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Christine is Cherished

Page 9

by Tempesto

  Then my wife’s black lover, our black Master, finally claimed his prize and slid all the way inside my wife’s waiting walls in one firm languorous stroke! When he reached home they both gasped in pleasure. My hardness had given way completely now as the graveness of the situation was completely upon me. The humiliation was complete, and the chains of the erotic enchantment that had held me for so long were finally broken for good. I wanted nothing more than to stop the danger of this man breeding my wife, but was helpless and trapped.

  The lovers cried in pleasure as they began the eternal dance. My wife embraced this black man with her arms and legs securing his body to hers. Sir James body began the strokes of love with Christine, marrying her eager fertility to his youthful virility. His strokes were slow at first, but very deliberate, causing the sound of tummies slapping. Christine had developed the slight paunch over the last few months that white women often do when dating black men. In fact she had put on a few pounds all around and her body was not as tightly athletic that she had been before this man came into her life.

  The slapping sound of their bodies echoed off the walls and inside my head.

  “Oh yeah!” I heard him yell as he held his manhood deep inside in my former abode. “You are so fucking hot tonight baby girl!”

  “All for you tonight James! ALL for you honey,” my wife breathlessly responded.

  He started to pick up his pace. Their physical passion became furious and they had worked up a sweat. I could see my wife’s tits glisten and his back slick with that salty water. The sweaty, slapping sound was now more like the ‘Clop’ of a horse’s footfall.

  “Clop, Clop, Clop,” was all I could hear and like a horse racing down it’s final stretch it grew louder and quickened. The noise reverberated in my soul as it increased in volume and intensity. Those hooves felt like they were beating down on my softened cock. I could not muster an erection as this man prepared to take the fertile pearl that was once offered to me. The sight of Christine so willingly having pregnancy risk sex with James caused translucent semen to sympathetically flow from my soft cock! I have never experienced anything like it. I was not cumming, and could not get hard. But I was so turned on that my body involuntarily lost control and released a pool of precum onto the chair I sat on as I witnessed the ultimate humiliation that any husband can ever see! It was a unique feeling, like my balls had been completely emptied.

  “Oh yes James, I’m going to cum for you!” Christine cried.

  “DO IT!”

  “Ohhhhhhhhhh YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,” she responded.

  I could see that for the first time in Christine’s life she had actually squirted! I was humiliated beyond belief, as I had never brought her to such a place. The puddle of semen grew as my soft cock continued to surrender ever more sticky juice. My ass was soaked in tacky wetness.

  The clopping sound of their mating now included a swishy note from Christine’s explosive orgasm, and James was clearly pleased with her reaction to his fucking. His pace began to become torrid, and he stared moaning.

  Christine’s hands moved to James cheeks and she softly held his face. “Cum inside me!” she pleaded “PLEASE cum James! Do it for me! Cum INSIDE your white girl!”

  “Oh yeah baby girl! I’m almost there,” James said, his voice throaty and labored.

  “You can cum inside me! Give me your seed! I promise to take care if it real well ... “ Christine said in an erotic tantalizingly teasing voice.

  “Oh yeah – RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, I’M CUMMING RIGHT NOW!” James finally cried. His big body shuddered and froze in climax as he held his potent manhood deep inside my wife. Christine wasted no time and clutched him in place with her arms tightly hugging his back and legs locked around his buttocks.

  My cock coughed up more semen into the hot sticky pool already on the chair. This moment felt like the greatest defeat for me. I knew that the deed could now already be done. James virile, ample sperm was deep inside my unprotected wife, and now only pure luck would prevent him from fathering her first baby. Only chance, and probably not a good one at that, would allow me to be anything but the father of her second baby.

  Yet I felt excited that my wife had reached such an erotic plateau while I was able to witness. I still felt a thrill even though the humiliation. There was the fact that we had recorded this moment, and it would be the most erotic video ever for me. I hoped that Christine would watch it with me someday. But as long as James was here I doubted that would happen.

  I was spent. I watched as they clung to each other, passionately kissing and pressing their bodies together. Eventually they uncoupled, and Christine went right to work to get him ready to fuck again. She used her mouth on him again, resurrecting him to hardness. This surprised me, because I never knew her to be willing to give oral sex right after intercourse. James had changed my wife forever in many ways, and I knew it.

  They proceeded to mate five more times through the night, and none of us slept. I witnessed James entire evening of attempting to procreate with my wife. While humiliating, I am grateful that I had been allowed the opportunity to watch. Granting that opportunity was a graceful offer, for which I am grateful. Each subsequent seeding of my wife was less difficult for me to endure than the one before. I knew that once James first cum was deposited my only chance of Christine not being pregnant was pure, dumb luck. It didn’t matter after that first torrent of baby juice was unleashed at her waiting egg. Either she caught or she didn’t, and it probably didn’t matter how many times he attempted in one night.

  James rose from the bed and started to dress at sunrise. When he was done he undid the leather bounds that had arrested me, and packed them into his bag. I rubbed my wrists and ankles of the pain left by the stiff leather bonds. He left, wordless.

  Christine was still laying there in a sweaty daze with her trembling thighs spread wide. The bedroom with filled with the musky aroma of their united scent, and I could see the pearly cum leaking from my wife’s stretched sex.

  “Come to me Ben,” she said.

  I climbed on the bed, sidling up to her. Christine put her arms around me, pulling me close. We both trembled together.

  “Ben, I have to make a choice,” she said. “I can’t keep walking this line. After last night it is you, or him. Do you still love me?”

  “Yes Christine, I DO love you,” I answered.

  “Ben, that man fucked me too well last night. James fucked me beyond anything I have ever experienced ... Ben, James made love to my SOUL last night! I can’t go on this way any more. I love you, I really do. But if that man touches me again he will win me away from you forever! He fucked the jealousy I felt because you were with Brenda right out of me, because there is NO WAY that the sex you had with her was even a fraction of what that man did to me right before your eyes. That man took me to places I didn’t know existed on this very bed. That man turned me inside out and somehow the anger I felt toward you melted because I know I got the better of our infidelities to each other than you.”

  She was silent for a moment, thoughtful of what had transpired in the room last night.

  “I’m not kidding Ben. That man reached my innermost being last night, and you should be jealous of what he did to your wife. I can’t be with him again, and you can’t have this ‘cuckold fantasy’ of yours any more. If he makes love to me again he will fuck the love I have for you right out of my body. I feel like he split my whole being last night – that he fucked my very soul.”

  “I want you back, Honey,” I said. “I NEED you! Yes I am jealous of what happened last night, but I need you more than the jealousy matters to me. I just NEED you to be mine again.”

  “Are you sure? If you want me back you have to understand a few things,” she said. “First and foremost, I really could be pregnant. I don’t believe in abortion Ben, and if I am pregnant with a healthy baby I will have the child. If you want to be with me I expect you to support me and my baby if I am pregnant – both emotionally and financially

  “Yes Christine, I will.”

  “Not good enough Ben! I want you to swear that if I take you back right now that you are mine forever. Think about it before you say it, because this is permanent. You will be exposed to the whole world – even to our families – as a having been a willing cuckold. Understand that EVERYONE you know and meet will know that I was with a black man while we were married and that you stayed with me even after I got pregnant by him. Do you really think you can handle it? If we are together after tonight every black man who sees us in public will know that as a couple we were a black man’s bitch.”

  “Yes, I NEED you, and only you,” I said “I swear to stay with you no matter what.”

  “Then kiss my belly, and swear that what will be will be Ben ... and understand that this is forever.”

  I complied, pressing my lips in soft blessing on her belly. “May what will be, be,” I said.

  “The second thing we have to address is this obsession you have of being a cuckold. I can’t keep doing this Ben. I can’t keep fucking other men indefinitely and not develop emotions for them. Are you ready to be a ‘vanilla’ husband? Are you able to cherish me enough to make love to me every day, even if I only do it with you? Because if not, if you NEED me to keep fucking other men, then eventually one of these men will win me over and you will lose me forever. So I guess that the question is; have you had enough of being a cuckold? Are you ready to swear that you will never, ever give me over to another man again?”

  I gazed into my lovely wife’s eyes. “Yes, I swear I can’t bear for you to have sex with another man after this,” I said. “I don’t want to lose you. Anything you want is okay. I just want you, and I don’t care about anything else. But I do have a question though.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Will you sometimes play along with the fantasy? Will you sometimes tell me that you were fucking another man while I was at work all day?”

  Christine smiled. “Sure, we can fantasize about it. That won’t hurt anything. Maybe you could get one of those monster - sized dildos we’ve seen at the adult store. You know the one, twelve inches long and almost the size of a beer can in girth. I think I can work my pussy up to fit that one. That would get me all loosened up before you come home from work! I just can’t keep being with other men and not eventually fall in love.”

  “I’ll be right back!” I said. I went to the guest room, and retrieved her wedding rings. I knelt by Christine, and then said, “Be my wife again. Please wear my rings again!”

  She looked into my eyes and said, “Do you swear to honor and cherish me as long as you live?”

  “I DO!” I responded with enthusiasm.

  “Then yes Ben, you are my husband! Always make sure that I know how much I am cherished, and I will happily be your wife!” she finally said.

  Christine held out her hand and offered me her ring finger. I proudly slipped the symbols of our undying love where they belonged. She looked at her diamond sparkle on her ring finger.

  Her response thrilled me. I rejoined her on the bed and started to get on top her to make love in celebration.

  “What are you doing?” she said shocked.

  “Well I figured that since we were back together we could finally make love.” I responded.

  “Not yet,” she said. “I may have been willing to live through your cuckold fantasy, but I’m not the kind of woman that will have two men back to back. Your wife isn’t a slut, Ben. Sex right now is the one thing I will refuse you as your wife. In my whole life the only time that I had sex with more than one man during a menstrual cycle was the first month with James, and I wasn’t responsible for that. I won’t do it again! I feel like that is a whore’s place, and your wife has always been a lady!”

  “I’m sorry Christine, I am just so horny for you and want to be with you,” I said.

  “It’s okay, I understand,” she responded. “But through this whole episode of our lives I have been able to not feel like a slut. If I had two men’s cum inside me that would change, I’d feel like a whore. If you love me you will wait until after my period to have sex with me. Wait Ben! Wait until my body is clean from James. After I have my period I will feel fresh, like there is the separation between my lovers.”

  I was crushed to hear her refusal, knowing that she was in the middle of her cycle and waiting meant almost 2 weeks of torment. Christine pulled me into her arms and gave me a hug.

  “Don’t worry, MY HUSBAND,” she sensually whispered into my ear. “Your wife is worth the wait! Give me the emotional space I need and I guarantee that I will fuck you like you have never known ...”

  Her words caused my manhood to throb. She reached it with her hand and firmly held me.

  “Not yet tiger! But I will take care of this,” she teased with a gentle squeeze. “You will benefit from my time with James. Every man wants a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom. Well, I wasn’t with him long enough to cease being a lady, but I am a now the best whore you will ever know!”

  “Oh, Christine,” I gushed.

  “That’s right, MY HUSBAND,” she continued to whisper. “Your wife now knows how to be a complete whore in the bedroom, and when we are at our families for holiday dinners you will always be haunted by the knowledge of my whoredom as you look across the table. I will rock your world. I will fuck you like no woman ever did!”

  Then she let go of my cock and rose from the bed.

  “But you won’t get to have me for a couple of weeks, Ben,” she said. “Save it up for me. Don’t masturbate. Save that cum for me just like James did for tonight, and when we do make love give me every drop of your essence. When you have me next I want YOU to be trying to get to where James did tonight, and I want you to never stop trying. From now on I want you to make love to me and show me just how much you cherish your wife! You’ll get your chance to get me pregnant in a couple of weeks ... ”

  Chapter 12

  All of that history brings us to today! As each day passes I am more thrilled with the progress of Christine’s pregnancy. There is no greater a devoted husband to be found. Relentlessly, I pamper my blissful wife by bringing home any foodstuffs she craved. Her curves are growing a bit beyond the average for the time progress of the pregnancy, and she has added a little more than ‘baby fat’ as James’ baby is growing within her belly. She never needs fear feeling ‘fat’ again, because I have assured her that she is forever freed from the treadmill of needing to worry about her weight anymore. Swept away are the ongoing fears that have forever tormented wives about every ounce of changing weight, the societal requirements that demand women obsess over being a few pounds too curvy. My wife knows that I am a willing captive to her, never wishing freedom. My devotion is proven to be beyond caring about her weight.

  My pride in Christine’s pregnancy is unbounded, and I dote over my lovely woman. Every morning I take out the tape measure and track the progress of her belly. I insist on taking daily photographs of her swelling so that we might relish these expectant days over and over. Gladly, I have given up all alcohol so that there is money for Christine to get weekly pregnancy massages. The added benefit is that I will be better able to assist my wife with the baby, and intend to make it a point that she should never need to get up to take care of the infant one once her head touches the pillow for the night.

  The love that Christine and James shared would slay lesser unions. But the interlude during our marriage did more FOR our nuptials than anything I could have conceived of before the day I spied Samuel and Brenda. I DID need to learn HOW to cherish my wife, a lesson most men require in order to become a faithful husband. Is it not true that men are not naturally equipped on an emotional level to cherish their wives in the first place? Surely that is the REAL reason so many men stray. Enduring the experience of watching my wife with another man was extremely difficult, but worth all the sacrifices and pain. James played a central role in improving my marriage, a debt that most would not unders
tand. But the simple fact of the matter is that without everything that transpired my wife and I probably would have grown apart like most couples. The proof of that is contained in my original sin against my marriage.

  That would never happen now.

  Nearly losing Christine because of a foolish lack of vigor for our marriage is a thing of the distant past. Never again can I be tempted from my cherished wife. The journey back to my woman was fraught with teary pain. But through that suffering and diligence I learned the level of devotion to my woman that all men swear on their wedding day, yet few ever comprehend. Men repeat the nuptial vows at the altar. It is women that truly comprehend the oaths sworn that day, and then test their husband’s ability to maintain his word. Most men never understand that it is the woman who is the marriage’s master. Wives are like blacksmiths, trying to create fine katana swords. Husbands are the steel put to the fire, testing and softening us. Then our wives hammer us for strength. Not all efforts work, and some women give up on a husband’s development because not all men can become that fine sword that they seek. But a devoted husband who has endured the fires of willingly being cuckolded by his wife is a finished sword, finely crafted by his mistress. The polish is mirrored and flawless, with a razor sharp edge. A cuckolded husband is ready and capable.

  The situation of my wife’s coming blessed event is unique only because of the honesty between Christine and I, and the fact that the baby will be half black. Is there a man who is ignorant of the fact that women have stealthily presented their lover’s babies to their unsuspecting husbands from the origins of humanity? What husband, untested by the fires of a wife’s cuckolding, can submit the male pride predicated being the only man to impregnate his bride? Is there any greater expression of devotion that a husband can exhibit than to support his wife NO MATTER who has gifted her with her virgin first - born baby?


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