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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

Page 15

by Sarah Carter

  “The pyramids at Giza,” Lexi replies. “I still think aliens had something to do with it.”

  “You believe in aliens?” Jackie snorts.

  Lexi pauses and stops chewing. She isn’t sure what to say. “I don’t know. It’s hard to imagine we are the only life forms in the whole universe.”

  “I think it’s a bunch of nonsense,” Jackie snorts. “Like beings from another planet are here on Earth? Okay, whatever.”

  “Maybe it is a stupid idea,” Lexi agrees. “But you never know.”

  “I would be so afraid to be abducted,” Derrick says. “They do awful things to you.”

  Stopping chewing, Lexi pauses again. “Do you really think they would come all this way to torture you?”

  “If they aren’t here to harm us, why wouldn’t we know about them?” Derrick counters. “Why would they have to hide?”

  “I don’t know,” Lexi replies. “Maybe they have their reasons.”

  “Aliens do not exist,” Jackie scoffs. “It’s a stupid subject, and we should talk about something else.”

  Quickly agreeing, Lexi says, “Yeah, let’s talk about something else!”

  “Let’s talk about the new Marvel movie coming out,” Connor suggests gleefully.

  “Hell yeah,” Derrick cheers. “I’m so excited. We need to go see it.”

  “Totally,” Connor says.

  Lexi is happy about the change in subject. She doesn’t need that idea to be put in Connor’s head. Looking at him, she realizes that the conversation didn’t affect him at all. She takes a bite of her fry and smiles.

  Chapter 8

  After lunch, Maddie and Lexi leave everyone and walk to their class. When they are out of earshot, Lexi turns to Maddie. “So…?”

  “So, what?” Maddie retorts.

  “What’s going on with Derrick!” Lexi hisses quietly.

  Maddie smirks. “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t give me that line of BS.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. We haven’t talked about anything, but we have been talking a lot. A lot more than usual. He never texted me outside of talking about Connor. Last night, we spent the whole night talking about all sorts of stuff. Like, I don’t know what to take from it. Does he like me?”

  “Did he say anything about the comments you made in those texts yesterday?”

  She shakes her head. “No. Would I want him to? I wouldn’t even know what to say.”

  “Start off slow,” Lexi offers. “Test the waters. You don’t need to jump in head first.”

  “That’s true,” Maddie agrees. “I really like him, though.”

  “Maybe he feels the same way. You don’t know. Give it time.”

  Maddie looks up at her. “There is also Connor.”

  “I like Connor and all, but this has nothing to do with him. This is about you and Derrick. That’s like saying Derrick has any say so in Connor’s and my relationship. He may be a concerned friend, but that’s as far as it should go.”

  “But, you’re not his cousin that he’s super protective of.”

  “True,” Lexi says. “But, he would still have no say so.”

  She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter. I have no idea what’s going on with Derrick. I don’t want to read too much into it. I have no experience when it comes down to boys, and I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

  “I don’t know,” Lexi draws out. “There are a lot of signs that something is up.”

  “It will do me no good to try and see something that isn’t there,” Maddie says. “Maybe he just wants to be closer as friends.” Suddenly, there is a whistle. Maddie jerks. “Oh, it’s my phone.” She pulls it out and reads the text. “‘I’m so happy that asshole is going to be in jail for a really long time. I couldn’t have gotten better news today. Maybe you can finally move on.’”

  “Who said that?” Lexi asks.

  Maddie gives a small smile. “Derrick.”

  “Respond to it,” Lexi demands. “Say, ‘I want to move on.’”

  “I do want to move on,” she whispers. “I think it’s time.”

  “Then tell him that.”

  There is a moment of hesitation, and then she types. “I am incredibly happy that the bastard is going to do time in prison now.”

  “And, think of what they do to rapists. Think what they do to child rapists. Keep that in the back of your mind.”

  “I’m not usually one for violence, but I feel as though it’s warranted here.”

  “I’d beat the crap out of him if I was near him,” Lexi states seriously, with a nod.

  Looking down, Maddie whispers, “I wish I knew what made him turn himself in.”

  “Maybe an angel of justice.”

  She looks up and laughs. “What?”

  “Maybe it was an angel of justice,” Lexi says. “Maybe it was some outside influence. Maybe it scared him into confessing.”

  “I don’t know if I believe in angels,” Maddie whispers. “But, I will in this case if that’s what happened. For him to suddenly confess is weird. But, I honestly don’t care. He confessed, and he’s going to jail for a really long time.” Her phone whistles again. She reads, “‘I think it’s time you moved on to something better. Don’t let that asshole bring you down anymore. You need to learn to live again.’”

  Maddie types, “I want to live. I want to breathe.”

  “I want to love,” Lexi adds.

  “I can’t write that,” Maddie hisses.

  “Yes, you can because it’s the truth,” Lexi replies. “Just write it.”

  A stare down happens between the two, and then Maddie types it. “If he thinks I am weird.”

  “It doesn’t necessarily have to be about him.” Lexi puts her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “It is a general true statement.”

  “I know,” Maddie whispers, as they come to the classroom door. “I’m just nervous about this whole thing with him.”

  “Don’t be,” Lexi says. “Either way, he’s your friend.”

  As she smiles, Maddie replies, “That’s true.” Her phone whistles, and she looks down. “‘It’s good to love. Love is a great thing. You should definitely be open to it.’”

  “See, wise words. Follow them,” Lexi instructs.

  “What do I say to that?”

  “Just tell him the truth. Tell him you’re ready for love.”

  Maddie’s eyes get big. “I don’t know if I should say that.”

  “Again, you aren’t calling him out on it. You’re just making a true statement. He’s your friend, and you’re allowed to make true statements to him.”

  She smiles. “That’s a good point. I’m going to tell him that now I just need someone to love me back.”

  “Wow, now that’s bold,” Lexi laughs.

  “Too much?” Maddie asks, looking up at her.

  Lexi shakes her head. “Not at all. Just go with what your gut is telling you. You’ve known him almost all your life. I don’t think you being honest is going to do anything.”

  Smiling, they turn and walk into the classroom. They take their seats, and Maddie turns around to Lexi. “Have you ever been in love?”

  “I’ve never really had a boyfriend before,” Lexi says. “Connor is the first guy that I’ve ever shown real interest in.”

  “Connor is great,” Maddie says. “He will treat you like a princess.”

  “I don’t know if I would want to be treated like a princess,” Lexi mumbles. “I have a feeling it wouldn’t be as spectacular as you think.”

  “I don’t think it would be spectacular,” Maddie replies. “People all up in your business all the time. You would probably have to be and act a certain way. I’d rather be a nobody then have to go through life in the limelight.”

  With her eyes wide, Lexi says, “Yeah, I would have to agree with you. That’s weird, though. Most people want the whole glitz and glamour of it.”

  Maddie shakes her head. “Hell no. I wouldn’t want that.”

��Neither would I,” Lexi snorts. “I bet it would get old fast, especially if you grew up in it. Never really being allowed to be yourself. Living by a set of rules placed on you since birth.”

  “See, totally would be annoying,” she states. “Good thing we don’t have to worry about royalty in the US.”

  “Yup,” Lexi whispers. “Good thing.”

  “So, what are you guys talking about?”

  Turning to the right, they see Jackie standing. “Excuse me?” Maddie counters.

  “Just seeing what you guys are talking about,” Jackie says, smiling.

  Speechless, Lexi and Maddie just sit there. “We aren’t talking about much,” Maddie finally says. “We were talking about how much it would suck to be a princess.”

  “Are you kidding me!” Jackie gasps. “I would love to be a princess.”

  “Of course you would,” Lexi snorts.

  Jackie smiles even more at her. Lexi raises an eyebrow. “No, seriously. That means I could get anything I want. I could be anything I want.”

  “You can be anything you want now,” Lexi replies. “No one’s stopping you.”

  “Umm, pretty sure I would have a better chance at being a movie star if I were a princess,” Jackie states.

  “You like acting,” Lexi replies. “That’s cool. Are you in drama?”

  With a disgusted look, Jackie says, “Like, I’d really be in drama.”

  “Pretty sure that’s what actresses do; they act.”

  “Yeah, well, drama nerds aren’t real actors,” Jackie scoffs. “I wouldn’t be caught dead with them.”

  Lexi shakes her head. “God, you are such a bitch.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” Lexi states. She leans forward. “You. Are. A. B-I-T-C-H.”

  Jackie rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Go bother someone else,” Maddie finally chimes in. “We have nothing to say to you, and you obviously have nothing to say that would interest us.”

  “I was trying to be your friend,” Jackie declares. “Obviously, that isn’t going to happen.”

  “Whoa, who says we even want you to be our friend,” Maddie laughs. “We have no interest in that happening. Go away.”

  Rolling her eyes, Jackie says, “Whatever.” She turns and goes to her seat.

  Maddie looks at Lexi. “That was weird.”

  “Weird and Jackie in the same thought. You’re kidding me!” Lexi gasps dramatically.

  That makes Maddie burst out laughing. “That’s true.”

  “She had to have a reason to come over here,” Lexi states, eyeing up Jackie.

  “I’m pretty sure she’s scheming about Connor,” Maddie snorts. “Who knows. She’s a moron. Whatever it is, it’s not going to work.”

  “I don’t know. She’s pretty smart,” Lexi states.

  A dead pan stare comes from Maddie. Lexi grins and winks. Maddie laughs. “Not sure Jackie and smart should be in the same sentence.”

  “Probably not,” Lexi chuckles.

  There is a whistle, and Maddie looks at her phone. “‘Someone will love you back. They will love you a lot and it will change your world.’”

  “Whoa,” Lexi exhales.

  She looks at her with wide eyes. “What do I say to that?”

  The bell suddenly rings. “I have no idea, but it’s going to have to wait until after class.”

  “Great,” Maddie mumbles, as she puts her phone away.

  Lexi leans forward. “It will give you an hour to think about what to say back.”

  “That’s true,” Maddie giggles. The teacher starts talking and they look forward.

  Woman, I need an update, Ashe says.

  Lexi thinks, Oh yeah, I should tell both of you.

  Tell us what? Lana adds in.

  That we need an update.

  With a laugh, Lexi hears Lana go, Snap, yes! Have you heard anything?

  Yes, he confessed and turned himself in. He was arrested. Maddie feels a thousand times better.

  I would hope so.

  That is too awesome. We did a great job! Ashe cheers.

  Lexi replies, I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thank you.

  We are like live action super heroes.

  Pretty sure that’s my parents.

  Are you kidding me! You’re the super hero. You saved us all.

  I don’t know about all of that.

  If it wasn’t for you, who knows what would have happened to the Neturu. Hell, we don’t know what would have happened to this whole world.

  I hate feeling pompous about it. I was two, and I don’t remember anything.

  I’m older. I was five. I remember some of it. Don’t ever downplay what you did. She was evil.

  That I know.


  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  So, when are we getting together? Lana asks.

  Want to come over this weekend?

  Pfff, like you have to ask. Do we get to meet the boy?

  I don’t know.

  Come on.

  I met him already, but he doesn’t know that, Ashe declares.

  Is he cute?

  Dude, I’m straight, but I can even say, yes, he’s good looking.

  I need to see and meet.

  Lexi sighs. Let me ask him.

  Score! Cute boys are the best.

  You should bring a cute girl for me.

  Lexi laughs to herself. I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen. It’s not like you have that hard of time meeting girls on your own.

  That’s a very true statement.

  Oh my god, Ashe, shut up.

  Bite me, Lana. It’s true.

  All right you two. I’m in class.

  Whatever, girl. It’s not like you have to pay attention.


  I should go anyway. There is this flaming hot girl who just sat down next to me on the subway.

  Of course there’s a girl. Okay, stay out of trouble, you two.

  About to get a phone number. Talk to you later.

  Are you pretending to be on your phone?

  Yup. Talk to you later.


  Let me know about this weekend girl! Lana cheers.

  I will. I will ask Connor and give you guys the scoop.

  Okay. Talk to you later.


  Lexi looks at the front of the classroom and rolls her eyes. She has no idea why her dad made her sign up for the most boring class imaginable, when she doesn’t even need to be there. Sighing, Lexi leans back and listens to the teacher.

  As the bell rings, Maddie jumps to her backpack and pulls out her phone. “Did he text you again?” Lexi asks eagerly.


  “You have to send a response back,” Lexi urges.

  “I have no idea what to say,” Maddie whines in frustration.

  Thinking about it for a minute, Lexi finally says, “Say, ‘I want to love. I think I’m ready for it, but I’m nervous.’”

  “Okay,” Maddie agrees. She types on her phone and then sends out the text.

  “Come on, let’s walk,” Lexi says, pulling her out of her seat. “Have you talked that much outside of school?”

  “He was texting me last night off and on,” Maddie answers. “But it wasn’t anything like this. We talked about music and Game of Thrones.”

  With a nod of her head, Lexi says, “That’s a good show.”

  “He and I have a lot in common,” Maddie states. “We do. We have so much in common and get along so well.”

  “So, forming a relationship wouldn’t be that hard.”

  Maddie turns her head to Lexi and gives her a look of exasperation. “There’s a huge difference between a friendship and a relationship.”

  “Not really. You need to be able to be friends to have a solid relationship. The best relationships I have seen are the ones that are as strong as friends as they are lovers. It’s important.”

  “That’s true.”
br />   “He’s an important part of your life. Maybe he can become even more important.”


  They get to an intersection of the hallway. “All right, I have to go this way. Let me know what he says.”

  She smiles. “I will. I will text you if it’s anything important.”

  “Sounds good. See you later.” Lexi waves, and Maddie smiles.

  Lexi makes her way to class. Connor is standing outside the door. “Hey, beautiful.”

  Feeling unexpectedly shy, Lexi smirks. “Hi.”

  “Was class all right?” he asks, putting his arm around her shoulders.

  “It was economics,” Lexi replies. “Not sure it could be too exciting.”

  “No doubt. Are you ready for some excitement in biology?”

  “Do you know what we are doing today?”

  Connor shakes his head, and the corner of his mouth goes up. “No, it just has to be more entertaining than economics.”

  “That’s true. It’s all very boring for me,” Lexi says. “Since...well, you know.”

  “Why are you even in school?” Connor whispers. “If you don’t even need it.”

  “Because they feel like I need to be more social. I was kept home so much as a child. Can’t have me running around doing crazy things. It took a long time before I had it under control.”

  He smiles. “You were a hell child, weren’t you?”

  Lexi smiles back. “Maybe, just a little bit. The older I got, the more disciplined I was about it, but it still leaked through when I was upset.” Lowering down to a whisper, Lexi says, “Even within this secret society, I had to keep it in check. Also, not everyone in this secret society was very welcoming. So, it was rough growing up.”


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