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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

Page 9

by Sarah Carter

  Lexi takes a fighting stance. “I will never hit you, but you will lose this fight.”

  “I’m not going to hit a girl,” Joel laughs. “I’m surprised Derrick is letting a girl defend him.”

  “Yeah, Lexi, I got this,” Derrick says.

  She puts up her hand to silence him. “Derrick will punch you and win, yes. He then will get suspended or expelled. I, on the other hand, will make you look like a fool, which you are. I will not strike you, but I will win this fight.”

  “Whatever, girl. Get out of my way,” he grabs her and tries to shove her. Lexi doesn’t move. Joel glares at her.

  “You won’t win,” she states again.

  He tries to shove her. Lexi moves her body around, using his momentum against him. Joel stumbles over his own feet and falls to the ground. “You bitch,” he growls, scrambling up.

  “Yes, I am a bitch but a bitch that can kick your ass.”

  “I won’t hurt a girl.”

  Lexi starts bouncing around on her feet. “Puleeze, I fight guys every day. My mom has moved me on to fighting multiple people at once. Oh yeah, that’s right, my mom teaches people in a military to fight. She’s special ops. One of the few ways I take after her. Now, the thing is, are you really going to test me?”

  “Chick, you’re crazy,” Joel snorts. “All this over a girl who couldn’t keep her legs closed.”

  “Hold him back!” Lexi screams, pointing to Connor. Two guys grab him, as he lunges forward. “Oooohhhh, Joel has to feel like a man attacking some defenseless girl. Let’s air out your dirty laundry, Joel.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Whatever, chicky.”

  “Hey, Joel,” Lexi giggles.


  “What’s in your backpack?”

  That makes him pause. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you the big strong bad boy that you like to portray?” A nervousness creeps across Joel’s face. “You’re such a badass. Why don’t you introduce everyone to your bestest friend...Bobo.” His eyes widen and his eyes dart to the side. He lunges, but Lexi is too quick. She grabs him and pulls him to the ground. “Connor, grab that blue and black backpack sitting right next to you,” Lexi instructs.

  He stops struggling and looks down. “This one?”

  “Yeah, throw it to Maddie. I think she should be the one who opens it,” Lexi states. Maddie walks over to Connor. It’s obvious that she’s been crying. “Go ahead, open it. Everyone wants to meet Bobo. Bobo keeps Joel safe when he’s afraid of the dark. Right, Joel?”

  “Don’t open that!” he shouts.

  Maddie looks up, and Lexi nods. She rips open the backpack and then starts laughing. Reaching inside, she pulls out an old sock monkey. “What is this?” Maddie laughs.

  “That’s Bobo,” Lexi declares. “Bobo is Joel’s childhood best friend. He still feels the need to carry him around like a security blanket.”

  “You bitch!” Joel cries.

  “There’s more,” Lexi snorts. “Keep going.”

  Reaching inside, Maddie pulls out a magazine. “Oh my god. It’s a Twilight magazine. I realize they revamped the movies, but this magazine is an original. Why do you have this?”

  “He loves the books,” Lexi declares. “Hard core fan.”

  “I am not!” Joel yells.

  “Open it to page 12,” she sighs.

  Maddie goes through the magazine. “Holy crap,” she exhales.

  “What?” someone asks.

  She turns the magazine around. “He put his face over some chick’s.”

  “That’s Bella,” Lexi replies.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Joel cries, literally.

  “Ashe,” Lexi whispers.

  He pops up next to her. “WHAT’S UP!”

  “Time to turn back the clocks,” she states, with a grin.

  “Seriously? You’re going to let me?” he gasps in shock.

  “It’s supposed to happen,” Lexi replies, smiling, because she knows how excited he’s going to be.

  Ashe puts out his hands. “What do I get to do?”

  “Roll back fifteen minutes. Make everyone else forget but this guy. Well, he can’t remember this conversation, obviously.”

  “Oh, I’m so pumped. Ready?”

  “Yup,” Lexi replies.

  Suddenly, she’s not in the cafeteria anymore. She’s back in the greenhouse. Connor’s fingers are wrapped up in her hair, and he’s leaning in for a kiss. “Connor,” they hear from behind them.

  “I swear to god, whoever you are, I’m going to kill you,” Connor growls.

  “Dude, you need to come to the cafeteria,” the guy gasps.


  “It’s about Maddie.”

  Connor grabs Lexi’s hand, and they run through the school. She’s not too worried this time. They get into the cafeteria and hear, “Please forgive me!”

  “Again,” Maddie snaps. “For what?”

  Joel grabs her arms and is pleading. “Please, just say you forgive me.”

  Looking completely baffled, Maddie responds, “Okay, I forgive you.”

  “Thank you!” Joel cries, grabbing her and hugging her. Everyone is staring at them slack jawed. “It’s a miracle.”

  “Are you okay?” someone asks. “You’re acting a little weird.”

  “Or a lot weird,” Maddie counters.

  Pointing to Maddie, Joel says, “Anyone messes with this girl, they mess with me.”

  “What?” Maddie says.

  “Can I buy you something for lunch?” Joel asks.

  Derrick steps in. “Umm, no. That’s probably not a good idea. Why don’t you leave her alone now?”

  “Yeah, okay. Of course.” Joel stammers, stepping back.

  Connor slowly walks over to Maddie, not taking his eyes off of Joel. “Everything all right?”

  “Totally,” Joel says. “Just making sure we’re cool.” He puts his hand on her arm. “I will see you around.” He grabs his backpack and holds it tightly to his chest. With that, he walks away.

  “What in the hell happened?” Connor asks.

  “I don’t know!” Maddie gasps. “He was standing over there and then suddenly rushed over and was pleading for me to forgive him.”

  He looks at her. “What did Joel do?”

  “Nothing,” Maddie replies. “I have no idea. It’s like he’s lost his mind. He’s never done anything to me. Well, that’s not true. He has been around while I’ve been picked on, but he’s never actually said anything to me. It’s a little creepy.”

  “Well, whatever it is, he’s sorry,” Lexi states. “Be happy with that.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Maddie mutters, still staring at Joel as he walks away.

  Lexi’s stomach grumbles. “Okay, I need to eat.”

  “Let’s get you something,” Connor suggests, gesturing towards the food line.

  “Yeah,” Lexi sighs, happily. Sometimes it’s good to be a freak. She knows tonight she is going to have to be extra careful. She already has a plan. Just to make sure, Lexi thinks,

  We’re still on for tonight?

  There’s more? I get to do more? Oh my god, my dreams do come true.

  Ashe, this is serious this time. We have to be careful.

  Do I get to use my powers?

  Lana, you use your powers every day.

  Well true, but you let Ashe use his.

  How do you know?

  He called me.


  Lana needed to know. Someone needed to know.

  How many time do I have to tell you not to talk about shit on the phone?

  Lexi, whatever. Tonight. Your house.


  Dude, does Ashe know what’s going on and I don’t?

  She didn’t tell me jack, Lana, stop whining.

  You two, knock it off. I will see you later.

  I will be there.

  Me too.


  Chapter 5

  “What do you want?” Connor

  Lexi knows she could eat everything, but she says, “A burger and salad.”

  Connor orders that and what he wants. Maddie’s after him and then Derrick. Derrick orders chicken, French fries, fruit, cottage cheese, and pudding. “Dude, that’s a lot of food, man,” Connor says to him.

  Derrick pats his stomach. “I’m a growing boy.”

  “Make sure you don’t grow in the wrong way,” Connor laughs. Derrick scoffs and brushes him off with his hand.

  They get their food and get to the cashier. Lexi goes for her wallet. Connor places his hand on hers. “You’re not buying me lunch,” Lexi states.

  “Relax, it’s a crappy, cafeteria hamburger. Not a date.”

  He has a point. Lexi puts her wallet back. They all take their food and go sit down at a table. “So, what do you think of our high school so far?” Maddie asks.

  “Other than a few people being jerks, I like it,” Lexi says, smearing ketchup all over her burger.

  “Wow, want some ketchup with your burger?” Connor laughs.

  Lexi turns to him and sucks the rest of the ketchup out of the packet. Connor makes a disgusted face. She laughs. “I have a thing for condiments,” Lexi declares.

  “Like, you just eat them?” Connor asks, obviously trying not to laugh.

  “Not with a spoon or anything, but ketchup and mustard, I will squirt a little in my mouth or on my finger. Relish is amazing.”

  Now, he smiles. “Pickles are awesome.”

  “That they are.”

  “My mom makes her own pickles,” Maddie says. “They are amazing.”

  “They’re incredible,” Connor says.

  Maddie takes out her phone. “What’s your number? Maybe we can get together this weekend, and I will give you some.”

  Lexi’s eyes drift to Connor. He is grinning broadly. Sighing, she says, “555-1193.”

  Slowly reaching into his pocket, Connor takes out his phone. He never takes his eyes off of Lexi. She smirks. Bopping his head from side to side, Connor punches in her number. “S-a-v-e-d,” he exaggerates.

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t blow up my phone too much.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Connor replies. “Who says I am going to contact you at all?”

  “Really?” Lexi counters. “Fine, one hundred dollar bet. You’re going to use my number.”

  He narrows his eyes and then starts to laugh. “Totally do not have a hundred dollars.”

  “See,” Lexi says, sitting up straighter.

  Connor laughs some more, and then they eat. They mostly talk about music all through lunch. Lexi keeps trying to fight the attraction she feels for Connor. She fights it and fights it, but it doesn’t help. She really likes him. She’s never liked a guy before, but this thing with Connor is growing stronger and stronger. He touches her periodically through lunch. It resonates through her whole body. When he smiles, Lexi can’t help but smile with him. She knows she is in trouble, and she knows this isn’t good.

  Finally, lunch is over. They are walking down the hallway. “I have to go to my locker,” Lexi says. “I have to grab a few text books.”

  “I will see you in Biology,” Connor says, smiling.

  With a smirk, Lexi replies, “Yeah.”

  “All right, see you then.” He bends over and kisses her on the cheek. Lexi’s face lights on fire. “Have a good time in class.”

  “It’s economics,” Lexi laughs. “My dad’s making me take it.”

  “My mom is making me take it, too,” Maddie snorts. “My locker is right by economics. I will walk with you.”

  Lexi nods. “Sounds good. Bye guys!”

  “Bye!” Connor chimes, giving Lexi a big grin. It makes her laugh. He makes her laugh. She knows this isn’t good and sighs.

  “Hey,” Derrick says to Maddie. “Let me know if Joel bothers you. I have a weird feeling about that.”

  “Yeah,” Maddie replies. “That was so bizarre.”

  Piping in, Lexi says, “I don’t think you have to worry about it. He’s probably just crazy.”

  “Still, I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Derrick states, looking at Maddie. “You have my number. Text me or call if anything goes down.”

  Maddie looks speechless and then says, “Yeah, thanks.”

  “See you later,” Derrick says as he walks away.

  “Bye!” Connor yells, following him.

  Lexi turns to Maddie, who looks at her. “I think you should make up a reason to contact him,” Lexi suggests.

  “Only if Joel bothers me,” Maddie mutters.

  “That was an invitation to text him.”

  Shaking her head, Maddie says, “No, only if Joel does something.”

  “How long have you known each other?” Lexi asks.

  “Pretty much our whole lives,” Maddie answers, as they start to walk.

  “You’ve never talked outside of Connor?”

  Maddie shrugs her shoulders. “I guess, but it’s never been me contacting him. It’s always a random text from him about something. Usually concerning Connor.”

  “I would try. You never know until you try. Think of a reason to contact him. Even if it’s something small. See if you can get the conversation going,” Lexi says.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “I guess.”

  “It’s not going to hurt to try. He’s not some random guy. He’s been your friend your whole life. He won’t think anything of it if you contact him. It will just be a random, ‘Hey.’ But if you can strike up a conversation, that’s great. Then maybe one conversation can lead to two. Then maybe a little more talking and then texting. Either way, you will know one way or another.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to know,” Maddie mumbles, looking down.

  Lexi puts her hand on Maddie. Maddie relaxes and smiles up at Lexi. “I think you do want to know. Look at it this way. What if another guy came along that would be great for you? Would you really give him the attention he deserves if you are still hung up on Derrick?”

  “Shhhh,” Maddie hisses.

  “Sorry,” Lexi whispers. “But, seriously? Do you even pay attention to other guys?”

  “No other guy as ever shown interest,” Maddie replies.

  “Do you know that for sure?”

  Maddie looks at her. “I have no idea.”

  “I had this friend that was totally hung up on this guy,” Lexi says. “Totally hung up on this guy. For years. She never told him, though. Then one day this other guy appeared. His name was Peter. He was good looking and funny. Right up her alley. And he liked her. She paid him no attention. She was so centered on this other guy. It finally took us screaming at her for her to even look at Peter. The guy she was hung up on found another girl. Luckily, she had already grown to like Peter. If she had waited and not given Peter the time of day, she would have missed out on a great opportunity.”

  “Are she and Peter still together?” Maddie asks.

  “Yup,” Lexi replies. “Her name is Jazelle. She is sort of like a cousin. Four years older than me. You’d like her. Really spunky. You’d actually love my cousin Lana. She is the queen of spunk and attitude, but she pulls it off in a rather blasé attitude.”

  “How does that work?” Maddie laughs.

  Lexi snorts, “Sarcasm. Lots of sarcasm. Queen of sarcasm.”

  “I think I’d like that.”

  “So, later today, just send him a text. See what happens. Texts are easier than phone calls.”

  Maddie sighs. “That’s true. What do you think I should text him?”

  “Hmmm, I don’t know either of you that well yet. What is something you have in common?”

  “Our hatred of Jackie,” Maddie laughs.

  “Oh, so something we all have in common. Good. This way you can be like, oh my god, Jackie is insane...blah, blah, blah. Because, let’s be honest, Jackie will do something else today.”

  Nodding her head, Maddie agrees, “She always does. I don’t know who she hates more now, me or

  “Oh, has to be me, hands down,” Lexi states, with a nod.

  “You dethroned me,” Maddie scoffs. “I will have to work harder.”

  They both laugh. When they finally make it to class, Jackie is standing outside of it. “Here we go,” Lexi whispers. Maddie snickers as they walk up to her.

  Jackie narrows her eyes. “Wow, you two are together again.”

  “Really? We are?” Lexi gasps, looking at Maddie. “Holy crap. I had no idea it was you I was talking to for the last hour.”

  “I know, right? I should have known with the purple hair,” Maddie guffaws.

  “I know, but I blend in so well,” Lexi says.

  Rolling her eyes, Jackie says, “You two are ridiculous.”

  “We’re awesome you mean!” Maddie exclaims.

  “No, I don’t,” Jackie retorts. She looks at Lexi. “So, you’re a liar.”

  “What do you mean?” Lexi responds.

  Jackie crosses her arms. “You said you weren’t interested in Connor.”

  “I said I was trying to deter Connor. I don’t remember if I actually said I wasn’t interested. It’s a complicated thing between Connor and me. But what we do or don’t do is no one’s business but ours. You don’t want to start a war with me,” Lexi states, staring her straight in the eyes. “I’m by far a lot smarter than you, and it wouldn’t be good.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Jackie gasps.

  “Of course not,” Lexi snorts, as she starts to walk past her. “It hasn’t gotten to that point yet, and it would be wise to make sure that it doesn’t.” Maddie bursts out laughing, and they walk into the classroom.

  Maddie laughs and laughs as they sit down. “That was priceless.”

  “There you go. You have something to text Derrick,” Lexi declares.

  “Right now?”

  “Maybe, while it’s still fresh.” Maddie takes out her phone. Lexi nods. “Do it.”

  There is a pause of hesitation, and then Maddie sends out a text. “Class is starting soon,” she says. “I doubt he will reply.”


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