SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 2 (SESSIONS Serial): The Sex Shrink of Seattle

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SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 2 (SESSIONS Serial): The Sex Shrink of Seattle Page 1

by Kailin Gow


  The Sex Shrink of Seattle

  VOL. 2

  Kailin Gow

  SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle Vol. 2

  Published by Kailin Gow Books


  Copyright © 2014 Kailin Gow

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  First Edition.

  Printed in the United States of America.


  To UC Irvine, where I was privileged to be a peer counselor and program coordinator for women at the Women’s Center while as an undergraduate and also where I took a bunch of psychology and human sexuality courses for my Social Ecology major. Who knew years from now back then, I would be writing a book about a bad boy Sex Therapist from Seattle who had a thing or two to learn still about women J Enjoy!


  Decisive and assured are two words that I have always prided myself on being. However, with Lina I was neither, longing to be near her and also wanting to stay away. What was going on with me? This was unfamiliar ground and it disturbed me to my very core. So, despite my agreeing to take her on as a client, I was going to attempt to keep her as far away as possible for as long as possible. I needed to figure this entire thing out or find a cure from the lusty disease she’d given me.

  “You have a new appointment added in today,” Brandi said to me as I walked in the office.

  “I thought my schedule was full.” I stopped and looked at her, waiting to find out who had cancelled.

  “It was, but Ms. Demroux canceled hers and right after we hung up, I got a call from Lina Lee, asking if you had an opening. So, I gave it to her.”

  “What? She’s scheduled for Friday and I was going to have to cancel that…unforeseen circumstances.”

  “Well, then it all works out. She can see you today.”

  “It’s too soon,” I said. I looked at Brandi and she was looking at me very suspiciously.

  “I don’t understand,” she said to me, cocking her head to one side and tapping the pen in her hand on the desk top.

  “It’s not really up to you to understand, is it?” I snapped. Was it Brandi’s fault? Certainly not, but I didn’t need her questioning me needlessly.

  “Okay,” she said, raising her eye brows at me. I went off to my office and left her to clean up the mess I’d gotten myself into.

  An email ding came through on my laptop. I looked down and read: Ms. Lee would like to come in tomorrow. Would that work for you?

  My response: No. I have an emergency session with Pepper Snow; all day long.

  I got back to work then, and I use that term loosely, because I was out of sorts about everything. My day hadn’t gotten off to a good start and it was not like my typical day, which always flowed just the way I wanted it to.

  My odd behavior toward Brandi had made me start to feel bad so I decided to go out there and apologize, which was equally odd for me but it would feel better. It wasn’t that I was opposed to apologizing, if necessary. I felt this was necessary.

  I walked out and Brandi looked up at me, smiling and waiting for me to speak. “Thanks for taking care of everything for me. I appreciate it. I’m a bit off this morning.”

  “I forgive you. I told Ms. Lee to try back next week. I said this week was all booked up and some unexpected emergencies came up.”

  “Was she understanding?”

  “I guess so,” Brandi said, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s not like we had a riveting conversation about your obvious desire to avoid her.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing,” I justified.

  Brandi laughed at me. “Simon, I know your actions better than just about anyone. Yes, that scares you, but you don’t have to worry about me. I’m on your side, always looking out for you.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “I can’t wait to get out on the golf course this week, let off a little steam and have some fun.”

  “That’ll be nice,” Brandi said.

  The phone rang and I gave a quick nod, walking back into my office. Once inside, I pulled out my cell phone and called my florist, ordering an arrangement for Brandi. It was a small gesture, but I knew I had a good thing with her as my secretary and I planned on keeping her around as long as possible. And, knowing women, money isn’t always enough. It’s the other gestures that add up, too.

  Chapter 1

  Finally it was Wednesday and I was ready to golf. The day was bright and sunny, we had a tee-time at 10 a.m. and were set for eighteen holes at my favorite Seattle course, The Golf Club at Newcastle, and I was going to have a fun day with my father, Matt, and one of his clients. It was an ideal way to get women off my mind and rejuvenate in the salty, Seattle air.

  I walked down to the parking garage, deciding to take my Jaguar convertible to the club that day. It would be great to have the roof down and feel the freedom that comes with driving a convertible out of the city and to the club. I carefully placed my clubs in the trunk, not wanting to scratch any part of my car, which I loved. People who said material possessions didn’t bring you true happiness were wrong. My car made me happy, always performed to perfection, and didn’t need any attention other than gas, a polish, and a thrilling drive.

  A half hour later, with my foot on the brakes, I pulled up to the front of the club. A valet ran over to the driver’s side door immediately, ready to earn his tip. I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw my hair was still perfectly in place and got out. My Matte Grey polo and solid black pants were tidy and proper. I fit the country club image to precision being one of my greatest selling points and gaining me advantages with better service, stronger associations, and more opportunities to pursue my interests. In fact, it was the one thing that had allowed me to get away with all the things I did in my life that my parents were most uncomfortable with, my charm and my so-to-speak “princely” image. I didn’t choose to have that silver spoon upbringing, though. It just was, for me.

  “Back row, okay?” I said to the valet, handing him the keys after I popped the trunk open.

  “Yes, Dr. Sessions,” he said. I handed him a $50 and walked inside.

  I was a few minutes late and believed that everyone else was likely there. I hadn’t bothered to check because what did it really matter? There was plenty of time before we were expected to tee-off and I’d found that making a ‘grand entrance’ had always suited me and worked favorably for my father’s business interests. I was his secret weapon, the closer.

  “Good morning, Dr. Sessions,” the maitre de said to me, giving a slight nod of his head.

  “Sergio, hello,” I said, smiling brightly, “are my father and Mr. Tonkins here?”

  “Yes, right over there,” he said, pointing to a small table in the distance. I began walking over to them and Matt’s back was to me. Next to him was the Tellebaum rep. Matt was turned toward the rep and from the look on his face I could see that it must be a woman because he seemed to have on his charms and was emanating a different type of charm than a ‘close a business deal’ type. Dressed all in white, which went well with his tan, he looked like a California rich boy, which suited him, and he
was making a move on who I assumed was part of our golf foursome. Maybe he’ll be sealing the deal for us today, I thought, not letting the smile creeping upon my face be revealed to anyone else.

  My father was facing toward me and waved to me as I walked over.

  “Hello,” I said as I approached the table. “I’m sorry to be late.”

  As I walked around to the open chair next to my father I prepared to introduce myself but when I looked up, I froze. The smile that was greeting me was familiar. “Lina,” I mumbled in a most ineloquent manner.

  “Hello Simon,” she said, smiling at me brightly. She had a look of amusement in her eyes and it caught me off guard, the way she always seemed to catch me off guard.

  “I thought you’d be surprised,” Matt said, looking at me with a whimsical expression.

  Indeed I was. I was also bothered by the fact that Matt seemed to be flirting with her. If anyone was going to flirt with the forbidden fruit, it was me.

  “Tellebaum must have cancelled, I presume.”

  “No,” my father said. I looked to him, eager to be filled in and give myself time to process the situation in its entirety. “This is Maxwell Tellebaum’s daughter.”

  Now I looked back to Lina, trying to remain composed but I was quickly unraveling as I absorbed her luscious appearance. She was wearing a black polo shirt and a short pleated, plaid golf skirt that showed off her long shapely tanned legs…that I wanted wrapped around my waist. She was the essence of a good girl who looked like she wanted to do something naughty. She was a ‘Catholic school girl’ fantasy come to life.

  Lina stood up and was grinning at me, completely amused by my dumbfounded state. “I got a call early today telling me that my father couldn’t make the meeting so he asked me to fill in for him.”

  “I thought your parents lived in Fresno.”

  “Primarily, but they have a lot of business here in Seattle. They go back and forth between the two.”

  “Well, we’re delighted to have you golfing with us,” my father said. I glanced at him and he was giving me a very odd look, wondering what was wrong with me. Matt’s smile was planted on his face and he wasn’t letting go of it.

  “Well, shall we?” Lina asked, pointing to the exit door to the greens.

  “Definitely,” my father said.

  Matt walked up next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “It was fantastic that you were late, Simon. Lina and I had the best conversation while we were waiting for you to show up. She’s not only beautiful, but smart, too. She gave me some great pointers on the gyms for marketing them better and adding some subtle touches that the members will respond to, especially the women members.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Lina said, smiling affectionately at Matt.

  I glared at Matt. I couldn’t stand this! What in the hell was going on?

  Then Matt and my father started to walk toward the door, leaving me standing next to Lina. I leaned in to her and spoke quietly. “I’m sorry about all the cancellations this week.”

  “That’s okay,” she said, “I can see you’re quite busy. Our meeting this week is just different than we thought it would be. Maybe we’ll have a few minutes to work on the other stuff later.”

  Her words were so suggestive to my libido, but I believe she meant them quite innocently. That was the part that drove me crazier than anything. It also seemed a bit too ironic for my liking that I’d went through such drastic measures to avoid Lina in my office just to end up being involved in eighteen holes of golf that would have me around her for about six hours total, especially in that short skirt, and those moves which had her bending down all the time.

  We were in our carts on the fairway, preparing to move to the tee-box next, when Lina said she’d ride along with my father, which made him absolutely delighted. It left Matt and me in the cart behind, giving us guys a chance to talk.

  “Wow, that Bixby is a lucky son-of-a-bitch,” Matt commented. “I see what you mean about her being too good for him. So smart and beautiful.”

  “Yes, you’ve said that,” I replied through gritted teeth. “Several times now.”

  “I can see why she has you so bent out of shape.”

  “No, she doesn’t.”

  Matt turned to me. “When you saw her face at the table you looked like you’d just choked on something. It shocked you and you couldn’t rebound the way you normally would.”

  “Well, it was just unexpected.”

  “She mentioned that she was going to be seeing you for some help,” Matt said.

  I coughed before I looked at Matt, too shocked that she’d say such a thing. I thought she wanted something like that more private. She’d seemed so nervous and shy about it in front of me, but just talked about it with Matt like it was not a big thing. He was waiting for me to say something but I wasn’t about to indulge him.

  “So, are you going to be able to help her?” Matt finally asked, winking at me.

  “Patient’s needs are confidential. You know that.”

  Matt started laughing loudly, loud enough that both Lina and my father turned around to look at us. Lina smiled at us and turned back around. The tee organizer told us that we could drive up to the tee-box now right after.

  We all got out of carts and Lina said, “I haven’t played for a while. I’m sure I’m a bit rusty so hopefully you guys take it easy on me.”

  “No worries, dear, you’ll be fine,” my father said. I could tell that he thought she was a very charming young lady and not just because he was eager to seal the business deal he’d been working on with her father.

  Then the friendly game of golf began. Lina teed off first, hitting a straight, nice drive of about two hundred fifty yards. Pretty impressive. Then Matt and my father went, each having a decent drive, one hooking slightly and the other slicing a bit. Then I went and my drive was decent in length, going about three hundred fifty yards but it also sliced severely, making me land in some rough that would not be easy to get out of.

  “Ouch,” Matt said after my drive. “Somebody’s not focused.”

  I glared at Matt, not appreciating his innuendo. Who cares if he was correct?

  By the end of the first round, Matt and my father finished at par; Lina and I were at one over par.

  As each hole passed by, I quickly found out that I was the one who was having more than a few struggles. With each flub, I grew angrier and as every golfer knows, the more pissed off you get the worst it goes. Well, it was going pretty bad for me. The same couldn’t be said for Matt, my father, and Lina, though. They were all having decent games.

  To make matters tougher for me I was in a huge battle of fantasy over focus. Every time Lina swung, all I could do is picture my hands on her hips, pulling that tight ass into me, and taking her in every position possible. She had a body built for exploring and knowing it was virgin territory was a complete turn-on.

  After eighteen rounds the final scores were tallied and the results were shocking, as well as a bit embarrassing to my ego. Matt finished with seven over par. My father had eight over par. I had seven over par, too, and Lina, well, she finished with a highly impressive five over par. She’d smoked us by two strokes—a big victory in golf and not to be sexist, but one that was not easy for a woman to accomplish even with going from the women’s tee-box.

  I looked at her and she was smiling, not wanting to gloat and being very ladylike about her victory. Running my hand through my hair, I said, “Rusty, huh? We have different definitions of that word.”

  Lina walked up to me and placed her hand on my forearm, sending a jolt through my tired body. “Well, I haven’t practiced in six months. I used to play a lot because I was on the Junior Golf Pro Champion Circuit. I started playing when I was three.”

  “Another amazing thing,” Matt commented. “A pro golfer? Who would have guessed?”

  “Well, I’m not really a braggadocio kind of girl,” Lina said to us, blushing slightly and pulling a loose strand of hair out of her way,
tucking it back into her baseball cap. She even made baseball caps sexy.

  “Why don’t we all go get a drink,” Matt suggested.

  “I’ll leave that to you three young ones,” my father said, “I’m going to make my way home and take a sauna. That’s what I need.”

  My father left and the three of us went to the club house, ordering the amazing Bloody Mary’s that the course was known for. The three of us sat down at a small table in the corner. It was a cozy space, and I felt really awkward sitting across from Matt and next to Lina, who was staring off into the space next to me. Sitting so close to her and being in her presence was throwing me off my game.

  As soon as our drinks were delivered by the waiter, Matt asked, “So, how did Simon and I do with our golf game today? It’s not too often we can get advice from a pro.”


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