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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

Page 34

by Sarah Carter

  “Okay, good luck.”

  “See you in a bit.” With that, Lexi closes her eyes. She shuts down her monitors and then disappears.

  She reappears in a ship bay. Looking around, she doesn’t see anyone. Walking up to a computer panel, Lexi puts her hand on it. Suddenly, the screen becomes static. Alarms start to sound. Lexi turns and jumps to the weapons room. The alarms are still going. Lexi puts her hand on the keypad, and there is a whirring sound. A door pops open. Lexi reaches in and grabs the suits. Draping them over her arm, she turns around. The door starts to open, so Lexi jumps back to Connor.

  “Whoa!” he exclaims. “That was fast.”

  “We need to get to Jenkins as soon as we can,” Lexi states hurriedly. “They will be scanning around the ship.”

  “Are there sensors on those?”

  Lexi smiles. “I deactivated them.”

  “Good job thinking ahead,” Connor says, nodding.

  “That’s how I roll,” Lexi teases. Connor rolls his eyes. “Seriously, though, we need to go.”

  Connor starts to back up the car. “We should have taken your car. We’d get there so much faster.”

  “No, they can track that. I don’t think they are tracking your car just yet. Give it a little while.”

  “They are going to track me?” Connor gasps.

  She shrugs. “If we are around each other enough, yeah. Maybe not. I’m not sure. They don’t monitor humans as much as you think they do. High public officials, sure. Like the president.”

  “Politicians are so crooked,” Connor snorts. “Are the Neturu like that, too?”

  “No,” Lexi replies. “We aren’t. We are way more of a peaceful species. After the war and how we had to leave Jiub, it makes sense. We don’t want to go through that again. So, we police our people pretty tightly.”

  “That makes sense,” he says.

  Nodding, Lexi sighs, “We do have our bad people, too. My Aunt Kayla was once kidnapped by a psychopath who wanted to join the council and thought she could get him there.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Maybe another time,” Lexi counters. “I need to trust you a little more.”

  “You don’t trust me now?” He gasps.

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, but our secrets you don’t need to know.”

  He tilts his head. “That’s true. Well, no secrets then. We should be careful what we say anyways if they might be looking.”

  “We are actually just at the limits of my jumping,” Lexi states. “When I was younger, I could jump farther, but I think since my mass has changed as I got older I can’t go as far.”

  “You’re not that big,” Connor laughs.

  “I didn’t mean it that way,” Lexi groans. “I meant, there’s a huge difference between two-year-old me and sixteen-year-old me.”

  With a quick nod, he replies, “That’s true. So, you are like a solid source of energy, huh?”

  She smiles, “Secrets.”

  “Oh, come on,” Connor moans. “There has to be some stuff you can tell me.”

  “Yes, I’m like a battery,” Lexi replies. “I’m constantly recharging. We aren’t sure how that works. There’s so much we don’t understand.”

  He looks at her. “But, Jenkins says he has all that info.”

  “I really feel like I should destroy it,” Lexi whispers. “We can’t have another one of me. We are lucky all the special kids turned out all right. Could you imagine if Ashe was bad or Lana?”

  “Are there other special kids?” Connor asks.

  “They are all adults, now,” Lexi answers. “So, we kind of know if they are bad or not. They all seem okay.”

  Tilting his head, Connor asks, “Are you the youngest?”

  “I am,” Lexi replies. “I’m the last and final experiment. I was the end result of what she wanted.”

  “Why do you think she made you?” Connor asks.

  She takes in a deep breath. “I can join species.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can join the energies of Kenga and Neturu,” Lexi replies. “I can make them join and get pregnant. That’s what she wanted. She wanted to go back and save the Kenga. We have no idea if they are alive anymore. The planet was dying because of what they did. Part of me understands. I’m mostly Kenga. We left them behind, and they could have possibly have died off. It was by their choice, but there were Kenga who were fighting against their king. So, some innocent people were left behind. It’s kind of sad.”

  “Why was your real mom so interested in doing that?” Connor inquires.

  Sighing, Lexi says, “She was in love with my real father. He was Kenga. That’s the other half of me. She get his blood and regenerated whatever she needed to create us.”

  “You can regenerate things from blood,” Connor gasps. “Like Jurassic Park.”

  “Sort of,” Lexi replies. “It’s kind of complicated. I couldn't even begin to explain it. There’s so much science behind it that humans haven’t even reached yet. So, it may be a little hard for you to understand. And I’m not saying that because I think you are stupid. It’s just involves stuff that is a little over your head.”

  He shakes his head. “No, I get it. You are an advanced alien race for a reason. There’s probably a lot that you guys know that we wouldn’t understand yet.”

  “There’s some stuff that I hope you don’t understand,” Lexi sighs. “I mean, our weaponry. I couldn’t imagine humans having that. Your future isn’t going to be like Star Trek. It’s not going to be all about peace and love.”

  “You don’t know, someday, maybe,” Connor mutters.

  “See, you don’t even sound that convinced,” Lexi says. “Your whole existence, it’s been war. It’s been who has the most power. I don’t think you will ever find peace. There may be a time that we have to leave again. If you advance to a certain point. Or maybe we will step in. We are already trying to counteract global warming. You’re destroying your own planet. The trash. The plastic. Overpopulation. Animals are going extinct. No one cares.”

  Connor puts up his finger. “That’s not true. There are people who care.”

  “Not as many as people who don’t care,” Lexi sighs. “I mean, you are killing your planet. Just in a different way than Jiub. You guys don’t have another planet to go to, and we don’t have enough ships to take you anywhere. Anyway, if you can’t take care of this planet, why would we take you someplace to destroy another planet? I hope someday humans eyes open up to what’s going on.”

  “I think we are getting to that point,” Connor says. “I mean, the ice caps are melting.”

  Lexi nods. “Yeah, but even then. There are people who deny that it’s happening.”

  He shrugs. “I think it’s just out of greed.”

  “The human race is incredibly greedy,” Lexi states. “It’s sad. It’s all me, me, me. Look at the homeless. A certain amount of humans hold all the wealth. They help no one. That’s not how the Neturu work. None of our people are homeless. We help those in need. We even help humans in need. Neturu have companies. We try and hire people who are on hard times.”

  “That’s pretty amazing,” Connor replies. “I wish more people were like that.”

  “There are some,” Lexi says. “But, not as many people as we’d hope. You guys like to argue more about who’s right than to try and figure out a way to work things out. You are still such a young race.”

  Scoffing, Connor says, “We’ve been around for awhile now.”

  “You have only been in the age of technology for a short amount of time,” Lexi states. “You need to get on your feet a little yet. Someday I hope you can meet in the middle and figure out how to save yourselves. At this point, you will destroy each other.”

  “I see that happening, too,” Connor sighs. “Will you guys step in?”

  “That’s up to the council,” Lexi declares. “They will make that decision. If we step in, we would have to rule, and that’s not what we want, but we like it
here. And, I don’t think we would let you destroy this planet, too.”

  He puts his hand to his chest. “But, there are a lot of people like me.”

  “But, you aren’t the ones in power,” Lexi says. “That’s the difficult part. You can’t control much. The people who are in control are crooked, as you said.”

  “That’s true,” he exhales. “Well, maybe one day we can find peace.”

  “I sure hope so,” Lexi agrees. Then she thinks of what that boy Adam said. Maybe, she will finally have to step in. Is that what he was talking about? Is that how she saves the planet? Because, she could deactivate everything herself. She could control the planet if she wanted to. All Lexi knows is that she needs to get that stone from Jose. That’s the only thing that can stop her. Well, that she knows about. A slow exhale comes from her. Lexi wonders if someday she will find out something else can stop her. Her mother probably thought ahead about that.

  “You seem really deep in thought,” Connor states.

  She shakes her head. “I am just thinking about stuff. Stuff I can’t talk about. I’m sorry. There’s some stuff that needs to be a secret.”

  “Maybe someday you can tell me,” Connor suggests.

  Looking out the window, Lexi says, “Maybe.” She knows she’s lying. There’s no way she could tell Connor about Adam. Adam insisted that she keep it a secret. She thought time shifts were something she made up. Maybe, they do exist and if they do, she has to be careful.


  She sits up straight. “My dad is contacting me.”

  “Don’t say anything stupid,” Connor urges.

  “I won’t,” Lexi replies. Yeah Dad, what’s up?

  Someone just stole some weaponry from us.

  Actual weapons? How does that happen?

  Not actual weapons, but the protective suits. Where are you?

  With Connor, like I told you. We are on our way to pick up Derrick.

  Why are your chips turned off? Did you have something to do with this?

  Oh my god, Dad. What would I need the suits for? If I needed them, wouldn’t I just ask for them. Like, really?

  Why did you turn your chips off?

  I just wanted some privacy. Okay? Connor was telling me some private stuff. I didn’t think some random Neturu needed to know his personal business.

  Why did you turn off your tracking device?

  It’s easier for me to turn them all off at once. I will turn it back on. I’m fine. What could possibly happen to me?

  I know, but I’m your father, and I worry. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if something happened to you.

  I get that, Dad, but I’m fine. Connor just wanted to confide in me. That’s really no one’s business.

  You’re being safe with this boy, right? You aren’t getting too close.

  Have you never told your friends personal stuff? Of course you have. We were just having a heart to heart. He is going through some stuff with his stepdad. He doesn't have his mother to talk to. She died a long time ago.

  That’s sad. I’m sorry to hear that. Okay, I need to go. We don’t know who took the suits or how..

  Did they steal actual weapons?

  No, just the suits.

  Maybe it was some prank.

  Get past all our security, for a prank?

  I don’t know, but being that they were in a weapons room and didn’t even take a real weapon, I wouldn’t be too concerned.

  Those suits are made specifically for the red squadron.

  Don’t they have trackers on them?

  They were deactivated, which made me think of you.

  Were all of them taken?


  Why would I need all of them? What do you think I’m going to do with them? I’m also with Connor. Don’t you think he’d wonder why I disappeared and appeared with these suits? I mean, I think that would be a dead giveaway that I’m different.

  I just worry. I don’t like that someone got past our security.

  Dad, they didn’t even take weapons. It’s probably someone just testing if they could even trick you. Just amp up security.

  I was planning on it. We are going to look into how they got into our computer systems.


  Our systems don’t get viruses.

  What if someone figured it out? You never know. She hates lying to her dad. She never really has before. Lexi is so close to her parents. This is really hard on her, but she knows she needs to complete this mission.

  I doubt someone figured out how to make a virus we don’t catch.

  It was just an idea, Dad. I wouldn’t be too worried.

  We will figure it out. Please, be safe. I’m worried.

  They didn’t steal weapons. I wouldn’t worry too much. They could have taken a lot worse things. You are sure they didn’t take any other weapons.

  No, they didn’t take anything. We couldn’t even sense anyone in that room. We only knew because the door was open, which made me think of you since we could never sense you. Do you think it was someone associated with your real mother?

  Like who, Dad? Maybe it was a glitch and the people got past your security. Amp it up, like I said. None of the kids did this. Why would they? What could they possibly need those suits for?

  To do something bad.

  Well, just keep a tighter eye on things.

  Please, put your sensors back on when you are done talking to Connor.

  I will. I promise. Did Mom talk to Uncle Mason?

  Yes, she did. He is going to take you overnight I guess, on a snowboarding trip.

  That was the plan. I’m excited. I think it will be fun.

  Just don’t get into trouble. Your Uncle Mason doesn’t care much about the council or authority in general.

  He’s not a bad guy, Dad. Are you ever going to give him a break? He is my favorite uncle and Mom’s best friend.

  I just don’t like the guy and never have. I doubt that will change. I tolerate him because he is so close to you guys.

  Whatever, Dad. He has no problem with you.

  That’s all fine. We get along and are civil. That’s all that matters.

  Well, I should get back to Connor. I am pretending to text you. He’s going to get suspicious soon, if I don’t talk.

  Just, be careful, okay?

  Got it, Dad. I will turn my sensors back on later.

  Sounds good. Love you.

  Love you, too. Lexi takes a deep breath. “I think I have him convinced it’s not me.”

  “That’s good.”

  “As long as he doesn’t figure out that it’s me, we are golden. If he does, I’m going to be grounded for a long time.”

  “Let’s just worry about this weekend,” Connor says. “Let’s get through that, first. Then we can return the suits.”

  She snaps her fingers. “That’s a good idea. He will be less suspicious if they are returned. I told him it could have been a prank. He may believe that more if the suits are returned.”

  “There you go. We have some sort of plan then,” Connor states. “It’s a beginning.”

  “That it is,” Lexi replies. “Hopefully, we don’t damage them.”

  He turns and looks at her. “How would they get damaged if nothing can pierce them?”

  “If something hits them, the outside gets damaged. Like I said, it would still hurt quite a bit if you’re hit, but it won’t penetrate the suit.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Better than dying,” Lexi chimes. “Anyway, I’m hoping my powers work for the most part. I can knock guns out of the bad guy’s hands. I don’t think they will know we are coming. I will take them by surprise. Uncle Mason will really take them by surprise.”

  Connor smiles. “That’s true and makes me feel a little better.”

  “I really don’t think they know the shit storm that is coming at them,” Lexi laughs. “Like, I’m pretty sure that Uncle Mason and I could go in there by ourselves.”

  He puts his hand up. “N
ow, now, now, let’s take whoever can help. I want you to come back.”

  “Do you realize who I am and what I can do?” Lexi snorts. “I should be fine.”

  “That Jose guy has a stone.”

  “Yeah, he has a stone. The others don’t. I don’t think they realize all I can do. If I can destroy the planet, I can do this.”

  With a laugh, Connor says, “It’s not every day that your girlfriend declares that she can destroy the planet.”

  “I can,” Lexi notes. “I’m not going to. I plan to help people.”

  He looks at her. “Do you still want to become a detective?”

  “I think so,” Lexi replies. “Like missing persons. Child abductions. Cold cases. I would really have to put some thought into it. I can’t just go in and be like, I just solved a hundred cases in a week.”

  “Yeah, but how would you pick and choose who to help?” Connor asks.

  She bites her lip. “I don’t know. I think I would concentrate on finding the ones who are alive. But also, if it involves me a lot, I won’t see anything. So, it may be exciting for me. Using my powers to help, but I also may have to do some detective work.”

  “I think you’d be good at it,” Connor says. “You could help a ton of people.”

  “That’d be nice,” Lexi sighs, happily. “I would love to be able to do something good with my powers. My real mom was so evil. I want something good to come from this. She never abused me. She couldn’t. But she did severely abuse the other kids. Ashe and Lana remember. They always say I saved them.”


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