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Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)

Page 9

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  Emma beamed as she watched Gabe give the nod, and then the calf shot out of the chute. Gabe, a second behind him, twirled the rope over his head and tossed it. It went over the calf’s neck, Gabe jumped off Dandy, and the horse pulled the rope tight. Gabe grabbed the legs of the calf, tied three of them, and stood up throwing his hands in the air. The crowd roared. The announcer proclaimed it a new record. Gabe bowed to the crowd and mounted Dandy. He rode the horse over to the rail below where she was sitting. He tugged his hat in her direction with a proud smile. She felt a blush rise on her cheeks, but she grinned at him with pride. The women behind her screamed again.

  Olivia burst out laughing. “What are they, rodeo groupies?”

  “That’s exactly what they are. Buckle Bunnies, some people call them. They follow the circuit and love the cowboys.” Emma rolled her eyes.

  Soon they were watching Jake in the Reining competition. Emma loved watching this event. The rider maneuvered his horse in figure eights, changing its gait from first one lead foot to the other, and then he would make the horse spin in circles. Then the rider would run his horse in a straight line as fast as possible, stop the horse, and have it back up. If not done in a straight line, the judges deducted points. Jake’s horse, Midnight, was the horse to beat. She noticed Becca was on the edge of her seat. The women behind them were yelling Jake’s name. Emma chuckled. They had no idea Gabe’s wife and Jake’s fiancée sat right in front of them.

  At the end of the Reining competition, the voice over the speakers announced Jake the winner. He waved his hat in the air at Becca. The Buckle Bunnies called out his name. It was obvious to Emma now they thought Jake and Gabe had been waving at them. She laughed. Becca glanced at her and laughed along with her. Olivia just shook her head. The Cutting Horse competition was next, so Emma elbowed Olivia. “This is Wyatt’s event. He’s the best. Just watch,” Emma told her with an eager grin.

  When Wyatt’s name sounded over the speakers, it seemed like the entire crowd screamed his name. Emma, Becca, and Olivia grinned and applauded along with the others. They sat forward and watched as a group of cows trotted into the arena.

  Emma explained to her friends what was going to happen. “The cutting horse, that’s the kind of horse Wyatt is riding. It has a terrific cow sense and is able to respond quickly, and turn sharply. A cutting horse’s job is to keep a cow from returning to the herd. Any breed can be used, but most cowboys prefer Quarter horses. The horse and rider select and separate a cow from the group. When the cow tries to return to the herd, the rider loosens the reins, puts his hand on the saddle horn, and leaves it entirely to the horse to work at keeping the cow apart from the rest. The best horses seem to really love doing this job, and do it with real style. A contestant has two and a half minutes to show what their horse can do. Typically, a rider cuts three cows during a run, but only two cows is acceptable too. A judge awards points to the cutter based on a scale ranging from sixty to eighty, with seventy considered average. The horse turns with the cow, while the rider sits centered over the horse, keeping his eyes focused on the cow’s neck to anticipate the cow’s next move. The team of horse and rider are judged on how well the horse moves in relation to the cow. The rider can use his legs to steady his horse, and keep him from falling in on the cow or drifting towards the herd throughout the run. No horse is better at this than Cochise.”

  They watched as Wyatt rode into the arena on a beautiful black and white horse. The horse and rider moved easily as one. Wyatt let the horse pick out the cow and together they went to work. It always amazed Emma how any rider was able to stay on his horse as it bounced back and forth to stop the cow from getting back to the herd. Dust flew from the floor as Cochise’s hooves dug in as he shifted in front of the cow moving it to the back of the arena, and then picked out another one. Wyatt had his horse remove three cows from the herd in record time. At the end of the cutting competition, the announcer named Wyatt as the winner.

  Later that night, they were heading home to Clifton. Emma rested her head against the back of the seat. She was exhausted, but it had been a good day. Gabe took her hand in his and she glanced over at him. She smiled.

  “Are you tired, darlin’?” he murmured.

  “I am, and I have to pee,” she said with a bashful sigh.

  “Again? We just stopped not more than ten minutes ago.”

  “If you had something pressing on your bladder, you’d have to go a lot too.”

  Gabe groaned, but pulled into a rest area and walked her to the restroom. She was back out in a few minutes. He hugged her close. “Do you think we can make it home before you have to stop again?”

  “I seriously doubt it, but I’ll try.” Emma huffed and started toward the truck. She heard Gabe chuckle behind her as he followed, making her smile.

  * * * *

  Two days later, Emma wanted to ride. She knew she had to do it soon or she wouldn’t be able to get up into the saddle. Now to convince Gabe she was able to go alone. She saw him leading a horse out of the barn, and he stopped when he noticed her.

  “Hey.” Gabe smiled and her heart hit her stomach.

  “Hey, yourself, I’m going for a ride.” She noticed his shoulders immediately stiffen. “Before you say anything, I’m more than capable of going on my own. I’ll take Ginger. You know how gentle she is. I’ll only be gone an hour and I’ll take the two-way radio. This will be my last ride before the baby.” She needed some time alone and she wanted him to see that. She saw him take a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh.

  “All right, but please don’t be longer than an hour. If you are, I will come looking for you and turn you over my knee.” He narrowed his eyes at her.

  She rolled her lips in to keep from laughing and nodded her head then stepped up to him and kissed him. Gabe pulled her to him and deepened the kiss. “I want to show you something first,” he told her leading her to a stall in the back, where he stopped her in front of one, and nodded toward it. She frowned at him, and then looked into the stall. She gasped when she saw the beautiful horse standing there, and then glanced back at Gabe. He was grinning at her. “She’s yours, baby. I know how you love Paints. I saw her and knew I had to get her for you.”

  “When though? How? We just got back from the competition.”

  “I saw her last month at Ryder’s. I had him bring her over while we were gone. She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Gabe grinned with obvious pride.

  Emma threw her arms around him and kissed him. “You are so getting lucky when I get back, Gabriel Stone.” She smiled up at him.

  Gabe burst out laughing. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He winked at her.

  She had one of the ranch hands saddle Ginger, and then she walked her out to the north pasture. The sun was high in the sky beating down on her shoulders. The tall grass was already beginning to brown. Being higher in the mountains, winter set in quickly. The air here was cooler and it whipped around her. She couldn’t believe Gabe bought the Paint for her. She shook her head in amazement at his generosity. Paints weren’t cheap, but the ones Ryder sold definitely went for high prices. Smiling, she dismounted Ginger so she could walk for a while. She heard a loud crack shatter the peacefulness of the pasture, and looked around. She knew what it was. Being a country girl, she knew a gunshot when she heard one. Who was shooting and where? Was Wyatt or Jake shooting at something on their properties? Ginger nervously pranced. Emma talked to her softly to calm her.

  Once she settled down, Emma put her foot in the stirrup to mount up when she heard another crack and almost at the same instance, felt a burning sensation in the back of her shoulder. Gasping, she lost her balance and fell to the ground knocking the wind out of her. Ginger took off running toward home. Her shoulder felt like it was on fire. She could feel the blood soaking the back of her blouse. Should she be bleeding so much? She knew she was losing consciousness and the two-way radio was on the saddle. “Gabe…” she whispered before passing out.

  * * * *

sp; Gabe walked from the barn heading toward the house when he heard a shot. His blood ran cold at the sound. Emma. He started running back into the barn when he heard a second shot. He yelled for two of his men to mount up. As he ran for his horse, he grabbed the two-way radio and tried calling Emma. There was no answer. He then took out his cell phone, called Jake and explained what was going on. There was no proof something had happened to Emma but he wasn’t taking a chance. He hung up after Jake told him he’d be right there. He knew Jake would call Wyatt. He had to get Dandy saddled. He’d wait before calling Sam Garrett, Clifton’s Sheriff.

  Gabe swung up on Dandy and spurred him into a run out of the barn. His two ranch hands were right behind him. They halted at the top of the ridge. He sent them off in different directions in search of Emma. “You call me immediately if you find her,” he ordered them. Both men nodded in acknowledgement and rode off.

  He took his binoculars out and used them to search the pasture. He saw Ginger running toward him, and his heart stopped. Emma wasn’t on the horse. Ginger would return to the barn. She was the least of his worries. He peered through the binoculars again and saw Emma lying on the ground. He spurred Dandy on, running him at full speed. When he got to Emma, he jumped off Dandy before he came to a complete stop.

  “Emma,” Gabe bellowed. He kneeled beside her and lifted her onto his lap. He felt the wetness coating his hand, and rolled her over. Her blouse was soaked with blood. He placed his fingers on her pulse and felt a faint beat there. Picking her up, he whistled for Dandy, and the horse came trotting back to him. He slung Emma over his shoulder and mounted the horse. He then laid her across his lap and spurred Dandy for home. On the way, he phoned for Sam and an ambulance. Fearful tears were making it hard to see. Dear God, please don’t let her die! He prayed. When he rode into the yard, he saw Jake, Becca, Wyatt, and Olivia waiting for him. Jake ran to him to help.

  “Give her to me.” Jake reached for her. Gabe shook his head, swung his leg over Dandy’s head, and jumped down just as the ambulance and Sam’s cruiser barreled up the drive. The paramedics ran toward him with a stretcher and tried to take her from him, but he shook his head.

  “Gabe, they can’t help her if you don’t let them,” Wyatt told him. Nodding his head, he reluctantly laid her on the stretcher. He heard Olivia and Becca gasp when they saw the blood.

  “What the hell happened, Gabe?” Sam Garrett asked with concern even as he tried to keep a professional manner.

  Gabe shook his head. “I don’t know. She was riding. I heard two shots and tried to reach her on the two-way, but when she didn’t answer, I went looking for her.” He swore under his breath. “Who would shoot Emma?”

  “Maybe it was an accident…” Sam started to say, but Gabe swung around at him suddenly fisting his hands with anger that Sam would suggest something so ridiculous.

  “Two shots? I don’t think that’s an accident.” He wasn’t in the mood to hear such stupid suggestions as to why his wife was nearly bleeding to death. He was so angry he wanted to punch something or someone. Rather than risk striking a law official, he ran to the ambulance and hopped inside after the paramedics finished loading Emma into it.

  Jake walked over to stand by the open door. “We’ll be right behind you,” he told him. Gabe nodded as the doors to the ambulance closed. The ride seemed to take forever but it was less than ten minutes. He ran behind them as they wheeled her into the emergency room. A nurse stopped him at the double doors leading to the operating rooms.

  “They’re going to take good care of her. Please have a seat in the waiting room, Gabe,” the nurse said, directing him to a row of chairs. He knew her. Sherry Watkins was married to a friend of his and he hoped she was right. He nodded and moved away from the doors to the waiting room. He took a seat in a hard plastic chair, resting his forearms on his knees. He clasped his hands together, and stared at the floor. Less than five minutes later, his brothers, along with Becca and Olivia, arrived. Jake and Wyatt took seats on each side of him. He could faintly hear Becca and Olivia crying. Hell, he wanted to cry himself. Emma could die. And what about their baby? Emma lost so much blood. Would that harm the baby? He ran his hands over his face. He wasn’t much of a church going man. To him, the people who went to church were worse gossips and hypocrites than those who didn’t, but he needed to talk to God now. He clenched his fists and prayed for the life of his wife and baby. He told him he’d gladly give up his for theirs.

  Hours ticked by, or so it felt, and Gabe never moved, only to shake his head when Wyatt asked if he wanted something to eat or drink. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Olivia pacing and he almost smiled. At one point, Becca had crouched in front of him and laid her hands over his.

  “She’ll be fine, Gabe. Emma’s a fighter,” she’d whispered then smiled when she saw his eyes shift in Olivia’s direction. “She paces when that mind of hers is in full gear. Believe me she’s having one hell of a talk with God right now.”

  Gabe nodded and smiled. “I’d hate to hear that conversation.”

  Becca smiled and stood, and then leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. Everyone jumped when the doors opened and a doctor came out dressed in less than clean scrubs.

  “Mister Stone?” His gaze ran over the three men who’d leaped to their feet as one and now stood looking at him.

  “I’m Gabe Stone, Emma’s husband.” Gabe stepped forward. The doctor took him aside and spoke to him in low tones.

  “Your wife has lost a lot of blood but not to the point of a transfusion. She’s resting now. The surgery went well, she’s in recovery now, and she’s going to be just fine. Another few inches to the left and it would have hit her heart.”

  Gabe swallowed hard. “The baby?”

  The doctor smiled. “The baby’s fine.” He touched Gabe’s shoulder. “I’ll have a nurse take you to your wife in a few minutes.”

  Gabe stood staring at the doors where the doctor disappeared back through, and then suddenly dropped to his knees and felt tears roll down his face. Jake and Wyatt kneeled beside him.

  “Gabe? What is it?” Jake asked in a choked voice.

  Gabe raised his head. “They’re both all right.” He smiled through his tears. He didn’t care that his brothers or anyone else saw them. He saw Jake and Wyatt smile in relief. A moment later, the nurse came to get him and he followed her back to where Emma lay unconscious. He quietly walked in and stood beside the bed gazing down at the love of his life. He’d tell her he was in love with her once he got her home and she healed. He pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat down. He wrapped his hand around hers, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Eight

  The pain woke Emma. She was thirsty too, and wondering what happened? Where was she? Moving her head slowly, she saw Gabe sitting in a chair next to the bed with his head back and his eyes closed. He was asleep. Why was he asleep in a chair instead of bed? She allowed her gaze to roam over his face. From the looks of the stubble on his jaw, he’d been there awhile. As her sight focused, she realized she wasn’t at home but in a hospital.

  “Gabe…” Her voice was raspy, her throat slightly sore, so she cleared her throat and tried again. “Gabe.”

  His eyes snapped open immediately. He sat up and smiled at her. “Hey.”

  She smiled back at him. “Hey. I’m thirsty.” Gabe reached for the crushed ice in a Styrofoam cup and fed some to her with a plastic spoon. Emma chewed and sighed. It tasted so good on her tongue. “More please,” she whispered. Gabe continued to feed her ice chips. “What happened?”

  Gabe set the cup down and took her hand in his. He kissed her palm and held it against his cheek. “You were shot. Do you remember anything?”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “I do remember. I was walking Ginger and heard a shot. I remember wondering if Jake or Wyatt were shooting at something. It spooked Ginger. I calmed her down but when I went to get back on her, I heard the shot almost the instant I felt the pain in my back.
I fell and Ginger ran.” She gasped when her thoughts and her hand shifted toward the life inside her. “The baby?”

  “The baby’s fine. You were lucky, darlin’. The doctor said a few more inches to the left and it would have hit your heart.” His voice choked up and Emma knew he’d been scared for the baby. She was sure he’d been scared for her too, but the baby meant everything to him.

  “When can I go home?”

  Gabe grinned. “You must be feeling better if you’re ready to go home.”

  “How long have I been here?” she asked running her hand over his whiskered jaw.

  “Three days. You’ve been in and out, but the doc says it’s normal.” He leaned in and kissed her. “I’m ready for you to come home too, but we have to see what he thinks when he comes in to check on you.”

  Emma closed her eyes. She was so tired for someone who’d done a lot of sleeping over the past three days. Who shot her and why? She opened her eyes and looked at Gabe. “Did you find out who shot me?”

  Gabe shook his head. “No. Do you have any idea what direction it came from?”

  “From the south, I think Wyatt’s direction.” She bit her lip. “When I heard the first shot, I remember looking in that direction but with the hills echoing, I couldn’t be sure. But I remember now because of which way my back was facing when I was getting ready to mount Ginger.”


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