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Blank Space (Dirty South Book 1)

Page 13

by Alla Kar

  “Sydney?” Mother asked. She eyed my dress, my shoes, and my hair before turning her attention to Cash. “What a surprise,” she said.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Dad cut me off. “Where in the hell were you last Friday, Sydney? You know it’s in our agreement for you to show.”

  I felt like I’d been caught doing something terrible. He’s my boss hung across my thoughts like a huge neon sign.

  “It’s my fault,” Cash said, reaching for my dad’s hand. “I’ve been so greedy with her and her time.”

  Dad turned his eyes toward me. I was having a very difficult time decoding the look on his face. “Well, at least she was with you and not at the club, right?”

  Cash curved his fingers harshly against my waist and drug me closer to him. The breath I was about to take stuck in my throat. “Yes sir, she was finishing up the entrance of my home. It’s the most beautiful work I’ve ever seen.”

  I stole a glance up at Cash. His eyes were focused on my father, while my mother gaped openly at the both of us. It wasn’t a surprised look but a curious glare.

  “Well, that may be the wine talkin’, son, but I appreciate seeing you again. I didn’t know that you were dating my daughter?”

  Dammit. This is why I skip Friday night dinners, Dad.

  Cash’s palm slid to my waist and ran from my ribs to hip, in a rhythm that comforted me. “The first time I saw her work I knew I wanted her to paint for me, sir. It didn’t take me long after to realize how lovely she can be.”

  A drowning heat threatened to slowly put me out of my misery. Dad lifted a brow that pissed me off but I reached out to take his hand anyway. I drug my eyes away to my mother, and she gave me a small smile. It wasn’t exactly nice, but I’d say it’s a step away from being left out of the will.

  “I hope I’ll see you both next Friday,” Dad said, giving me a quick glance. “You look lovely,” he said.

  I looked lovely? I couldn’t remember the last time he’d complimented me. And in this ugly dress. I guess I need to stop listening to Frankie. “Thanks.”

  Dad and Mom disappeared into the restaurant, and I didn’t look after them. Cash ushered me into the backseat of his limo and took a seat very close to me. His scent, woodsy and rich, poured over me. “Thank you.”

  Cash settled his arm behind my head. “For what?”

  I tightened my fingers together in my lap. “For saying we’re on a d—,”

  “We are,” he cut me off. I felt his palm circle my shoulder, and he turned me to look at him. The other palm curled around my thigh, bringing my attention to high alert. “Did you enjoy dinner?” he whispered.

  My body hummed at the rasp in his voice. “It was great,” I whispered.

  Cash’s tongue ran slowly across his bottom lip, a stare I hadn’t seen yet darkened his eyes. “Good.” I watched him watch me for a few seconds before his palm tightened against my thigh, drawing me even closer to him.

  The single touch had my body blazing. “This is the part where you’re gonna tell me if you had a good enough time to go for dessert?”

  By the tightening of his grip, I could tell that he didn’t mean ice cream. I wanted to scream yes, let go of all of my frustration and let him kiss me. I wanted it. “W—what do you mean?” I asked, my mouth very close to his.

  “Are we gonna play that game tonight?” He reached over and put something into his phone.

  Joey laughed a few seconds later. “You got it, boss,” he shouted from the front.

  “What did you send him?” I asked.

  Cash chuckled, the hand behind my head laced into the nape of my hair. “To take the long way home,” he whispered, his breath hit my mouth. “Because I think you need some persuading, Peach. I’m more than willing to show you what you’re gonna miss out on.”

  I felt like Satan had just welcomed me into hell. A throbbing began between my legs. I suddenly regretted the plain white panties I wore underneath this stupid dress. Another one of Frankie’s ideas.

  Cash bent his head, his strong jaw sent shadows over his thick neck. When I felt his lips skim the length of my bare skin, I felt myself soaking the white cotton. “All you have to do is ask me for it. Tell me I can touch you.”

  I tried to think through the swarm of red blinding my vision. The heat scorched the throbbing place between my legs. He’d only hardly touched me, and I felt like I’d go under any second. I reached out and grabbed the collar of his suit jacket.

  The hand on my thigh raised my dress higher, his index finger only mere inches, mere seconds, away from the damp cotton. “Do you want me to touch you there?” he asked. “Do you want me to kiss that pretty mouth?”

  I hadn’t expected the soft whimper that left my throat, but I couldn’t stop it. I needed him to touch me. “Yes,” I whispered softly.

  Cash nodded, pulling me in by the back of my head. His fingers tightened in my hair; his mouth slid across mine. I could taste his minty breath; his kiss was slow and steady. I moaned into his mouth when he parted my lips, and his tongue danced inside with a power I hungered for.

  My fingers clung to his shirt; I was half gone already when his fingers pressed against my silk folds through my drenched panties. Cash muffled a groan into my mouth, pulling me closer by the back of my neck. “You’re so ready,” he whispered. He broke our kiss; his eyes went straight down to where he pressed against me. “I can see how pink you are,” he whispered, his fingers never stopping, his thumb rubbing hard against my clit. “Does that feel good?”

  He lifted his face, his mouth pulling at my mouth, his teeth gnawing at my lip. I hadn’t had a breath to answer when he pulled me closer, his fingers lowering to my entrance, only to be able to touch me so far. I cried into his mouth, and he quickly slid my panties to the side and pushed two rough fingers into me.

  My body melted, and my mouth opened in a hushed cry. “Oh God.”

  Cash leaned me down until I lay against the soft leather of his backseat. One of his knees rested on the floorboard, his left hand rested beside my head, while his right hand continued to work inside of me.

  His fingers quickened, and he brought his mouth down to suck on my neck. Unable to help it, I buried my fingers into his dark hair, pulling him closer to me. I felt a heavy pressure building in me, a deep ache filling me to the max.

  Cash growled when he felt the limo slow to a stop. His fingers stopped as he adjusted my underwear, but never breaking our kiss until he heard Joey tap on the top of the limo. “Goddammit,” he mumbled, pulling me up to fix my dress. “We just have to make it to my room.”

  Before I could say anything, he had the door opened, and he pulled me toward the house. “See you in the mornin’, Joey.”

  I didn’t have to look to know Joey smiled. Cash’s hair was a wild mess from my fingers, and I could only imagine what mine looked like. There was a crazed look in his eyes when he drug me upstairs; his legs took long strides toward the huge castle like door making it hard for me to keep up.

  It shut behind us in a swift slap, and his hands were all over me. My back hit the back of the door, and he lifted me to his waist, pressing what I’d imagined time and time again into my drenched panties. “I can’t wait to taste you, Peach. I bet you’re as sweet as I’ve been imaginin’.”

  His kiss was intense; a hot masculine warmth overtook my mouth. The technique he used to part my lips and shove his demanding, experienced tongue into my mouth had my body shaking. The way his fingers dug into my ass had me trying not to pass out from the hot wild rush of my blood.

  He finally broke our kiss as he carried me toward his bed. Huffs of his breath raged against my mouth. “Lay back,” he said as he stood between my legs.

  I couldn’t help but stare as he unbuttoned his white shirt. The bulge in the front of his slacks was thick and hard against his leg. God, I wanted him inside of me. He watched me with heavy green eyes, his fingers hurrying down the length of his shirt. The dimly lit lamps cast shadows against his body. Every ridge of hi
s muscles and every edge was darkened, illuminating just how cut he was.

  My fingers clenched the downy comforter underneath me; my heels dug into the mattress. Nerves controlled every breath I took. The smoldering heat of his eyes made my thighs clench. “Spread your legs,” he whispered, his arm dropping his shirt onto the floor.

  Slowly, I spread my legs, letting them fall shamelessly opened. I could feel how the cotton stuck to me, but I didn’t care if he knew I wanted him this much. Cash dropped to his knees in front of me, dragging me closer to the edge with one palm.

  The tip of his finger slid from my knee to the warm cotton. He growled underneath this breath and bent down to kiss the inside of my thigh. His dark stubble scraped against my leg, his soft lips pressed against the dampened cotton. My fingers found his hair, tightening as he sucked me through my panties.

  It was all so much. I’d never been this wet in my entire life. Never. This burning ache felt like a raging fire that needed to be put out before it burned out of control. I lifted my hips against his face, unable to control the fiery need.

  He softly chuckled against me before he buried his mouth into my panties. The warmth from him felt like lava against my throbbing center. I needed more from him but it felt so damn good. “Please,” I cried, tugging harder on his hair.

  Cash palmed my ass and pulled with his teeth at my flesh through the fabric, my hips bucked in a slow rhythm against his face, grinding myself against him, because I needed all the friction he could give. “Please!” I screamed this time, the hoarse cry in my throat felt foreign and hungry. “More.”

  He only sucked harder at me, one finger pressing against my entrance through the cloth. It wasn’t until I came undone, grinding and pulling, screaming and bucking that he leaned up and ripped my panties down my legs.

  A crazy obsessed look crossed his face, a slight glint of my wetness shined on his lips. I watched through starry eyes as he pulled the belt from his pants, ripped his pants down his thighs and took his cock in his hand.

  Oh, my …

  I wanted that inside me. That thickness that I knew would stretch me wide, and the length that would hit every spot it needed to. I wanted him to fill me up completely. He stroked himself steadily as he reached into his side drawer and pulled out a condom. The swiftness of the tearing and putting on told me he was just as ready as I was.

  Grabbing me underneath my waist, and drug me higher onto his bed, his knees settling between my opened thighs. He devoured my mouth, kissing me with a need that mirrored inside of me. “I’m gonna fill that little pussy up right,” he whispered, his southern twang deep on his tongue. He grabbed my hand and wrapped my palm around his width.

  He felt heavy in my palm; his thickness made me slicker than before. “You ready for this, Peach?”

  My mouth would betray me, so I nodded slowly, raking my lips against his own.

  Cash laced his fingers around the back of my neck, and controlled our kiss, rubbing the tip of himself against my clit. I bucked against him, trying to position myself against him. His deep chuckle melted my bones. “Peach wants me inside her.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but he reared back and filled me to the hilt. I cried out, hormones and lust rushed my body like lightening. Tears pooled at the corners of my eyes, and I ground myself down against him. “Christ,” he boomed into my ear.

  His hips rolled into mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in deeper, harder. The room spun for several seconds, the only thing I could focus on was the steady rhythm of him filling me, the scorched feel of him deep inside.

  A wild like heat settled in my stomach when he fisted the back of my hair. The control was his, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. All my worries of him being my boss evaporated, the only thing I could focus on was the fullness he gave me.

  His lips felt liquid fire kissing down my throat, only for his teeth to come behind and char me. I felt my body shutter underneath his, an atomic grip slid over my body, paralyzed me with lust, and erupted inside of me.

  The combination of his hips storming into mine, his teeth tearing away at my skin, and the rough feel of his palms all over me, flooded my eyes with red. I cried loud into the air, my body bucking and grinding against his.

  I’d never come so hard. A fever flooded my veins, warming and pumping my blood. Both of my legs shook against his hips, he hissed a low growl into my ear, only his hands tightening against my thighs.

  “That sound,” he whispered into my ear. “I want you to make it again. The sound when you come.”

  I made a sound? Heat scorched my cheeks. All the ramblings I’d been mumbling underneath my breath, I couldn’t imagine a sound that he’d heard.

  Before I had time to be embarrassed, Cash flopped me over onto all fours and pinned my head to the mattress with his palm. I felt the tip of him press against my entrance, and I wanted to cry for him not to stop.

  He lifted his palm, grasped my hips and fed me every inch. My mouth opened against the comforter, and foreign words came out of my throat. He pressed hard, making me arch my back before returning his palm to my neck. He long stroked me, hard and fast. My fingers tightened into fists against the covers; tears blurred my eyes.

  All it took was for the feel of his teeth against my shoulder to send me diving head first over the edge. I came undone again; a loud groan left my mouth as I rode out my orgasm.

  Cash cursed, his fingers tight around my neck, his hips rolling deep into me. His large body jolted against me; his cock jumped inside of me. He’d no doubt filled that condom from the cock that had just ruined any other man’s attempt at me.

  I’d never be able to have sex with another man and feel like that. It just doesn’t happen to a woman twice in her life.

  For what seemed like an hour later, Cash had me pinned down on my stomach against his bed. He placed kisses all over my back, bottom and thighs. Goosebumps formed on my skin; a drowsy smile hung around my jaw.

  He carefully flipped me over, his hair a fuckable black mess, those green eyes content on my goofy smile. “I’d say you feel better, Peach,” he said, his voice calmer than before but still deep.

  A giggle popped out when I opened my mouth to talk. “I feel … great,” I whispered.

  Cash ran a thumb against my cheek, pulled me to my side and slung his arm around me. That drowsy high formed around my vision, and I closed my eyes immediately.

  When I woke up, I stretched far above my head, my toes searching toward my bedpost. Relaxation flooded me like a rush of water. I curled into a ball and dug my face into the softness of my pillow.

  I could have drowned in the feeling of sunlight hitting my bare skin. A bone-deep warmth grew inside of me.

  A distant sound fought for my attention, but I felt too damn good to wake up just yet.

  A sunray hit my eyes, and I protested into the pillow. My legs caught up with me first, the numbing morning feeling had worn off, and it zapped right to my center.

  Someone had been there last night.

  I sat up straight; the sheet fell to my waist, and an atomic bomb of realism slammed down on my rainbow. I’d slept with Cash last night.

  The memories of his touch, his mouth, his being had me soaked and ready. I replayed all of the things he’d said to me, the way he made me feel afterward. I’d slept with my boss.

  Suddenly, I looked around for my clothing. I needed to be in the guest house to think. I needed to debate my next move. I had not intended to sleep with him, but I couldn’t help myself. In the limo he’d felt so right.

  I’d made my way into my white cotton underwear that I’d worn the night before when he cleared his throat.

  I turned quickly around, my palms covering my bare breasts. I felt like a kid who’d gotten caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Heat flared against my cheeks when I noticed what he held.

  Breakfast. Shit, breakfast? I’d been in the middle of escape plan one.

  Cash’s dark locks were pushed up, his lips
puffy from our night of sucking one another. He slowly licked his lips; one hand found its way into his sweats’ pocket. “Why don’t you have a seat outside on the balcony for some breakfast?”

  Like this? I wanted to say something to him, explain myself but I didn’t know how. I went to grab for my clothes, and Cash’s hand jutted out to grab my wrist. “You don’t need that, Peach.”

  No. I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat, turned slowly, watching his dark green eyes follow me. Taking light steps, I walked out toward the balcony. The sun was warm on my skin, but my nipples automatically peeked. The thought of being out in the open startled me. I’d never been remotely outdoors naked before. Even though no houses were nearby, I felt exposed.

  Cash had a long square wooden table with a bench-like seating that resembled beer kegs. I scooted in, my cheeks flaming against the morning sun. Cash slid my plate in front of me, straddling the bench next to me, one elbow rested on the table beside my plate.

  Nerves shot up my arm as I examined my plate in front of me. “Aren’t you eatin’?”

  Cash didn’t smile, his hand dropping from the table, landing on the top of my thigh. “I’ve eaten,” he said. “I worked up an appetite last night and couldn’t wait.”

  Giving him a small smile, I turned my plate and picked up a piece of bacon. Truth was, I was hungry as hell, but I didn’t want to scarf it down like a pig in front of him. I bit into the goodness and closed my eyes.

  His finger stroked gently upward against my thigh, and I dropped the rest onto his balcony floor. “I’m sorry—,”

  He stopped me from picking it up and cupped my jaw. “Were you trying to sneak away this mornin’?” he whispered, his voice rough. The pinch of his eyebrows told me I’d hurt his pride.

  I opened my mouth but closed it quickly. I was trying to get away but not because I didn’t like him—hell, I was pretty sure I more than just liked him. It was the best sex I’d ever had.

  He reached around to grab my waist, pulling me closer to him. “Tell me the truth, Sydney.”


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