Robby away. Derek came to the house and demanded to see Robby. Charlene screamed at him.”

  “Any idea where they went?”

  “Heard her say something about her sister in Rock Point. Do you need her for something?”

  “Nothing important. I’ll call later.”

  “Guess what. We helped her with the cake on Sunday. Turned out pretty good. Can you believe Charlene’s going to marry some rich man?”

  “I doubt that will happen.”

  The girl giggled. “Do you think it’s another of her lies?”

  Grace hung up and called Lauren. “This is what I learned.”

  “Great. Jules owes you a special present.”

  “Talk to you later.” Grace walked to the kitchen and donned her apron. Losing herself in a new recipe would keep her from thinking about Jules. She just might perfect the mocha cupcake.

  Chapter Ten

  Jules sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his temples. His life had imploded for the second time. Once again he’d done nothing wrong. He certainly never had sex with Charlene. Tony insisted the paternity test would prove he wasn’t the father. Jules groaned. He wanted to punch walls or better…Charlene. His head spun like he rode a merry-go-round. He needed a diversion to keep from thinking about the never-ending ride.

  In the bathroom he stepped into the shower. Charlene had hidden her son to prevent exposure of her lie. Her refusal would win the case for him but doubts would remain. Why did that matter so much?

  As though he’d been slammed by a sledge hammer he realized why. Grace would never marry a man who had deserted a child even if the child wasn’t his.

  He stepped from the shower and wrapped a towel around his hips. As he studied his wardrobe the phone blared with Tony’s ring.

  He answered. “What now?”

  “You owe Grace a big hug. She gave Lauren a clue to where Charlene hid the boy.”

  He owed her things Tony would never think about. A hundred orgasms for a start. “That’s good news.”

  “Good and bad. Derek’s on the hunt. He knows more about the Pattersons than I could discover quickly. I’ve scheduled a meeting with Gumble at his office this afternoon.”

  “I want to be there.”

  “Figured you would. Come to the house around three thirty so we can plan a strategy. Meetings at four thirty.”

  “See you then.” The pounding headache ebbed. Jules rose. He needed a job to keep from seeking Charlene and stomping her.

  He laughed. There was a way. He left the apartment, grabbed a large coffee and reached the office. Mrs. Jamison looked up. “Morning. You look better.”

  “Feel better too.” He strode into his office and booted the computer. What was the name of the diner just outside the village? Moments later he had a name and a number. He dialed and leaned back in the chair. A woman answered.

  “I’d like to speak to Joe Trent.”

  Moments later a gruff voice responded. “Trent here.”

  “I’m calling for the owner of Cupcakes Sweet and Spicy.”

  “Popular shop in the village.”

  Jules smiled. “With great cupcakes. I understand you’d like to increase your order.”

  “Definitely. Why are you calling? You’re not one of the partners.”

  “And who are they?”

  “Everyone knows.” Mr. Trent chuckled. “Girl the Pattersons took in opened the bakery and made them partners. Cha
rlene usually delivers my order.”

  “Do you pay by check?”

  “Naw. Give her cash.”

  Interesting. He questioned the man a bit more about the prices. “Thanks for the information. Ms. Sutton will speak to you about your order. She’s taking over that aspect from Charlene.”

  Jules hung up and pumped his fist in the air. Got you, Charlene. Wait until he told Grace. This afternoon’s meeting with Mr. Gumble was about to take an interesting turn.

  He let the chair down. Was this prying into lives and businesses what he wanted to do with his life? He had a degree in finance and accounting. Curiosity and his inability to trust people had led him to his current career as an investigator. Lately most of his business had come from the Good Magazine Group. He’d even found a lost heir for one of the editors.

  His feet hit the floor. He trusted his friends. What he was doing had become stale. He needed new challenges. Maybe he could marry a baker and find a way to be a help in her business. He could even become a baker.

  The last thought teased. First Charlene’s threat had to end. Then he’d find a new direction.

  After a quick lunch at his desk he asked Mrs. Jamison to hold all calls. He went to his apartment, packed and set off for Tony’s house.

  At four thirty he and Tony walked up the stairs to the law offices of Mr. Gumble above a cluster of village shops. “Nice location.”

  Tony nodded. “Looked into my opponent. He owns the entire corner block. Heard he’s greedy and just a few steps above shady. Man has a nose for money.”

  “He’s getting none of mine.” Jules chuckled. “Did some investigating too. Hope Charlene comes. I want to see her face when I spring my news.”

  Tony glanced over his shoulder. “What are you planning?”

  “A small surprise.”

  “Tell me.”

  Jules shook his head. “I want you to be as surprised as everyone else who doesn’t know what I learned.”

  Tony opened the door. Jules followed him into a waiting area that screamed money.

  “Mr. Carlin and Mr. Grayson to see Mr. Gumble,”

  The receptionist pressed a button. “He’s expecting you.”

  “Is his client here?” Tony asked.

  “We’re expecting her at any minute.” She opened the door into a spacious corner room. A conference table faced a large expanse of glass overlooking the street.


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