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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

Page 31

by Sarah Carter

  Everyone nods. “I think it’s for the best,” Andrew says. “We want to be careful. If anything got out...”

  “I think the Neturu could throw a pretty good spin on it,” Lexi replies. “But you never know. People could make it into something huge.”

  Jenkins steps forward and grabs something from his pocket. “Here, this is your burn phone.”

  Lexi takes it and squeals. “My very own flip phone. Man, this is great.”

  Andrew rolls his eyes. “You know. One day, not too long ago, those were the cool phones.”

  “Yeah, if you’re old,” Connor laughs.

  He narrows his eyes at him. “Anyway.”

  She puts the phone in her pocket. “Okay, so we need to keep this a secret. I don’t like lying to my parents, but this needs to stay between us.”

  “Al lright, you should go before they get suspicious.”

  “Yeah,” Lexi replies. “They do have a tracker in me.”

  “We will be in contact with you soon. If you can get the three of you there, we can get Connor to Alaska.”

  Nodding, Lexi agrees, “All right, sounds good.”

  Andrew waves his hand for them to go upstairs. They make their way to the front of the house. Andrew says, “Your car will work now. Please, be safe, and don’t mention this to anyone.”

  “We won’t, for sure,” Ashe replies. “This is our very own mission. Her family went on so many crazy adventures at our age. Now, it’s our turn! Woohoo!”

  Lexi rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Anyway, please, keep me informed. I have to let Uncle Mason know what’s going on.”

  “We will,” Jenkins replies. “Be safe. If anything comes up, we will let you know.”

  “Thank you for protecting our secret,” Lexi replies.

  “It’s what we do,” Elizabeth says, with a smile.

  Ashe opens the door and says, “We will see you soon.”

  “Yes, you will,” Jenkins agrees.

  The four teens leave. They are quiet all the way back to the car. They get in, and the car actually starts. Connor doesn’t drive for a minute. “Was that just the craziest thing ever?” he says.

  “Just a little,” Lana replies. “They seem to be telling the truth,” she says. “I would feel it if they were lying.”

  Connor spins around. “I totally forgot about that. You would feel if they were lying.”

  Lana smiles. “Yes, that’s why Lexi brought me, but we didn’t want to say anything.”

  Shaking her head, Lexi says, “We need to stop this other group. We can’t let anything get out. I mean, the Neturu are powerful, but they aren’t that powerful. Once it’s out, it’s out.”

  “Yeah, for sure,” Ashe concurs. “All right, I need food.”

  “I’m too nervous to eat,” Lana says.

  “I need to eat,” Lexi says. “Let’s drive back to town, and I will contact my parents and tell them we are going to eat out.”

  With a nod, Connor says, “That sounds good.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Ashe instructs. “Before Lexi’s parents figure out where we are.”

  Chapter 15

  “So, this evening was a little crazy,” Connor laughs, as he drives Lexi home.

  “Right,” Lexi snorts. “I know how to keep you on your toes.”

  Connor reaches over and takes her hand. “At least I know our dates are never lame.”

  “Well, let’s keep them a little toned down from now on,” Lexi chuckles. “I mean, we don’t need them to be too interesting.”

  “I would have to agree with you on that. I really like your friends. Ashe cracks me up.”

  Lexi smiles at him. “Yeah, he’s a handful.”

  “I’m really glad that I met you,” Connor whispers. “I think you are amazing.”

  She shakes her head. “I didn’t think I would ever have someone say that. It means a lot to me. It means a lot that you like me for me.”

  “None of this stuff fazes me,” Connor promises. “I like you for you. I would like you for you, even if you weren’t a super being.”

  “Just an added perk, huh?” Lexi laughs.

  “I think it may come in handy once in a while,” Connor agrees, with a smile. Lexi looks at him longingly. He has such a beautiful smile. She knows she shouldn’t care for him. She knows it could only cause trouble, but she can’t stop herself.

  He looks at her. “What’s that look for?”

  “Just thinking about how much I care for you,” Lexi whispers. “This can only lead to problems.”

  “Hey, we just started dating,” Connor states, squeezing her hand. “Give it time. Who knows, maybe I will end up being annoying.”

  She raises her eyebrow. “You already are.”

  “Ohhh, do you want to walk to rest of the way home?”

  “Pretty sure I can jump myself home,” Lexi laughs. “Also, I can get a runner ship to get me. So, go ahead, drop me off. See how much I care.”

  “If I dropped you off on the side of the road in the woods, your dad would do creepy alien things to me,” Connor laughs.

  Throwing her hands up, Lexi exclaims, “For the last time, we don’t probe people!”

  He smiles again. “Uh huh, sure, that’s probably what you tell everyone...before you strap them down. That’s what this is, isn’t it? An elaborate plot to probe me?”

  “Yeah, because we are really interested in your colon,” Lexi snorts. “We are really alien proctologists."

  “Weirdos, I knew it!”

  “Shut up,” Lexi snorts. “No, we have had scanners since we left Jiub. I mean, they weren’t as advanced, but if we have ships that will travel through space, I don’t think we need to stick things up butts.”

  He sticks his finger up. “I’ve seen on alien movies, they shove things in your nose a lot.”

  “Well, that’s how we erase memories,” Lexi whispers, looking away. She can’t help but smile.

  “What? Your dad is going to shove something in my brain from my nose!”

  Bursting out laughing, Lexi shakes her head. “No, I’m just joking. We don’t really do that. Even if we did, the person would be put under. We aren’t mean.”

  “Uh huh, sure,” Connor teases. “I have a few people that you can probe if you’d like.”

  “I have asked Dad a few times if we could abduct someone and scare the crap out of them,” Lexi laughs. “When I was younger. He said no. My Aunt Kayla said she asked my father multiple times if they could do it, and he said no to her, too, when they were our age.”

  Connor rubs his chin. “It would be great revenge.”

  “Yeah, but we don’t do that,” Lexi replies. “Sorry to disappoint.”

  “It’s all right,” he chuckles. “So, are you going to tell me how to do my homework? Since it’s so late? And I was out helping your people.”

  Lexi laughs. “Yes, I will do it. Just give it to me. Just this once, though.”

  “My backpack is right there,” Connor instructs. “There’s three assignments.”

  “Okay, it will take me like ten minutes,” Lexi states. “Super easy.”

  He shakes his head. “I wish it were that easy for me.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you?” Lexi counters. “I would give anything to be normal. I have to hide who I am every day. I have to act stupid. I have to purposefully get questions wrong because no one gets every answer right every time. I have to be careful in everything I do. It’s not as awesome as you think it is. I mean, I’m thankful I can do what I do, but there are downsides to everything. Everything in life. There’s always a downside.”

  Connor says, “I know, but it’s still cool you can do all of that.”

  She smirks, “Yeah, it’s fun sometimes.”

  “Who are we going to mess with tomorrow?” Connor asks, looking totally excited.

  Lexi furrows her eyebrows. “No one. We aren’t going to draw attention to me. Not if these other people are watching. No more, no more powers when we
are out. I can’t risk them recording me.”

  “Do you think that is what that kid was doing?” Connor asks. “We never asked Jenkins. What if that wasn’t Jenkins’ group? What if that was the other group.”

  “No, I have a feeling that was them, but I will ask next time I talk to Jenkins,” Lexi replies. She looks out the window. “It’s a beautiful night.”

  “Not as beautiful as you,” Connor says.

  Rolling her eyes, Lexi says, “Whatever, Connor.”

  “Hey, learn to take a compliment,” he urges. “I mean it. You’re beautiful.”

  “I know I’m pretty,” Lexi sighs. “It’s just the purple hair and green eyes. It’s so not normal.”

  “What is normal?” Connor asks. “I mean, really? Obviously, there is more on this planet than just humans. There are three different higher species now. You, the Neturu, and humans. I mean, there is no normal anymore.”

  “That’s true.”

  “See, there is no normal. And look at how many humans try to be different. People pay a lot of money to try and have hair like yours. It’s the in thing.”

  “I need to wear the contacts,” Lexi sighs. “My eyes are just an abnormal green.”

  “You could say you are wearing contacts that make them that way.”

  She shakes her head. “No, the school has rules against that.”

  “They do?”

  Tapping her head, Lexi says, “I know all, remember?”

  “True,” he agrees. “What are your parents going to say with your eyes being green when I drop you off?”

  “I’m going to tell them I told you I put contacts in,” Lexi replies. She smiles. “Hopefully, they believe me. My contacts have come out once before.”

  “Just tell them I didn’t even care,” Connor instructs. “I mean, it’s not lying. I really didn’t.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You sort of freaked and thought they were cool.”

  “Well, you can tell them that. Tell them that I said I wanted cool contacts, but like, red, tiger striped ones.” He nudges her with his elbow. “Maybe they will make me some.”

  “So, you could scare people,” Lexi snorts.

  He shakes his head. “So many people do that now, it’s not even a big deal. Have you seen people tattoo their eyeballs? Now, that freaks me out a bit.”

  She grimaces. “Doesn't that hurt?”

  “I would have to assume that it does,” Connor replies. “And it’s forever like that, too! I mean whatever you want to do man, but I could never do that.”

  “Would you get a tattoo?”

  “Gosh no,” Connor exclaims. “I’m terrified of needles. Uh uh, no way.”

  Lexi grins. “Really? I want one, for sure. My dad and mom have a few. Uncle Mase has a couple.”

  “Nope, not for me, and I will not be there when you get one. I will probably pass out.”

  “Derrick has one.”

  Connor grimaces and shakes his head. “Derrick has a few, and I was there for the first one. I ended up puking and almost passing out. It wasn’t cool at all.”

  “Mister tough guy,” Lexi teases.

  He puts his hand to his chest. “I have never once said I was a tough guy. Nope, I can’t do needles, since I was a kid.”

  “You don’t even feel our needles,” Lexi replies. “There’s an instant numbing agent on the end of it, so you don’t even feel it.”

  “Someone needs to give that technology to the human race,” Connor states. “Come on, some Neturu can be like, ‘ooo, look at what I discovered.’”

  “It’s not as easy as that,” Lexi laughs. “Seriously? Some of the compounds in the formula haven’t even been discovered yet by the human race. Baby steps Connor. We take everything into consideration. But think of the technology boom. Where do you think that came from?”

  Furrowing his eyebrows and looking skeptical, Connor says, “The humans had to have come up with some stuff. We aren’t completely helpless and stupid.”

  “No, you aren’t,” Lexi agrees. “We nudge. We nudge in the right direction. We couldn’t stop the atomic bomb, though. We tried. We couldn’t be real obvious, though. But, we can deactivate the bombs in a second, so there’s that.”

  “Do your scanners know where they all are?” Connor asks.

  “Yeah,” Lexi replies. “But, let’s not talk about Neturu secrets. I’m almost home. Let’s talk about something else.”

  Connor smiles. “So, do you watch sports?”

  She grimaces. “No, Dad does. Mom is into fighting, but I’m not much into that stuff. What about you?”

  “I like basketball,” Connor answers. “And football. Not much into soccer.”

  “I should actually play sports,” Lexi replies. “If it involves me, I don’t see what's going to happen, so it actually may be fun. I have never really tried. And watching sports on TV is boring because I know who’s going to win.”

  He shakes his head. “Man, you could be a billionaire.”

  “We have enough money already,” Lexi laughs. “I won’t ever want for anything, so I don’t need to cheat.”

  “Let me do it, then,” Connor pleads. “Come on. Give me some spending money.”

  Lexi rolls her eyes. “Connor, you’re not even old enough to gamble. And, the last thing we need is for you to get involved with some shady people.”

  “I could make loads of money,” he gasps.

  “You would piss off whoever you were making the bet with,” Lexi replies. “So, the answer will always be no. Anyway, if you need money, I can get you some. Trust me. I have my own trust worth millions.”

  Turning to look at her, Connor says, “Really?”

  With a frown, Lexi replies, “Yeah, like I think it’s thirty.”

  “Just for you!”

  “Can we not talk about it?” Lexi sighs. “It bothers me. We do a lot for charity, don’t get me wrong. It’s just, we are the ruling family. There aren’t homeless Neturu. We take care of our own. We always have. The Neturu race is very different than the human race.”

  Connor nods. “That’s for sure. Humans rarely give a crap about each other. It’s all me, me, me.”

  Lexi shakes her head. “No, we take care of our own. Everyone has a job. If a Neturu falls onto bad times, we take care of them.”

  “That’s good. You should spread that to the humans,” Connor suggests.

  “We have, doesn't work,” Lexi groans. “Humans have too much history we can’t erase. We have evil Neturu. My family has run into them. Look at my real mom. She was crazy. But, we deal with it. We try not to kill. Humans just blow each other up all the time. Kids shoot each other over shoes for god’s sake. SHOES! It’s like, I will buy you the shoes. Put the gun down.”

  He nods his head. “Yeah, it’s a crazy world out there.”

  “Now, imagine what chaos would ensue if they found out alien shapeshifters were on the planet,” Lexi says. “It would be crazy. Anarchy.”

  “I couldn’t even imagine,” Connor replies, grimacing. “People would just shoot everyone.”

  “Oh yeah, animals, too. Someone’s dog. I thought it was a shapeshifter. I mean, anything, they’d freak. Countries would bomb each other. That’s why we need to stop this group,” Lexi whispers.

  Connor agrees, “Yeah, okay, we are turning into your driveway. Let’s be careful what we say.”

  Gasping, Lexi goes, “Oh my gosh, dinner was great!”


  They pull up to the house to see a minivan sitting outside. “Oh, Aunt Kayla and Uncle Jackson are here!” Lexi exclaims. “You have to meet them.”

  “Neturu?” Connor asks.

  “Of course,” Lexi laughs. “Come on.” They park and make their way to the house. Opening the door, Lexi screams, “We have company!”

  Lexi’s brothers come tearing down the hall, followed by two girls. “Lexi!”

  “Hi, Annabelle and Jessica,” Lexi cheers. She gives them both hugs. “Guys, this is my friend, Connor.”
r />   Annabelle curtsies, “Hello.”

  Jessica punches Connor in the leg. “What’s up?”

  “Geez, be nice,” Lexi scolds. “We don’t hit guests.”

  “I do!” Jessica yells, running back down the hall. All the kids run after her.

  Connor and Lexi follow them to the kitchen. They walk in, and everyone smiles. “Hi!” Her Uncle Jackson chimes.

  “Hey, Uncle Jackson,” Lexi says, going over and giving him a hug.

  Her Aunt Kayla, looking very pregnant, shoves some French fries in her mouth. She then wipes her hands on her pants. She gives Lexi a hug. “Hi, dear.”

  “Everyone, this is my friend Connor from school,” Lexi says.

  Aunt Kayla smiles. “Hi, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Kayla, and that’s my husband, Jackson.”

  “Hi,” Connor says.

  “Are you guys hungry?” Lexi’s dad asks.

  Shaking his head, Connor says, “No, we just ate.”

  “That’s good,” Uncle Jackson teases. “My wife is eating the whole house. I think that’s why we came over. She needed more food.”

  Her aunt glares at Uncle Jackson. “That’s not true. You did this to me!”

  “Ewwww!” Lexi squeals. “Ah! Gross! STOP!”

  “Whatever, Lexi,” Aunt Kayla groans. “You’re fine.”

  Lexi grimaces and gives Connor a look. He rolls his eyes. “Really, Lexi?”

  “It’s not your aunt and uncle,” Lexi gags.

  “I’m still hungry,” Aunt Kayla whines. “Damien, make me something.”

  “What would you like?” Lexi’s father asks.

  Aunt Kayla looks up. “Cake.”

  “Look to your husband for that,” her father laughs. “He’s the baker.”

  “I’m pregnant,” Aunt Kayla gasps. “I need something sweet.”

  “We don’t keep processed foods in the house,” her father laughs. “Sorry.”

  Putting her hand up, Lexi goes, “I have some Twinkies hidden in my room.”

  “Yes! Get them!”

  Lexi laughs and waves to Connor. “Come on. Pregnant lady needs some sugar.”

  “I will get them!” Brayden yells.

  “What?” Lexi gasps. “Were you in my room again?”


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