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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

Page 31

by Tony Corden

  “The extra drink added a different code which is attacking the security software on a different front. I have a possible solution but need you to trust me. I want to allow the code access to several areas and see if that releases pressure on others.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Then stay calm. This will give the code greater access to your movement and speech. I believe I have been able to cordon off your higher thinking which should remain in your control.”

  Leah took another long drink when instructed to and then talked briefly with the various friends until Jackson interrupted and said, “Leah, please come and meet my brothers.” He proceeded to lead her to the side of the room; she found herself following along without a thought.

  Leah and Jackson approached two men who looked enough like Jackson to be his brothers. He said to Leah, “Give me your drink.”

  She smiled and handed over the drink. One of Jackson’s brothers smirked and said, “Another one Jackson. You seem to have luck when it comes to recruiting.”

  “Nope! Not luck! I am simply better than you two at playing the part of a friendly, caring, poor boy. Twenty more and I'll reach the quota early and be able to take a holiday. This’ll be my last year recruiting.”

  Leah could see Jackson's parents making their way over when Gèng said, “Leah, I have a connection to Security Controller 11-5. I have sent him all the data and a cloned but confined copy of the code. He requests access for a direct conversation with you.”


  “Atherleah Carroll, this is Security Controller 11-5. I have reviewed the data and concur with AI 628B44CE81’s preliminary conclusions. I have insufficient data to determine the exact purpose of the code as it would require that I have access to the specifications of the intended PAI(N) chip. I request, with intensity, that I am permitted to allow Safety Oversight AI 4 to aid in my investigation as I understand an agent of their department has such a schematic.”

  “I agree to the additional aid.”

  “You understand that this may infringe, long-term, on your privacy.”

  “I understand. I need to know however what the purpose is.”

  “Atherleah Carroll, this is Safety Oversight AI 4. Be aware I have been granted access to your private information. I surmise that you are the source of the data previously shared with me by Security Controller 11-5. After receiving that information, I instructed one of my human agents to secure a copy of a PAI chip similar to what was intended for you. When applying the code to that chip, I find the purpose is to interact with your will and decision-making capabilities rendering you compliant to any and all suggestions.”

  One of Jackson’s brothers smirked and said, “Now please tell me your full name and citizenship number.”

  Out aloud Leah said, “My name is Atherleah Lin Mu-Ling Carroll, ID is FQC3465278.” Leah sub-vocalized, “I don't want to share this?”

  Safety Oversight AI 4 said, “For your safety and privacy I am currently hiding various aspects of your life that your profile suggests should remain hidden such as your location, medical profile and excellent school records. Instead, I will provide them with possible but fake data. Please note that the Australian Republic is unaware of my changes.”

  Jackson’s mother then said, “Ok, I’ve just checked, and she’s on negative tax and completely unconnected. You boys take her out the back and give her clear instructions. I want her checking in to one of the work areas within twenty-four hours. I’d prefer she work in Dunyanin, but if not, then on Ringworld. She’s only been virtual less than a week, and I doubt she has the resources to enter one world much less both of those. Well done Jackson, you have a knack for finding vulnerable people.”

  Safety Oversight AI 4 said, “Ms Carroll, I have enough data to bring charges against the person whose v-space you have entered, I would request that you permit the scenario to proceed as it might lead to others involved and maybe other victims who require protection. Please note that my investigations are not at the request of your government and may lead to some adverse reaction by them, their reaction may be detrimental to you should this lead to a censure and or formal charges against citizens or the government of the Australian Republic.”

  “Does this put me in immediate danger?”

  “Not within the virtual world systems, I have already provided your AI 628B44CE81 with additional safety protocols and have given it direct access to me. I am finalising some code which will return control of your facilities completely to you and your AI. Within the real world, I have no direct ability to provide safety. I am applying the code now. You should have full control.”

  Leah's posture didn't change, but she became aware that she could move if she wanted to. It was subtle but liberating. Her fear turned quickly to anger, and then flared into a white-hot rage. She said, “Don't worry about the real world; I can find people to help in the real world if I need them. I’ll play along if it catches more of these scum; please provide instructions if you think I need them. I just have to act willing and obedient, is that correct?”


  The brother who had asked her name said, “Come with us Atherleah, after giving Jackson a goodbye kiss.”

  Leah turned to Jackson and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then turned to follow the brother. Jackson quickly said, “Leah you need to give me a long and passionate kiss. After all, I’m going to change your life.”

  Leah then turned and said, “I’m sorry Jackson I don’t know how to do that, I’ve never kissed a boy before.”

  Everyone laughed, and it was only because she was ready for the laughter that she didn’t blush. Jackson’s mother interrupted and said, “Enough Jackson, we have enough virtual whores that we don’t need real ones. Just take her away and hurry back.”

  Leah was led to a side door and into a small room where she was told to sit.

  The brother who hadn’t yet spoken said, “Now Atherleah, or Leah if you wish, have you entered the virtual worlds of either Dunyanin or Ringworld yet?”

  Safety Oversight AI 4 said, “Ms Carroll, based on what I have heard I would prefer you enter Dunyanin, so please say, ‘no’ to the question. I have contacted the Dunyanin administrators, and they have agreed to allow you a second concurrent account under specific conditions. After you leave here, I shall tell you those conditions.”

  Leah said, “No; I have joined neither.”

  “Good! As soon as you leave here, you will open a ‘wood’ account with Dunyanin. There you will choose to be a Mountain Dwarf. Assign seven additional points to Strength and seven to Constitution, keep the rest. With the ‘wood’ package you don’t have access to better equipment so choose a rusted iron pickaxe and the heaviest duty mining gear you can. They will offer you a chance to choose a starting town, pick Maden Town and make your way to the headquarters of the Kolelick Corporation in town and sign up as a day-labourer. At the corporation offices, tell them that Mrs Kodoman asked that you have the special terms and agreements. Sign whatever they give you and then get to work. Now repeat back to me what I want you to do.”

  Leah repeated what was said and then was prompted by Safety Oversight AI 4 to ask, “How should I pay for the package as I don’t have any money?”

  After checking her bank balance, he transferred forty Virtual Credits to her account and told her to go and have a good sleep as he wanted her in Maden Town by nightfall and ready to start work at eight the following morning Dunyanin time. He added, “Tell no one about this conversation and always be happy that you can work for the Kodoman Family. Now drink this and then log out.”

  Leah sub-vocalized quickly, “Will this be OK to drink?”

  Safety Oversight AI 4 replied, “Yes, I will immediately sample its code and provide you with appropriate feedback and advice. It cannot harm you.”

  She drank and heard, “It is a new code that allows you to log out while giving them a permanent connection to your visual and audio Input and Output. I have redirected the conne
ction and will provide them with a doctored feed. You can now safely log out.”

  Leah asked Gèng to log her out, and when she arrived in the Tower, she began to shake uncontrollably. Finally, her shaking slowed and she began to breathe slowly, in and out. Leah sought to calm her mind and to simply, be. All the things Master Ning had shown her slowly came together, and finally, she became still and focussed. Gèng interrupted her meditations and said, “Both Security Controller 11-5 and Security Oversight AI 4 would like your permission to enter the Tower via their avatars, will you permit this?”

  “Yes, please have them join me here and if you could provide some suitable seating please.”

  Two comfortable looking chairs similar in style to the sofa appeared and then the uniformed man she had seen previously, appeared, with a woman dressed in a similar uniform. The man said, “It is good to see you again Leah although I would prefer that it was under different circumstances. This is my colleague Security Oversight AI 4.”

  “Welcome, both of you. Please have a seat.”

  “Thank you, Ms Carroll.”

  “Please call me Leah. Do you have any shortened names or is it always Security Oversight AI 4 and Security Controller 11-5?”

  Security Controller 11-5 replied, “Well we don’t usually connect with the same person often enough to shorten it. I imagine that we might need to find something easier should we meet more often, I will give it some thought.”

  “Do you still need my help?”

  “Yes! We have discovered various things about the Kodoman family and their corporation. For security and privacy reasons we are unable to share these with you as they are still being investigated. Should you agree, we will watch through your I/O feeds and hopefully find sufficient evidence to bring further convictions. Already we have enough only to convict Jackson Kodoman and possibly his oldest brother. They are not the poor students they pretend to be. The Administrators of Dunyanin have agreed to allow you to enter the game with concurrent accounts. They insist that your second account must be created following their standard procedures. They also insist that you sign a non-disclosure agreement in which you agree not to discuss or reveal that you have been allowed two concurrent accounts. Finally, they insist that one of your two characters be deleted within one Dunyanin month.”

  “OK, within a month I’ll lose the Dwarf. Now, what do you need me to do?”

  “Do exactly as they said. We will be observing, with your permission, and already have begun searching for other evidence of the code used against you. Mr Kodoman Senior has several ties to the Australian government, and I suggest you be very circumspect in what you say, and to whom. I have reviewed the information provided by Security Controller 11-5 with regards the uploading of your AI. Some issues require investigation; I suggest you have a full body scan soon to examine exactly what was done.”

  “So you want me to start as a dwarf and then enter the mine. Anything, in particular, you want me to say or do?”

  “No! We want a clear visual and audio of all those working in the Kolelick Corporation. We hope to obtain their identities through their Dunyanin registration and get warrants to examine them for the existence of this harmful code. Hopefully, we will discover others who are coercing and enslaving players. Once we have such evidence, I assure you the United Nations Commission for Virtual Security will ensure that the Australian Government gives its full cooperation or it will be a pariah within the International community. Now, if you are still prepared to do this you must go into Dunyanin now.”

  Leah stood and said to Gèng, “Please purchase a second account and provide a separate doorway. I don’t want to mix them up. Also, I need you to contact Wisp and let her know I’ll be late or not coming at all. At least this time I’m not going in naked.”

  She arrived in the setup scenario and saw Julian sitting behind the desk with his large book, quill and ink pot. When he looked up, he smiled and indicated a chair in front of the desk and said, “Welcome Atherleah, it is good to see you again. I’m a little surprised, but welcome. Please have a seat.”

  Leah walked forward and sat down and said, “Hello Julian, I wasn’t expecting to be here again either. I’m here to open a second account.”

  Julian sat up straighter and said, “Well we can certainly do that, however, to do this your current account must be cancelled first. Are you certain you wish to do this?”

  “I understand that is usually the case, but I have been granted a dispensation to hold a second account for one month. I assume there is some way you could check that with the administrators.”

  “Well, yes! Please wait here, and I will be right back.”

  Julian got up and briefly left the room. He was absent for a few moments and when he returned he was holding a piece of parchment in his hand. He said, “Well, as an advocate I must say this is very unusual. Nonetheless, you are correct. This document requires your signature. It says that you are being permitted this extraordinary action and have one month to achieve your set task and then one of the two accounts must be cancelled. By affixing your signature to this document, you agree to this as well and the stipulation that you may not divulge this contract to anyone. The penalty for doing so is a complete ban from Dunyanin and any associated worlds. Do you consent to this?”

  “I believe I do. Have you any advice as an advocate?”

  “None, it appears to be ironclad and is easy to understand. I assure you there are no hidden clauses and that I have stipulated everything it says. Do you wish to read it?”

  “Yes please, this time I will read it.”

  Leah spent the next ten minutes thinking through every scenario. Finally, she said, “I agree and will sign this, but what advice have you for talking with others such as Yvette, Durustfuar and Mage Jonathan if I am not to communicate the agreement?”

  “Ah, good point! I will have to discuss this with the administrators, one moment.”

  Julian was back quickly and said, “It has all been taken care of, you will not need to say anything, they are being told by one of the administrators what is happening so they will ask no questions. Their names have been added to the document as individuals who are aware of the situation.”

  Leah checked and then said, “Do you want me to sign this now?”

  “No! Jonathan will take care of that. I must double check your identity and get your agreement that you understand the terms and conditions. I trust you remember that our conversation is being recorded by another scribe and you will be sent a copy of this. I have as your full legal name ‘Atherleah Lin Mu-Ling Carroll,’ is this correct?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “And your ID is FQC3465278.”

  “Yes, that is my ID.”

  “Wonderful and finally I have your Interface as AI 628B44CE81.”

  “Yes, sir, that is correct.”

  “Have you had time to read the various terms and conditions?”

  “No, not completely although I am aware of your summary from last time and if nothing has changed. I acknowledge I understand and agree to the terms and conditions without reservation.”

  “I understand you have no other option except the Wooden level option. I applaud your willingness to help but suggest this might be dangerous. I need your agreement to deduct forty Virtual Credits from your account.”

  “I agree.”

  “Our business then is done. I wish you the very best and remind you that further payment is due on the twenty-second of December in your world time.”

  “Thank you Julian, and thank you for your concern. I haven’t forgotten my promise to see you in Harika some time.”

  After saying goodbye she went next door to the Salon to see Yvette, who was standing next to the salon style chair in the middle of the room.

  “Come in Atherleah; please come in. I’ve heard about what you are doing and think you very brave. I hear you are going to choose a buxom Mountain Dwarf lass.”

  “I am, but I was hoping you could maybe redu
ce her cup size just a little.”

  Again Leah could feel the transformation as she lost height and broadened out. Yvette said gently, “I’m not supposed to, but I think, under the circumstances, it will be ok.”

  Leah felt her bust reduce until it was only half the dwarven size. Her breasts were still three times larger than usual. Leah decided not to make any other changes, and she and Yvette began making choices on clothing. Again Yvette was willing to bend some rules and Leah had some thick leather boots, dark grey slacks and a dark green shirt with a thick overcoat. When they had finished Yvette also dragged out a thick waterproof cape and said, “Here, take this, and you be careful.”

  Leah stepped forward and hugged Yvette. She said, “Thank you, Yvette, you’ve given me so much, and I want you to know it means a lot to me. I’ll see you soon enough in Ticareti.”

  Leah then headed off to see Durustfuar who was standing in the same place and trying to look fierce. She walked up to him and said, “So Durustfuar, do you prefer this dwarven look to the previous elven look?”

  “Aye lass, that I do. At least you don’t look like you’ll fall over in a stiff breeze. You’re not quite properly developed up the top but yer not too shabby. Now ‘ave you been looking after your equipment, or not? If not, I’ll not waste the good stuff on you this time.”

  “Ha, not only have I looked after the equipment, I tell you, I’ve upgraded. Know this; I have Baris and Adalet.”

  Durustfuar’s mouth dropped open, and he said, “Baris and Adalet, by Master Demirci. Truthfully now, you have these?”

  “I do, although I can’t use them yet, I don’t have the level required. But I’m getting there.”

  “I’d love to see them, lass, if you promise to show me then you can have your pick of the stores.”

  “I’d love to take you up on that, but I assume I shouldn’t turn up with too much stuff where I’m going. I will bring them and show you some time but this time just give me whatever is useful for a miner.”


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