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Kill The President's Women (Joe The Magic Man Series Book 2)

Page 37

by Allan J. Lewis

  Jean looked at Joe and only then did it dawn on her what they had planned for her. All the pushing had gotten her to the point where her bottom was now outside the tent – with all the men! Jean felt the flaps blow around her hips and rest around her waist: she was halfway out of the tent just like Lily. A cold, anonymous hand ran up her leg and another squeezed her bottom silently. The only sound she could hear was Sergeant Evans as he kept on telling the story while the men behind her maintained a total, deathly silence, almost as if speaking or making any kind of sound would ruin the moment.

  “David told Lily that some of the salmon could only make it halfway up the waterfall and he gently inserted two fingers into her. Lily told her husband that Pa had just had a feel of her but David quietly said it was a salmon. She didn’t argue so David lifted her skirt up on to her back and his two other sons soon appeared. They wanted to play salmon jumping too and so they started feeling her.”

  “Oh, Joe,” Jean moaned as one of the men’s cocks unexpectedly penetrated her. “What are we doing?” Jean knew they would all be queuing up to take her.

  “You said you were glad the boys stopped those Arabs from cutting me to pieces,” Joe said, “so I thought I’d let them play their silly game of salmon jumping as a reward. It’s just the same as playing the King’s messenger, only there are more fish than there were horses.”

  Jean had no reply to that because the man inside her, whoever it was, was picking up speed. She cried out with pleasure and as Joe kissed her, the sergeant went on.

  “Lily said to her to husband, ‘I think there’s a salmon stuck between my legs, and I think it’s your brother’s salmon’. Her husband told her not to be silly but the moment Lily said his other brother got his salmon stuck up there too, the youngest son crawled out the tent and caught his brother shagging his wife. He was horrified. He desperately told his Pa to stop him but David said he couldn’t because it was tradition. He told his son that whenever women spent the night giving themselves, more salmon seemed to get over the waterfall, resulting in a better catch in the morning. He stated that this bountiful harvest of salmon to be caught in the morning was the reason he let Lily come along.

  The boy looked at his father and then at his wife on her knees, and he asked her if she knew about the tradition. She could only shake her head, and then David got behind her and said, ‘There should be a good catch tomorrow, son.’ He shagged her till he came and then he handed Lily over to his other son. Lily seemed to be frozen to the spot while they had all had their wicked way with her. In the end, her husband didn’t want to break tradition so he took her too. And they all took her after that, again and again.”

  Jean had lost track of Evan’s voice by now; she stopped following the story, as they took her nonstop one after the other, all shafting away without talking. No one even told her she had a nice bottom. When they were done, Jean’s palms and knees ached. Her insides were sore and she felt a dry pain within her. She didn’t know how many times the men took her, but she guessed it would be at least twice each because it had felt like one long, everlasting shag. Jean felt it wasn’t so bad because she had managed to come at least four times consecutively.

  Joe pulled her into the tent and laid her down between them. Her first thought was, I still haven’t had Sergeant Evans. Joe kissed her and told her how marvelous she was. As soon as Jean got her breath back, her hand went and caught hold of Evan’s still stiff cock and she said. “That’s the last time I’m ever playing Salmon Jumping, I’ll take this last one then I’ll know I’ve paid all my favors. I won’t be a soldier’s wife from tomorrow on.”

  Joe kissed Jean and held her in his arms while Evan took her roughly from behind; he was so proud of her. He said, “Well Mrs. Wiggins you are the best looking soldier’s wife in the world, and tomorrow you’ be the best looking farmer’s wife in the world.”

  In a few minutes, she was clawing at Joe’s chest in ecstasy and he held her in his arms as she came again with Sergeant Evans.

  The next day when they walked into Lord Bedford’s town, Captain Morgan asked a young man if he knew if Sergeant Johnny Brown lived here. He pointed to the Inn, which was nearby, saying Johnny was the landlord.

  Johnny Brown had heard the commotion – the band of archers was not a quiet lot – and came out of the Inn to see Captain Morgan leading his troop up the road. He spotted Jean and his heart lifted. Jean was one of the reasons he left the army, hoping to share Jean’s bed with her husband like they had shared his tent. Johnny had missed her so much and he had dreamed severally of this moment.

  “Oh Jean lass, you have found me?”

  “Uncle Johnny, at last we are here!” Jean ran to him, still playing the part of Sergeant Brown’s little niece. “I’ve got so much to tell you.”

  “Come on in.” Johnny smiled at Joe and the others. “And bring your friends in.”

  Jean had so much to tell him, but Johnny was busy filling jugs of ale for the captain and his men. When he had served them, he went and sat by their table.

  Before he could sit down, Jean was warning him in a whispering tone, so that the few village folk would not hear them. “Johnny, don’t call Steve-e-Joe that name any more,” she said and moved closer over to the table. “His name is Joe Wiggins and I remarried him two days ago.”

  “Oh, that’s going to be a bit awkward,” Johnny said, as he lowered his voice. “Your friend that you asked to meet you here… is here… and his name is Joe Wiggins.”

  Joe looked at Jean; they had half-expected him to be here, and they both asked at the same time, “Where is he?”

  “Working. I got him a job working for Lord Bedford. He helps the Hound Master to look after the hounds.”

  “Uncle Johnny, we’ve got a lot to tell you,” Jean said, holding Joe’s hand. “But first, know this: I’ve fallen out of love with…” she looked over her shoulder, “…with Steve Bateman, and fallen in love with Joe.” She kissed Joe.

  Johnny smiled for it was the best news he could have heard. In the short while he had known Steve Bateman – who had masqueraded as Joe Wiggins – they hadn’t really gotten along and he couldn’t see him agreeing to share Jean with him. But he knew Joe liked him to lend a hand in getting Jean in the mood for him while he told her stories.

  Johnny nodded and said, “I think you’ve made the right choice. You can stay here tonight, and tomorrow I’ll take you to meet his lordship. We’ll also head over to see Rose Cottage, your new home.”

  Tears flooded down Jean’s face. After all the excitement and tension overseas and their safe return to England, she and Johnny could have a quiet life in a little cottage. It was a little too much for her to handle and she sobbed her heart out with happy tears. Johnny listened to them until the men wanted more ale. He went over to serve them and told Captain Morgan that Lord Bedford had asked that if the Welsh captain was ever to come to the village, he was to be sent to see him.

  “Do you hear that, boyos?” Captain Morgan shouted. “The good Lord Bedford has asked us to visit him.”

  “Will he be laying grub on?” Will Williams asked.

  “I hope so,” Tom Thomas said, “and plenty of ale!”

  “Captain, do you think his Lordship will sell us some arrows?” Sergeant Evan Evans asked. “I feel a wee bit naked marching back home without a supply of arrows.”

  “You’re quite right, sergeant.” Captain Morgan nodded, “We need the arrows. Now that I think about it, I feel only half dressed carrying a bow and no arrows. We’ll ask him!”

  All the men agreed, and said a tearful farewell to Jean and Joe. The couple spent the rest of the evening catching up with Johnny. Johnny had promised Steve Bateman that he’d let him know when Jean came into the village and so, true to his word, he sent him a message. It was late in the evening when Steve Bateman came barging in the Inn.

  “Jean! Oh God Jean, you made it!” He walked briskly up to take her in his arms but as he noticed that she froze and gra
bbed Joe’s arm, he slowed down. He was surprised at the turn of events and all he could do was ask, “How come it took you so long to get here from London?”

  Joe stood up and took Steve’s palm in an awkward, sweaty handshake. “Welcome, friend. Come on, let’s go upstairs.” He glanced at the small group watching them at the bar, “We’ve got a lot to tell you.”

  Johnny had given them a bedroom right opposite his, the one with the big bed and the couple marched there with Steve. Joe, in a dry, scratchy tone managed to explain that he had fallen in love with Jean and Jean had fallen for him. He added that they’d remarried under their real names and were planning to build a life together. Steve flared up for a few minutes. He raved, babbling incoherently and punched the wall. Eventually, he sat on the bed and shook his head slowly. It was very surprising that so much had changed in six months but then again, it wasn’t so surprising.

  “I guess I asked a lot of you two,” Steve said in a dejected, quiet voice, “to play husband and wife and expect Joe not to fall in love with you.”

  “Oh I’m so sorry,” Jean wept as she spoke. “I didn’t plan for any of this to happen, I swear it. I didn’t know I had fallen for Joe until the High Sheriff’s men came and took him, because they thought he was you. They were going to hang him for the murder of that woman.” Jean wiped a tear away. “And it suddenly hit me that I was in love with this man.”

  “The High Sheriff’s men caught you?” Steve was taken aback by the statement. “They thought you were me?”

  Joe could only nod.

  “And the second time was when the Arabs took him to fight their war.” Jean added. “I knew then that I didn’t ever want to lose Joe again.”

  “Arabs took him?” Steve was very confused at this point.

  “Not really,” Joe butted in. “It was the pirates that took us and sold us to the Arabs.”

  Between Joe and Jean, their adventures during and after the almost-war were made known to Steve, and it seemed they were still friends, or could still be. It was getting late by the time the story was finished and Johnny knocked on their door. He came in at their response.

  “I’m locking up shortly,” he said to Steve, who looked like he might ruin his plans for the night. “It’s a little late, shouldn’t you be getting back, lad?”

  “Aye, I suppose so,” Steve said, weary as if he had climbed a mountain.

  “Well I don’t know,” Joe said, looked at Jean with his famous mischievous smile. “When Steve had to leave, he said I could shag his girl as long as I looked after her. So it’s only fair if I return the favour and let him shag my wife.”

  A little smile came to Jean’s lips, as she pretended to be shocked. “You mean here, now?”

  “It’s not that late.” Joe said, looking out the window with a wicked smile on his face.

  “I don’t know what to say.” She looked at Johnny. “Could he stay a little longer?”

  Johnny’s heart sunk with disappointment. “I suppose so, but not too late, mind you.”

  Steve couldn’t believe his ears. He grinned unconsciously.

  “Johnny,” Joe called him back just as he was going to storm off, “When your last customer leaves, why don’t you join us?”

  There were four grinning faces in the room now and Johnny said, “I’ll call last orders and I’ll be up in a bit.”

  Joe asked Steve if he had slept with any women since he joined up. Steve said no; a few soldiers’ wives had offered but they were old and fat. His last shag had been a quickie with Jean in the woods. Joe laughed and began to undress Jean while he told Steve how Uncle Johnny had taken them in, shared his tent with them, and become their protector. Jean lay naked on the bed and Steve hurried to get undressed. He stood naked at the foot of the bed and declared how much he had longed for this moment. Joe told him not to rush it but take his time. Joe then stripped and his erect cock pointed at the ceiling.

  “Bloody hell Joe,” Steve blurted out, staring at Joe’s cock. “I knew you had a bigger one than me when we were kids but that…” He shook his head in shock. “… That is huge.”

  Jean lay smiling while both men studied each other’s stiff cocks. “If you think that’s huge,” Jean said in a matter-of-fact voice, “wait till you see Uncle Johnny’s cock.”

  With that, there was a knock on the door followed by a quick entry. It was “Uncle Johnny”. He looked at the two lads standing there, and then at Jean. He quickly got undressed, saying, “Oh good, you haven’t started yet. I’ve got rid of the customers and locked up. Shall I get Jean all nice and wet for you two lads?”

  He pushed past them with his cock hanging halfway to his knees. “Oh I’ve missed you Jean love,” he said as he lifted Jean’s legs up and buried his head between them.

  Jean looked above the head in between her legs to see the shock on Steve’s face at the size of Uncle Johnny’s half-hard cock. His face also registered surprise because Jean had opened her legs and was letting him kiss her down there. She smiled at Joe because she knew it was part of his plan to show Steve she was not the young girl he knew any more.

  “Steve, do you remember old man Morgan that used to help with the crop picking?” Joe asked casually, as he walked to one side of the bed and kissed Jean.

  “That old drunk? Aye, I remember him.” Steve came and stood at the other side of the bed in an attempt to see what Johnny was doing.

  “Well, that old drunk told me a lot of things to do to keep a woman happy in bed.” He pointed to Johnny “First, you’ve got to get her all wet.”

  “Is that what he’s doing?”

  “Yes, he’s getting Jean all wet and in the mood for me.”

  Steve had a vacant, puzzled look on his face. “And old man Morgan told you to do this?”

  “Exactly. Old man Morgan told me to make sure I play with a woman’s magic button if I want to keep her happy.”

  “He was a drunk,” Steve said dismissively. ”You shouldn’t have spoken to him.” Steve looked at Jean who seemed to be enjoying whatever was being done to her down there. He stared at her tits and felt the urge to grab them. He also desperately wanted to shag Jean, but Johnny had his head there.

  “Until I married Jean, I thought old man Morgan was teasing me but Jean’s got a lovely magic button, hasn’t she Johnny?” Johnny nodded, too busy to speak. “Why don’t you show Steve her magic button, Johnny?”

  Steve bent forward to have a close look, still thinking it was some kind of joke. He watched Johnny part her mound of pubic hair with his fingers and this third little nipple wiggled as Johnny rubbed his finger over it. Steve shot up straight and looked Jean in her face. “Bloody hell, you didn’t have THAT when I shagged you.”

  Joe laughed at his friend’s expression. “She always had it, Steve. You just wasn’t looking for it.” Jean knew Joe was showing Steve that they weren’t kids any more, and he wanted Steve to see her come, so she let herself go and she heard Joe explain to Steve what was happening: how all the little sounds Jean was making was part of her coming to climax.

  Steve was too surprised. He kept repeating to himself, “Bloody hell” over and over as he watched Jean reach her climax. This wasn’t the Jean he knew, she was nothing like the girl he had taken several times against a tree. Johnny stood up soon after, his job done; Jean was ready for Joe. Steve looked at Johnny as he stood up. His cock was now fully erect and it stuck up past Johnny’s belly button. Steve lost his voice for a second, then found it. “Bloody hell man! Is that real?”

  “Uncle Johnny had the biggest cock in the army,” Jean said with pride, as she waited for the next part of Joe’s plan.

  “Never mind my cock, one of you two better take the lass now while she’s in the mood.”

  Joe said, “I think we should let Steve learn more about getting a woman wet first by kissing her magic button and finger shagging her at the same time.”

  “What’s finger shagging?” Steve asked, without taking his eyes
off Johnny’s erection.

  “It’s a beautiful thing,” Joe said and paused for effect.

  Jean felt like screaming at Joe to get on with it. She was in the mood and there were three stiff cocks at the bottom of her bed, but Joe still wanted to play games. Jean had to let Joe do it his way though and he showed Steve how to get her all worked up and then Steve shagged her. It was over before it started, and then Joe took his turn to make love to her. When it finally came to Johnny’s turn, Joe made Jean get on her knees, and he told Steve to get his hand in between her legs and play with her button. Steve watched as Johnny took her doggy style with his big cock pumping away at her soft insides.

  Joe was watching too. “Now that’s a sight I’ll never get fed up of looking at.” He kissed Jean’s bottom. “The best bottom in the world, being shagged by the biggest cock in the world. I’ll remember this moment until my dying day.”

  Joe said it all in a tone of voice that showed he was very proud of having Jean as a wife. “God, you are beautiful, Jean love.”

  When Johnny grunted to a stop, exhausted, and pulled out his thick rod slowly, Jean looked back to see Steve staring, transfixed. The way he adores that cock, he might as well worship it, Jean thought.

  “Bloody hell, it’s like a silver snake,” Steve said.

  Joe laughed at his friend’s comment and asked Jean, “Are you alright, my darling wife?” He kissed her bottom again. “I think it’s time for Steve to go now, and if you’re still in the mood, we’ll have Uncle Johnny come back and join us once he’s locked up.”

  The next morning, Joe and Jean visited Lord Bedford and Joe found out he was a sheep farmer. He was in charge of a 150-acre farm and it was a dream come true for it was what he had always wanted.

  They saw Steve later that day, and he said to them that mucking out after cows and horses back home was alright but mucking out a dog kennel was a pretty stinking job and not for him, so he was moving on and changing his name. They bade him a mixed farewell, for they were both sad and relieved at the same time.


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