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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II)

Page 10

by Sarah J. Stone

  She never let herself go like this before. Whenever he kissed or touched her before, she always stiffened and fought her own desire. Now, it burst from her in all its torrential power. She would go all the way and beyond. She would erupt against him with more dazzling delight than he could stand.

  Her eyes burned down on him from above, and he gasped at what he saw. Nothing could stop her sexual power taking shape right now. Not all the women on Midnight Moraine could match her. The very fact of finding a match for life gave her all the freedom she needed to unleash her fiery desires on their chosen object.

  Riley quaked in his boots before her monstrous desire. She wanted him. He was the object of her desire, and she would have him. She wouldn't let him go until she owned him and completed him and made him more a man than he ever thought possible.

  The incredible reality knocked his knees out from under him. He went down on his knees in front of her, and she went with him. She folded on top of him with their eyes and lips still locked in eternal union.

  Her body bumped against his. His knees jammed against her dress, and for a moment, they both floundered in tangled confusion. Riley fought the dress with everything he had and finally succeeded in bunching it up to expose her legs.

  Melody met him halfway. She met him more than halfway. The moment he got her dress up, she threw her legs around his waist and crushed him with her thighs. She sat down hard on his lap, and her mouth lashed his with maniac kisses.

  Riley couldn't keep up with her. He got lost in her delectable kisses and her brimming eyes, but she attacked him all over with marauding hands. She tore his back with her fingernails and yanked his shirt out of his waistband. She dragged it up to his shoulders and slid it over his head.

  The moment the shirt hit the floor, her teeth ravaged his skin with vicious love bites. She sucked his neck and gnawed his shoulders in raging lust. Her hands caressed his chest until she found his nipples, and this time, she didn't stop at brushing them awake with light strokes.

  She bent her head and bit them hard until he whined in agony. She dragged her fingernails along his tattoos to where they stabbed down his sides to his ribs. She tickled his stomach down to the nexus of hair below his navel.

  Riley gasped for breath. He couldn't let her do this to him. He wanted her too much, and here she was, sitting on his lap. His erect cock jabbed up between her legs into the moist cotton panties holding male and female apart. He caught a whiff of her steamy juices, and that was the end of her marauding piracy.

  He grabbed her behind the neck and dragged her mouth off him. He craned her head back and sank his teeth into her neck. She moaned and whimpered, but he wouldn't let her go. He bucked his hips up and bounced her off his hard bulge.

  Her eyes drifted half-closed, and she submitted to his dominating hands. He felt the cold steel of her zipper under her hair and tugged it down. He pulled it down over her shoulders, and she shrugged the dress free.

  The breasts springing into his face glowed in the dark. Her pearl skin shone blue and perfect, and the voluptuous globes collapsed under his face in two magnificent pillows. He could hide in their delicious embrace forever.

  She heaved under his hands, and her breasts stuck up into his face. She hugged his head down into her chest and guided his mouth to her nipple. The heavy mass dissolved in his saliva. The nipple tightened and relaxed at the same moment, and a heady mixture of intoxicating desire and molten fury swept him away.

  He nagged that nipple until she shrieked in blistering delight. She arched her hips to grind his cock to smithereens. She rode his hard-on until the blood pulsed through it hotter than ever. Her tissues seeped their honey syrup onto his shaft, and her panties mashed aside to reveal her beautiful petals.

  He couldn't stop his hands going out to them. He dug down behind her, inside her panties, and his fingers touched her most delicate spaces. She sobbed into his mouth. Her eyes no longer registered him. They looked beyond him to some cosmic revelation only she could understand.

  He explored her secret opening. Rivers of wetness welcomed him in, and she eased her pelvis back to give him access. She undulated against his hands in open lust. She moaned into his ear while he ravaged her nipple in animal madness.

  He couldn't restrain himself any longer. Her whole body crumbled in his hands to bubbling sugar. Every precious cell of her made his head spin in sweet, delicious agony.

  He pawed her panties aside, and his fingers disappeared into her blazing inferno. Just a fraction of an inch, and he would be there in all his pounding glory. Would she let him? Did he dare intrude on this goddess swaying and seething above him?

  He didn't get a chance to find out. She yanked her nipple out of his mouth and leaned back. Her fingernails raked over his shoulders and down his stomach. He convulsed against her touch, but she already set to work on his pants. She tugged the button free and slid the zipper down over his throbbing prick.

  Riley's breath hitched in his throat every time he exhaled. He could only watch in hypnotized horror as her lily-white hand plunged into his pants. Her fingers clasped around his shaft and started stroking.

  He groaned in tortured ecstasy, “Oh, God!”

  She smiled up into his face. She wanted to see him in agony. She wanted to reduce him to her craven slave. She wanted to turn him on beyond belief and see him collapse in screaming rapture at her feet.

  Her hand slid faster up and down his shaft. He couldn't stand this. He would blow in a minute if she kept this up, and he'd be jiggered if he spent what could be his last and only night with her like that.

  He gritted his teeth and fixed her with his most ferocious glare. He grabbed her harder than he should have by the wrist and yanked her hand out of his pants. He tossed her arms aside and dove in close. He growled into her face through his bared teeth. “Do you want to turn me on, baby? Do you want to see me cum?”

  She panted down into his mouth an drilled her with her wicked eyes. “I want to see you cum. I want to see you hot. I want your body. I want your mouth. I want your cock and all the rest of you.”

  “Is this what you want? Huh? Is this what you want me to do?”

  He bucked her up high and rose on his knees long enough to slide his pants down to his knees. His cock sprang free, and he sat her down on it. He hauled her panties out of the way with one hand behind her back. Nothing separated them now but a microscopic film of her slick syrup. Their hot flesh stuck together. No force in the universe could tear them apart.

  Riley couldn't recognize the woman in his arms. Her eyes blazed. Her mouth gaped in naked desire. Pure erotic fury swept out of her to consume him. “I want it. I want it all. Give it to me.”

  He thrust his cock up hard against her, but he made sure it slithered up between her lips without entering her. He stroked its length along her slit and watched the flush of sweet desire spread over her cheeks. She moaned, and her spine flopped with every pulsing beat.

  “You like that, don't you? You like it like that.”

  “Oh, yes. I like it. I want it.”

  He didn't need to hear anymore. With a slight angle of his hips, he pointed his piston into her molten cavern, and she swallowed him whole. He howled in ragged bliss at the incredible virgin tightness gripping him on all sides. What was he thinking, wasting his life with every Midnight girl who batted her eyelashes at him? What was he doing with his days and nights before he met her?

  She clenched him hard with her inner muscles. She stroked him harder with her body than she ever did with her hand. His shaft fit into her sweet hole so tight and firm he could never draw it out. It belonged there, for all time.

  She had a different idea, though. As soon as he slipped inside, she started rocking. She started slow and steady. She glided him all the way out to his limit and hovered there, with the taut hot head right inside her. She panted and gasped for breath and her cocktail flowed over her bones to gush down his length.

  Then she struck, and when she struck, she struck hard. She
nailed her hips down hard on his shaft and slammed down against his pelvis. Her thighs and ass quivered against his muscles, and she let out a squeak of delight.

  Riley groaned, but she already pulled back to hover over him again. She titillated his head around her glorious hole until he couldn't stand it any longer. A smile played on her lips. She enjoyed this. It was all a game to her, but he stared up at her angelic face in horror. He couldn't do this. He couldn't stand the intensity.

  Just when he thought he would explode, she plunged. Her tight muscles crushed his prick in a death grip. Riley convulsed in tortured ecstasy. She couldn't do this to him. She couldn't tease him like this when she knew how much he wanted her.

  To his eternal relief, she didn't tease him—at least not much. She did it a few more times, but the delicious tightness of his cock inside her kept her down on it longer and longer each time.

  Pretty soon, she didn't withdraw to her hovering hesitation anymore. She rocked and rode his cock faster and harder. She plunged her delicious channel down hard on his rod to rocket herself higher.

  He cradled her head from behind and let her have her way. Her juices flowed over his pelvis and ran down his nuts to his ass. They spanked against his spike when he drove it up into her glorious opening.

  Melody spent all her mounting energy riding that wild bronco. She galloped faster until the squeaking breath screamed from her pouting lips. Her spine whipped back and forth. All of a sudden, she let out an ear-splitting scream to wake the dead. Her muscles clamped down hard on Riley’s shaft, and the elongated ripples massaged him down its length.

  She flailed and thrashed. Her whole being glowed with inner light. Sweet dew burst from her pores to anoint his skin with its heavenly elixir. She started to go limp, and his natural dominance took over.

  He grabbed her with one hand behind her neck. His other mighty arm strapped around her waist. He tumbled back on the floor and pumped his meat up into her suspended chasm.

  She straddled him with her wine flowing over his throbbing prick, but no one could mistake who controlled the scene now. He gripped her tighter around the waist and rocked her torso up to slide his wicked rod out to its limit. Then he pulled her down on top of him as he thrust up hard from below.

  Her quiescent form followed his natural movements. He kept her mouth pinned against his commanding kiss with his hand behind her head. She lay supple and responsive in his arms. The unstoppable climax beating through her never stopped, but kept rolling and peaking and throbbing with every pulsing thrust.

  He planted his shoulders on the floor and hurled his hips up between her legs. She bounced against his penetrations. Her juicy flesh squished over his rock-hard manhood and coated it with her blessed mixture. She kissed his mouth and her lower lips kissed his intruding spike.

  Riley drank that sweet ambrosia. He tasted her in every droplet of sweat and sweet saliva. She enthralled him and overpowered him even as he took her as his own. She could never be anything else.

  He pumped faster. He couldn’t keep this up. She just meant too much to him. He cherished her beyond words. Their joining meant life and death to him now. He understood at last the ultimate reality. She belonged to him and he belonged to her, unto death.

  Every pounding blow of his hammer drove the nails into his coffin. They sealed his fate, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop until he exploded up into her waiting fissure, and his seed fell on fertile soil of their undying love.

  Chapter 15

  Melody cocked her head. “Dawn is coming. You better get away while you can.”

  Riley lifted his head, too. No light came through the window, but his ear detected the first twitter of birds in the woods beyond Dunlap Homestead. Daylight would come soon.

  She got up and straightened her dress. Her skirts rustled over him. He put out his hand to take hers. “I don’t want it to end.”

  “I don’t, either, but Walker is out there waiting for you. If he catches you, it’s all over and I took this chance for nothing.” She bent down to kiss his knuckles. “Please, go now. Do it for me.”

  He stood up, but he didn’t let go of her hand. “This could be the last time I ever see you.”

  “It could be. Maybe some miracle will take place, and we’ll get a chance to do it again.”

  He drew near her. “I’ll go for you, because you asked me to, but I’ll never forget you. I’ll never stop working to find a way to bring us together. If there’s a way, I’ll find it.”

  She rose on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his lips. She whispered into his mouth. “Get dressed. We don’t have much time.”

  He slipped his legs into his pants, but he didn’t bother to put his shirt on. He tucked it into his waistband and followed her up the stairs on silent feet. She paused at the basement door, but when she didn’t hear anything, she waved him forward.

  She stole through the living room and down the hall to the front door. Riley glanced through the living room window and saw the coast clear all the way out across the fields. The woods stood black and inviting not far away.

  Those trees called Riley home. He would slip into them and disappear as only Midnight could. They would never catch him. Melody swung the door open and darted through with Riley on her heels, but she only got halfway across the porch when she skidded to a stop.

  Riley collided into her from behind. He opened his mouth to say, “Hey!” when he froze in place, too. Standing right in front of them, leaning on a post with his hands in his pockets, was Mattox Farrell.

  He looked the couple up and down and clicked his tongue. “Where do you two think you’re going?”

  Melody’s mouth fell open, but no sound came out. Riley didn’t move.

  Mattox nodded. “I woke up early and wanted to get my computer out of my truck. I couldn’t find my keys where I left them, and I caught your scent in our room, Melody. I couldn’t figure out what you would want my keys for, but I guess I figured it out.”

  Melody broke out of her frozen trance and darted forward. “Please help us, Mattox. This is the only way I could come up with to set Riley free. You know the other Alphas want to kill him. Can’t you help us?”

  He scowled down into her eyes. “Help us? Help us? What us are you talking about? Don’t tell me you have feelings for this…this cat.”

  “Please, Mattox. We can’t let him die down in that basement. You know that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen.”

  “I can think of something much worse that could possibly happen. You falling for this thing would be much worse. Brody and I have been working non-stop to keep him alive, but not even I can allow him to escape. I can tell you one thing. I would rather see him dead than think you entertained any thoughts about getting attached to him.”

  Melody started talking faster. “Please, Mattox, this isn’t about me and Riley. You know helping him escape is the right thing to do.”

  “I don’t know any such thing, and hearing you talk about us and me and Riley in the same sentence makes me start to think Foicks and Walker and all the rest of them were right all along about him. If you think I’m gonna stand by and let you get involved with one of these panthers, you don’t know the man you’re dealing with.”

  Melody squared her shoulders. “I’m way more than involved with him, Mattox. He’s my mate. He’s not the mate I would have chosen, but that’s just the way it is.”

  He pushed himself off the post and towered over her. “Are you out of your mind? How can you talk about mating with one of these things? You should be looking at all the Bruins running around all over the place. They’re the only mates you’re ever gonna have.”

  Melody shook her head. “I’m sorry, Mattox.”

  He shrugged inside his tux jacket. “That’s it, Melody. You get back upstairs to your room. I’ll deal with him. I can’t let you throw your life away like this.”

  “I’m not throwing my life away, and I won’t go back upstairs.”

  He clenched his jaw and pointed
in her face. “I’m your Alpha. I’m ordering you to go upstairs and leave this to me.”

  “No. I’m sorry, Mattox. I can’t do that.”

  He chopped the air with his hand. “Did it ever occur to you that he’s playing you like a loaded jukebox? Did it ever occur to you that he’s manipulating you to his own advantage? How do you know he’s not playing on your feelings to get you to free him? What makes you think he won’t throw you in his bear-baiting ring the very first chance he gets?”

  She could only shake her head.

  Mattox pushed past her. He shoved her out of the way and advanced on Riley. One giant hand clapped down on Riley’s shoulder. “Get inside. Get back downstairs where you belong.”

  Riley smacked Mattox's hand off with one roundhouse sweep of his arm. Mattox’s arm went flying, but he took only a fraction of a second to react. He swung around the other way, and one monster fist punched the air. It hammered into Riley’s ribs and bent him double.

  Riley buckled with both arms clutched over his stomach, but he wasn’t that easily beaten, either. He exploded upwards, and both fists smashed Mattox under the chin. They stunned him and sent him reeling backwards. Mattox staggered into the post where he just leaned so casual and confident.

  Melody jumped out of the way just in time to make room for Riley barreling through. In seconds, he drummed his fists into Mattox’s gut and chest. He pounded Mattox back against the post and finished up with one cruel upper cut under the jaw. Mattox swayed, and his head snapped back to hit the post a second time.

  Riley leapt clear and landed with both hands balled up in fists. He glanced toward the woods. He could be there in one or two quick bounds. He surged forward to charge past his enemy when Mattox launched himself off the post. Riley might be better with his fists, but Mattox dominated him hands down with raw untamed muscular bulk.

  Mattox didn’t bother punching. He moved forward with lightning speed and hit Riley square in the chest with all his weight. Riley stood his ground, but Mattox’s momentum carried them back through the open door. Riley’s feet slipped under him, and he tumbled to the ground with Mattox still wrapped around him.


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