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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

Page 29

by Tony Corden

  Leah cast Hidden Quietness, and at her level of Agility with the extra spell levelling, she had over thirteen minutes to get into place. This was more than enough for the ten-minute timer she had set for herself and Wisp. As she snuck into the room, she could see the mages shift suddenly and begin to glance around the room. Apparently, they had some way to feel the spell. Wisp hadn’t been noticed presumably because her concealment was not spell based. Leah hugged the wall as she listened to the mages directing the soldiers in a search for a concealed person. After seven minutes Leah was only ten metres from her target, but there were several soldiers in the way. She stood quietly and waited. Breathing deeply, she was about to equip her bow when the soldiers shifted just enough for her to slide between them.

  Coming to within two paces of the Mage she waited and just as the timer ticked over, she stepped forward and buried her knife in his ear. She then equipped the bow and fired at the next closest mage. The arrow just creased his cheek as he turned toward her chanting. She knew she had to stop the chant so ignoring the two nearby soldiers she fired another arrow and dropped into a backwards roll while un-equipping her bow and equipping her fighting sticks. This time, the arrow took the mage in the chest. As she dropped, one sword went over her and the other made a shallow cut along her cheek. As she rose, an arrow hit one of the soldiers, she attacked the other soldier and soon finished him off. She turned to see the two remaining mages casting various spells at her people. The spells caused excruciating pain as they hit and those affected fell to the ground writhing in agony. Leah cast rain of fire at the one mage and then began a sprint toward the other. A dome sprang up over the first mage protecting him from the fire; fortunately, the dome also prevented him from casting spells. As she drew near the final mage, she threw a Webspinner Trap, but it disappeared as it touched some invisible protection around the one she recognised as the Boss Mage. The mage turned as Leah approached and was almost face on when Leah dove forward and came crashing against the mage’s legs in a rugby tackle that would have made her father proud. They both crashed to the ground, and in the scramble, Leah used her elbows, shins and forearms to apply all the dirty tricks she had learned over the years. Suddenly Leah was thrown backwards, the mage’s health and been reduced to under fifty percent and had triggered another protection spell. Leah came to rest at the feet of Yabin who looked down and said, “Stop resting princess, she’d not finished yet, or do you need some help.”

  Leah mouthed a word that she would never say out loud and put out her hand for him to help her rise. As Leah turned back to the mage, she noticed that the Boss was the only remaining enemy. Wisp had started to engage, as had some others with bows. The mage was now on the defensive, reacting to the incoming spells and arrows. Leah carefully watched the mage’s health decrease until it was twenty-five percent when another blast shook the cavern and knocked everyone off their feet. Leah had been waiting for something and was first back up. She began to loose arrows, one after the other at the mage. Soon the others joined in until almost two minutes later one of the arrows got through the defence, and the mage was defeated.

  Breathing a deep sigh, Leah hurriedly checked on all her people and spent the next twenty minutes healing as many as she could. Yabin dragged all the dead into one spot for Leah to harvest. Wisp and Sarisin organised a thorough search of the whole area for anything hidden. They found a hidden door, and instead of a lock there was an eight by eight grid of small switches, Most were sticking straight out, but some were up and some down.

  Above the lock were the words: “Two choices, always equal, never three!”

  Leah looked at for a while and then pushed one of the switches to the Up position. A small timer appeared above the puzzle and began a countdown from three minutes. She began to move faster, switching the straight out ones either up or down. Wisp looked at her and said, “What are you doing?”

  “It’s a Binary Puzzle; the switch can be up or down. Each row and column must have equal up and down. Never more than two up or down together. I’ve done these before. I’ll take the 'plus-ten' luck before switching the last one.”

  With ten seconds remaining she had one switch left and drank the potion before opening the door. Without looking she ran to the pile of bodies and harvested them, she ran back to look inside the door. It was a small room with several bags of coins and two chests. She grabbed the key belonging to the Captain and tried it on one chest, then tried the other chest, which sprang open. Quickly she looked at the list of loot from the soldiers and mages. There was another key which she grabbed and opened the final chest just before her thirty seconds expired.

  She quickly looked through the messages, and the full haul was quite overwhelming. Not including what was from the soldiers and minor mages Leah and Wisp received:

  You have harvested:

  2 Vials of Crystallised Bukalemun blood*

  1 Bukalemun Skin**

  1 Bukalemun Mage Wand

  5 Crystals of Death ***

  2 Vials of Elemental Darkness****

  8 Gold Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  4 Platinum Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  1 Defensive Shield spell

  1 Key to the Senior Mage’s Chest

  * Note: These may be used in potions to aid in camouflage. As it has been reanimated, some potions may aid in hiding from undead such as vampires and wraiths.

  ** Note: These pelts may be used to make camouflage clothing.

  *** Note: These contain the essence from of one soul’s sacrificial death. They can be used by Necromancers and other practitioners of death magic.

  ****Note: These are highly prized for use by Alchemists, Enchanters and Master Smiths

  You have opened the Ancient Bukalemun Captain’s Chest:

  8 Gold Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  10 Crystals of Isolation*

  2 Link of Limberness (+10A)

  * Note: When crushed these isolate the one crushed them and their main opponent and neither may leave until the other is dead

  You have opened the Ancient Bukalemun Senior Mage’s Chest:

  4 Platinum Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  10 Crystals of Death*

  2 Coil of Comprehension (+10I)

  * Note: These contain the essence from of one soul’s sacrificial death. They can be used by Necromancers and other practitioners of death magic.

  She gave the Defensive Shield Spell to Wisp, and they each took one each of the 'plus-ten' Agility and 'plus-ten' Intelligence rings. Leah equipped them both and removed the 'plus-five' Strength ring. Once everyone had gathered around, she explained that she and Wisp were going to see if they could defeat the Mage Hayalet. The rest she suggested follow Salak on the path to the surface. They could either wait for Leah and Wisp, they could go with Salak, or they could disperse. Both Yabin and Sarisin said they would go with Leah. Although several others offered, they were the only two she accepted. She didn’t think it would be easy to sneak twenty-eight people into the crypt.

  Once the larger group headed to the surface, Leah, Wisp, Yabin and Sarisin headed down a long windy sloping tunnel deeper underground. The light began to fade, and it was only Wisp’s spells which allowed Yabin and Sarisin to see anything. During the descent, they didn’t come into contact with any soldiers, mages or traps and what could have taken them thirty minutes ended up taking two hours. It was at the final turn that they saw a faint violet glow highlighting the crypt Cavern. Leah was concerned Hayalet would be able to perceive her use of Hidden Quietness, so Wisp used the Cloak of Invisibility and snuck into the Cavern which contained the Crypt to reconnoitre. When she returned, they all moved back up the trail to discuss her findings.

  “The Cavern is huge; there are stone pillars dotted throughout which appear to be holding up the ceiling. Ten soldiers are wandering throughout, and
I wasn’t able to make out a pattern. The Crypt door is on the far side. The door is open, and I could just see inside. It is full of bodies in all stages of decay, piles of money and all sorts of scrolls and books. In the centre of the cavern, about thirty metres from the crypt door is a sarcophagus which I assume has the body of Zerten Zele. A Level 120 Mage is working with two Level Forty-plus mages in looking at a large piece of parchment. Around the sarcophagus, there are many Crystals positioned that sort of match the diagram on the parchment they are examining.”

  Leah slumped a little and said, “Well there is no way that we can take down Hayalet, he’s just too powerful.”

  “I’m not sure we are supposed to.” Wisp said. “The final Boss was going to be Level 36, and that last mage was higher than that. Maybe escaping is the final stage.”

  “Maybe you're right, but I’m not happy just to leave him alone. Would you be offended if I go have a peek.”

  “Not at all, knock yourself out.”

  “You be careful, princess; if you decide to have fun then come and get us.”

  “I will; don’t worry. I’m not starting anything against a Level 120 without help.”

  Leah cast Hidden Quietness and snuck into the chamber. She was several metres inside when a voice called out, “Welcome little mage. I can feel your magic in the air. Come and see what we are doing here. You may have defeated the rest, but I assure you that you have no hope against me if you cannot hide your magic use.”

  Leah continued to move and was pleased to see that though the mage was talking, he wasn’t looking in the right direction. After almost five minutes of evil mage monologue, Leah found a small alcove from which she could just see the mages at work but none of the soldiers. She cancelled the Hidden quietness and stood as still as possible.

  The mage looked around briefly and then said, “They’ve gone.” He turned to one of the soldiers and said, “I think we are safe. I want you to take the secret tunnel and go get reinforcements.”

  The soldier started to walk in Leah’s direction which she suddenly realised wasn’t an alcove but was the start of a secret tunnel. She pushed against the door she could now see, but it was locked. She checked which side had the hinges and backed right against the wall and pressed the Trapdoor ring. The soldier was not expecting her, he took a key from his pocket, opened the door, which fortunately for Leah opened into the tunnel, and stepped through. Leah stepped through behind him and quietly killed him using her knife. She lowered him to the floor and quickly locked the door behind her. She rushed along the secret tunnel as quickly as she could and found it had an exit in the kitchen area. The tunnel kept on going, but she left it there and hurried back down the larger general purpose tunnel the four had previously crept along. As she came up to the area where the three were waiting, she spoke softly hoping to attract their attention without being attacked.

  As they saw her coming from the opposite direction they started and then Wisp stepped forward and hugged Leah. “I was worried. I thought something must have happened. I was almost ready to go looking for you.”

  Leah hugged her back and explained what had happened. She shared the plan she’d concocted. She knew they couldn’t kill Hayalet, but she did want to prevent the return of Zerten Zele. She planned to steal as many of the crystals as she could from around the sarcophagus, or rather she wanted Wisp to steal them while she distracted the other mages. She gave Sarisin the key to the secret tunnel and explained how to get there. She expected he would hear the distraction through the door. He was to unlock the door and prepare for either her or Wisp to need it opened; as an escape route. Yabin was to wait near the main entrance to help whoever ended up there. He was also to throw a rock or something to distract everyone after thirty minutes.

  Leah and Wisp entered the chamber. Leah moved toward the crypt while Wisp moved as close as she dared to the sarcophagus. Haylet looked around and began a monologue expressing his greatness and the certainty of death to whoever had invaded the crypt. When Leah’s Hidden Quietness spell was almost finished, she found a little nook to hide in and waited for the cool-down to end. Within reach, she saw a pile of small bags and a small bin of scrolls, so without looking, she began to pilfer whatever was in reach while she waited for Yabin. Suddenly there was a tremendous crash, and everyone turned to look. Leah ran out of the crypt tossing her vial of worker fire ant saliva as hard as she could behind her. The vial exploded against a pile of scrolls, which immediately burst into flame. By this time Leah had cast Hidden Quietness and was sneaking away. She hoped the mages would rush to the crypt but only one did and he cast a quick spell which doused the fire immediately. Hayalet and the other didn’t move; as if they had set areas to defend.

  That was ‘Plan A’, and it hadn’t worked. Now it was time for ‘Plan B’. As the mage walked back toward the sarcophagus, Leah stepped behind him and plunged a knife into his neck and dropped a crystal of isolation. She twisted the knife and watched his health plummet. As this was happening, she shuffled around to keep the dying mage between her and Hayalet. The attack was enough for both mages to move in her direction.

  Hayalet smirked and said, “He’s not long for this world although I will resurrect him. You, I will also resurrect, but not to life but for an eternity of pain. You cannot escape now I see you; I won’t let you out of my sight until you're dead.”

  Leah continued to drag the limp body with her. Several times she had to cast a healing spell to keep him alive. Soon she neared the area with the hidden door. She hoped Sarisin had it open. She backed against the door.

  Hayalet said, “You are out of room. Soon your mana will dry up, and you won’t be able to keep him alive.”

  Leah was ready, and she hoped everyone else was also. She gave a small nod of her head and Wisp, who had already stolen all the crystals from around the sarcophagus cast Wave of Fire from the main doorway. As Hayalet’s head turned to see what happened, Leah pulled the knife from the mage’s neck killing him. She opened the door and slammed it shut, locking it behind her as she and Sarisin ran as fast as they could up the tunnel. The wooden door exploded behind them, and a torrent of fire rushed up the tunnel, but they managed to escape the worst of it. Leah and Sarisin flew into the kitchen area and then rushed towards the mage’s area hoping that the pursuit would come up the secret tunnel.

  Yabin and Wisp were waiting, and together they rushed up the exit to the outside. They could hear sounds of pursuit as they ran, but they stopped for nothing. The rest of the group was waiting at the exit. It was mid-afternoon, and Sakin said she knew where she was and so she began to lead them toward her home.

  As they started off, Leah said to Sakin, “What is the name of your chief? Is it Reis?”

  “No, he is chief of the neighbouring tribe. He has more honour, but is just as weak.”

  “Can you lead us to his tribe as we have met him and he owes me something. Your chief doesn’t sound like he will be favourable to you.”

  Sakin agreed and changed the direction they were travelling. About forty-five minutes later Sakin raised a hand to bring them to a halt. She said, “We are being watched. I will tell them who we are and that we are here to see Chief Reis.”

  Sakin spoke out in the Bukalemun language, and two warriors stepped out of the forest in front of them. After some discussion, the warriors led the way. More appeared behind Leah’s group. It was almost half an hour later when they entered a small clearing filled with warriors; Chief Reis was standing at the front.

  As soon as Leah had stepped into the clearing, she received several messages.

  Level 3 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (4, Ruby)

  Atherleah (Level 35), you have completed a Level 3 Area:

  Dungeon Experience - Escape the Dark Bukalemun

  You are the first player to complete this area. This is your fourth, 'First 1 (Ruby)' achievement.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 35 = 39375 (+12.5%) Experience Points (35000/35000)(5396/36000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future

  Reward 3: 4 x 1 Platinum = 4 Platinum

  Fame: 500 Fame Points (4025)

  Additional Rewards based on achievements in experience.

  Assigned NPC survived 2 x 2000 EP = 4580 (+14.5%) Experience Points

  Additional NPC saved 22 x 1000 EP = 25190 (+14.5%) Experience Points

  Final Level Completion Preventing the Rise of Zerten Zele

  4 Platinum Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  2 Diamond Coins minted with an image of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun

  Final Level Completion Crystals of Death

  Your group has collected a total of 900 Crystals of Death.

  Reward 1 - 1 Fame point per crystal - 900 Fame Points (4925)

  Reward 2 - 1 Gold per Crystal if delivered to a priestess of Olme, goddess of death

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Yes] [No]


  She smiled as she again chose to retain her privacy. She stepped toward the Chief and said, “So Reis, where is my staff, and where is your Treasure House?”

  Chief Reis stared at her and the people who she had brought with her. He recognised many as those he had sent for sacrifice against his better judgement. He stepped toward her and bowed his head. He said, “I have your staff in my Treasure House. It will be returned to you. Come, the night is here. Please spend this evening with us and tomorrow morning I will take you and those with you, and we will let you plunder my Treasures. Tonight may we hear the story of how you escaped the Dark Cousins.”


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