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In Fair Brighton

Page 4

by Elena Kincaid

  “No,” Rome practically roared. “You keep him on a leash, Papa, or I will.” His father reluctantly acquiesced, but Rome knew it was only to keep his cousin breathing. “Good, let me handle this my way.”

  Rome ended the call with a plan in mind, one that may very well be a long shot, but he had to try, and he needed some help. There were only two men he trusted in this world. Not that he didn’t trust his father, but only insomuch as his own family was concerned. And he definitely didn’t trust that Vitaly could be kept in line, as history had proven. He had no shortage of other cousins, though, due to the fact his father was one of six, but only one cousin he loved like a brother.

  He texted Nikita. I need to see you asap, Nik. Meet me at my place in ten.

  A minute later, he received a text from Matvey—Matthew—his childhood best friend, the one he thought of as his other brother, and who also unfortunately had been dragged into mob life, due to his father being a part of it. Nik just texted me. Be there soon.

  His cousin was already waiting for him outside of his condo when he arrived. They didn’t say much to each other as they entered Rome’s apartment, but Nik wore a worried expression.

  Matvey showed up fifteen minutes later with bagels and coffee. “This better not be heavy shit you woke me up for. If it is, I’m going back out for steak and eggs.”

  “You can get your steak and eggs later, pawtz!” Rome replied, devoid of emotion. He walked over to his dining room table and sat down, Nikita and Matvey joining him.

  “What’s going on, Rome?” his cousin asked.

  Rome felt his stomach roil at the thought of eating, but he could definitely use the coffee. He didn’t bother with milk or sugar. Instead, he let the bitter taste burn his throat for a few sips before he answered. “Matt, I need you to stay on Andrei Poriskova. And Nik, I need you on his daughter.”

  Nikita narrowed his eyes at him. “His daughter is back? She’s been MIA for the last decade. And since when is using a woman for bait your style?”

  Rome slammed his palm down on the table. “I’m not going to use her for bait,” he snapped. “I want you to protect her … and her father.”

  “You’re serious?” Matvey asked.

  Rome let out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, I’m fucking serious. Make sure Vitaly doesn’t go near either one of them.” He took another sip of his coffee. “I need to go see Lenny.”

  Lenny had been a friend to both his family and to Sasha’s before her mother was killed. Olya Poriskova was like a second daughter to him, and he took her death very hard. He had also grown up with Rome’s father, so therefore he wanted nothing to do with the war he saw coming. Things were different now, however, since meeting Sasha, and Rome prayed that Lenny could usher in peace between their families once again. He was the only one at this point who could approach both parties without an instant bullet to the head.

  Nik folded his arms across his chest. “Lenny hasn’t spoken to our family in ten years. Why the hell would you need to go see him?”

  “Tell us what’s going on, Rome,” Matvey chimed in. “And cut this vague bullshit out already, will ya? You’ve been distant ever since you got back from Italy.”

  “I will,” Rome promised. “Just protect Sasha. At all costs. I don’t give a crap if you have to put Vitaly down to do it.” He heard his own desperation.

  Rome hadn’t told them about the girl he met and then lost in Italy three months ago, and Matvey was right—he had been distant and vague about the whole situation, calling both of them from Verona the day Sasha disappeared to enquire if he had a target on his back without explaining why he was asking. There had been nothing. No demands made for Sasha’s return, no trace of her at all. At least now he understood why, and with her connections, he knew the how part as well. Other scenarios had run through his head as well at the time, like she may have gotten cold feet and changed her mind about him. And since he found no trace of anything amiss with her disappearing on him, he also had surmised she may have simply been cautious that first night and had him walk her to a hotel, just not hers, which could have explained why there was no record of a Sasha Palmer staying there. He knew better now.

  “Who the hell is Sasha?” Matt asked.

  Fuck. The cat would be out of the bag now. “Aleksandra Poriskova.”

  Matvey widened his eyes. “No. Fucking. Way.”

  “Holy shit! Are you two…”

  Rome nodded. He told them he’d met her when he was in Italy, leaving out all the particulars of their encounter and the parting of ways.

  Nikita threw his arms up in exasperation. “Well that explains the whole ‘protect her at all costs,’ and why suddenly you want us to play bodyguard to her father. You fucking love her!”

  Again, Rome nodded. There was no other way to describe what he was feeling, something he had never experienced before with anyone. He’d felt a pull to her the moment he wrapped his arms around her and saved her from oncoming traffic. She had thought she heard a gunshot, something that made sense to him now as well. He could still remember the gratitude he saw in her beautiful blue eyes when she first looked up him, the way her cheeks blushed when she had asked him to dinner, her smell, her touch as he had made love to her, his nose buried in her long, thick ashy-blonde hair, and most of all, he still recalled with great clarity the ache he had felt from losing her.

  To say he was shocked today when he saw her for the first time in three months, would be an understatement. He had wanted to cut his own arm off for pointing his gun at her, and her fear and bravery combined had floored him. Yes, he loved her, and he’d mow down any obstacle that stood between them again.

  Matvey shook his head. “This is some fucked up shit. Of all the girls in the world, you had to go and fall in love with the daughter of your father’s greatest enemy.”

  “Does she love you?” Nik cut in. “Is she going to go up against her father, too, for you, Rome? Because, I sure as hell got your back even if you don’t. Be damn sure she’s not playing you, or—”

  Rome gritted his teeth. “You won’t touch her.” His voice was pure steel. As much as he loved Nikita, hurting Sasha would be the ultimate betrayal, despite knowing his cousin was only trying to protect him.

  “You really are far gone,” Matvey remarked. “No one will touch your girl.” He turned to Nik. “Right?”

  Nik stayed silent, staring off with Rome. Meanwhile, Rome thought about his cousin’s question. Did Sasha love him? During those few precious days he had spent with her and their one night together, they had fit perfectly, as if the universe had carved them out for one another. And this morning, he saw her panic, not just for her father, but for him as well. When he had kissed her, he felt every bit of her longing in it, just as he had longed for her. There was no way their connection had been one-sided.

  “She loves me,” he told his cousin.

  “Then I’ll protect her with my life,” Nik stated simply.

  Chapter Seven

  Rome had been receiving reports on Sasha and Andrei from Nik and Matvey all day. Both were safe, and both were followed and looked after without their knowledge by Rome’s people. Andrei had several bodyguards with him as he and Sasha went to the cemetery to visit Olya Poriskova’s grave. He remembered that today was the ten-year anniversary of her death. Andrei went back to his penthouse after that, while Sasha spent time with her grandmother.

  “Where is she now?” Rome asked Nik over the phone.

  “She’s sitting on the boardwalk past Brighton 7th.”

  “Is she alone?”

  Nik chuckled. “She’s got some stealth, that one. Ditched her bodyguards a few hours ago after she left her grandmother’s house. Too bad no one can out-stealth me.”

  “I owe you, brother. I’ll take it from here,” he told Nik before ending the call.

  As glad as he was to have the opportunity to finally get Sasha alone again, he didn’t like the idea of her ditching her bodyguards. Vitaly could have easily gotten to her.

>   He wasn’t far from her. He saw Nik’s car pull away just as he bounded up the boardwalk steps a few minutes later.

  Sasha turned her head slightly in Rome’s direction as he approached her, but didn’t look at him, not even when he sat down beside her. “So, which one of your men has been following me all day?”

  Rome let out a booming laugh. He couldn’t wait to tell Nikita. That would pummel his cousin’s ego a notch or two. Right now, though, Sasha was his focus. She squeaked when he scooped her up and put her on his lap.

  Finally, their eyes met. “How much do you know, or rather want to know?”

  Rome smiled at her when she wrapped one of her arms around him. Sasha’s face remained stoic, though. “I prefer to stay out of it, but considering what today is, I’m going to go out on a limb and say this has something to do with my mother’s death, so I want to know everything.”

  Rome could not deny her the truth then. He told her about Vitaly coming out of hiding with the intention of taking what he deemed was his rightful place by Rome’s father’s side. He also confirmed her suspicions of the double-sided hit. “I had my cousin Nikita follow you today, and my best friend Matthew was looking out for your father.”

  Sasha eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You were protecting my father?”

  “I will do anything for you, Sasha,” he told her sincerely. “Haven’t you figured that part out yet?”

  Sadness filled her eyes. “Our families have so much of each other’s blood on their hands, Rome. How can we ever make this work between us?”

  He threaded his hand in her hair and brought her closer to kiss her lips. “You chose to live away from this life. I can, too.”

  Sasha furrowed her brows. “I’ve been living abroad since I was sixteen years old, and even I’ve heard of the great Valentin assassin. You’re willing to give all of that up?”

  The answer was easy. “In a heartbeat. This life has been slowly sucking my soul out of me, but even if that were not the case, I’d still walk away from it for you.”

  “I remember you telling me how unhappy you were in your job.”

  There was something he thought of now, something he had apparently been too selfish to consider, and he needed to, even if it did mean cutting his heart out and letting her go. “Are you afraid, Sasha, that being with me will get you hurt? I swear I can protect you, but I don’t want you to have to live in fear. You’ve been through too much already.”

  She brought their foreheads together. “I’m as much of a target as you are given who my father is. And I have no doubt you can protect us both. Still, the better question is will your father let you leave, and will mine allow you to live when he finds out about us?”

  “There may be someone who could help with that.” He told her about going to see Lenny earlier today.

  Lenny had been about to slam the door in his face, but Rome pushed against it. “Please just hear me out. I love her,” he had pleaded.



  Lenny’s grin had been wider than a Cheshire cat’s, and he opened the door, stepping aside to let Rome in.

  “Kto preshol?” Lenny’s wife, Klara, had asked from the kitchen. Who is here?

  “Roma Valentin,” he had answered. “Awn Vlyubeelcya.” He’s in love.

  Rome heard her clap her hands together, and the next thing he knew, he was being ushered into the kitchen and fed until he was stuffed to the point of barely being able to move.

  Bringing himself back to the present, he said, “Lenny is going to arrange a meeting for tomorrow between our fathers while he plays mediator.” Rome had expected Sasha to be as hopeful at hearing the news as he had been when Lenny agreed to try to usher in peace, but, instead, she continued to look somber.

  “What is it, sweetness?”

  “Vitaly killed my mother,” she said. Rome was about to speak, but Sasha placed a hand on his chest and quickly added, “I know your father didn’t order it, didn’t retaliate for your cousin Arthur and your uncle’s deaths, but it was Vitaly’s bullet in my mother’s chest. My father isn’t going to let that go.”

  Rome had to accept that she was right, and he also knew his father wouldn’t just hand Vitaly over to Andrei. In a normal world, his cousin would be rotting away in a prison cell for the rest of his life, but they didn’t live in a normal world. If he had to offer up Vitaly’s head as a peace offering, then that would be his last job.

  He didn’t tell Sasha, that however. “It’ll work out, baby. I promise you.” Rome hugged her close and nuzzled her neck.

  Tomorrow, there would either finally be peace between their families, or everything would go to shit. Tonight, however, he could shut the world out and pretend that nothing and no one else existed besides him and Sasha. “Come home with me tonight?”

  “Yes,” she answered against his lips, right before she kissed him.

  Chapter Eight

  “God, I missed, you.” Rome told her as they both feverishly tried to divest each other of their clothing in the middle of his living room.

  “Mmm, I missed you, too,” Sasha moaned against his mouth.

  He also missed the summer weather where all that stood between him and Sasha’s naked skin was a little sundress and her bra and panties. Now she wore a sweater, a shirt underneath it, jeans, a freakin’ tank-top… “Jesus, how many layers do you have on? You’re harder to get into than Fort Knox.”

  Sasha giggled. “You have enough condoms this time?”

  He playfully nipped her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her. “I have a twelve pack,” he answered gruffly.

  When he was down to his boxers, and Sasha topless, with just her underwear on, he squeezed her breasts together and licked each nipple right before he hoisted her up and carried her to his bedroom. He climbed onto his four-poster bed with her still straddled around him.

  Sasha moaned into his mouth as he cupped her round, beautiful breasts. She had a natural C-cup, creamy skin, and rosy nipples, currently taut and begging him for another taste. He happily obliged, sucking one into his mouth while plucking the other with his thumb and forefinger, and then switching to give the other equal attention.

  He then kissed and licked slowly down the front of her until he reached his prize. After ripping off her white lace panties, he found her pretty pink lips glistening with her desire for him. “I’ll buy you a new pair,” he said against her lips, his voice husky. Her taste was heaven, sweet with a little tang as her warmth hit his tongue. “Or maybe I’ll just keep ripping them off until you have no underwear left.” He held her bucking hips down as he devoured her, delighting in her successive loud moans. She fisted her hand in his hair, encouraging him to go even deeper, to suck harder on her clit. When he inserted two fingers into her core and curved them to hit the spot he recalled drove her mad last time they made love, she screamed. He felt the pulsing of her repeated spasms, and he did not let up until her body finally calmed.

  Rome was burning for her. It had been too long, the ache in his chest only now subsiding at finally having her in his arms again, and he knew he could not be gentle, but he wanted to prolong this moment rather than go for instant gratification. He crawled up her body, delivering open-mouthed kisses as he went.

  “I ache so badly for you, Sasha,” he murmured against her lips, grinding himself against her. She was wet and slick, making him wish he could take her without anything between them, but they could talk about that later.

  “Now, Rome. Please.” She sounded as desperate as he felt.

  “Soon, sweetness. I want you to close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you to.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, her voice breathy. Her eyes obligingly closed.

  He kissed her lips, savoring their softness, before sliding his tongue in her mouth to entwine with hers. After a few moments, he released her and sat up between her legs. Her eyes were still closed, her mouth slightly ajar with soft panting breaths escaping her. With just the tips of his fin
gers, he slid them from her neck all the way down to her glistening seam.

  “Don’t think about anything now, Sasha. Just feel,” he gently commanded right before he encircled her sensitive clit with his thumb. He decided he wasn’t going to let her come again until he was inside of her, wanting to make them both even more desperate.

  He stopped when he sensed her getting close and then brought his fingers to her lips so she could taste herself. “See how delicious you are?”

  Sasha moaned as she sucked on his fingers, and suddenly he wanted her lips around another part of him. Badly. When he moved closer to her, holding himself up as he straddled her chest, he brought his cock to her lips, and she eagerly licked the pre-cum off the head before she sucked him into her mouth.

  “Oh Jesus, that feels so good.”

  She continued to torment and tease his dick until the erotic vision of her hollowed in cheeks, alternating with her tongue swirling around him, quickly became too much and with a loud groan, he popped out of her mouth and shifted back down her body and in between her legs. He captured her lips in another searing kiss.

  Finally, he told her to open her eyes again. She looked as dazed as he felt, need swirling in her half-hooded eyes, pushing him to his breaking point. He reached into his nightstand to pull out the box of condoms and then tore the box open. When he was finally sheathed, he agilely flipped Sasha over on to her stomach and then pulled her up on all fours, grabbing on to her hips in the process. They both cried out when he plunged into her. Being inside her after all this time felt like coming home, and he knew with absolute certainty that he would never let her go again.

  “See how well we fit together?”


  Long, slow strokes turned into hard, deep thrusts, her velvety walls gripping him tightly as he pounded in to her. He loved watching himself disappear inside as his hips slammed into her. Sex had never felt as good with anyone as it did with her and never on such a soul deep level.


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