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Page 20

by Joshua Landeros


  Will darted like a blur as he ran to the single watchtower. He quickly scaled the wall to the top and entered once more, although this time he used the door instead of crashing through the window, as the soldier who’d guarded it was now among those tied to the tree down below, a failure among his fellow failures.

  Will pressed down on his left arm releasing the upload link cable, and connected it to the computer in front of him. Will sat down, his mind calculating rapidly. Their technician Alex seems to be quite handy, but I must do this for myself. The password request was instantly bypassed, as well as those needed for the restricted files. Since he already knew base locations and such, he had no need to download that information. He was after personnel files, specifically those for S.S.C. Unit 23, S.S.C. Unit 18, and Bryan Morales. Will saved all the files he needed and would read through them later. His focus was now on the final bit of information he needed, information he was almost afraid to find. Will reluctantly typed in the final search criteria: Super Soldier Cyborg Unit 21.

  At the same time, Jacob and his men were busy. It was all there: every failed weapon shipment and its cargo. In each holding area, the wrecked plane was positioned off to the side, with the weapons tagged and shelved. The team loaded M25 rifles, M21 SWS, M3 submachine guns, and the like into their large duffle bags, pockets, and small packs. Father will be immensely pleased. Jacob could not wait to use his new arsenal to make the bastards pay for each and every last causality they’d suffered. He vowed silently not to waste a single shell.

  Jacob finished loading his second duffle bag; most of his team was already done.

  “Alex, come in. We’re almost done here. You?”

  “At 83%, we’ll be ready to meet up with you soon.”

  “All right, over and out.”

  “Lt. Neeson,” said Carrie, “we’re packed and ready to go, sir.”

  “Gather your loads, we’re out in five.”

  Jacob finished packing his final bag and carried two over his shoulders. His pride took a small hit when Carrie took one of his bags as her own, but with his injured arm, he relinquished it gratefully. Besides, he and his small team had cleaned out a good four aisles and that was all that mattered. The six of them gathered at the door, briefly putting down their bags.

  “Hold up,” Jacob ordered, “Where’s Garcia?”

  Everyone looked at one another in question, before looking back at their lieutenant.

  “Garcia, come in. Garcia, come in!” Jacob said into his intercom.

  Carrie cocked her weapon, as did the others, “Don’t fan out. Stay close! Lieutenant!”

  It was too late. Jacob was heading back down the aisles, his pistol at the ready. He heard Alex’s voice in his ear, telling him the download was complete and that it was time to go. The lieutenant got a sick feeling in his stomach. He felt like he was going to vomit, could almost taste it in his mouth.

  He spotted a grate from an open air duct lying on the floor as shots rang out. Jacob turned in the direction of fire, back from where’d he’d come, to see a barely recognizable silhouette knocking his team around like mere toys. Within seconds, most of the team laid silently on the floor, leaving the last two standing to stare one another down.

  Jacob chose to fight, firing off rounds from his weapon, but the woman was too fast. Lieutenant Neeson threw the pistol, realizing he was in deep shit and instead began loading the EMP rounds into his grenadier. He felt the gun being ripped from his hand, and then felt a powerful slap to the face. Jacob fell, landing on his injured arm, which caused him to grit his teeth in agony. Another blow to the face and he was out cold.

  Meanwhile, Alex prepared to log off, taking extra precautions by removing any records of foreign links that had accessed the Confidential Archives. Unexpectedly, an emergency beacon flashed across the screen, and since he was still within the system, he was able to read its contents. To his surprise, it was a distress signal, and the S.O.S. had been issued from a computer at…this base…we are truly fucked.

  Both Alex and Gabby could hear the choppers overhead and the searchlights shining through the windows. Alex realized what had happened, but was dumbfounded as to how. It could not have had access to the system, especially without… Alex looked over at Gabby, who had her back to him at the moment, looking out the window, at the legion of troops gathering in the courtyard. Then he watched her drop her gun. She hurled the EMP rounds at the wall in her anger, along with her dagger.

  Alex stood up from his seat, the computer flew in pieces everywhere, as bullets decimated it. He got down on his knees before being told to get all the way down on the floor. S.S.C. Unit 23 held the gun close to his head, before pointing it at Gabby, who didn’t obey. Alex looked up at her, and she looked back at him with teary eyes, shaking her head. Alex felt himself fumbling for words. It was pretty obvious what to say, but his mouth went dry as cotton.

  Unit 23 handcuffed him before rising to slap Gabby to her knees. Adding a light kick to the gut, it was more than enough to put Gabby on her face. She felt the blood on her lip, as her hands were bound behind her back. The cyborg walked over to the Alex’s ULC and grinded it with her hand, reducing it to refuse.


  Dr. Neeson saw Patrick being brought in with the rest, minimally harmed. Despite how much he and many others like him had progressed since receiving proper treatment, the look of utter terror on their faces was unparalleled, especially Patrick’s. The old man coughed as he rested a hand on his burning chest. He felt the need to place a comforting hand on the shoulders of his loyal men and women, but the tight chains kept any movement from happening. Patrick was now seated next to him, and Neeson knew there was nothing he could say. Commander Kane loomed over the group, walking past them and staring at each one’s disgusting face for only a moment. That’s all these scum deserve.

  “You pathetic pieces of shit are no longer considered human and will not be treated as such. You have forsaken what our Honorable Chancellor has freely done for you and your families. You are dogs yelping for help, and it will be given to you. You all beg for a sick and demented version of the world, but you will not receive it. You people are merely ill and I promise you all,” Kane stumbled upon Neeson, and smiled briefly. “We will do our very best to re-educate you all. Your cooperation will mean more than just your life, but that of the men and women around you.”

  He paced in front of the group once more.

  “Some of you will be reformed and made to fit in with society again. Many of you will be made into examples. How so, is entirely up to you.”

  Mitch arrived in the dingy mess hall, followed by Unit 18.

  “Reporting, sir!” they both said.

  “Excellent, do we have any no-good left-behinds?”

  Mitch smiled and yelled out to his superior,

  ”Oh, yes we do, sir! Around twenty-eight of ‘em, right down the hall.”

  Kane looked at the stoic face on Luis, knowing how to get rid of it.

  “How do we handle left-behinds, Unit 18?”

  Luis laughed briefly, before looking over at the captured men and women before them. He cocked his gun. Few bullets had been fired for this mission, so this was only fitting.

  “Sir, we got a real variety of casualties from their little crusade. I think I even spotted a paraplegic or two. I’m going to love this, not because I’m an asshole. No, today I’m handing out mercy. Left-behinds always get the first serving, Commander, always.”

  “That’s what I like to hear, soldier!” Kane replied, “Get them up. Mitch, Unit 18, give ‘em a good show while we prepare the trucks for loading.”

  Mitch and Unit 18 took the front, followed by their superior officer, followed by the large group of prisoners, who were herded by fully armed UNR troops. They headed down the hall. Patrick saw the glimpses of the UNR-proclaimed justice in the form of body bags of the select few who’d resisted. He noticed Neeson lag briefly upon seeing the body bags, only to watch him be shoved forward. />
  They entered the infirmary ward, where the ill and wounded still lay on their mats and stretchers. Patrick looked to the floor as soon as he heard the gunfire start. All he wanted to do was to blot it all out, but nothing could drown out screams and whimpers from his comrades, or the laughing and lewd calls coming from the UNR soldiers. Patrick realized he was crying, and so were many of the others with him.

  Chapter 22 – Redemption

  April 17, 2065 – UNR Defense Headquarters

  At UNR Defense HQ, hordes of cheering people surrounded the structure. They did not disrespect the blockade of UNR troops, but that did not stop their excitement. The streets were still dark this cloudy morning, which felt soothing to Kane really. He’d always loved the days where he could pretend it was still the shadow of night. It had a sense of childish awe to it, especially with the scattered bursts of daylight shining through here and there. The heavens only lightly sprinkled the earth with rain, but he marveled at it. Kane looked over at Will, who sat beside him in the Humvee. He’d been pretty quiet since picking him up at the base. Unit 23 sat across from them and was strangely quiet as well. Will only looked out the window into the vast number of cheering people.

  “To think their main facility was in Calvert County, Maryland. Makes you realize just how close to us they really were,” Kane said to them.

  “It’s unsettling, Commander,” Will said flatly.

  Kane joined his soldier in gazing out into the crowds.

  “Look at those proud UNR people. They love us. They love the security we bring to this country. You’ve all done a good job. Will, you’ve proved yourself an invaluable asset to our operation.”

  “Congratulations,” Val said, “I guess being a prisoner of war can have its rewarding aspects after all.”

  Will gave her a smile and looked back at the civilians. Among the many nameless faces, one man captured Will’s attention. Will could tell age had hit him hard. From the lines on his strained face to his thinning hair, the toll of the decades was evident. Upon the man’s shoulders was a little girl with eyes that matched her fathers. She laughed and cheered as well. At his side was a boy, probably a few years older than the girl. Because of what Will had done, what he’d always done, this family had the assurance of being happy together and presumably always would.


  Gabby and the others were pulled out of the vehicles a good distance away from the actual parking zone, and were marched down the street, directly past the roaring crowd. An immense number of people spat on them, cursed at them, and many threatened to kill them. Jacob got a brief chance to look at Gabby, who immediately turned away from him. A small stone nicked his back, another pelted Gabby’s shoulder, and a poorly aimed one struck Alex’s leg, he let it go.

  How long have we been marching toward this fate? He saw that many of the people gathered around him held laminated images of various men and women. The innocent victims who died during that assassination attempt. Another botched mission, just like yours in ‘51, Halsey. We truly are your prodigies.


  Prisoner and captor alike entered through the main entrance of the UNR Defense Headquarters and the doors locked automatically behind them. Kane went off with a group of his soldiers to police the prisoners. Many of the soldiers applauded Will, giving him his well-deserved kudos. Soon it was just the two cyborgs. Before Will could say anything Valerie hugged him, and tightly.

  “Next time, don’t be such a dumb ass,” she said.

  “I’ll try not to,” he said, embracing her back. It was then he heard the elevator ding in the hallway and out came a small group of people. First to greet them, was none other than Luis, who gripped Will’s hand before embracing him as well.

  “So you’re back, and with presents for all of us. You’re too kind.”

  Will took note of something behind his friend’s back.

  “I see you got me something as well.”

  Luis laughed before pulling out Will’s sheathed sword.

  “Oh, you mean this?”

  Will quickly put it back in its rightful place, before noticing Venloran, Major Johnson, and Kearney, standing not too far away. Will rushed over to them and bowed.

  “My apologies for keeping you all waiting.”

  Venloran nodded before shaking his hand strongly.

  “There’s no need. You’ve redeemed yourself tenfold. I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for a job well done. Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, sir, thank you all.”

  Major Johnson patted him on the back.

  “And don’t worry, we got our hands on that miniaturized EMP technology. The bastards got you once, but we’ll think up a way to counter the effects.”

  “No need, sir. Next time they won’t get the chance.”

  “Unit 21, although I doubt it’s really necessary, I’d like you to report to Krenzler for an immediate medical evaluation.” Venloran ordered.

  “Yes, sir.”

  As Will was stepping into one of the elevators, he saw Luis approach Venloran, who was getting on a different elevator with Major Johnson. Will listened for as he long as he could till the doors shut.

  “Sir, can I come with you and the Major? I’m always on prisoner detail, especially with the new meat.”

  “Yes, see to it they feel very much welcome. In fact, there is one in particular I’d like to speak with myself.”

  Chapter 23 - Everlasting Perfection

  April 17, 2065- Cell No. 0281- UNR Headquarters

  Venloran got to the door and could hear the wailing already, along with the muffled sounds of vicious blows. He looked over at Kearney, who was busy with his folder of papers. Without even asking him, he knew his assistant was indifferent about it all. And rightfully so he assumed, since this event would definitely need many ceremonies. He would have to speak with the warden and Major Johnson to designate which prisoners would be among the next public execution. There’d be several speeches to give and Kearney was doing his usual task of arranging it all. The Chancellor turned to the Major.

  “Will you be joining me?”

  “No,” he said as he bit his lip, “I honestly find no point in conversing with the bastard. I have other scum to deal with, so I’ll get to him when need be. For now, I believe Mitch and the rest can tell the good doctor I said hello.”

  Johnson walked off with a trio of soldiers, including Luis, to take care of the business at hand. No one saw Luis glance in their direction, toward cell number 0281. No one could see the chill go down his back, hidden by a face of almost child-like anticipation. Venloran looked at Kane now and smiled.

  “Well then, let’s greet him shall we?”

  The two men walked into the cell, to see Mitch and Cisco standing over Neeson who lay there breathing hard. At the feet of the two grunts, their old companion seemed so out of place, out of reach of any respect or nobility.

  “Carline, Aguilar,” Kane said loudly.

  Mitch and Cisco both saluted and bowed to their Chancellor. Venloran scanned the room briefly and was instantly brought a cold steel chair to sit on. Neeson looked up at him, blood running freely from his nose and lip. To add insult to injury, the soldiers hadn’t even bothered to cuff his hands. The man tried to stand, but could only manage on his knees. His breathing was heavily strained at this point, and despite the fact that the beating had stopped, he was still visibly shaken. His rugged face betrayed his worn out state of being. Venloran was somewhat troubled. He’d known this man at one time, but not now.

  “Robert, you don’t look well.”

  “Is any man truly well while he suffers in this world?” Neeson said as he stared at the floor.

  “How different things could have been, so very different. You could’ve been one of the greatest figures in history. Now look at what you’ve become.”

  “For what? I couldn’t live with myself.”

  Neeson looked up at him, and Venloran found his distorted gaze tragic in itself. And yet, he still hel
d onto tightly to those precious ideals.

  “You’ve certainly praised the way things were prior to my administration. But did you ever mention to your children all the horrors that thrived in that environment?”

  “You expect me to say like everybody else that you’ve improved the world? It may have had its flaws, but what you’ve built is a perversion.”

  “Flawed to the point of failure, you forget that Robert. I didn’t tear it down all by my lonesome. We all did.”

  “I opened my eyes. How do you go on doing this, Carl? At least tell me that much.”

  The Chancellor seemed to actually ponder the question for a few seconds, then looked at him with a smile.

  “Have you ever critiqued the Bible? I have since childhood really, and it’s quite the book. It was preached to me as a child that it was a book of innocence, benevolence, and perfect justice. It’s said God is a perfect being, with unquestionable judgment and morality. In time, though, I discovered the scriptures’ folly.

  “The Bible is a textbook full of crusades of genocide, tyranny, and incest. It showcases some of the ugliest traits of man. I often wondered who was crueler: God, who commanded and condoned many of these vile acts, or man for blindly obeying? It doesn’t really matter in the end. To this day, the Bible is revered by billions. They follow God because they fear Him. He has limitless power, so His word becomes holy. For these things, people push aside the horror in the Bible and call it a book of ‘moral’ reasoning.”

  “Religion has always played a part in influencing history, both good and bad.”

  “Yes, that’s it, Robert. Think about it, a being you and I cannot see. We have no real way of knowing if He truly exists, and yet people will die for Him. They will kill for Him. They believe he intends for us to live in a beautiful heaven, but only if you obey Him. That passionate faith is a drug mankind cannot live without. Do I consider myself a god? No, that term is far too vast to apply to any single man. I’d like to believe that I’ve accomplished something of divine stature. I have brought forth a new motion in our long and disgusting history that is the closest we have ever come to a truly secure utopia. Indiscriminate and a physical manifestation all can see and touch.”


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