A Touch of Lightning

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A Touch of Lightning Page 26

by Kit Fortier

  A bolt that seemed to have an actual diameter plummeted into the lake. It created a wave that circled out. It was far away, but the wave actually lapped right before their feet.

  Jake stared, blinking.

  "Baby," Jake started. Fox was giddy. He danced about next to Jake, shaking his hands, his arms, like some kind of raving mad man.

  "God that's so awesome," Fox laughed.

  Jake still stared out on the water. The sheer power of it scared him. His mind was racing with other things Fox might be capable, what they should do next to test--



  "You wanna know what else is awesome?"

  Jake was still a thousand miles away when a warm hand tugged gently on his loosely dangling dick.

  "How many times I'm gonna make you scream my name," Fox said, his face right in Jake's. He had a hand on Jake's manhood, another at a nipple. His smile was shark-like.

  "Oh, fuck me."

  "You bet."

  *** Fox

  Fox grabbed the blanket and pulled Jake back into the bunker. He threw focus on the covered walkway. In a puff of ozone, the whole thing disintegrated, leaving a soft dirt path to the shore. It would get washed away in the rain, leaving no trace. Fox cheered inside his head. After learning how to pull electrons apart, transfigurations became that much easier.

  Jake stared out at the place where the walkway stood.

  "You're… You're fucking amazing, baby," Jake whispered. Fox pressed him to the cool, condensed earth, wall, kissing him senseless.

  "I learned from the best," Fox grinned. He ate at Jake's face, devouring his mouth while raising his hands over his head. Stone poured from the wall like thick syrup and snaked around Jake's wrists. They hardened, and Fox pulled back. He left Jake kiss-drunk and pleading, hanging from the wall.

  "Mmmf, fuck," Jake said, looking back at the wall at the improvised stone cuffs securing him to the wall.

  "Oh yeah. Three times, big man," Fox grinned. "Both of us. Together. I'm gonna please the fuck out of you, and I'm gonna give you all the pleasure I got."

  Jake was still cross-eyed from Fox's last attack on his mouth. He leaned back against the wall, defiantly smiling back at his lover/captor.

  "Bring it on, foxy baby," Jake taunted.

  "You better believe it, daddy bear."

  Fox laughed as Jake growled at him and roared at him, trying to reach out with his leg and pull him in.

  "Oh no, we can't have that now," Fox laughed. He raised up his hands, and a T-formation of earth rose from the ground. It lifted Jake's feet and secured them. It raised him off the ground. His back and his ass were supported, but by design, it left him exposed. Jake was still playing up the angry bear bit, and it made Fox that much hotter.

  "What did I tell you earlier, teddy bear?" Fox asked, planting a suspiciously soft kiss on one of Jake's nipples.

  Jake writhed against his bindings. He laughed. "You said I wasn't gonna regret this. I kinda already do," he said with a grin. He followed Fox's movements as he walked with intent to the other side of his captive.

  He was pushing back. Attaboy, papa bear.

  "No, that's not quite it," Fox admonished like a fourth-grade school teacher. He leaned over and kissed Jake's other nipple with equal tenderness.

  "That we're gonna go three rounds?" Jake asked, dancing around what Fox wanted.

  "Yes, we are, but that's not it," Fox grinned, coming around between Jake's legs. He ran his hands up and down the inside of Jake's hirsute thighs. Then he put his nose right up against Jake's sack and inhaled deeply. Jake's dick bounced off his fuzzy midsection.

  "That I'm gonna scream your name," Jake moaned as Fox tenderly licked and sucked on his goose-eggs one at a time.

  "Oh yeah. And if you lose count of how many times," Fox nipped at Jake's inner thigh. "Between each session," Fox continued. He planted a wet kiss on the spot where the groin connects to the thigh. He did the same to the other thigh, then came back to suck Jake to the hilt.

  Jake groaned, his neck muscles straining. Fox bobbed up and down, giving every part of his lover's member hot, slick treatment. Jake began to babble when Fox pulled off and knelt down. He placed his chin on Jake's groin, looking up at a panting, wanting bear of a man. Fox waited until Jake looked him in the eye.

  "If I lose count…?"

  Fox planted calm kisses on Jake's lower midsection just above his groin. He rubbed his nose in his man's pelt, inhaling deeply. Jake desperately tried to move his hips to put his dick in Fox's face.

  "We go another round."

  Jake's eyes went wide.

  "Oh no, no Fox n--" Jake's protest turned into a drawn-out expletive as Fox deep throated him again.

  *** Jake

  Jake was hot for this scenario. He'd been the one to largely drive Fox's pleasure, but Fox had done more than take control. He'd gotten creative.

  It would have been nothing to dissolve the bindings Fox slapped on him, but where was the fun in that?

  He watched his man go from the crown of his dick to the base again and again, and every time drove him up the wall. He groaned and tilted his head back. Fox raked his nails up and down his chest, his midsection. It was likely they were welting up, but he didn't care.

  Jake soaked in the pleasure. He focused on Fox's hands scraping across his sides.

  Then he realized how Fox was going to make him scream his name.

  Jake's head shot up, looking down at his man. Fox had an evil grin on his face despite aching dick in his mouth.

  Jake shook his head desperately.

  Fox nodded playfully.

  Fingers jammed into Jake's sides with vigor. He was torn between screaming and laughing. This was a merry prelude to a very lengthy session of tickle torture and raucous debauchery.

  *** Fox

  The rains abated. Humidity drifted upwards as the afternoon sun heated the fallen rain.

  The shelter was hot and humid.

  Fox had squeezed not three, but four rounds out of Jake. He seemed stretched out on a rack by his arms and legs. In truth, he lay safely on a flat, thin but solid layer of dense, compressed earth. It was suspended above the ground by chains of stone. The chains were also how Jake had been bound.

  Sweat was practically flowing off of the giant bear of a man. He was dripping-drenched. His pelt was saturated with perspiration and both of their releases. Scratch marks lined his ribs, the sides of his chest. Release had even dripped out of him in thin filaments. The mountain man panted and moaned into the bandana Fox tied around his mouth.

  He had to do that, or else they would have had to commit to more rounds than even Fox could go for.

  Fox waved his fingers about, and the chains slid up to the ceiling. Jake was moved into a seated position.

  Fox pressed himself between Jake's legs, his head at Jake's chest. Jake's breathing was still heavy, but he had a ridiculously big smile behind his gag. Fox was no better off, sweat drenched and release on his shoulder and across his chest.

  Fox wrapped his arms around Jake, pressing his face into Jake's pelt. He breathed in-the scents he came to love and crave gave him the high he needed to move forward.

  He looked up at Jake, whose eyes were slightly unfocused, giving his smile a goofy quality. Fox continued to relish in the scent, content with what had just happened.

  "Love…love…" Jake panted. Fox grinned. He delighted in the fact that he could make this man breathless.

  "I know, baby. I love you too." Fox removed the bandana from Jake's mouth, and Jake simply smiled big, like the cat who ate a bucket full of canaries.

  Jake let his head fall back content to rest and breathe. Fox disintegrated the bonds around Jake's wrists letting them fall. He reached up quickly to catch them. Then Jake's legs slowly came down as the rest of the sling faded to dust.

  Fox caught Jake under his arms and guided him to the floor. The man smiled between his huffs, pawing at Fox's face and pulling him in for a kiss. The man wore a dazed
-but-happy, lopsided smile.

  That warmed Fox's heart. He let the big guy breathe. Fox caressed his face, whispering loving words about nothing and everything.

  The bear of a man finally descended from off his cloud of post-coital haziness. Fox got him to his feet and led Jake out of the bunker and towards the water.

  "Hoooo fuck, it's cold," Fox exclaimed, but he continued to lead Jake by the hand. The cold water seemed to have shocked Jake into cognizance as he splashed in.

  "Damn," Jake said, his teeth chattering.

  Fox was about knee deep when he gave up the ghost.

  "Fuck it," he said, before diving head first into the lake. He sprang back up, gasping and smiling.

  "Come on in, Jake!"

  Jake smiled and sighed. Fox breathed in as Jake shoved off and dove in, as graceful as an otter in a river.

  Soon, they were treading water, face to face.

  Jake leaned in and kissed Fox deeply. "Thank you, baby."

  "For what? Giving you endless pleasure? Fucking you until your brain turned to putty? For making you go hoarse as I--" Fox snickered as Jake put fingers over Fox's mouth.

  "Not everything has to be filthy, you." Jake laughed. "Fuck. I've gone and corrupted me a boy scout."

  Fox snickered and kissed and nipped Jake's fingers, nodding. He massaged Jake's chest with his fingers, scratching through the wet pelt. He had a slight frown.

  "You alright, Fox?"

  "Yeah. But I'm sad this has to go."

  Jake looked down. Fox scrubbed the evidence of their recent marathon from Jake's skin. Even the welts had faded slightly in the cold water.

  "Look at me, beautiful," Jake said.

  Were Fox standing, the term of endearment would have made his knees weak. He looked at Jake.

  "We have been together for almost two weeks now, and there hasn't been a day we haven't been inside each other since we started… this. There will always be opportunities for you to get some of this hot fur."

  A head of steam built in Fox. He tried letting it out as snickers. He tried letting it out as a chuckle. But it burst out like a dolphin flipping through the air, and Fox laughed, loud and bright.

  "That's--that's not--" Fox tried to speak, but he just couldn't stop laughing.

  Jake looked serious yet confused. He grabbed onto Fox's waist to keep him from drowning, in a very literal sense, in laughter.

  "Something wrong with my hot fur?"

  Fox took a look at Jake's earnest face and couldn't help but laugh until it hurt.

  "Baby," Fox gasped, "'hot fur' means vagina."

  The play of emotions across Jake's face was the epitome of comedy. First was no way. Then came really? Followed by oh shit! Trailed by a beet red blush. And the pièce de résistancewas Jake's explosive laugh.

  Fox's laughter subsided into light and occasional snickers. He treaded water, scratching Jake's partially submerged chest. Soon, Jake came down from his faux-pas induced high.

  "Let's get back to the camp, baby. It's too cold out here," Jake said. He gave Fox a quick peck before heading off before him. Fox watched him leave. He marveled at the expanse of Jake's sculpted back. Fox was not the slightest bit ashamed of the crisscross of welts he inflicted on his man not too long ago. He dove in, trailing not too far behind.

  *** Jake

  Fox pulled up condensed earth, creating benches alongside the firepit. Jake walked along the tree line of their small clearing, gathering a great deal of wood. All of it was wet, but he and Fox had their workarounds.

  Jake gathered enough to get the fire started and then some. He hadn't stopped until he gathered up enough wood for a couple days. Jake stacked the wood just out in front of the shelter. He built a little wooden tee-pee in the firepit from his gathering while Fox stood by, watching.

  "Need something, Foxy?"

  "Naw. I just like work."


  "Oh yeah. I can watch you work like this for hours."

  Jake snickered. "I guess when all's said and done, you and I are going to have to retreat somewhere where we can be like this always."

  Fox shrugged. "I could take it or leave it."

  "Please," Jake huffed, smiling. "You know you love it."

  Fox smiled and squatted down next to Jake. "Pot," he said, pointing to himself, "kettle," pointing at Jake.

  "You got me there," Jake said, brushing bits of wet bark off his hands. He thought about sublimation of water. Within moments, the firewood exhaled steam, drying out the twigs and branches.

  Fox snapped his fingers, and the kindling flared to life.

  Jake smiled. "So, now we need to talk about the elephant in the room."

  Fox stood up, and a bench of compressed earth formed with a motion, rising from the ground. He sat on it, gave Jake a look, and patted it.

  Jake straddled the bench, facing Fox. Fox did the same.

  "I love that you're so open and free now."

  Fox ducked his head a little. "You let me be."

  "I know. And if I ever do or say otherwise, don't let me trample you."

  Fox nodded.

  "Turn around, baby."

  Fox did so, sinking back into Jake's warm embrace.

  "This morning, you transmuted lightning."


  "You picked things up quickly. Like how you could manipulate negative and positive charges and did so on a massive scale. Like how you disassembled the canopy I made."

  Fox hummed his acknowledgement.

  "And then we did…" Jake motioned to the bunker with his index, indicating all the naughty things Fox did to Jake's body.

  Fox was quiet.

  "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

  "No, Fox. Not at all. I could have sworn you were reading my mind. Seriously. A scene like that has always been at the top of my list of 'things Jake jerks off to'."

  Fox chuckled.

  "I'm talking about the instant transmutations. How it's become practically second nature to you."


  "How did it get that way? How did you pick up so fast?"

  Fox sighed. "You told me that in order for me to transmute something, I had to think of the elements that composed something. The chain of events that gets an object from point A to point B. I had a block. I didn't think of any of that."

  Jake pressed his lips against Fox's hair, kissing his temple. "Go on."

  "It got me thinking about the base of pretty much anything. We're sitting on a compacted soil. I thought about how I'd pull all the minerals together, seeping out the water and air. The rest plays out like bricks.

  "The chains were made of transfigured stone. I reshaped the soil you used to raise the shelter. I didn't have to take it apart, I just had to move it and tighten it--compact it."

  Jake's mind fumbled to keep up. All the information he had to learn about Alchemy just came to Fox. His connection to the man in his arms helped him ease into his seemingly latent abilities.

  He could only imagine what would happen when they were powered by more than just the array alone.

  Jake took Fox's hands in his, and he dropped them in front of Fox. They were dangerously close to brushing against intimate parts. But Jake was so at ease in Fox's presence that arousal wasn't always necessary.

  Though he'd never get enough of Fox.

  *** Fox

  The men stayed two more nights. The solar eclipse was four days away, and neither man was willing to give up more time than they had to if it meant losing out on each other's company.

  Without a storm for convenient cover, Fox took to training himself in summoning lightning in smaller, more local occurrences. Jake kept a solid lookout while Fox became more and more adept at transmuting bolt after bolt, shifting charges in varying quantities from annoying static shocks to more damaging strikes. He had begun to tap into manipulating kinetic energy when a heavy downpour chased the two back into their bunker for the night.

  The next day, Fox let Jake teach him fundamentals of self-defense-p
unches, blocks, ducking, evading. Jake let on that he knew little about martial arts in general aside from some sparring he had done back in the day with his friend Taylor. However, with their job specialties, it wasn't like Jake would ever have a lot of need for hand-to-hand combat.

  Still, the incident in Pavillion seemed to spur Jake on to teach Fox whatever he knew. It warmed Fox's heart to know his man was so concerned for him right until the moment their sparring took a shocking turn, and Jake hurled a fully-clothed Fox into the cold water.

  "Motherfuck!" Fox cried out. He'd been used to being sopping wet in the buff, but clothes just made everything heavier, and somehow dirtier, despite the water being fairly fresh and unmistakably cold. Jake laughed from the shore. At least he hadn't put his boots on when the day began.

  "Sorry not sorry, baby," Jake said. He was unaware of the hand motions Fox made beneath the water's surface. The motions caused the boulder that Jake was standing on to roll towards the lake, and Jake comically scrambled to keep his balance with the sudden shift in gravity. However, without boots of his own, Jake's bare feet could make no purchase against the boulder's surface as he frantically slipped against the rolling stone.

  Gravity won. A splash smacked against Fox, who gave his man a smile loaded with mischief as Jake tore through the water to get to him.

  "Ass," Jake growled as he waded and splashed water about.

  "You started it," Fox shrugged through his shivers and his smirk.

  "Yeah, well," Jake rounded on Fox. It wasn't lost on the younger man that Jake was staring at his mouth with unfocused eyes.

  Fox reached out and grabbed a fistful of Jake's wet shirt, pulling him in. The man's warmth seemed to pour through the saturated clothing. The immensity of the world around them--the lake, the mountains, the trees--disappeared as Jake dipped his head forward and claimed Fox's mouth for his own. They kissed in the cold, peeling each other's shirts off and wading towards the shore.

  "I think we should start a fire," Jake murmured.

  Fox nodded. He began to shuck his pants when strong fingers cinched his wrists at the top of his fly.

  "Let me," Jake whispered, his voice was low and earnest. Fox gave no resistance as Jake moved his hands to his sides.

  Surprisingly, Jake only removed Fox's jeans without having at him. Instead, Jake pressed his lips against the top of Fox's groin, below and above his navel, his solar plexus, the cleft of his chest, his neck, his chin…


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