SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 2 (SESSIONS Serial): The Sex Shrink of Seattle

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SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 2 (SESSIONS Serial): The Sex Shrink of Seattle Page 2

by Kailin Gow

  “You did great,” Lina said to Matt. “It’s Simon that I’m worried about.”

  “What?” I said, nearly spilling my drink.

  “Your form is good enough, but your lack of focus and conviction to make the shot cost you a few rounds.”

  “He’s not normally that way,” Matt said.

  Lina leaned in closer to me. “So, you were distracted with something? That explains it. It must be pretty important to throw you off. You always seem so calm and collected... doctor.”

  The way she said ‘doctor’ made a part of me jump. Man, what was with me? I sure didn’t feel that description was adequate for my behavior as of the past five hours, but I was glad that Lina did. Okay, so I was a bit off my game. “Just a busy week,” I said.

  “Client concerns?” Lina asked.

  “Yes.” I could say that with absolute certainty.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t bring it up. You’re trying to relax, after all.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said.

  Matt slid his chair back and said, “Well, if you two will excuse me, I’ve got to get going.”

  “Plans?” I asked.

  He nodded his head yes.

  “Well Matt, it was great playing golf with you and talking. Between Simon and you, I feel like I’ve been in the spotlight all day, being watched by your adoring fans.”

  “What?” I asked, my stomach doing a flip. I didn’t notice anyone else around us today.

  Lina laughed. “I guess you two are used to everyone ogling over you the way they do.”

  Matt laughed and leaned over to give Lina an affectionate hug and then reached over to shake my hand. I looked at him and saw his amusement about leaving me in a one on one situation with Lina. Insane jealousy was also surging through me. I wanted to hug Lina closely, too. The only difference is that I wouldn’t ever want to let go until we’d explored every inch of each other’s body.

  Not trusting myself, I finally said I had to go a half hour later. We hugged and I breathed in, smelling the wonderful scent of her hair and perfume. Jasmine and vanilla. Scrumptiously sweet. She was so intoxicating.

  Chapter 2

  The golf outing had been a monumental experience for me in so many ways and it was startling. Not only did I view Lina as a sexual conquest that I’d love, but now I also saw her as an extremely smart and witty woman—the kind of woman that I wouldn’t easily get bored with. She had character and substance, not just concerns about money and her image. It was a twisted realization because I’d made my career and Matt through my image. Until Lina, I never thought of it is a bad thing, being a player and women’s target. She inspired me to entertain being a better man and that scared the hell out of me.

  I had been at the club working out and trying to sort things out. A daily physical release was just as important to me as a daily sexual release; the two complemented each other brilliantly and helped lend to the man I was, both as a therapist and as a vibrant, sexual being. As I was getting dressed and ready to head to the office my cellphone buzzed. It was Brandi.

  “Hi Brandi.”

  “Simon, I’m glad I caught you. I just got a call from Pepper Snow and I’m not sure what’s going on, but she really wants to see you. You don’t have any openings, though.”

  “Who’s on my schedule today?” I asked.

  “You have Saunders, Phillipi, Johnston, Lee, and…”

  This was a no brainer. “Call Lee and reschedule for next week,” I said, cutting Brandi off.

  “Shocking,” she replied.

  This wasn’t the time to ignore it. Yes she realized that I was avoiding any private meetings with Lina with every bit of energy I had, but the truth was that Pepper Snow truly was having some serious problems and out of all my clients, she was the one that needed me the most to help her emotionally and physically. Her pain and problems were very real, not amped up like some of the other women tended to do on occasion. Don’t get me wrong; it didn’t bother me and if they wanted to spend their trust funds on my special kind of therapy, so be it. I wasn’t going to complain.

  “Oh, and cancel Johnston, too. I have a feeling that a few hours will be necessary to help.”

  “When should I reschedule Johnston for?”

  “Any opening we have available this week will be fine,” I said.

  “Okay, Simon. When will I be seeing you?”

  “About a half hour.”

  Thank you Pepper Snow, I thought. Her problems had saved the day for me, allowing me to put off something that would inevitably have to happen. I was surprised at how persistent Lina was. Each time I put her off I thought she’d take the hint but she kept on pursuing what she wanted. It was admirable but also frightening.


  I stared at Pepper, who was sitting on my couch, her long tanned legs crossed and her stiletto dangling playfully on the edge of her toe. It was very seductive and appealing by all means, but the conversation we were having didn’t fit the tone, despite her fiery red mane and killer body, still outstanding for a woman a little bit older than I. She’d be beautiful at any age.

  “I just can’t bring myself to trust any man. I’m so afraid they’ll turn on me, that I’m not good enough when it really comes down to it.”

  “Did you feel this way before your divorce?” I asked. I’d asked the question before and tended to get different answers every time.

  “I hadn’t really thought about it. I was so young, only twenty-one, and I really thought I could conquer the world, in both love and career, by being beautiful and using my assets to their fullest potential,” Pepper said. I could hear the remorse in her voice. “And where am I now? Divorced, no loving relationship, and no career. No one takes me seriously.”

  “You do a lot of charity work and sit on a lot of boards. That mean something,” I countered.

  “It means I have money that they want to promote their causes with, nothing more.”

  “Pepper, I look at you and see a beautiful, intelligent, and very able woman. I don’t believe there is anything you cannot accomplish if you wish to pursue it. Maybe you’re not ready to move on yet and it’s time to devote some time to you—make you your cause.”

  She looked at me and her large hazel eyes reminded me of Lina’s in color, but not in the way they expressed what she was thinking. In her eyes, there was sadness and no zest for life. She opened up her mouth ever so slightly like she was going to say something and then she closed it back up. “What is it? You can say anything here, Pepper. This is your sanctuary, your place to sincerely and truly explore what is happening inside of you, what you’re thinking.”

  “Dr. Sessions, I’m just so unconfident that I can keep a man because…because…I don’t think that I perform well in bed. Why else would Harold have cheated on me and had mistresses scattered about on every continent he visited for work? What’s wrong with me?”

  “Perhaps Harold is just not a good guy.”

  “We used to make such wonderful love, been married for half my life to him,” she said. A tear trickled down her cheek and I could see that she was heading toward a major emotional dump. Sometimes that’s what it took to let everything out and start with a fresh perspective.

  Pepper leaned in and began to cry, nestling her head on my shoulder, in the crook between it and my neck. Her body was shaking so badly and her pain was so raw. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly, trying to reassure her and calm her down. Unfortunately, I was wearing a white shirt that would be filled with mascara and make-up stains once she separated from my embrace. Over the years, I’d lost fifteen white shirts due to such things and very seldom wore them any longer, but today…

  I gently moved Pepper back so I could look at her and she stared at me. I saw such longing in her eyes. It was for me, yes, but also to feel that she was a woman worth keeping, someone that could be loved…and she needed me to be someone she could show her love to. I leaned in, and we began to kiss gently, softly. It was slow and rhythmic, th
e way two lovers who were reunited might connect with each other. He lips were soft and warm, so inviting to me. I closed my eyes, slipping into thoughts of Lina while I kissed her. I couldn’t help myself. It felt right and it was what I longed to feel, too. We could help each other.

  My hands slid up under the blouse that Pepper was wearing and I lifted it off her and then released the front clasp on her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts. She naturally leaned back on the couch and I kissed them tenderly, exploring every inch of their lush fullness with my lips and tongue. I heard her groans of pleasure and the whispered, “Simon” repeatedly. It felt good to make her feel so good. I worked my tongue way down to the skirt she was wearing and unzipped it from the side, sliding it down and off her, my lips traveling on her smooth, muscular body and tasting her along the way. I could feel the response coming from her body and how she craved me at that moment as much as I craved her. She needed me to help her feel whole again and I needed her to play her role, which was considerably more complicated.

  With her naked and ready to take me, I stood up and slowly peeled off my clothes. She watched me with wanton eyes, so hungry for what I was about to give her. My hardness was the sign that she was an appealing woman, a woman that any man would love to be with sexually. I moved back onto the couch and was on top of her. With my eyes closed, I leaned in and kissed her softly once again, slowly kissing away the tears that were streaming down her face. Then I entered her and moved back and forth, willing her hips to respond to my every thrust. Her moans encouraged me to thrust deeper. The faster and harder I went, the more urgent it felt for me until I was ready to explode.

  “Oh Simon!” Pepper cried, her body shuddering at the orgasm she’d just had. I followed thereafter and opened my eyes to look at her. It was Pepper, not Lina, but I’d just made love to Lina in my mind.

  Pepper looked at me and said, “Thank you so much. You’ve made me feel sexy and cherished again.”

  I didn’t say anything, only leaned down and gave her one last kiss. Then I got up and started to get dressed. A huge wave of guilt came over me. It felt wrong to know that Pepper had made love to me—Simon Sessions, the man—and that I’d pretended she was someone else. Still, we’d both gotten what we wanted, I justified. That is what I had to believe; anything else would make it appear that I’d done something wrong. I was there when she needed me. At least I was always there. Not her philandering ass husband who was probably in the arms and vagina of another woman while I was comforting Pepper.

  Chapter 3

  My time at the club became more valuable to me every day now because I had so much going on that I was trying to deal with. I was conquering my own demons and they were crafty, making me have to focus harder to orgasm with my clients and to relieve myself at night whenever it was necessary.

  Today was weights day with Matt and I was excited. It was a friendly competition we had, seeing who could achieve our goals the quickest and do the most cycles, maintaining the same numbers for each rep, or ideally, moving up. The loser was forced to deal with the other having bragging rights until the next competition.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “To knock your last victory to the curb and take over,” Matt countered to me.

  “Unlikely, I’m stronger and better.”

  “Not true, my friend. I am and unlike you, I can’t make it through a competition without one of my staff members having an emergency or needing me.”

  “Nice, already making excuses,” I said.

  “Let’s get this going, then.”

  We started to go, choosing the bench press, cycle for cycle, and Matt was reaching twelve reps a cycle with 250 pounds. I was at thirteen reps a cycle with 255. It was going good and I was holding steady. Two cycles left to go and I’d have bragging rights again. I could feel my body getting tired, though, and if I slipped and didn’t stay at thirteen reps I’d lose the challenge. With each lift of the weights I thought, stay strong, stay strong…

  I heard Matt grunting next to me. He’d always been a more vocal person when he was pushing the limits and in competition. It used to make me laugh, but now I used it as motivation because I didn’t even have to look at him to know if he was starting to falter. His noises gave it all away.

  During the ten second break, I looked over to the door to the weight room and instantly felt my body tense up, distracting me from my zone. Then the gym bell went off and I missed the start, ending the twenty second round with only twelve, not thirteen.

  My eyes went back to the source of my distraction. It was Ralph Bixby, Lina’s fiancé, and he was walking toward Matt and me. What did he want?

  Matt looked over to him and then to me and chuckled, saying, “Misdirection.”

  I looked at him. “You planned that?”

  “No, but I like the way it worked out,” Matt said.

  Now Bixby was right by us. “Hey.”

  Matt spoke first. “Ralph, how are you? You remember Simon Sessions, right?”

  “Simon, yes. Long time, no see. Hard to believe that Phi Kappa Sigma brothers live in the same town and never see each other.”

  “Not really,” I said. I knew it sounded sarcastic. I didn’t mind, but I added, “Seattle is a huge city and we did run into each other at the university event last month.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. And from what I hear, you are quite a busy man, sex expert and all,” Ralph said. I saw that he was trying to get to me, using a combination of snarky wit and all of the ‘high society’ airs that he’d been raised in.

  “Yes, my career has been taking off, thanks to a lot of hard work, a great agent, and some well-earned opportunities.”

  “Sure,” Ralph said. Then he turned back to Matt. “Sorry to bug you, but Solomon never showed up to train me today.”

  “I’m sorry, man,” Matt said. “We are short staffed and there’s some flu bug going around.”

  “Well, can you train me?” Ralph asked. It was more of a statement, however, in my opinion. If Bixby wanted to be trained, he would be trained.

  “I have a meeting, but I think Simon here could do it,” Matt said. I wanted to deck him instantly but he looked at me and said, “You don’t mind, do you? I’m in a bind and could really use your help.”

  “Are you certified?” Ralph asked me.

  “No,” I said. I hoped he turned down Matt’s offer.

  “You’re in great hands, Ralph,” Matt said. “Simon won Mr. Body, Northwest Competition, two years ago and is in incredible shape. He knows what to do.” Then Matt went too far. He lifted up my shirt and pointed to my six pack abs.

  Ralph looked at me and said, “Damn.”

  I felt utterly ridiculous.

  Then Bixby said, “I’d appreciate your help. I’m getting married in a few months and really want to be in as good of shape as possible, do my tux justice for her.”

  “Oh, Lina, Lina Lee, right?” I asked with a forced casual tone.

  “That’s right. She’s hard to forget, isn’t she?”

  Ralph was right, but I couldn’t let him know that. “I know she’s gotten a large movie role, saw it in the news. That’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?”

  “Definitely, I’ve worked really hard to help get her to where she is,” Bixby said.

  I wanted to call out bullshit. There was no way this self-indulgent prick in front of me helped Lina make it. She was too smart, driven, and motivated to let a guy like that help her succeed. “What did you do, exactly? Audition for her,” I said this with a laugh but the message was received.

  “She’s obviously very talented,” Ralph said. “She even wrote a play and is working on getting it on stage at The Fifth Avenue Theater.”

  “I did hear about that,” I said.

  “So, you got this?” Matt asked me.

  I nodded and he took off, not wanting to be around us. If he would have turned around he would have read my message loud and clear: you’re going to pay for this, you bastard. Matt’s perverse sense of ente
rtainment was going to test my patience and push me to my limit.

  Chapter 4

  I try to be the better man always, but I couldn’t resist having some fun with Bixby for this training session. I was going to give him all this session had and was looking forward to it. Not wanting to cut it short for anything, I even called Brandi and had her adjust my appointment that morning. Amazingly enough, it had been with Lina, who’d called and slipped it in without my knowledge. Boy, she was persistent.

  “Okay, Ralph, are you warmed up?”

  “No,” he replied to me.

  “Let’s go over to the treadmills then and you can do a fast paced ten minute run. That’ll get the blood flowing and your muscles will be more pliable. Makes for stronger reps.”


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