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Full of Fire: A Contemporary Romance (Irresistible Book 2)

Page 6

by Claire Angel

  “No. You’re pretty. I think you would be a good one.” I looked at Jack and Grace as Marisol pressed a hand to her chest.

  “Why, thank you. I’m honored.” Marisol grinned as I looked over at her. “I just have to decide if Kelly is good enough.”

  “That’s harsh.” Grace laughed as she bumped her shoulder against Jack.

  “My heart is aching. How can you wound me that way?” I asked as everyone laughed. A waitress came by, and we ordered drinks before looking at a menu. Once we ordered dinner, everyone fell into an easy conversation. Grace and Marisol got on well with their similar personalities, though I hadn’t seen it in Grace lately. Marisol seemed to bring her back to life somehow, and Jack smiled at me. Ella joined in happily, loving Marisol’s quick wit.

  When we finished and walked outside together, Ella begged Marisol to come over to her house. She wanted to watch movie with us and show off her toys. I looked at Marisol, remembering that she was supposed to study. I was also wondering how up to it my niece was feeling.

  “You are more than welcome. We’re just going to relax.” Grace smiled and snuggled against Jack. Marisol looked at them and then at me as she tried to decide.

  “I am supposed to study for a test.” Marisol smiled at Ella.

  “Do it tomorrow.” I smiled at Ella’s continued pleas.

  “Honey, she has stuff to do. We can have her over anytime.” Grace laughed as Ella pouted at her.

  “I will come over after I drop her off, Ella.” I smiled at my niece, and she stared up at me. I glanced at Marisol as I wondered if it would be a quick drop off or if she’d invite me in.

  “How about I come for a movie and then study? Will that work?” Marisol asked as she smiled at me.

  “Yes!” Ella threw her hands in the air, and everyone laughed. I told Marisol I would drive her to the house and then home. When we were in my car, I looked at Marisol as I started the car.

  “Are you cool with this? I know how manipulative she can be about getting her way.” Marisol laughed and nodded.

  “I would call it persuasive, but she is a doll. I don’t mind.” I nodded and headed to the house.

  “She’s not well. You’ll probably get it being there, so I want you to know.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” Marisol quietly asked as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  “Leukemia. She’s in treatment right now and doing well. Bad days and good ones. Today was good, so they went out. It gives everyone a chance to relax,” I explained as she sucked in her breath. We were quiet until I parked at the curb, and she looked at their small house with the wraparound porch. “We’re all trying to keep her life as normal as possible.”

  “I’ll do that. I’m just shocked…she’s so young.” Marisol sounded stunned, and I remembered that feeling.

  “Yeah. It’s a hard pill to swallow.” I nodded, and she looked at me as she regained her composure.

  “I won’t let on that I know. I am going to treat her as the same girl I met at the restaurant.” Marisol gave me an assuring smile and leaned over to press her lips against mine. “There is a lot more to you than meets the eye, Kellen.” She pulled away, and I got out of the car to open her door. Ella came to her door as we began to walk up, carrying two dolls and babbling incessantly.

  “Slow down, Ella. Let’s go inside.” Marisol followed her through the door, and I stepped in to see Grace in the kitchen. I heard voices upstairs and knew that the girls were up there as Jack entered the room.

  “Hey, brother. You made Ella’s night with that girl.” I smiled. “When did that happen?”

  “I don’t know. We bumped into each other around town and then hung out last night. She was leaving the coffee shop and walked down to my car tonight, and I invited her.” I shook my head. “I knew she would fit in.”

  “She does. I adore her.” Grace walked up to hug me, and I laughed. “Do you care for her?”

  “I don’t know. Marisol’s so strong-willed that she fascinates me. I have so much going on that I don’t know if I have time for any of this.” I hugged her back.

  “Make time if she is what you want. You deserve to enjoy life through this, honey. I love that you’re here for us but live a little.” Grace sniffled softly, and I closed my eyes.

  “I told her about Ella. I knew she’d pick up on something here because Marisol is like that. I wanted her to come inside informed, but she’s not going to act any differently with Ella.” I opened my eyes to look at Jack. They were a private family, and I didn’t want to make things hard between us.

  “That’s good. If Ella likes her this much, she needs to know. Maybe she’ll help in any way that she can.” He looked serious for a moment, and I pulled away to look at Grace.

  “I feel the same way. We don’t have a big family, and the support is a good thing.”

  Ella and Marisol appeared later with dolls. Ella asked to watch one of her favorite movies, and Grace made popcorn. We all settled in the living room and chatted softly through the film as Ella rested with her back to me and feet in Marisol’s lap. They figured out quickly that she was as busy as I was with school and work. Grace offered her the same advice that she gave to me weekly about self-care.

  We also got the impression that she didn’t have a lot of family, if any. She didn’t go into particular detail, but she did say that she was paying her bills and school with no help. Grace felt like taking her in like she did Jack and me when we met, but kept it to herself. Ella finished the movie passed out, and I looked at Marisol.

  “I guess I should tackle that studying,” she offered as she looked around. “This little one needs sleep.”

  “Thanks for coming over. She loved it.” Grace told her as we all stood. She hugged both of us goodbye, and Jack told us to have a good night with a pointed look at me. We walked out to my car, and I opened her door.

  “That was good of you. Thanks.”

  “Ella is great. They’re great as a family. I had a good time,” Marisol replied as we pulled onto the street.

  “You were perfect for each other. Grace might want to hang out,” I joked as she smiled.

  “Is that the reason for the band? It is his escape?”

  “Yeah, I suppose. We always played, but he was starting to shoot for going big when Ella got sick. After that, he pushed harder, and we got the gig at Ripple. I love playing, and I want him to do the same. I just see how hard it hits him sometimes.”

  “I can tell. They look good on the outside, but there’s more there.”

  “How do you pick up on that?” I asked as I parked outside of her building.

  “I’m empathic.” I nodded. “I sense things about people. There is a lot with you and your brother.”

  “Yeah.” I agreed and looked at her. “I’ll walk you up.” I got out of the car and opened her door. We walked to the front door and went in and made our way to her apartment.

  “Want to come in and help me study? You could fire questions at me.” She smiled, and I looked down at her. “Do you work in the morning?”

  “No. I have the day off.”

  “Too bad. I was going to suggest you flake on Yuri.” She laughed and turned to unlock her door. Marisol invited me in, and I got a closer look at her studio. It resembled mine, and we made our way across the room to her large bed. Like my apartment, it appeared to be the most comfortable spot inside. “So, I have this sheet to study from with the answers.” Marisol flicked on a light beside the bed.

  “Where do you go to school?” I asked her as she dropped to her pillow. She gestured for me to join her, and I took the other side.

  “I’m doing this online program. I can work better around that.” She pulled a notebook from the foot of the bed and removed a worksheet.

  “It’s a viable option,” I agreed as I watched her read something on the paper. Her hair was straight and thick as it hung over her right shoulder, and I wanted to touch it. Marisol looked over at me, and I saw something pass through her dark eyes. “Wh

  “I invited you in because it felt so natural. That’s not a common thing for me.” She had a confused expression on her face, and I grinned.

  “You just did dinner and a movie with my crazy family. I think we’re on a good level.” I wanted to mention the kiss but decided against it. It seemed impulsive on Marisol’s part, and I didn’t know if it meant a damn thing.

  “That was fun. They’re a sweet family.” She smiled, and I nodded, scooting back against a pile of pillows.

  “What are these questions we need to work on?” I asked as she glanced at the paper.

  “It’s an English test. I am a good writer and know what I’m doing, but this teacher likes to go deep. It’s nice to have someone to help me out. Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” She handed me the sheet, and I read through the questions. I started in the middle to throw her off and jumped around, impressed by how fast she answered them. I finished and looked up at her with a smile. “You’re set. You didn’t hesitate on any of these.”

  “I study a lot. If I’m home, I am in a class or doing something for school. I sleep when I pass out.” She gave me a weak smile, and I nodded in understanding. “You work a lot, right?”

  “Yeah. I do double shifts at the shop every chance I get and do side jobs. The band is starting to make some money.” She nodded thoughtfully.

  “Your apartment isn’t expensive, right?” I nodded. “Where does the money go? Are you saving for a house or something?”

  “No. I’m helping Jack with the medical bills. He has a good job and insurance, but the bills are adding up. I help with those and take food and stuff over. I like to keep Ella happy. We’re close, or at least we were until you came into the picture.” I laughed, and she rolled her eyes at me.

  “She adores you. I’m a novelty to Ella.” Marisol looked at me with a serious expression. “That’s kind of you. I love families like that.”

  “You work a lot. How come?” I pressed her for information, and she leaned against her pile of pillows.

  “I’m paying for school and bills. It’s only my sister and me, and she has her place. Mom died when we were young, and Dad checked out. Once we were out of high school, he left us to our own devices. We got jobs and apartments wherever they would take us, and I started school two years ago. My sister is a waitress at a couple of different places in town.”

  “Does she look like you?” I asked, and she shrugged with one shoulder.

  “A bit. Celia takes after our dad more, and I look like Mom. You can tell that we’re related, and we’re crazy close.” I saw love pass over Marisol’s face and understood that. “I guess we both have a similar situation.”

  “My parents died when I was in high school.” I didn’t tell everyone this story, but Marisol earned it. “Jack was twenty-three and took care of me. He did everything. I want to help him through this.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been awful.” Marisol looked sad for me, and I smiled at her.

  “It was, but that was years ago. He met Grace and Ella came along, and we have a family now.” I smiled.

  “I can see how that little girl brought everyone together. She’s precious.” Marisol moved closer to me, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Do you want kids?”

  “I haven’t thought about it. I’ve been so busy with Ella and work. I breathed in her sweet citrus scent. “How about you?”

  “I’m so young that I haven’t thought about it. I’ve been working towards my goals. I do see the love between them. It’s nice.” She smiled and I caught the sincerity in her voice.

  “I haven’t thought about it. They’re sweet, but it’s a big step. I want to graduate, get a good job first, and someone that I can deal with daily. Or, I need someone that can deal with me because I’m hot-headed.”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” I joked, and she dropped her head against my shoulder. “We have time. We have other things and people right now.”

  “I like the way this feels,” Marisol admitted as I stroked her hair. “I don’t know what I want from this, but I like spending time with you.”

  “I agree.” I pressed my lips to her hair and smiled. I felt her shift against me and allowed her control of anything that happened.

  Eventually, Marisol was facing me and stealing looks at me. “I want to kiss you.”

  “You won’t get any arguments from me,” I assured her as she licked her full lips. Marisol moved into my lap, and I raised a brow as she leaned in for a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and memorized the feeling of her body covering mine, making me respond almost painfully. I slipped an arm around her waist, and she molded against me as I deepened the kiss.

  We stayed that way for what could have been a few minutes or an hour. I was too lost in her taste and heat to care, just holding her close as I made out with her like a teenager. Marisol pulled away reluctantly and looked into my eyes. “I could get used to this.” She smiled and kissed me again. “Will you sleep here with me? Just sleep? I like having you here.”

  “Sure.” She went into her bathroom to change into something for bed, and I slipped off my jeans and slipped under the covers. Marisol watched as I slipped off my shirt and joined me, asking if we could go over the questions one more time. She was taking her test in the morning.

  When we finished, she turned out the light and pressed her mouth to mine. She only came to bed wearing a camisole and some cotton shorts, and I could feel her heat as my hands passed over her skin. I wanted to strip her and kiss every part of her body and memorize her taste. I kept it at soft touches over her clothes as our tongues tangled together until we couldn’t breathe.

  “I’m so tired. I don’t want to stop, but I have so much going on tomorrow. Shit.” She collapsed against her pillow and closed her eyes in the light from the outside.

  “Sleep. I’ve got you.” I was hard as hell and I wanted more, but I knew that Marisol wasn’t the kind of girl I’d sleep with and walk away.

  I watched as she relaxed against me, evenly breathing until she was fast asleep. I settled myself as close as I could to Marisol, closing my eyes as sleep took over.

  I woke up to an alarm and blinked as I took in my surroundings. I smelled the woman beside me and breathed her in as I pulled her body close. “I don’t want to get up,” Marisol grumbled as she hit her phone.

  “When do you work?” I asked as I closed my eyes for another few minutes of sleep.

  “I work the lunch shift at the cafe and Ripple tonight. I close.” Marisol nuzzled against my chest. “I need to take that test soon.”

  “Want me to get us coffee somewhere?” I mumbled after the alarm went off a second time.

  “I have cold brew in the fridge. There’s creamer and shit in there.” She didn’t open her eyes, and I grinned.

  “Cold brew, huh?” I asked softly, pushing her hair back. I enjoyed waking up with her this way and never slept as well as I did last night.

  “I’m addicted. I was from the moment I tasted it.” Marisol opened her eyes and glanced around the small apartment. “There are mornings that I hope to wake up in a bigger place.”

  “I get that. Studios are small, but I can manage the rent.” We stayed there for a few more minutes, and she finally rolled to her back.

  “I’ll get us coffee. Get your laptop going.” I kissed her gently and pushed out of bed to walk over to the small kitchen. I pulled cups from the shelves and poured coffee into them, remembering the sweetness of the drink I spilled on her just days ago. I added what seemed similar and glanced over to see her sitting at the table with her computer. I brought the coffees over and sat with her as she stared at me for a moment.

  “I don’t do this.” She waved her hand between us. “I don’t sleep with people in my bed, nor do I do casual sex. I don’t know why I want this so much.”

  “I get it because I’m the same way. That said, I slept great last night.” A flush crossed her face, and she nodded slowly. She looked at the laptop and sipped her d

  “Perfect.” I smiled. She took her test, and I let her focus on that as I drank coffee and scrolled through my phone. I didn’t have a performance tonight, and we weren’t practicing. That was a rare day for me not to do something, and I lifted my eyes to look at Marisol as she worked. She had two of her jobs today, and one was so late. She worked on the test for close to an hour and then leaned back and closed her eyes. “Done. I think I killed it.”

  “Want me to make some breakfast?” She opened one eye to gaze at me, and I shot her the smile that got the girls at the shows to swoon.

  “You’re hot as hell, and you cook?” Marisol shook her head. “There is an asshole buried underneath all of that, isn’t there?”


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