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A Touch of Lightning

Page 10

by Kit Fortier

  "My journey has an end, though. In a month or two, I'll have finished up what I'm doing. Then I'll head back and see my son."

  Fox stilled. "He'll be eighteen, right?", his voice barely above a whisper.

  Jake nodded. "Yeah."

  Fox took Jake's hand and kissed it. Jake breathed in deeply.

  "How long as it been since… Well, someone like me?" Fox asked sheepishly.

  Jake laughed. "Would you believe me if I told you that you were the first guy I'd been with in seven years?"

  *** Jake

  Jake smiled at the look on Fox's face. Clearly, he was stumped.

  "Seven years?" Fox exclaimed.


  "Dude, you're--well, look at you!"

  Jake chuckled. "What do you mean?"

  A light blush hit Fox. "You're hot. Ridiculously hot."

  Jake's smile fell away. "For a while, that's what I thought everyone wanted." Fox looked mortified.

  "I didn't mean-I wasn't…" Fox stammered. Jake gave Fox's hand a squeeze, and Fox looked at him. "You're more than all of this, Jake," he said, running his gaze up, down, and back up to Jake's face. "I didn't mean it like that."

  "I know. I could say the same about you, but we've established that there aren't a lot of choice guys in the area. That, and I don't think your ex really appreciated what he had."

  Fox looked down at his own feet, still holding Jake's hand. "What did he have?"

  "A considerate friend. A caring lover. A good man with a big heart. I've only been around you less than a week, and even I know that."

  The blush Fox had before didn't compare to the one that lit up his chest through his neck to his face. Fox tried to pull away, but Jake wouldn't release his hand.


  Fox looked at Jake. His eyes glistened.

  "I guess you don't hear that a lot," Jake said. "But you should." He swiped the tears from Fox's cheek.

  Fox let out a watery laugh. "Man, you're making me wish you could stick around."

  Jake's countenance turned serious. "I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm done with this. I know I want to see Ben, but I don't know what my place in his life will be."

  Fox nodded in a moue of sadness. "I get that."

  They sat in silence, the sun beating down on them. Fox leaned forward. "Let me get out the sandwiches."

  *** Fox

  Thought upon thought assaulted Fox as he fished out the sandwiches. He pulled out a water and a beer when Jake touched Fox's shoulder and indicated he wanted a beer, too. Fox popped the caps and handed Jake a sandwich and a bottle.

  It was on the tip of his tongue to ask Jake if he could go with him. It was something he'd wanted to do-a hiking trip that lasted longer than a few days. But Fox didn't want to impose. So much about Jake was shrouded in mystery, and yet he seemed like an open book.

  It didn't sit well with Fox that Jake had, for the most part, abandoned his son. It sounded like Ben was being cared for, but other than that, Ben was a boy without a father, like he was a kid without a mother. But it seemed like Jake didn't do what he did without good cause or careful, elaborate planning.

  Which meant that this thing, this journey, was more important than he knew.

  Was it a symptom of post-traumatic stress? Was Jake chasing after someone? The former seemed more likely than the latter. Jake was specific about Devils Tower being the beginning and end of his trek. It could have been that Jake was running from someone--but again, there was a termination point, a deadline.

  His thoughts came back to Jake's son. He couldn't help but compare himself to the boy he'd only heard about. Jake didn't abandon Ben for a shot at a better life. He didn't know if his own mother found that better life she was hoping for in the big city, far removed from the family she rejected entirely. But really, all Fox knew about Ben was that he was going to be eighteen soon, and that his father left him with friends.

  He doubled back on his thoughts and recalled the intense compliment Jake paid him. Jake was right--he hadn't been told any of that before. It was significant coming from Jake. He was now more than a drifter. He was definitely a friend. But Fox's heart wanted more.

  His thoughts of going with Jake stretched into the future, if there was a future to be had. Fox thought about his life here--how quickly he could leave it. While his Dad left him in charge of the lodge, the truth was he gave him the place. Fox did the day-to-day management, while he took care of arranging repair services and such. Fox put out the fires, Dad provided the fire extinguishers.

  For now, the time he was hoping for would be to stay with Jake until he left. He wanted more than the less-than two weeks they had left.

  "Hey Fox?"

  Jake's voice was low and soft, and it brought Fox's attention back to the world in front of them. He looked over at Jake, who was looking at something by the pine tree they were under earlier. A small forest creature had made its way to the shade of the pine.

  "What kind of wildlife do you guys get around here?" Jake asked with a careful whisper.

  "Well, we get foxes, for one," Fox said in a hushed voice.

  The two men watched the fox in silence. It squirreled around the base of the tree a bit. Then it nestled in front of the tree where Fox and Jake could see, curling in on itself like a dark orange ball.

  Fox smiled. "I guess he likes us."

  Jake kept looking at the small animal. He drained his beer and wadded up the plastic that his now eaten sandwich was in.

  "Let me get those," Fox said, taking their trash and putting it in a plastic bag. The sound of the bag snapping open got a somewhat interested look from the quiet little intruder. But it lost interest and curled up again, its tail in front of its face.

  Jake stood up, taking a long stretch. "What else do you do around here?" he asked, scratching his chest.

  Fox stood up to meet Jake's gaze. He put his hands on Jake's chest, scratching it gently. His skin was damp to the touch with a light sheen of sweat from the sun. Fox caressed Jake deeply through his pelt. That won him a smile.

  "That feels nice," Jake said as he pressed in on Fox.

  Fox gave Jake a quick peck on the lips. "Sometimes I fish. Sometimes, I just snooze out here. Other times, I take a dip."

  Jake's eyebrow quirked. "A dip?"

  Fox smiled. He pulled away from Jake. His hands slipped down his waist, his hips, to his ass. "Yep. A dip." He pinched Jake hard on the ass, turned and ran for the cliff.

  *** Jake

  Jake watched Fox sail through the air before he splashed into the water. He came up to the edge, watching Fox's naked form cut through the water in a show of grace and supple strength. He looked back at the fox, who had trotted to him.

  It was a fox with the brightest blue eyes.

  "Jake! Come on! The water's cold as f-f-fuck but fine!"

  Jake stared at the fox that sat at his feet before he called over his shoulder, "I'll be right down!"

  Jake knelt down, putting his hand out. The fox nuzzled his palm before yipping at him.

  "You got something for me?" Jake asked the creature. It sat on its haunches and put a paw in Jake's hand. It yipped again, softly. Jake sensed the spark in the little creature. Jake gently scratched the fox behind its ears and at its jaw. It yipped once more, giving Jake a light bite on the hand.


  Jake heard it in his head. The fox spoke to his mind, clear as day. It stood and took several leaping strides out of the clearing. In a flash, it disappeared in the tree-line. Jake stood up, looking into the woods.

  "Jake," Fox called out. "Jaaaaaaaake," he taunted.

  Jake walked to the edge of the cliff where he saw Jake treading water, waiting for him. He smiled, backed up a few yards, then took a running jump off the cliff. He dove in, hands in front, and within half a moment, the shock and rush of cold water surrounded him.

  He came to the surface, he saw Fox grinning as he swam to him. Jake treaded water until Fox was upon him. his warmth radiated off him despi
te the chilly water all around them. Fox put his hands on Jake's waist when they were finally face to face.

  "You like?"

  Jake nodded. "It is spectacular here."

  The smile that stole Jake's breath when Fox described the camp to him when they first arrived returned. Jake gave Fox a quick kiss.

  They split up, splashing each other, rough-housing. There was laughing. There was tugging at each other, there were rounds of kiss-and-catch-me-if-you-can. Eventually, Fox lead Jake back to the cliff, taking hold of the chain ladder.

  "Let's warm up," he said as he began his ascent. Jake followed, enjoying the view of Fox's legs and rear, the flex of his muscles, as they climbed. When Jake made it to the top, he saw Fox standing by the firepit.

  "Our little friend left," Fox said. Jake looked over at the pine tree, knowing exactly when the animal actually left.

  "Maybe he'll come back."

  Fox smiled. "For the show we're gonna give him?" A smirk dripping with suggestion crept onto Fox's face.

  Jake took the bait. "I don't know. How many times do you think we can do it before dinner? Speaking of which, what is dinner?"

  Fox laughed. "Nice segue. I brought steaks and chips. I didn't have any veggies outside of the canned stuff."

  Jake snickered. "Be prepared."

  Fox jammed a finger against Jake's ribs, getting a yelp out of him. "Shut up," he laughed, assaulting Jake with tickling. Jake laughed as Fox chased him around the firepit. A few moments later, Jake raised his hands.

  "I surrender."

  "Does that mean I won?"

  "I'd say it does."

  "Oh yeah? What did I win?"

  Jake swiftly stepped into Fox's arms, grinding his groin against Fox's. He pulled Fox closer, kissing him deeply and unrelenting. He barely let Fox up to breathe and kept the assault constant and heavy. Fox eventually put a hand on Jake's chest and stepped away, breathless.

  "That was--" Fox left the sentence unfinished. He was flushed, and hard, and panting.

  Jake smirked. "I was just offering you the terms of my surrender."

  Fox looked at Jake, his green eyes glistening in the light of the afternoon. His lips were swollen, and his eyes unfocused, until he locked onto Jake's eyes.

  "You can do that to me anytime," Fox chuckled.

  *** Fox

  Jake stepped in and crowded Fox again. "Okay." Fox barely had time to think before Jake's dick ground against his. Jake's tongue was deep in his mouth, his hands gripping Fox's back. His mind went blank as Jake attacked, insistent, unabashed. He tried to breathe, but Jake took his mouth prisoner. Jake then started in on his neck, and his brain turned to mushy oatmeal.

  "Fuck," was all Fox could get out, the expletive sounded like a groan of a man desperate for water. Jake seemed to know all his buttons and enjoyed in playing him like a concert pianist.

  "The sounds you make," Jake said between kisses and licks, "I could do this all day and never get enough of them."

  Fox whimpered as Jake sucked and worried on the spot of his neck just below his jaw. Jake kept at that one spot, making Fox writhe and shudder and moan where he stood. He kept at it, nipping at that spot with his teeth. He wanted to leave a mark that no one could miss. The red-head squirmed and moaned helplessly in Jake's grasp.

  "I haven't even touched you with my hands yet, Foxy baby. You're leaking hard," Jake said as he kissed Fox again, this time, with soft intensity.

  Fox didn't know how much he could take, but part of him was hoping Jake could do it for hours. He groaned into Jake's mouth when Jake's dick slid against his own.

  "I've never--" Fox choked out, "I've never made love in broad daylight."

  Jake pulled away, his pale silvery gaze piercing through Fox.

  "Is that something you wanted to do?"

  Fox gave a hesitant nod.

  "Then we're gonna fix that right now."

  Jake took Fox by the hand, leading him back to the footlocker. He opened it and retrieved the blanket they used earlier. He went into his own shoulder bag and removed a short strip of condoms, as well as lube.

  Fox's eyes went wide. "I almost forgot about those."

  Jake smiled and said nothing. He laid out the blanket over soft grass, out in the open.

  Jake tugged Fox down onto the blanket. Fox laid out flat on his back, staring up at the deep blue sky. He floated between the earth and the sky. The sound of Jake joining him on the blanket filled him with anticipation. And dread.

  Jake saw it. "Baby, what's wrong?"

  Fox's heart hammered. "I know you haven't… well, done this," he indicated with a hand between himself and Jake. "You haven't done this in a while. I haven't done anything since Adam. And even with Adam, it was all about getting him off first."

  Fox saw Jake's eyes soften. "He wasn't particularly generous. Or considerate," Fox said.

  "He did a number on your head, Fox."

  Fox nodded in silence.

  "He made you feel like you weren't enough."

  Fox closed his eyes. That had been the first time someone else saw it, spoken it aloud to him. It was a fear made bare.

  "You are more than enough." Jake said. Fox opened his eyes and saw Jake climbing over him. His weight draped over Fox, pinning him down, holding him safe and sound. A small sob escaped him, a sob that Jake kissed away. But he didn't stifle him.

  "You can cry if you want to, baby. I want you to feel good, to let it all out. Let it go."

  Jake's words were rope around Fox's heart, cinching tightly. Warmth blossomed in the back of his head, as if his emotions were bubbling to the surface, threatening to spill over.

  Fox gave in to Jake's kisses and touches. Jake's lips touched him softly, lightly licking from his neck, down the center of his chest, the top of his groin. Those same lips kissed the insides of his thighs, his knees, his calves, the tops of his feet.

  Fox's breath rushed out as Jake gently lifted his legs up. Strong hands took Fox's own hands and had him hold his legs behind his knees.

  Fox's breath rushed out again when Jake nibbled at the back of one of his thighs, then the other.

  Fox's breath rush out once more when Jake swiped his tongue over tender flesh. It was the door to his most hidden spot, now revealed, exposed, and at Jake's mercy.

  The feelings overwhelmed Fox, and like Jake asked him to do, Fox cried, and let go.

  8. The Man-Fox in the Woods

  *** Jake

  The sun was in the west, touching down on the hills that surrounded the reservoir by the time Jake and Fox finished. Jake quietly stood and looked down on Fox, who was sleeping, flush with sweat. Jake reached for his shirt and wiped Fox's body down. Their co-mingled releases would only be uncomfortable later. Fox sighed, but didn't wake, didn't move. Jake took the condoms that were filled earlier and tied them off. He tossed them in the plastic bag where Fox put their trash. He walked the plastic bag over and tied it to the inside of the truck bed, not wanting it to put it in with the edible supplies.

  Jake had hoped to make Fox forget. He saw it in Fox's face--the young man needed recognition, an affirmation. He needed the overwhelming sensation of finally being acknowledged for more than just a face, a body. Jake did that when he said that the man was more than enough.

  He wanted Fox weary. He wanted Fox wanting. He wanted Fox…

  He wanted Fox.

  God help him, Jake never wanted anyone like that before.

  He gave Fox what he wanted-to make love in broad daylight. There were tears, there were sighs, and ultimately, Jake gave Fox everything, and Fox gave in return.

  But now, the man was blissfully worn out. The heartache he endured would be a distant pang, Jake hoped. He hoped he was able to begin washing away the detritus that was Fox's broken heart. He hoped that Fox remembered the man who hurt him as little more than a bump on the road of memory.

  Jake stood by the firepit and realized they needed wood. He pulled on his jeans and loosely tied boots as he scoured the tree line for kindling a
nd small logs.

  Dusk light filtered through the trees as Jake's attention fell on a fox watching him just ahead.

  The same, bright-blue-eyed fox that visited earlier.

  Jake looked back at the campsite. He saw his Fox was still fast asleep. He turned to the fox once more.

  Except it was no longer a fox. It was a lithe, naked man. Despite his human form, he exhibited some rather vulpine features--slightly pronounced canines, a kind of small button nose, and a knowing gaze that made Jake more uncomfortable than he'd care to admit.

  "I've lived as a human being for a very long time, so I'm pretty sure I've lost a lot of my fox's sense of smell. But I could definitely smell that," the man said. He indicated between Jake and Fox sleeping in the distance. Jake took him in. He was slight, tiny, almost, but in no way weak. "You got the devil in you, mister, making him scream like that."

  "I hope you weren't watching." Jake shifted the bundle he collected to underneath an arm. The move freed up the arm with his bracelet, giving him at least one hand in case…

  In case.

  "I'll admit to watching for a minute or two. Okay. The last hour. Two. It's your fault, you know. You both were at it for a while," an impish grin was poking through the man's voice. "What can I say? It was pretty hot."

  Jake growled.

  "Impressive. If I didn't know you were an alchemist, I would think you were a wolf." Laughing. The little man laughed. Jake's growl got a bit louder. "Ooh-not a wolf! You're a bear!" The fox-man clapped gleefully.

  Jake centered himself. He sighed. "Alright. You said 'tonight', and tonight is here. What do you want?"

  "Straight to the point, no pleasantries? Well, I guess I shouldn't keep you from your mate."

  "He's not my mate."

  The fox-man laughed. "Man-bear, I can smell you all over him, and him all over you. Judging from the way you were at it--and I'm not complaining, believe me--You were at him so much that he could be with child if not for those little rubber thingies in the way. But, if you say so." Jake remembered that most of the Vulpi were like this. Needling. Annoying. Quick. The fox-man stood up, brushing bits of pine and dirt off his rear. Jake was accustomed to nudity around him, but awkwardness colored this moment. He looked back where Fox was, then back to the actual fox in front of him.


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