Kill The President's Women (Joe The Magic Man Series Book 2)
Page 16
Morris’ finger was tickling her bottom and it popped in and out quickly. Jean jumped a little but they both took no notice of her. Brown kept his hand under her belly, and he moved up to her, caught hold of her head and pulled her half on top of him. He kissed her and said, “I could get you a little farm cottage near my Inn.”
Morris’ lean, long finger suddenly went slowly in, half-length up her butthole and she squirmed, immediately having a fairly clear picture of what they wanted.
“Ah, what are you doing?” she asked, to be sure.
As Morris removed his finger and dribbled more spit down the hole, Brown said, “You’re a soldier’s wife now, Jean. Hasn’t your husband ever shoved his finger up there to tease you?” He didn’t wait for an answer; he hurriedly covered her mouth with his in a long kiss to prevent her from speaking.
Jean didn’t know what to do. The finger up her bottom was kind of nice but if she was going to have an actual cock up the bottom, she would have liked it to be with her Steve first, not these two.
Morris’ finger seemed to be getting wetter and deeper as he dribbled more spit. “Johnny this is wrong,” she said in slight panic. “I don’t know if I can do it.”
“All wives say that,” was Morris’ answer. To Sergeant Brown and Morris, Jean saying “I don’t know” was as good as saying, “Yes, take me!”
“Can’t you wait until my husband is here?” Jean asked. There was no immediate answer, just a feeling of more spittle landing in the crack of her bottom and running down to Morris’ finger that seemed to be almost all the way inside her. The more she wriggled, the wetter she was becoming. She remembered some of the other wives saying their husbands would rather give it to them up the bottom when it was that time of the month than go without a shag.
“We haven’t got to tell Steve-e-Joe about it if you don’t want too,” Johnny said, feeling they were winning her over, as she started to purr from the rubbing of her magic button. “It’ll be a little secret between us three, and you know Steve-e-Joe really wants to take you up the bottom anyway, he’s just too shy to ask you yet, you being newlyweds.”
Jean let out a moan. “Oh I don’t know...”
“Just think how happy Steve-e-Joe will be when you say he can have your bottom, rather than wait, you’ll be his perfect wife!” Brown seemed so sure.
Morris had placed his eager cock at the crack of her bottom and rested it there. He seemed to only be waiting for her go-ahead.
“Oh Johnny I don’t know what to do. If I don’t tell Steve-e-Joe and he finds out, I’ll feel awful.”
Their fingers were working some magic though, for she began to raise her bottom up and down. She could feel Morris’ cock, warm and hard, resting on her bottom as he rubbed the love juice that dribbled out of his cock, and worked it up her bottom with his finger. She felt her body spasm with a warm, glowing feeling as his finger went in with ease.
“No you won’t feel awful, because in the morning not one of us is going to talk about this, unless you want to and I’m sure your husband won’t mind if you told him. He’d understand that you were just a being a soldier’s wife and more than likely be pleased with you.”
“Do you think so?” Jean was getting all worked up, and she felt Morris pull his finger out of her bottom and rest the head of his cock again right in the line of fire.
“Yes child.”
“Oh, I’ll have to tell Steve-e-Joe but promise me, that you two won’t tell anyone, if I let you both in my bottom?”
“Not a soul,” Morris said, elated.
“Will it hurt me?”
“Not that much,” Johnny said, knowing they had won her over. “We’ll wet our cocks so they will...”
Before anyone could say any more, the tent flaps flew open, and a bright lantern illuminated the whole tent as if it was daylight.
Captain Sinclair!
“I guess you’re Sergeant Morris and Sergeant Brown,” Captain Sinclair said as he looked at the three naked people. “Nice little love nest you’ve got here.”
Jean’s heart was already pounding furiously at agreeing to let both Sergeants into her bottom and as the tent burst open, she nearly passed out. She had a bad feeling she was about to be taken away. The light was so bright she put her hand up to shade her eyes, and they involuntary caught the stiff cocks of Sergeants Morris and Brown.
They were both spectacular cocks but the simplest way for her to describe them was: Morris’ was big and Brown’s was huge. She realized it was the first time she had seen them clearly; there had always been some form of darkness inside the tent.
“This isn’t what it looks like captain.” Old Sergeant was panicking. “She’s my niece and she was cold, so me and Mo...”
“Ha, ha... If I had more time I’d stay to help keep her warm too,” Sinclair interrupted him and he moved in to the centre of the tent to have a better look at Jean. “You two get dressed. We’ve got trouble down in the town. Some of our recruits are drunk and causing mayhem at the tavern.”
He held the lantern over Jean. “And you must be the newlywed, Mrs. Bateman. Well, I’ll see you in my quarters in the morning.”
As they marched out, Sinclair at the front, Sergeant Brown dropped back for a minute and whispered quickly. “Don’t be scared, his bark is worse than his bite. You go to sleep child, I’ll be back soon.”
Jean watched them go, and must have fallen to sleep straight away for she soon found herself being shaken.
“Come on child, rise and shine.” It was Sergeant Brown.
“You’re back?”
“I’ve been back a spell; I didn’t want to wake you.” He sat down on his bedroll. “You need to get dressed – you aren’t cooking this morning.”
“Oh, have I got to go and see that captain?” Jean had remembered.
“I’m afraid so child, but don’t you go worrying, he’ll treat you fair enough.”
“Am I supposed to feel better at that?
Jean got up and got dressed. Brown watched her every move, but she didn’t mind one bit. “And where is Morris?”
“Aye well... Forget Morris. I’ve got something to tell you. The captain knows you’re not my really my niece for a start. And over half the camp is moving on this morning.”
“Good, I’ll be back with my husband then.”
“Not quite yet. The captain told me he’s keeping you back, and he offered me to stay here with you, and play along as being your uncle, and keep signing in the new recruits. Or he could leave Morris here with you and I’d have to go up to the next campsite. He could even send me and Morris on and have his sergeant look out for you.”
“What did you tell him?”
“I told him I promised your husband that I’d look after you, and I would like to stay with you.”
Jean’s face lit up. “I’m glad; I’d feel lost without you as my protector.”
“Aye... well... about the protecting part, the captain will be sending his sergeant to pick you up shortly so I can’t do much about that. He’s pulling rank on me. And if you said no to his desires then it would be the worst for Steve-e-Joe; he’d have all the shit jobs and he’ll keep you two away from each other until this war is over, while he kept you to himself.”
“Then I don’t have a choice do I?”
“He has all the trump cards, so it’s best to play along with him and keep him happy.”
Sergeant Brown stepped out to talk to someone outside the tent. Her heart skipped a beat; she knew it was time to be a soldier’s wife.
“Is she ready, Sergeant Brown?” she heard a man ask.
“Aye, she’s ready for the captain, but if I hear you hurt that child in anyway then I’ll find you one dark night.”
“Ha, the only thing you can find on a dark night is your cock. Now go and get her.”
Jean walked out and a tall big lump of a man in his late thirties was waiting for her. He grabbed her by the elbow and asked, “How old are
you girl?”
“Just take me to your captain.”
The man obliged and took her across the field to the biggest tent there. He pushed her in and she was greeted by the smiling captain.
Jean was shocked to see he was so young, no more than 30. He was good looking too.
“Ah, there you are, my child. Delivered just like your uncle said you would be.”
“Captain Sinclair, please when will I be able to join my husband?”
“When I see fit, and not before then.” He gave her a smile. “Now get those clothes off and let’s see what we’ve got.”
Jean was trying not to look frightened as she stripped. Everything came off and the Captain’s hands unceremoniously reached for her backside and ran all over it, feeling every curve and every crease.
“And you’ve only been married a week, yet your husband let Sergeant Brown have you for letting him share his tent. That’s very good of him, He also let Sergeant Morris join you to play “the King’s Messenger”, I hear.”
“Who told you that?” Jean was more embarrassed at his knowledge of that encounter than at his attempt to insert his finger inside her.
“Sergeant Morris knows I like my girls young and pretty... just like you... so let’s just say that now I owe him a favour.”
Jean stood there with her legs slightly apart and let him have his feel, fighting back the tears and the shame. Under her breath, she whispered, I love you Steve.
He stood back from her and clapped his hands once to show he was pleased with her. “Yes, I owe Sergeant Morris a big favour. You are a true beauty, now come and undress me.” he said amorously.
Jean cursed Morris for his betrayal, and went over to do the Captain’s bidding, starting with his shirt. Sinclair kissed her but she didn’t stop to acknowledge it; she wanted to get it over with and get out of there. She dropped his shirt on the floor and started to undo his breeches.
“You have three lovely parts of your body that I most like, and I intend to explore them all before I let you see your husband again.”
Jean pulled his breeches down and he stepped out of them. “Now I know my cock isn’t as big as your... Uncle Johnny’s... haha... but then again, no one’s got a cock that big. Now come girl, kiss mine for me.”
With all her discomfort, Jean was still shocked to see how small his cock was. She knelt down in front of him and picked up the little thing. Somehow, she had imagined that every cock she was going to have on this adventure would be big.
As she ran her hand round it and swallowed to prepare herself, she heard a crashing noise outside. A sergeant came rushing in, and urgently uttered, “Captain, Lord Bedford has arrived and he wants this tent now!”
Captain Sinclair pushed Jean away. “Get this girl out under the back flap.”
Jean grabbed her clothes and the sergeant lifted the bottom of the tent just enough for her to crawl out.
Jean woke up in her bed in a panic not knowing where to run to. Then as she found she was back in L.A. and there was no need to run, she relaxed. Her dream had been wildly different this time: her dream lover Joe wasn’t in it much, he had left her to Morris and Johnny and it had nearly been like being raped by them.
Of course, she reasoned, part of the adventure was looking after myself. Just to make it more exciting. And the near-anal! If that had happened, I might’ve woken up for sure.
The tension had felt real and she had been scared stiff on more than one occasion; how creative of Joe.
You’re a genius Joe, a freaky genius, she whispered into the night. I can’t wait to see what you cook up next.
Monday, October 7
Special Agent Rosemary Burrows was driving Alice on their way to interview Andrew Johnson and his wife, Ann. They had already interviewed the younger brother Karl earlier that morning.
“Well, here we are,” Burrows said when they arrived and turned off Greenwood drive onto the private driveway that led to the Johnson’s huge estate. “This is what we believe the two killings were done to possess: this house, the business and a small fortune.”
“Wow, the house is impressive.” It reminded Alice of the houses in really old movies. “So you think he hired someone to kill his mother and brother so he could get all this?”
“He’s the only one who stood to gain from both murders.” She parked the car and turned to Alice. “That’s why we’re hoping that Joe can work his magic and find out what happened here. Hopefully we’ll have him in cuffs by this time tomorrow, right?” Burrows smiled cockily.
“Hopefully,” Alice giggled.
“So how are you going to work this, like you did with the other brother?”
“I guess so.” Alice had used her old badge and the made-up story of her being a psychic. “As long as I can touch something that he touches, that might work. If not, I’ll just ask him to look at this badge,” – Alice started playing with the badge – “and Joe will do the rest.”
Joe had just popped into Alice’s mind. “I heard that, we’ve arrived, then?”
Alice ignored Joe and kept on talking to Burrows. “The murder took place in the kitchen, I’m sure we’ll find something there to make the connection.”
“Come on then,” Burrows said as she got out of the car, “the sooner we get this over with, the quicker we can go and get something to eat, you must be starving.”
Alice nodded and at the same time listened to Joe raving about the size of the house.
Burrows rang the bell and in no time Mrs. Johnson answered.
“Afternoon, ma’am.” Burrows flashed her badge, “I’m Special Agent Burrows and this is my associate Alice Timberlake.”
“Yes, come on in. My husband is expecting you.” She let them in and closed the door. As she led them into what had to be a work study, she said, “Karl called and said you were on your way here.”
The table close to the window had three computer screens on it and surrounding it, were a couple of filing cabinets and shelves full of books.
Andrew Johnson got up to shake Alice’s hand. From her more casual dressing, she was obviously not the FBI agent. “Ah, you must be Alice! I hear you’re a psychic?” He nodded at Burrows and turned back to Alice. “I’ve seen programs on TV where people like you find missing children or the burial spot of a body. Fascinating, how you do it.”
Alice held the badge in her left hand and when they shook hands, she used both her hands, making sure that the badge touched the back of Andrew’s hand. She was also a little taken aback by Mr. Johnson’ enthusiasm and it was obvious his brother had told him what to expect.
“I’m just helping out,” she said tensely, knowing that Joe had jumped into Andrew’s mind as soon as they shook hands. “We won’t be here long, Mr. Johnson, but could I see the kitchen where it happened?”
“Yes of course, this way.” He led them to the kitchen, with his wife by his side. “You are hoping to pick up vibes from the killer or something like that, are you?
He surprised Alice again; it seemed he knew more about being a psychic than she did. “Yes sometimes I get vibes when things don’t seem right,” she said, feeling downright silly. She walked about touching things and feeling extra silly.
“Well I hope you have more luck than the police at finding my mother’s killer.” He glared at Burrows. “The police wasted most of their time trying to pin it on me.”
“I’m sure the police did their best, Andrew.” Mrs. Johnson butted in. “They had to ask us all those awkward questions just like they asked everyone up at the golf club about your brother’s murder.”
“Yes dear I know.” he patted his wife’s shoulder, “But it’s been nearly three years and they still haven’t come up with any new evidence.”
Burrows had intended to be quiet and let Alice do things her way but Johnson was getting under her skin. “The case is still open, Mr. Johnson and we’ll never give in. If any new evidence comes in, we’ll work on i
t straight away. Is there anything you’ve remembered about any of those nights that you forgot to tell us?” Burrows asked with a sharper tone than she intended.
“I don’t like your attitude officer. I think you should leave now,” he said stopping suddenly.
“Andrew, where are your manners?!” Mrs. Johnson asked. “They’re only doing their job.”
Andrew Johnson continued to lead the way to the kitchen, grumbling and when they stepped in, Alice stood still for a moment in the centre of the kitchen with her hands slightly stretched out.
Oh my God, she’s crazy, Burrows thought.
Alice walked around a little and the Johnsons watched her intently.
Joe, in Alice’s mind, said, “Okay, we can leave now. But shake hands with the wife, she might know something and might be covering up for him.”
Alice dropped her hands and said, “That’ll be all. Thank you for letting me visit the scene.” She felt awkward calling their kitchen a “scene” but it was what a cop would call it. “I don’t know if I picked up any vibes yet, but we’ll let you know.”
“That’ll be alright,” Mrs. Johnson said.
Mr. Johnson simply nodded.
Alice realized the more she talked, the more unprofessional she sounded and she couldn’t wait to get out of there. “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.”
She shook the husband’s hand, then the wife’s. “We’ll be in touch.”
“Yes, we’ll see ourselves out,” Burrows said. “And we will be in touch.”
Back in the car, as Burrows backed it up the driveway, she seemed happy. “That went well,” she said, “I noticed you used your badge to make contact. You just shook hands with them both. That should be enough for Joe, shouldn’t it?”
“Yes, I had my badge in my hand and they touched it, but I felt awful in there like an amateur psychic… or even a quack one. I’m going to have to look more into this psychic stuff if I’m going to use it as a proper excuse”
“You did alright, we were in and out and we don’t care what they think, it was mission accomplished as far as we are concerned.”