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Back to Life

Page 20

by Mellie George

  “You could have done that, I don’t mind,” she said softly. “You are the only one I would do it for. I already know you taste good too from what little bit I’ve had so far,” she said, and that statement alone almost made me come hard all over the bed.

  “Well, we can definitely try that next time, but right now I want, no, I need to be inside you, Rory,” I said, and I laid her back on the bed. Her body looked so beautiful in the moonlight lying against the white sheets. She parted her legs for me, telling me she was ready. I covered her body with mine and, holding my engorged length in my hand, was about to slide into her heat when I suddenly stopped. “Shit,” I murmured, “I forgot to grab a condom.” I heard her sigh as I reached for my wallet that was on the bedside table. I opened it, and felt around for a foil packet…and it was empty. Fuck!

  “What is it, Liam?” Rory asked me, wriggling on the bed in sexual frustration.

  I looked back at her. “I’m out of condoms. Fuck, I thought I had more,” I said. I had never been this hard in my life, and I couldn’t believe my luck.

  She leaned up to meet me at eye level, and whispered, “Baby, it’s okay. I want you to make love to me, and I’m willing to risk it if you are.”

  My eyes searched into the depths of hers, trying to understand if she was being serious. “Rory, we just got engaged. I don’t want to risk you becoming a mother before you become my wife, especially since you don’t even know if you are ready for it.”

  “I know my cycle, and I’m pretty sure we are going to be okay, but I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier. I do want to be a mother whether it’s now or in ten years…I’m not scared anymore. When you said all that stuff to me on the beach about having kids, I pictured myself with a belly under that ACDC tee shirt, and having your child growing inside me. You made my heart melt with that image, Liam, and I just want you to know that I want that too…to have our baby. But, if you don’t want that or you’re scared or you think it’s too soon, I understand, and we can just wait…” her voice trailing off. She looked down and began playing with the sheets with her hands.

  My chest suddenly felt tight, and warmth spread through me. I most definitely wasn’t scared of having a baby with this beautiful woman. I swallowed the lump rapidly forming in my throat after hearing her say she wanted to be pregnant with my child. She wanted to give birth to our baby. For her to even consider that after what she’d been through, I knew that she absolutely meant it. I lifted her chin so she was forced to look into my eyes. “Baby, I am most definitely not scared. I was only thinking of you,” I said.

  “And I love you for that, but it’s really okay. I’m not afraid anymore,” she whispered. “Let’s jump.”


  “Jump. Together,” she said, and she placed her hands on my cheeks. “Make love to me, Liam.” We both moved together until I was lying on top of her and she parted her long legs again. My dick, which was still so hard it was hurting, found its way to her entrance.

  “You ready?” I whispered.

  She nodded and licked her lips. “Ready.” In one swift move, I slid into her and I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. I have never in my life had sex without protection before, and it felt fucking incredible. She gasped loudly, and her eyes went wide. “Oh my God, baby! That feels…so…a-m-azing,” she moaned, and I saw a tear form in the corner of her eye.

  “You’ve n-never done it like this b-fore eith-either?” I asked, my words barely making sense from the sheer pleasure.

  She shook her head, and stayed quiet, knowing that we were probably thinking the same thing about how she got pregnant before…the condom must have broken. This was yet another new experience Rory and I were sharing together, and I know that if I died in that moment, I would have died a happy fucking man. We moved together in perfect sync, both overwhelmed by the intense feeling of being together with nothing between us. She felt so amazing around me, and every time she would move her muscles would clench and it would pull me in that much deeper into her. It’s like her body didn’t want to let me go, and I wasn’t about to let it. I don’t know how long we moved and swayed together, because for me, time stood still. I was making love to my fiancé, completely bare, and there was a slight chance that this might be the beginning of our family. Life could not have been more perfect.

  She started to shake, and I knew that she was definitely close, so I moved my fingers down and massaged her clit, guaranteeing a mind blowing orgasm for her. It didn’t take long and she completely shattered around me. I could feel the wetness of her release flooding her entrance, and that sensation sent me straight into my own, and I came hard inside her. When my body was emptying inside her, she moaned loudly, and I could still feel her body shaking. Her orgasm was pretty powerful because we both came down from them at the same time. My body was utterly spent…that was the single most incredible feeling I had ever felt. I felt like I couldn’t move, but I didn’t want to crush her so I lazily moved off of her and onto my back. I pulled her toward me and wrapped her into my arms, completely sated and satisfied. “Oh god, Rory. That was…”

  “Beautiful,” she answered, finishing my sentence. “It was so beautiful.” I kissed her forehead, and she giggled.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “I was just thinking if I am not pregnant after that, I am most definitely going on the pill because we are never using condoms again,” she said, and I barked out a laugh.

  “I fully support that decision,” I said, and she snuggled into me. “I love you, beautiful.”

  “I love you too, handsome,” she said, sleepily, and we both fell asleep with her lying in my arms.

  I awoke to the sun beaming in on us the next morning and the smell of the salty sea air drifting in through the large bay window. I felt completely relaxed. I went to stretch and felt Rory still sleeping against me, her long leg intertwined with mine. We were still in the same position we fell asleep in. I smiled because while I should feel stiff for not moving the whole time I was asleep, I felt totally rested and I hadn’t slept that well in a long time. I leaned my face down to kiss Rory’s forehead, and when I did, she stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me and smiled. “Mmm, good morning,” she said.

  “Good morning, angel. I’m sorry I woke you,” I said.

  She shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I love waking up with you.”

  “I do too. How did you sleep?”

  “Like a baby,” she said, and we looked at each other and smiled. Just then I heard her stomach growl, followed by the sound of mine.

  “Looks like we both need to get up and eat. Especially you,” I said.

  “Oh really? Why is that?” she grinned.

  “Well, we might have made a baby last night, so it’s never too early to start eating right,” I said, and she smiled at me.

  “Yes sir. What time is it anyway?” Rory asked.

  I reached out and looked at the display on my cell phone. “It’s eight thirty. I bet Mom has an amazing breakfast waiting for everyone downstairs.”

  “Okay, well, let’s get up and get dressed. I don’t want to keep her waiting,” Rory said, and she slowly moved off me and rose up out of the bed. She walked over to the chair by the door where her blue dress laid about to head into the bathroom to get dressed when we heard a knock at the door. She froze and ran to the bathroom. “Liam, get the door! I’m kind of naked!” she whispered loudly and she shut the door behind her. I smiled and slid on my boxers and opened the door. The maid was standing there holding a neatly folded pile of clothes.

  “For you and your fiancé from Mr. and Mrs. Tanner,” she said, handing me the pile. I took them from her and thanked her. As I shut the door, I called out to Rory.

  “You can come out, baby, it was just the maid. Mom sent us some new clothes,” I said, and she walked back out to me.

  “She did? Aw, she didn’t have to do that,” Rory said, smiling. I set the pile of clothes on the bed and we both looked through them
. Mom bought me a fresh white tee shirt and I sighed when I looked at the price tag…eighty dollars. I shook my head and found a pair of designer jeans, a fresh pair of boxers (also expensive), and a pair of white socks. As I slid out of my old boxers and put on the new ones, I saw Rory eyeing her new outfit. If I had to give one thing to my mom, she had great taste and could throw a nice outfit together quickly. She bought Rory a new bra and panty set, a pair of cute blue jean Capri pants, and a steel gray peasant top.

  “That’s cute,” I said, slipping into my jeans.

  “And also very expensive. I can’t believe she spent this much on one outfit!”

  “I can,” I said, laughing to myself. My mom wore designer clothes on a daily basis, and on any given day she was probably sporting an outfit worth anywhere between five hundred to a thousand dollars. “Hurry and get dressed. You need food in your system, woman.”

  “Okay, okay. Geez, man, are you going to be this bad if I actually am pregnant?” she said, slipping on her panties.

  “Oh, I’ll be worse,” I said, and she rolled her eyes. I slid on my tee shirt and sat on the bed to put on my socks and shoes while Rory continued getting dressed.

  “Well, I’m glad she didn’t buy me shoes too, because the ones I have will look really cute with this,” she said. Suddenly, there was another knock at the door.

  As Rory quickly finished getting dressed, I teased, “I bet that’s your shoes right now,” I joked, and when I opened the door, the maid was there again holding two boxes. “See? I told you,” I laughed, as I took the shoe boxes from her and thanked her. “You better wear them too, you don’t want to hurt her feelings,” I joked.

  Rory smiled and shook her head. “I swear,” she said, and her mouth dropped open when she opened the box. “Oh my God, these are so cute!” she said, taking a pair of grey sandals much like the ones she was wearing yesterday out of the box. She held them up to me. “Look, they have little bows and everything!”

  “They will look cute on you,” I said, taking my shoes back off and putting on the new Nike Shox my mom bought me. As soon as we were both dressed and brushed our teeth, we grabbed our things and walked out of the room and down the stairs. The smell of delicious food came wafting down the hall and got stronger the closer we got to the kitchen. I took Rory’s hand in mine as we entered the kitchen. “Good morning everyone,” I said, and saw everyone sitting around the breakfast table, all in new clothes as well. We were the last ones down.

  “Good morning you two. I was wondering when you both would come down,” Grayson said, winking at me. “You two must have been exhausted after last night.”

  I saw Rory blush. “Dad, come on,” I said, pulling out a chair for Rory, and I sat down next to her.

  “What? We are all adults here, and we all know how you two probably celebrated your engagement,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “That’s what your mother and I did the night I proposed to her.”

  “Oh my god, Dad, please,” I said, and Rory chuckled loudly. “You are making me lose my appetite.”

  “Sorry son,” he laughed. “So, what would you two like to eat? Marta made Eggs Benedict and Belgian waffles.”

  “Ooh, Eggs Benedict sounds really good,” Rory said, and I smiled at her.

  “Getting cravings already?” I whispered in her ear, and she smiled and shoved me playfully. “I’ll have the same,” I said.

  “So, did you kids sleep well last night?” Mom said, taking a bite of her foot.

  “We did, thank you. It is so beautiful here, I could wake up to the sounds of the ocean every day,” Rory said.

  “Well, you all should come out here more often,” Mom said, and Marta, the maid, set our plates in front of us. Rory wasted no time and began digging into her food.

  “Mmm, this is so delicious,” she said, almost moaning.

  I grinned and nudged her in the shoulder and she smiled back at me. “So, I know it’s still early, but have you two thought about setting a date for the wedding yet?” Mom asked.

  Dad laughed heartily. “Vivian, darling, they haven’t even been engaged for twenty four hours yet.”

  “Well, the sooner the better for me, but it’s ultimately up to Rory when we get married,” I said, and my mother smiled.

  “The sooner the better? I’m not going to get a phone call in the middle of the night that you two ran off to Vegas and eloped, am I?” Mom asked, worry lines wrinkling her forehead.

  “Oh no, of course not, Vivian,” Rory said. “It’s just that Liam and I have really come so far in the time we’ve known each other, and we just love each other so much that neither of us wants to wait that long,” she said, taking my hand. “I was actually thinking maybe we could have the wedding in November, if that’s okay with you,” she said, looking at me.

  “November? Why November?” I asked, kissing her hand.

  “Well, in November it will be six months since we met, plus that will give us four months to plan something nice. Also, we’ll be married before all the big holidays so we won’t have to spend them in separate apartments.”

  I smiled. “Okay, November it is then,” I said, and I leaned in and kissed her.

  My mom smiled brightly. “Well, okay then, that sounds wonderful! Maybe we can get together next week and go over some of the details,” she said.

  I thought Rory might protest, but instead she said, “You’re sure you’re not too busy?”

  “Of course not! My only son is getting married to a girl that I already consider my daughter. I would be happy to help in any way I can,” she said. Even thought she didn’t come out and say it, I know that she wanted to pay for it all since Rory doesn’t speak to her parents anymore. However, one thing I knew for sure was that when Rory and I got married, I was paying for all of it. Not only did I make an okay amount of money on my own, I also had a trust fund to draw on if I had to, so we had an unlimited amount of money to pay for our wedding.

  I just sat back and ate my breakfast as Rory, Mom, Marissa, and Samantha discussed wedding plans as the men ate in silence.

  Chapter 17


  “So, what time do you think you’ll be home tonight?” I asked, loading another dish into the dishwasher. “Because, don’t forget, we are supposed to meet your parents and Brody and Marissa for dinner at Noir et Blanc at six o’clock to go over some of the wedding plans.”

  Liam came down the hall dressed in dark black jeans, a black Henley, and was sliding on his favorite black leather jacket. “Well, my shift is over at five since I’m pulling desk duty this week, but if something comes up I might be late, you know that,” he said, coming up behind me and kissing me on the neck.

  “Well, hopefully it won’t. I don’t want to go to that stuffy restaurant without you,” I said, the last dish in the dishwasher, and I shut the door and pressed the start button.

  “I’ll be home as soon as my work is done, I promise,” he said, and I spun around and planted a kiss on his lips.

  “Okay, well you need to go then, because if you have work to do, the earlier you get there the earlier you can come home.”

  He smiled. “I love it when you say ‘home’,” he said. It had been three weeks since the fourth of July, and Liam had hounded me every day for a solid week before I agreed to move in with him. It was so hard to leave Marissa because we’d lived together for almost eight years. However, we were both moving forward in our lives so we felt it was the right time for us to take the next step as far as our living arrangements were concerned.

  “I love it too,” I said, and I kissed him again, but this time it was just a quick kiss. “Okay go, because you need to get to work and so do I. Get a move on,” I said, and I smacked his ass as I headed toward the door.

  “Come on, this is your walk-in client day. You could just play hooky and go to the store and you know, take another test,” he said, smiling. Since I first moved in two weeks ago, Liam was hounding me to take a pregnancy test almost every day. I had already taken two and t
hey were both negative. My period was due tomorrow, but he wouldn’t listen to me about menstrual math and he was just certain that I was already pregnant.

  “Liam, we’ve been over this. Even if I am pregnant, it would be way too soon to tell, and we had unprotected sex for the first time a week before I was ovulating.” Even though we’d had lots more unprotected sex since then, I just couldn’t get him to calm down. He made me eat super healthy and already had me taking vitamins. He definitely had babies on the brain.

  He stared at me blankly. “You know that means nothing to me,” he joked. “You are pregnant, I know it.”

  “If you are so sure, then why do you want me to take a test?”

  “For confirmation, and so I can take a picture of the positive test so we can start on the baby book.”

  I laughed at him. “I’ll think about it, okay? Come on, seriously, you need to get going. See you tonight?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, and he kissed me passionately for a quick moment before releasing me. “Goodbye, I love you!”

  “Love you too!” I called as he walked out the front door. I gathered my things and was getting ready to head out for the day when I got a text message on my phone. It was from Marissa. It read,

  Hey girl, I’m kidnapping you for a day of shopping, my treat! Liam let me in so go to your front door because I’m on my way up. Luv you, xoxo

  I shook my head and smiled. It was really weird for her to take the day off from work just for us to go shopping, but we hadn’t seen each other in five days, so I decided to just go with it. I sent a quick text to Samantha to let her know I was taking the day off, and I put my work bag back in the hall closet. I put my phone in my jacket pocket when I heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my keys and opened the door expecting to see Marissa…and that was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.


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