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Trees Without Wind

Page 2

by Li Rui


  Monterey, Vienna, Beijing


  THE TRANSLATOR WISHES to acknowledge the assistance and support of David Wang, Li Rui, Jennifer Crewe, Leslie Kriesel, two anonymous readers, and Yingtsih Balcom.

  At Faxing Temple, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng pointed to a banner blowing in the wind and, explaining the world to the assembled monks, said, “Neither the wind nor the banner moves; what moves is the benevolent.”

  The statesman Mao Zedong announced, “Classes struggle; some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.”

  Happy or angry, Cao Tianzhu, the production team leader of Stunted Flats Village, always had one thing to say to sum up the world: “Fuck it all to hell.”

  In the final moment of his life, Uncle Gimpy summed up the world with one word, which was actually the sound made when the stool he had used for so many years tipped over: clunk.


  He stood stock still below the cliff and watched that distant silhouette. It jolted with each step, growing shorter and shorter, disappearing from sight—first the legs, then the waist, then the torso, until all that remained was a head swaying on the plateau’s edge, which, after shifting twice, also vanished, as if it had sunk into a vast, bottomless abyss. Director Liu, he thought, was walking the fifteen li down into the valley. Suddenly he felt the urge to cry and cursed himself inwardly. Damn! What are you crying about? Why are you so weak? But he was unable to control himself, and tears rolled down his face to the corners of his mouth, salty. He clenched his jaw for all he was worth on that taste of salt in his mouth. He yelled inwardly at the departing figure that had just disappeared from sight. By doing what you’ve done, you’re departing from the correct stand. I’m here to change the world; my father was a martyr; I am a child of the Party. How can I be the same as you? We can’t be mentioned in the same breath. You don’t know how I ache in every bone and joint of my body. Do you know how long six years is? I must do this; I will do it! Don’t think I won’t!

  The sun had long since fallen behind the western mountains. A cold blue shone over the darkening plateau. The mountains, ranged in layers, went on and on under the vast expanse of the sky. In the boundless open space, you could feel the weight of the blue light pressing down. Several crows, returning home to roost, circled above the cliff; their cawing stitched the vastness and the loneliness together with the withered forest atop the cliff. Licking his lips, he thought Director Liu ought to be disgraced. He tightly clutched several pieces of folded paper in his pocket. When Director Liu handed him the papers, he had said in all seriousness, Kugen’r, these are for you. These blank letters of introduction are not to be taken lightly—they represent the Commune Party Committee’s trust in you, the power given to you by the Party. You are the orphan son of a martyr, and the Party must rely on people like you to carry on the work. Looking up at Director Liu, he didn’t say a word. Director Liu immediately understood what was going through his mind, but he wanted to avoid being too explicit. Director Liu said, Right, you’re not called Kugen’r; your name is Zhao Weiguo, Comrade Zhao Weiguo. The great enterprise of purifying class ranks in Stunted Flats Village is entirely up to you. If in the future you need a transfer, just go to the County Party Office and do the paperwork, and these letters will come in handy. If you have any other difficulties, don’t hesitate to make them known to the commune. The Commune Party Committee knows that you have applied for Party membership. Work hard and accomplish something during these great storms, and I’ll stand as your sponsor for membership! Director Liu spoke unselfishly. When he finished, he laughed and reached out and patted him vigorously on the back. Still he remained silent, just looking at him, but in his heart he thundered, I don’t need you to bolster my morale. It’s clear who the class enemies are. When I strike, I’ll seize them. I’ve been here six years. I requested to come here on my own initiative. Are any of you capable of understanding me? I am my father! I came here to change the world for my father. Why must you go sleep in Nuanyu’s nest? Nuanyu sleeps with the class enemy, and then you go and sleep with Nuanyu. You, a Party committee head, and the class enemy sleep with the same woman, and you tell me how to struggle? And you offer to sponsor me for Party membership? You’re not qualified!

  Director Liu looked him in the eyes, but knew perfectly well that this was one time there would be no beating around the bush, not this time. Director Liu laughed again—the only thing he could do in response was laugh inwardly. Director Liu said, You’re still young; you’ve never been married, so you don’t know how miserable it is without a woman. Nuanyu’s place is neat and tidy, and she’s a good cook. In this poverty-stricken place of ours, when the work of the revolution is accomplished, there’ll be nothing left to do, nothing for amusement. When I came to Stunted Flats Village to work in the countryside, I stayed at Nuanyu’s. She has a two-room cave—she lives in one room and I stay in the other. Okay, that’s the way it is. There’s no use staring at me, just do a good job of purifying class ranks. Director Liu finally said what he wanted to say without beating around the bush any longer. After Director Liu said what was on his mind, he swung his hands and left. After taking a few steps, he turned and said, Weiguo, we’ve only talked about purifying class ranks. The last time I was here I mentioned the woman; do you like her or not? Is it okay? Why don’t you say something?

  His face suddenly flushed a bright red, and he was immediately filled with anger and embarrassment. He struggled for a moment before he managed to say a few words through his anger and embarrassment. Staring at Director Liu, he said, I’m not marrying—women are all demons! Director Liu just laughed. Look at you, such a child. I was just asking for others. Why so temperamental? If you’re not interested, then forget it. It’s okay; put your heart and soul into the movement. So saying, Director Liu walked away, swaying as he stepped. He just stood beneath the cliff watching Director Liu depart. The rays of the setting sun shining behind the western mountains were cold, clear, and clean, making the winter plateau look desolate. One could see a hundred li through the barren emptiness. Above him, the crows continued to caw sporadically. He didn’t look up—there was no need to in order to know that there were seven of them flying around. For the last six years, he had counted them so many times at the entrance to the village. There had been five then; now there were seven, a total of seven. Flying around like that, they seemed to be quite a few at first glance, but there were only seven. But why were there seven and not eight? What about the odd-numbered one? Who would it nest with? Laying eggs and raising young every year, where did they go? Had they all been eaten by snakes? Without a doubt, coiled around a tree there was a big snake—its mouth opened, showing its long tongue—that swallowed each fledgling, one by one, so that the baby birds didn’t even have time to cry out. Pitiful. After so many years, only two had survived. The birds didn’t know how to fly. Wouldn’t it be okay if they could fly far, far away? Goodness, in six years, in six long years, only two had lived. How can any of you understand how long six years is? How can you understand me? We simply can’t be mentioned in the same breath. You know that Nuanyu sleeps with the class enemy, so why do you want to sleep in her cave? You are a leadership cadre. Why do you fail to meet expectations? Why are you so lacking in the correct stand? I don’t need your sponsorship to join the Party, nor do I need you to fix me up with a wife. Can you understand me? You have no idea how every bone and joint in my body aches. Don’t think I won’t do it; I must do it. Even if I don’t do it, Zhao Yingjie will not hesitate to see it through to the end. It was silent all around. Everything seemed frozen in the still of dusk; no one could hear the thundering of Kugen’r’s heart in that frozen stillness or see the salty tear streaks on his face.

  Taking the small track east that Director Liu had just taken for 15 li down to the bottom of the valley, then following a dirt road large enough for a horse cart another 150 li to the east, you’d eventu
ally arrive at the county seat, but not without spending the night in some village along the way. The county seat was where he attended primary school and junior high school, and where he became the orphan son of a martyr. Later, it was there that he encountered that writer and decided to write a novel about his father. He wanted to write about his father, and taking his father in the novel as a model, he came to Stunted Flats Village, deep in the Luliang Mountains, to change the world.


  Looking up, I saw his bulging crotch. It was the director, a national cadre. He can’t control himself even for a moment. If you can’t control yourself, then get along. Haven’t you worn out Nuanyu’s threshold? Haven’t you worn out Nuanyu’s kang mat? Whenever you come to Stunted Flats, don’t you rush straight to Nuanyu’s place, and only after you’ve slept with her can you hold a meeting and get things done? This time, though, you rushed to see me. Bending over to put down the axe, I saw those cadre shoes and I knew it was him. Who in Stunted Flats wears cadre shoes? They all wear bulky ones. All smiles, I put down the firewood.

  I said, Ah, Director Liu, you’re here.

  He said, Cao Yongfu.

  He doesn’t call me Gimpy Five. He calls me Cao Yongfu. I knew it was something bad. I said, Come in and have a rest, have a drink of water.

  He didn’t say he’d have the water or that he wouldn’t. He said, Cao Yongfu, I’m here to purify class ranks.

  I said, Ah, public business keeps you busy; it’s a lot of work. You have to purify.

  His crotch was bulging. I heard Director Liu laugh. I looked up and saw a row of teeth, all black from smoking, as if they had been rubbed with black glaze. I knew that when people wanted to purify class ranks, they really meant me. Damn, the ones who ran away are all good; the ones who got caught are all thieves. If I had run away with my older brother, what class ranks would you have to purify?

  Director Liu said, Ha-ha, Cao Yongfu, if Stunted Flats didn’t have a rich peasant like you, there’d be no class struggle and no political movement to engage in. You’re very useful.

  I said, Ah, ah.

  Later, I saw a bottle of liquor in his bag. Nuanyu says that each time he enters her house, he pulls out a bottle of Wucheng sorghum liquor and noisily thumps it down on the kang table and says, In this poor place of ours, there’s nothing to do, nothing fun to do. Then he stays. Then he drinks. Then he strips off Nuanyu’s clothes and throws them on the kang. Then he puts Nuanyu astraddle his legs and, face to face, goes at it for all he’s worth. Nuanyu says he goes crazy like a horse, till she’s dizzy and wants to pass out. Nuanyu says that while he’s going at it he asks a question, just one: Who else do you do it with besides me? Who else do you do it with besides me? Who else do you do it with besides me? I’m so dizzy I think I’m going to die. I can’t say a word. I didn’t like hearing Nuanyu say this. Fuck, how can you die? That’s what you hope for. Every woman in the world hopes for the same damn thing. Nuanyu, Nuanyu, why don’t you care if the men of Stunted Flats are sad? People from Stunted Flats are people too.

  Seeing that bottle of liquor, I said, Ah, come in and rest; have a drink of water.

  Director Liu didn’t say anything. He turned to leave.

  I said, Director Liu, I’ve got some eggs here. Why don’t you take them to have with your liquor?

  Director Liu said, Okay, after I eat, I have to pass on some documents from the central authorities to all of you. The movement this time really must be carried out in the spirit of these documents. Chairman Mao said a long time ago, “Class struggle must be grasped effectively.” This time, Stunted Flats must seize you, a teacher by negative example.

  I said, Sure, sure.

  Director Liu glowered. What’s that, huh? A rich peasant has no place opening his mouth. Take the eggs.

  I just smiled. I didn’t say that without a rich peasant like me, what ranks would their classes have? What could they purify? What good would your documents from the central authorities be? All you know is getting over to Nuanyu’s as quickly as possible. Do you know for whom Nuanyu pours your liquor? That part of your Wucheng sorghum liquor is poured out for me? Nuanyu pours the liquor for me and says, Uncle Gimpy, you’re a good man. You feel for other people. Nuanyu cries as she speaks, speaks as she cries. She cries and makes me feel sorry and angry that I can’t put all the good things in the world before her, just to make her smile. Do you understand? You’ve never ever noticed; you’ve never ever understood. What are you glaring at? Your crotch protruding, I know what you’re in a hurry for. Tianzhu said the ox belongs to the team, the land belongs to the team, and Nuanyu belongs to the team. You come here as a director and use Nuanyu for nothing. Don’t you know how shabby that is? We share Nuanyu; we take care of Nuanyu. All the men in Stunted Flats are fine with that. We’re totally willing. Who are you, holding the public’s iron rice bowl, and coming here to seize someone else’s woman? You’re the director. Who can get the better of you? You think I want to talk with you? You think you’re so big; Kugen’r thinks he’s big too. When I talk with you guys, I have to keep my head raised till my neck hurts. What are you guys doing here at Stunted Flats, anyway? Wouldn’t the people of Stunted Flats live fine without you? If you guys hadn’t showed up, would anyone know of the existence of Stunted Flats? Wouldn’t we go on living in peace, the way we’d done for generations? If someone’s deformed, what of it? If someone’s stunted, what of it? You big guys come and mix everything up in the world till there’s not a decent place to live. You guys can’t manage your own lives, and you want to screw everyone else’s up as well. Are you guys even human? You’re worse than oxen in a pen.


  Never in my life will I forget the way my second little brother looked when he ate.

  My second little brother put down his rice bowl, covered his belly with his hands, and began to cry. His bowl was still half full of noodles. Too much elm bark had been added to the noodles, reddish and wide and flat; you couldn’t even tell there was corn meal in them. Covering his stomach, my little brother cried to me, Sister, sister, my stomach hurts; it hurts so bad, sister, it hurts so bad! I turned my head to look at Dad, who had already eaten six bowls. He was standing next to the pot, holding his bowl. Mom had buried her head in her huge coarse bowl and was slurping up her noodles. She had already eaten five bowls. I hadn’t had a single bite; I couldn’t eat one bite. I was dressed in red, sitting on a bench under the big sun, watching them eat. I wanted to see how much they could eat. I couldn’t see anyone’s face under the big sun; all I could hear was the slurping. Holding his stomach, my little brother cried to me, Sister, sister, it hurts so bad! It hurts so bad! I’m going to die! Sister! I suddenly stood up, knocking over the stool. Only later did I see that my leg had a bruise the size of an egg where I had bumped it.

  Standing up, I shouted, Dad! Dad! You’ve eaten too much! Why don’t you look at little brother—he’s going to burst! You just keep eating!

  Only then did Dad put down his bowl and turn and say, Huniu’r, Huniu’r, you bastard, you’ve made me lose face. You little brat, you haven’t eaten more than a few bowls. You little motherfucker, can’t eat any more, can you? I’m going to beat the fucking hell out of you! Dad swore as he took off his shoe and raised it above his head. See if I don’t beat the fucking hell out of you! See if I don’t beat the fucking hell out of you!

  The slurping in the courtyard suddenly ceased as everyone looked up from their bowl, looking at the shoe my father was holding. I ran to my little brother, whose lips were really blue. I shouted for all I was worth, Dad! Dad! Hurry and help Second Little Brother! He is surely going to die!

  Everyone in the courtyard was stunned, dumbfounded; they all sat there holding their huge bowls, mouths hanging open, not saying a thing, not eating noodles. Under the bright and dazzling sun there were only my little brother’s blue lips and that half-eaten bowl of red, wide, flat noodles. As my second little brother breathed his last, he said to me, Sister, sister, I’m so hungry, Sister…. That was w
hat my second little brother said most often on the road as we fled famine in our old home. All day long, he’d hold onto my lapels, saying, Sister, I’m so hungry. Second Little Brother, Second Little Brother, you lived until you burst. How could you say you were hungry? See, your stomach is as hard as a rock. How could you say you were hungry? Brother, brother, say something, why don’t you say something? Dad, Dad, little brother really is dead, he really did burst!

  My dad, still holding his shoe, fell to the ground with a thud and began whacking the top of his head for all he was worth, until the yellow earth on the bottom of his shoe covered his head and face. Dad said, Huniu’r, Huniu’r!

  The bowl my mom was holding crashed, breaking to pieces, and before standing up, she bent over and puked up all the noodles she had eaten.

  At that time, everyone in Stunted Flats had gathered in the courtyard. Only when they had all stood up did I clearly see how short all the deformed people in the village were. Only then did I see what the lips of a person who died from a busted gut looked like. Under the bright and dazzling sun, little brother’s lips were blue, so dark as to terrify a person.

  After the wedding and burying my little brother, I saw my parents and my other little brothers and sisters out of Stunted Flats. I saw them as far as the bottom of the earthen cliff, where I halted. I said, Dad, Mom, I’ll say good-bye here. Don’t bother to come and see me later, and don’t tell my brothers or sisters to come and see me. And don’t send a letter asking about me. I don’t want to know anything or see anything. Here is where I am, and I’m not going anywhere else. I’ll just stay here and watch over Second Little Brother. I’m afraid Second Little Brother will get lonely here by himself and think of home. Someday, I’ll die here and keep him company.


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