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Safeword: Matte - In Training

Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  Ethan insisted since he owned her sexually he could order this kind of thing, even when he wasn’t around. He pointed out at some point in the future he might deny her the privilege of pleasuring herself, but for now — as long as he felt confident she was informing him of the details — he was happy to allow it.

  She shifted her attention back to the contract draft, and one paragraph in particular caught her off guard:

  Submissive will also be strength trained for both pussy and ass. Should it become necessary to provide incentive, submissive agrees there will be no safeword during consequences.

  The same consequences were given, but it didn’t matter that she’d just orgasmed to the same list — she felt the need stirring again as she wondered what he’d require for ‘strength training’.

  The final section covered depth training, and it merely said consequences wouldn’t likely be needed for this aspect of her conditioning, but should she refuse to cooperate the same list of punishments was in effect, also without a safeword.

  She opened the other Word document and read:


  We’ll have our first training session tomorrow night. You’ll have your safeword, but I don’t expect you’ll need to use it. I’ll spend the night, and Saturday morning we’ll go over the contract to make any necessary changes, including laying out the calendar, before we both sign it.

  I’ll bring some more pages, which will outline your diet and an enema schedule designed to keep you from becoming enema dependent.

  It’s important you experience everything before you sign the agreement, so tomorrow night I intend to put you through every training method we’ll use. You’ll rarely have to endure them all in the same evening, so please prepare for an intense session.

  I know you’ve seen the reference to consequences without benefit of safeword. Some of the items in the contract aren’t negotiable, but that one is. I’ve put it in for your benefit, and if you have any misgivings at all, please ask me to remove it. Once you sign your consent, I won’t let you out of it.

  I love you, and I’m looking forward to training you for the next four months — almost as much as I’m looking forward to finally sinking my cock into my wife’s ass on our wedding night. I’m going to claim you in every way, my beautiful Samantha.



  Chapter Three

  Sam’s phone notified her of an incoming text and she pulled it from her pocket. Her insides blazed to life as she saw it was from Ethan:

  -V -C. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and will let myself in. I trust you’ve done what I asked?

  Because Sam knew how easy it was to obtain phone, text, and other records, she’d insisted their texts not be blatantly obvious. The V was for voice, and the minus before it meant he’d just taken away voice privileges. The C was for clothing, so she went to her closet and undressed.

  Her orders had been to give herself a one-quart soapy enema followed by a two-quart soapy enema, followed by at least one two-quart salt-water enema, and more if she felt it necessary to rinse the soap away. She’d been instructed to then drink a protein shake for dinner, with assurance he’d feed her a better meal later tonight.

  The first enema wasn’t too bad, and she was surprised to find herself a little aroused as she held it. As the second enema went in she rolled to her side and played with her clit to take her mind off the cramps, and had two strong orgasms as the water filled her, and another as she held it. The idea she was doing this for Ethan, that he was controlling even this aspect of her body, was such a strong turn on, she had another couple of orgasms as she gave herself the final salt-water rinse enema.

  He hadn’t given instructions of where to wait for him, so she was curled up in a chair reading some legal briefs when he arrived. She set her tablet to the side and stood to acknowledge him when he entered, and tried not to stare at his black duffle bag as she wondered what he’d brought.

  His eyes traveled from her feet to her head, and his voice went softer as he said, “You’re beautiful, Samantha.” Their gazes met and Sam’s heart skipped a few beats as electricity practically sparked between them. Ethan tilted his head and said, “I need to drop some stuff off in the kitchen. Run along upstairs to your bedroom, buckle your cuffs on, and put the coconut oil on the side table.”

  When Ethan arrived in the bedroom Sam had the ankle cuffs on and was working on the wrist cuffs. He walked to her, tenderly helped with the last one, and kissed her forehead.

  “I’ll only use them if I think it’ll help tonight.” He cupped her cheek. “The usual consequences are in place if you speak, but I hope you can manage to behave because I don’t want tonight to be about punishment.”

  He’d bought a second stainless cane, so he’d have one at both houses. It was stored in her closet with some other toys he’d left, and Sam had a love/hate relationship with the thing. She hated it in principle, but had to admit she loved how it made her feel when he didn’t take it easy on her during discipline. He insisted she submit to him, and was prepared to use his muscle to make her when she didn’t want to. The knowledge she could make him stop with a mere word almost spoiled it for her, though. She trusted him to not go too far, and didn’t like having the power to stop things.

  He’d bought a two-foot square lightweight mirror a few weeks back, and kept it stored in her closet when they weren’t using it. He liked to see her face when he fucked her doggie style, and he’d prop it up and make her look at him as he took her. Now he settled it on the floor against the wall and placed a short stool in front of it.

  He nodded towards the bed. “On your back and get comfortable, Darlin’. Put your legs where you want, as long as they’re up and spread.”

  Sam rolled to her back and rested the tops of her feet on the bed near her head, laid her arms across her legs and wrapped them around until she was comfortably holding her ankles. Her eyes grew wide as she saw him pull the largest butt plug she’d ever seen from his bag and begin walking towards her.


  Ethan stopped. “I’m not touching you. Why are you safewording?”

  “You aren’t using that on me!”

  Sam stared in disbelief as Ethan set the plug on the edge of the bed and turned and walked out of the room. She waited several long minutes, and when he didn’t come back she stood and walked through the house until she found him in the kitchen, pulling food from the refrigerator.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Fixing our dinner, since it appears the scene isn’t going to happen.”

  “So, if I don’t let you put that huge plug in my ass you aren’t going to play at all? That’s bullshit, Ethan. If I could take that plug there’d be no reason to train me. It’s three times bigger around than your cock!”

  “If you’d given me another three or four minutes you’d have heard me explain it’s for measuring what you can handle. There’s a ruler printed on the side, so we can get an accurate idea of how much you can take. I know where on the plug the diameter of my cock falls, so I’ll know exactly how much we’ll need...”

  He stopped, turned away from her, and said, “It’s a moot point, if you have so little trust in me.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right.” She sighed, frustrated. “Put the food away. Please. What do I need to do to get us back on track?”

  Ethan stopped working a minute and propped his hands on her island, looking fierce. Sam knew him well enough by now to know he was covering his pain by looking angry, and she suddenly realized just how much she’d screwed up.

  “For someone who wants their safeword taken away, you sure pull it out an awful lot. I wasn’t touching you. You really thought I’d try to force that into you?”

  Sam dropped her hands and looked at the floor. “We’ve talked about the not speaking thing before, Ethan. It’s hard. If the only thing you allow me to say is a safeword, it comes out. If I hadn’t been under speech restriction I’d have just said, You’re not using
that on me.” She paused as she saw his jaw clench. Apparently, that hadn’t helped. “I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. I do trust you, but...damn, this is hard. Please put the food away and tell me we can get back on track.”

  He stayed where he was, muscles clenched, without saying anything. Sam sighed, again. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I do trust you, and if I’d stopped to think about it I would’ve known you wouldn’t hurt me as bad as that giant plug would if it was pushed all the way in. I promise I’ll slow down and think more in the future, and will give you more of a chance before I say my safeword.”

  Some of his muscles unclenched, and Sam felt a tightness in her own gut relax. She walked to him and put her arms around him, though he was still facing the island. He waited several long seconds before turning and embracing her back. “I love you, but I need your trust.”

  “I’m sorry.” She hoped her eyes conveyed her feelings as she added, “I’m sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to show me your intentions. I’ll try to do better. What can I do to help us move past this?”

  When he didn’t answer she burrowed her head into his chest and said, “Will you punish me, Sir? So we can clean the slate?”

  Ethan’s large hands stroked her back a few times and he said, “No. I won’t punish you for safewording. I have chicken noodle soup made with mung bean noodles, and I think you’ll be fine eating some now. You can have more later if you want, but since we’ve stopped, we may as well eat.”

  Sam appreciated Ethan considering her low-carb diet when he fed her, but mung bean noodles? She understood the soup was designed to be easy on her digestive system as he worked her ass over this weekend, and had expected to be fed a lot of protein shakes and soup. She tried to look pleasant as she said, “What can I do to help, Sir?”

  “Get us both some water and spoons and have a seat, please.”

  Doing more than he asked was a risk, but Sam took the initiative to put placemats and napkins out as well as drinks and silverware. She noted his bowl was huge and hers tiny. Ethan read her thoughts and said, “Yours is just under three hundred calories and is primarily protein and fat. It should hold you, but if you’re hungry when we’re through you can have another bowl, or a protein shake, your choice.”

  “You’re taking charge of what I can eat beyond scenes? Sir?”

  “Only as it pertains to keeping you prepared for anal training. We’ll discuss the parameters in detail tomorrow morning, and you’ll have an opportunity to negotiate before agreeing to what I want to see happen over the next four months. I want to give you a taste of it tonight though, before the negotiations. Can you give me some leeway, even for the stuff you don’t feel you’ve given consent?”

  Sam took a breath and thought about it. She’d known anal training would be tricky — timing meals and enemas so she was clean during their sessions, without going overboard on the enemas. She nodded to herself before looking up to meet his gaze. “Yes, Sir. If you can be patient with my questions?”

  He raised his eyebrows, considering, and said, “I don’t mean to come across as impatient, these are all fair questions. I’ll try to do better.” He smiled, but it didn’t go to his eyes. “It seems I’d thought once you agreed to marry me, you’d miraculously give me more trust, and not feel the need to question my every move.” He sighed. “Again, it’s a conversation for tomorrow, but one I’d like you to consider — what do I have to do to gain your trust?”

  * * * *

  Sam finished her soup and decisively placed her spoon beside the bowl. Ethan gave her spoon a pointed look before lifting his gaze to hers. “Go upstairs and kneel on the floor; get a cushion if you want. I’ll put the dishes in the dishwasher and will be up shortly. I’ve lost my hard-on and you’re going to use your mouth to get it back before we pick up where we left off. If you have anything else to say, do so now, because as soon as you step out of the kitchen your speech restriction begins again.”

  Sam stood, walked to him, and leaned to kiss his cheek and look him in the eye a few seconds before turning to walk out the door.

  Remembering Ethan’s lectures on body mechanics and posture, she settled on her knees and found the proper balance with her spine. She wanted her posture to be perfect, as she sat with her back to the door — knees spread, ass on her feet, back arched, with breasts pushed out, grasping her elbows behind her back. She wanted to show trust, and with his martial arts training she knew offering her back to the door, so he’d be facing it when he received his blowjob, would speak to him.

  She heard him enter the room but didn’t turn her head. His footsteps moved to his bag, but she held position. He stepped behind her and a blindfold shut out the light.

  She tried to sense him, and thought she felt him stepping in front of her, but she wasn’t sure.

  “Are you wet, Samantha darling?”

  Fingers touched her pussy lips around her clit, squeezing it and igniting a small blaze inside. Sam wanted to push her hips into his hand, but controlled herself. A finger slid inside, and while she wasn’t exactly dry, she was far from wet. She wanted to apologize, but speech wasn’t allowed.

  Fingers manipulated her left nipple, then her right, coaxing both into hard little nubs.

  “I’m going to hurt these now, and the clamps won’t come off until you get my dick rock hard. Prepare yourself for pain, and let me hear your noises. Don’t hide from me.”

  The bite of the first clamp made her scream, and it was all she could do to keep her hands on her elbows behind her back. The second clamp was on before she’d become accustomed to the pain of the first, and as she was screaming, a cock plunged into her mouth.

  Ethan was semi-hard, and she went from trying to escape the cock invading her mouth, to using her tongue on it in desperation.

  She felt him growing in her mouth, and as she gagged he pulled back and leaned forward, releasing both clamps at once. They’d been on less than twenty-five seconds, and their removal was a relief instead of even more pain.

  Fingers touched her pussy again, quickly rubbed a path along her lips and dove inside. She was soaking wet now and didn’t try to hold still as her hips moved up and towards his fingers.

  “There’s my Samantha.” His hand grasped her bicep. “Let’s get you into bed then.”

  He walked her to the bed and ordered her into the same position she’d been before safewording. Sam felt gloved fingers at her ass, working her open, and she desperately wanted to reach down and play with herself. She grasped her ankles firmly — she’d given herself to him, and it was important she demonstrate her resolve.

  “Round your back a little for me, so your asshole is aimed up, towards the ceiling.”

  Sam complied, and felt what she was sure was the giant plug. It’d been around a foot tall, and just all around impossibly huge. Sam relaxed as much as possible, and gasped as she felt it breach her asshole.

  “You can use words for a few minutes. Tell me how it feels, and what’s going through your head.”

  “It’s scary, even though I know you don’t plan to try shoving the whole thing inside me; and, it’s heavy. Or, I think it’s the weight of the plug I feel? Sir?”

  “Yes, I’m letting it sink in as your muscles release to allow it. I’ll put some pressure behind it later, but for now I’m allowing gravity to take over as you let it in.”

  “I’m okay, Sir. It’s big, but it isn’t too much yet.”

  “Okay, I’ll push, and you tell me when it reaches uncomfortable. Don’t wait until it’s painful.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Sam took deep breaths and felt her pelvis tilt down with each inhale, and back up as she released the air from her lungs. As instructed, as soon as she reached a level of discomfort she couldn’t easily manage she said, “It won’t take much more until it starts hurting, Sir.”

  “Very good. We’ll leave it here for a minute. Take your blindfold off Samantha, and see how much is in you.”

  Tilting her h
ead to the side as she released an ankle, she pulled the buttery soft leather over the top of her head, but kept her eyes closed as she grasped her ankle again. The sharp light hurt through her eyelids, and she waited until her eyeballs adjusted before barely cracking her eyelids and slowly opening them. When she finally looked down at her ass, she was disappointed to see she’d taken less than twenty percent of the monstrosity.

  She raised her eyes to his. “How much further until I can take you?”

  “We aren’t worrying about that at the moment. I just wanted to give you a visual. Close your eyes and don’t open them again until I say you can. No more talking, either.”

  The heavy plug was lifted away and she felt the bed move as he left. He returned quickly and said, “You should be able to accept this fairly easily.”

  A plug began to spread her open and she forced herself to stay relaxed and accept it, but soon discovered he was right — there was no pain as it seated itself. It didn’t feel as if it were deep inside of her, either.

  “This is an anal stretching ring. It’s shaped like a plug, but is only long enough to give enough bulk to seat inside of you. It’s designed for long-term wear — there are people who wear them twenty-four seven. The center is hollow, but I ordered the plug that goes into it.”


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