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Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)

Page 7

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  Gabe smiled at her, and she shyly smiled back. Why she was suddenly shy, she had no idea. The man had seen her naked, so being married shouldn’t change anything. She caught herself before she snorted. She knew the reason. She was married to a man who didn’t love her. Of course, it changed things. It changed everything.

  Emma put on a smile even though she didn’t feel it as Becca hugged her.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Becca said with true elation. Emma hugged her back, feeling like a fraud. Jake kissed her cheek, and then shook Gabe’s hand while Olivia hugged Gabe. She whispered something to him. Emma saw Gabe jerk back, swallow hard then nod his head. Emma frowned at Olivia as she came toward her and hugged her.

  “What did you say to Gabe?”

  “I told him if he hurt you, his balls would be mine.” Olivia grinned slyly.

  Emma burst out laughing and looked toward Gabe. He smiled at her but swept his gaze over to Olivia. Emma watched Olivia wiggle her fingers at him and grin. Gabe ran his fingers around the collar of his dress shirt, and Emma stifled a true smile.

  Everyone went to Gabe’s home after the wedding to celebrate. Emma knew she had to tell Becca and her parents what was going on. They all assumed she and Gabe had fallen in love and just couldn’t wait. Gabe planned to tell his brothers the truth too. When everyone was full from cake and food, Emma took Becca’s hand, nodded for her parents to follow her, and led them to the bedroom. Olivia followed. Once inside, she turned to face Becca and her parents wringing her hands.

  “What’s wrong?” Becca asked her eyes wide with worry. Emma’s parents stood by the door and stared at her. Emma had a feeling they already suspected the truth.

  Emma sighed. “Gabe and I didn’t get married because we fell in love. I’m pregnant.”

  “Pregnant?” Becca grabbed Emma’s hands. “Didn’t he use a condom?”

  Olivia laughed. “That’s what I said.”

  Becca swung around to face Olivia. “You knew about this?” Emma knew she was hurt because no one had told her.

  “I’m sorry, Becs, but it wasn’t my place to tell you.” Olivia put her arm around her best friend and Becca nodded her agreement. Becca reached out and pulled Emma into a hug.

  “Are you okay with this, Em? You didn’t have to marry him, you know.” Becca looked into Emma’s eyes and shook her head. “You’ve always been in love with him, haven’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m pretty sure I have been since I was ten years old.” Emma tried to laugh but it ended in a sob. She glanced at her parents who stood silent by the door. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  Her mother came forward and hugged her. Emma sank into her embrace. “We already had an idea this was why you were getting married so quickly.” She smiled at Emma. “I know how you feel about Gabe. Maybe you two can make this work. We love you, Emma, no matter what.”

  Olivia stepped forward and hugged Emma too. “Oh, honey. Don’t cry. Gabe’s an honorable man. I believe he’ll do right by you and the baby.” She smiled at Emma. “If not, I’ll skin him alive.”

  “God, she means it too, Emma.” Becca laughed joining everyone as they all hugged Emma who laughed along with them, her own laughter more relief than anything else.

  * * * *

  Jake stood by the fireplace while Wyatt sat in a recliner and both of them watched Gabe pace the room. “Jesus, Gabe. What the hell is wrong with you?” Jake asked as he moved to take a seat in a chair.

  Gabe stopped pacing and looked at his brothers. “Emma and I got married because she’s pregnant.”

  “That’s bullshit, Gabe.” Wyatt came to his feet with a frown. “No one has to get married these days. Try again.”

  Gabe glared at him then frowned. “I want to be a part of my baby’s life.”

  Jake nodded approvingly. “I’m glad you did the right thing, but don’t hurt her, Gabe. I’ve told you that before, and I still mean it.”

  “I’m not worried about you, Jake. Hell, Olivia said she’d serve my balls up on a platter if I hurt Emma.”

  Wyatt almost spit his water out. “She said that?”

  Gabe nodded with a groan as he thought of his privates slaughtered by the woman. “I’m more afraid of her than either of you.” He shuddered. “The woman’s wicked.”

  Jake and Wyatt laughed at his imagined pain, but quieted down when the women entered the room with Emma’s parents following close behind. Jake and Wyatt joined Gabe as he stood when the women entered the room. Becca walked directly to Gabe and hugged him. He stiffened when Olivia came over to him. She looked up at him and tapped his chest with her finger. “You just remember what I said, Gabe, and we’ll all be fine.” She gave him a haughty smile and he felt his family jewels withdraw. How the hell could a woman who barely reached five-foot-seven scare the shit out of a man who towered over her at six-foot-four? Gabe nodded his understanding. When Olivia stepped away from him, he let out a long breath.

  * * * *

  Emma became nervous when everyone left. She went up the stairs to change out of her wedding dress not because she wanted to get on with the wedding night, but because it had belonged to her mother and she didn’t want it ruined. It was a beautiful ivory-colored long gown covered in lace with satin buttons down the back. Her shoes were ivory open-toe stilettos, which added four more inches to her height, but Gabe still towered over her. She stiffened involuntarily when she heard him come in the room.

  Gabe came up behind her and kissed her neck exposed to him since her hair was up in a loose bun with loose tendrils around her face. She stepped away from him, but turned to watch him. He took off his jacket and started loosening his tie. He looked gorgeous in the black western cut suit with bolo tie. He was a true cowboy down to his shiny black cowboy boots. When his fingers moved to work the buttons of his shirt, she turned away. He stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “I want to take this dress off you,” Gabe whispered against her neck. Emma stepped away from him again. “What’s wrong with you?” he demanded.

  “I don’t want you to touch me right now,” Emma said softly.

  “Too damn bad, Emma. We’re married now and I’ll touch you whenever I like,” he exclaimed with an ugly snarl.

  “Are you going to force me, Gabe?” Emma looked him in the eye daring him to answer.

  His mouth turned up at the corners in a confident smirk accentuated by his mustache. “I won’t have to force you, darlin’.”

  She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Awful cocky, aren’t you?”

  Gabe burst out laughing. “Is this our first fight as a married couple?”

  Her mouth twitched unsure whether to smile or frown. “I think it is,” she said with a shy backward glance. “I’m sorry, Gabe, I’m nervous.”

  “Why? We’ve been together before.” Gabe cupped her face in his hands, bringing hers up to face him. “We’re going to make this work, baby. I only want to get married once in my life, so this is it for me and I hope for you too.” He kissed her softly then deepened the kiss. Her arms slid up and around his neck so naturally, she couldn’t fight it. Gabe pulled back from her and kissed her forehead.

  Emma smiled. “It is our wedding night, isn’t it?”

  Gabe chuckled. “Yeah, darlin’, it is. One day soon, we’ll go on a real honeymoon. I’m just too damn busy right now.” His hands went to the back of her dress and started working the first buttons open. “Now, can I take this off you?”

  She nodded, and then sighed, relaxing against his hands as Gabe undressed her before carrying her to the bed. There they began their life as a married couple.

  * * * *

  Emma left the doctor’s office with a smile on her face. Her baby was due in April, and Becca was getting married in May so Emma would be able to be in the wedding without an oversized belly. She was meeting Olivia and Becca for lunch at the diner and couldn’t wait to tell them her happy news. As she crossed the street, several people waved to her. The wedding was
a month ago and everyone already knew she was pregnant. It amazed her how nothing seemed to get past the people of this town. She strolled into the diner and spotted her friends in a booth. She sat down beside Becca, and picked up the menu.

  “You’re glowing today, Emma,” Olivia said with a bright smile.

  “Doc Anderson says I’m due in April,” Emma exclaimed as she hugged Becca, who smiled at the news. “It all seems so far away though.” Becca and Olivia nodded in agreement before they ordered their food. As they settled in to chat about the baby and the wedding, Emma felt someone step up to stand beside her. She glanced up and mentally groaned.

  “Hello, Emma. Aren’t you going to introduce me?” the tall, willowy blonde-haired woman asked her.

  Emma sighed. “These are my friends, Becca Daniels and Olivia Roberts. This…” she said with a roll of her eyes, and a wave of her hand toward the woman. “Is Stephanie Taylor.” Becca and Olivia nodded toward Stephanie while she grimaced. She didn’t like Stephanie one bit. She was sure if you looked up bitch in the dictionary, Stephanie’s picture would be there. She also knew Stephanie was up to something, and it didn’t take long to find out what.

  “So Becca, I hear you’re engaged to Jake Stone,” Stephanie remarked in a catty tone while folding her arms across her ample chest.

  “I am.” Becca didn’t add anything more.

  “He’s just gorgeous. Of course, all three of them are.”

  “It’s nice seeing you again, Stephanie,” Emma said in a dismissive manner not looking at her.

  Stephanie snorted. “Is it, Emma? So…you and Gabe, huh? And having a baby too. That’s one way to get a Stone to marry you, I suppose.”

  Emma saw Olivia glance up at Stephanie, her lipping curling in a snarl. “I think that was uncalled for,” Olivia said, glaring at the woman.

  Stephanie shrugged. “I really don’t care what you think, Olive.”

  Olivia started to slide out of the booth when Becca reached across the table and grabbed her arm. Olivia stopped and turned her head toward Becca. She gave her a “let me at her” look, but Becca didn’t release her arm. “Let it go, Liv.” Becca glanced up at Stephanie then back to Olivia, and shook her head. “She’s so not worth it.”

  Olivia narrowed her eyes. “I don’t like this piece of fluff talking to Emma like that.” She turned her stare on Stephanie. “You need to apologize to Emma. Gabe loves her. He wouldn’t have married her otherwise.”

  “Of course, I apologize, Emma,” Stephanie said but her expression and tone of voice told Emma she didn’t really. “Does that make you happy, Olive?”

  Olivia jerked her arm away from Becca, got out of the booth, and stood toe to toe with Stephanie. “Look, I don’t know who you are or who you think you are, but you call me Olive one more time, and you and I are going to go at it…Fluffy.”

  Stephanie stared at Olivia for a long second then stepped back, and smiled. “Sure.” She glanced down at Becca and Emma. “Maybe we’ll be related one day since I have every intention of getting Wyatt back.”

  Olivia sputtered. “You’re the idiot that broke up with him?”

  Stephanie glared at Olivia. “I am not an idiot and it was a long time ago. Things have changed. I want him back now, and I will have him.” She narrowed her eyes at Olivia. “I suppose you think you can have him?”

  Olivia smiled with a confidence, which belonged only to her. “If I wanted him, I’d have him.”

  “In your dreams.” Stephanie huffed, turned on her heel, and strolled away with her nose in the air. Olivia laughed at her retreating backside, before sliding back into the booth shaking her head. Emma bit her lip to keep from crying.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Olivia touched her hand.

  “Is that what everyone thinks? That I got pregnant on purpose so Gabe would marry me?”

  Connie, the owner of the diner and top-notch server, had stepped up. She was busy filling their glasses with fresh tea. She snorted. “Gabe Stone wouldn’t do anything he didn’t want to. Don’t pay attention to Stephanie, she’s just showing her usual bitchiness.” Then without another word, she moved on to the next customer.

  Emma laughed. She supposed what Connie said was true. Gabe would never do anything he didn’t want to do and Stephanie definitely was a bitch. She gazed around the restaurant and realized no one was giving her judgmental looks and relaxed, until she saw a man in the back watching her. The way he kept glancing in their direction gave her the creeps. She shivered even though she wasn’t cold. He saw it and grinned. “Can we get out of here now?”

  Becca seemed surprised, but agreed. As the three of them left the diner, Emma could feel the man’s eyes on her. The sensation made her feel physically ill. She just wanted to go home to Gabe.

  Chapter Six

  September moved in quietly. The leaves were beginning to show their best colors. Red and gold danced among the green. The air smelled of autumn. It wouldn’t be long before colder weather set in. Emma smiled to herself as she walked toward the barn. She wanted to take one of the horses out and thought she’d ask Gabe to saddle one for her since she didn’t want to risk lifting the heavy saddle. He was shoveling out one of the stalls when she found him. She allowed her gaze to travel over him and was amazed how the man still made her heart stop. His T-shirt was drenched with sweat and his jeans covered in dust, but he was one sexy cowboy. He must have sensed her presence since he looked up when she leaned against the stall opening. Gabe smiled when he saw her. Her heart flip-flopped and fell to her stomach. He put the shovel down, and sauntered toward her with that sexy cowboy swagger. Gabe removed his hat, swiped his arm across his forehead, before he resettled the hat on his head, pulling it down low on his forehead, and stopped in front of her. “Hi, darlin’,” he greeted her with a big grin.

  “Hi, yourself.” Emma smiled. Gabe moved to put his arms around her, but she backed away from him.

  “Come here.” He crooked his finger at her and she knew he wanted to kiss her.

  She put her hand over her nose. “You smell like manure, Gabe.”

  He laughed and reached for her again. “It never bothered you before.”

  “I wasn’t pregnant before,” Emma reminded him, covering her nose and mouth as she backed up. “Whew, you stink.”

  Gabe burst out laughing. “I’ll clean up later, and then we’ll talk about this.”

  She laughed knowing exactly how they’d end up talking about it. “Will you saddle a horse for me? I want to go riding.”

  The smile left Gabe’s face in an instant. “Absolutely not.”

  Emma put her hands on her hips, ready to do battle. “Why not? I’m an excellent rider, and it’s not going to hurt the baby as long as I’m careful. Doc Anderson said it was all right.”

  “I don’t give a shit about her saying you can. I’m saying you can’t,” Gabe shouted.

  She spun away from him. “Watch me,” she exclaimed over her shoulder as she stomped away. It took all of three seconds to hear him running after her. He caught her as she rounded the barn. He grabbed her arm and pulled her around.

  “I said no, Emma,” Gabe growled.

  Neither of them saw Wyatt standing near one of the stalls talking to a ranch hand or noticed how both men quit talking to watch them. Emma pushed at Gabe. “You cannot tell me what to do, Gabriel Stone.”

  Not willing to give up a chance to ride because Gabe told her not to, she strode away from him. Gabe caught up to her again, gently took her arm, and turned her to face him. “I’m your husband, Emma, and I’m asking you…no, hell, I am telling you not to do this,” Gabe ground out.

  Emma looked to the ranch hand standing beside Wyatt. “John, will you saddle Ginger for me?”

  “Do it and you’re fired,” Gabe snarled, his eyes shifting to John and back to her.

  She noted how John glanced back and forth between them but didn’t move from his spot beside Wyatt. He knew who paid him and he wouldn’t cross his employer. She gasped. “Fine, I’ll do
it myself!” She jerked away from Gabe and stomped her feet as she entered the tack room.

  * * * *

  Gabe hung his head in defeat, but jerked it up again when he heard laughter, knowing he didn’t have to look far for its origin. He glared at his younger brother. “Something funny, little brother?” he asked and then watched as Wyatt turned his head away. Gabe could see his brother’s shoulders shaking. “You’ll get yours one day,” he shouted at Wyatt before he trotted after Emma, calling out to her. “Emma, please don’t do this. I’m afraid something will happen to you or the baby.” When he heard Wyatt chuckle, he glared in his direction. “Don’t you need to go somewhere?” Wyatt shrugged. Gabe entered the tack room only to find Emma gathering up a bridle and reins. “You’re really beginning to piss me off, Emma,” he muttered.

  “Just beginning? Then I’ll have to work harder at it.” Emma moved to reach for a saddle.

  He huffed and put his hand over hers. “I’ll do it, but I’m going with you.”

  Emma beamed a smile at him. “That’s all you had to say.”

  Gabe hardly took his eyes off her as they rode in the north pasture. The sun peeked through a puffy cloud. The air was crisp and the wind blew gently. Gabe saw none of it, he only saw Emma. She looked so good to him. He shook his head. He shouldn’t really worry. She sat a horse well, and she was a barrel-racing champion after all. She knew how to ride.

  Emma glanced over at him and frowned.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  “Quit staring at me like you’re waiting for me to fall,” she snapped at him.

  “Do you want to stop for a while?”

  Emma reined in her horse. “Gabe, we have stopped three times already. I’m fine. If you ask me to stop one more time, I will spur Ginger into a run.”

  “You wouldn’t.”


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