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Man Made God 003

Page 2

by Brandon Varnell

  “It’s almost time for Fayte, Susan, and Lilith to meet up with us. We should head back to Solum.”

  “Very well,” Titania agreed easily enough.

  Adam mounted the horse he had used to reach the valley near the Sunset Mountain Range and cracked the reigns to get it moving. Riding in Age of Gods was a lot like riding in the real world, but much easier. The horse obeyed all of his commands without question. That didn’t always happen in the real world, especially for people who had no experience with horseback riding. The only anomaly was the first horse he rode, but Titania took care of that problematic mare for him.

  Two days had passed since Lilith gained her new hidden class and snuck into his bedroom; three weeks had passed since the game was first released. He wouldn’t say anything had changed. In fact, on the outside, nothing seemed to have changed. Lilith didn’t treat him any differently now than she always had. In public, she pretended she didn’t know him, but whenever they were alone, she still called him “Master,” a title he had never been comfortable with. She hadn’t appeared before him again like she had that night. He felt like she was waiting for him to make the first move.

  While Lilith hadn’t changed—at least, on the outside—Adam felt like the entire dynamic of their relationship was different, or maybe it was just him. Maybe he had changed. He wouldn’t deny that he found himself watching Lilith more than he used to. It reminded him of… back then, back when he was still the leader of Lucifer’s assassins.

  Sometimes when he was lying in bed, he would remember what happened between him and Lilith when he was younger, the times when he lost himself to lust. He couldn’t recall how many times he had explored her body. She was the first—and so far, the only—person he had ever slept with.

  Back then, Adam was only using Lilith to satisfy his lust and to keep himself from going insane in a world that threatened to tear his sanity asunder. After they escaped, he had dropped her and everyone else to find Lexi, only to discover that she had gone missing. Then, when Adam was about to give up on everything, concluding that Lexi was dead, Aris had discovered him and given him salvation, which only further separated him from Lilith.

  He believed part of the reason he stayed away from Lilith for so long was that he felt guilty. Lilith had completely given herself to him, but he had not treated her right, had not given any of himself back. The guilt he felt after realizing this was what made him tell her that he was no longer her master and that she was free to live however she saw fit.

  And now she was telling him that she wanted was to give herself to him? How could he respond to that when he had already given himself to another?

  To distract himself from these thoughts, Adam opened Kureha’s stats and checked them over. He added the SP she gained to her Intelligence stat. Everything looked pretty good. As a magic-using class, she had a lot of useful skills. He was particularly interested in her AOE skills, which would be of great help during large-scale PvP battles. If he’d had Kureha back when those idiots from the Rising Phoenix Alliance attacked him, they would have been killed within a few seconds flat.

  Just as Adam was about halfway to Solum, he heard ringing from his player chat function. His friend’s list had increased from one to three, so he needed to check to see who was calling him.

  It was Fayte.

  “Fayte? What’s up? Are the others here yet?” he asked.

  “Never mind that, Adam! You need to log off right now!” Fayte shouted at him. There was an urgency in her voice that he couldn’t ignore. It set off warning bells in his mind.

  He furrowed his brow. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Aris. She’s woken up,” Fayte announced, leaving him stunned.

  Adam did not even make it to Solum before logging out of Age of Gods. He shot off the bed like a bullet, ran out of his room, and raced down the hall. The stupid lock that needed a retina scan couldn’t work fast enough. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the soft “beep” that let him know the door was unlocked. It slid open and he rushed inside.

  He looked at the cryobed.

  He froze.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  The cryobed that Aris had been sleeping in was open, and Aris was sitting up, wide awake and smiling weakly at him. Fayte was sitting by her side, but at this moment, he only had eyes for the girl inside the cryobed.

  Skin like freshly fallen snow. Doe-like brown eyes that were warm and innocent. Brown hair that fell and surrounded her face, which contained a youthful innocent that left him breathless. She had a small, cute nose, and her pink lips were so kissable that it sometimes took all of Adam’s self-control to resist claiming them. Words like “pretty” and “beautiful” failed to do Aris any real justice. In Adam’s eyes, she was the most enchanting woman in the entire world.

  She was also currently naked.


  “Adam.” Aris’s eyes glistened with tears that she refused to shed as she stared into his already watering eyes. “Are you just going to stand there all day, or are you going to come over here and give me a kiss?”

  Those words made whatever restraints had been holding him back shatter. A tearing sound echoed within his mind as he surged over to the table. Fayte pushed her chair back in surprise as he moved past her and pulled Aris into a tight hug. He sought her lips with his own and kissed her with all the emotions his body contained, emotions he couldn’t possibly hold in without exploding.

  He’d never felt this relieved. He felt like he might start crying.

  Her lips were cold from being stuck in stasis for so long, but he didn’t care. This was perfect. He could warm those lips right up.

  Aris released a startled gasp from the intensity of his kiss. She seemed unable to keep up as he kissed her like a man possessed. Yet she didn’t let that stop her from trying. Arms wove around his neck, weak and shaking, but still something he could sense, an action that had presence. Those delicate arms lightly rested on his shoulders like she didn’t quite have the strength to fully hug him.

  Only after Adam had kissed Aris until she was breathless did he release her lips and hold her close, letting her head rest against his chest as he engulfed her in his arms. She seemed so small and fragile right now. She had been like that ever since contracting Mortems Disease, but he felt like she was even smaller now than she had been before. Was this the result of being in stasis for so long, or had it just been such a long time that hugging her seemed unfamiliar to him?

  “I’m so glad you woke up,” Adam whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Me too.” Aris sighed and took several deep breaths, snuggling deeper into his embrace. “It only seemed like a second to me, but I’m still glad I woke up. I can’t stand the thought of leaving your side for so long.”

  A soft noise alerted Adam to Fayte getting up from her chair and leaving the room. He felt a burst of gratitude toward her. She was easily one of the most thoughtful people he had ever met. Adam wanted to find some way to thank her, which was why he made a promise to himself.

  He would help her win the bet she made against Levon no matter the cost. He wouldn’t stop until he had thoroughly crushed every obstacle in her way.

  “I have so much to tell you,” Adam said.

  “Hee-hee. I’ll bet. What kind of things happened while I was asleep?”

  Adam lifted Aris out of the cryobed and sat down on the chair that Fayte had vacated. He placed her on his lap. She was naked. At the moment, however, Adam was so relieved by her awakening that he couldn’t even feel aroused. He relished in the feeling of holding this woman in his arms. It was a feeling he had missed for an entire month.

  While they sat together completely embracing each other, Adam told Aris everything he could think of. He told her about how he began playing Age of Gods, what happened in the Village of Beginnings, his meeting with the Spider Queen, and how he had formed a party with Fayte, Susan, Lilith, Titania, and Kureha. He didn’t know how long he talked for. I
t felt like he’d been talking for hours. By the time he finished, his throat was sore.

  “It sounds like you’ve been through a lot.” Aris paused. He couldn’t see her face because she was pressed against his chest, but he could well imagine the way it was adorably scrunched up like she was pouting. “I wish I could have been with you when all this happened.”

  “It’s fine. You’re with me now. That’s what matters.”

  “Hee-hee. That’s true. Now that I’m awake, I can enter Age of Gods and play with you and everyone else.”

  Adam began stroking Aris’s hair as he spoke to her. “I think you’re going to like everyone. Fayte is an incredible woman. She’s very kind and compassionate, but she has a will of steel. You won’t find anyone more determined than her. Susan is shy and quiet, but she’s a wonderful girl. You’ll definitely like her. Once you leave the Village of Beginnings and join up with us, I can also introduce you to Titania and Kureha. I know for a fact that you’ll like Kureha. She’s the most adorable fox you’ve ever seen.”

  “She does sound very cute.” Aris paused for a moment. “What about Lilith?”

  Aris’s question made Adam freeze. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to answer her, but that thinking about Lilith made him remember both the times he had used her to satiate his own lust and that moment in his bedroom just last week.


  “Lilith is… she’s very quiet,” he began in a soft voice. “She never talks much and it’s sometimes hard to tell what she is thinking. Her quiet demeanor makes her seem cold, but she’s actually very kind and strong. She’s always watching out for the people around her and putting their needs before her own.”

  Adam wondered if maybe he was saying too much. The words were spilling from his mouth before he could close it. He wanted to stop, but the more he tried to keep his mouth shut, the more he found himself extolling Lilith’s virtues.

  “She’s an incredible fighter and perhaps one of the most capable people I know. She’s beautiful enough to make a man’s blood boil, but she can also freeze your blood with just a look. Her ice-cold eyes are enough to scare the pants off regular men.”

  “They all sound like wonderful people.” If Aris recognized the tone he used when he spoke of Lilith, she didn’t say anything. Lifting her head from his chest, she looked into his eyes, her gaze warm, soft, and so loving he thought he’d melt. “I would very much like to meet them.”

  Adam calmed his racing heart and smiled back as he stroked her cheek. “You will. From now on, you’ll be able to spend time with me and everyone else. You’ll be able to make more friends and do more things. You can enjoy life.” He paused. “Once we get you checked at the hospital. While I trust what Fayte said about this machine, I still want to have you examined by Dr. Sofocor. Is it okay if I schedule an appointment for tomorrow?”

  Aris nodded once. “Of course. I would like to have confirmation that my Mortems Disease is gone too.”

  Now that Adam had run dry of topics to discuss, he stood up with Aris still in his arms and carried her outside. She was still weak. Even if the Mortems Disease was gone, her body had atrophied badly thanks to it, and she could no longer move under her own power. Adam was already planning a rehabilitation program to get her walking again.

  Because she was naked, the first thing Adam did after leaving the room was dress her in a set of pajamas—cute yellow shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. The light yellow color, like sunflowers, complimented her snow-white skin. After Aris complained about her feet feeling cold, Adam also slid some wool socks up her beautiful legs to cover her small feet. The smile on her face as she wiggled her toes told him he made the right choice.

  When he emerged from the hallway and into the living room, he saw Fayte wearing her usual jeans and turtleneck shirt, sitting on the couch and watching television. It wasn’t the news. She appeared to be watching old cartoons from the early 2000s. This particular cartoon was one that originated from Japan. There were a few channels that still played them like the Nostalgia Network.

  She smiled when they entered. “I’m happy you woke up, Aris. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Adam look this happy when he’s around me.”

  There was something about the way she spoke that sounded off to Adam, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Then again, he was so happy that Aris was awake again that he couldn’t think of much else. His heart felt like it was floating on a cloud.

  “I’m sure that’s not true,” Aris said with a gentle look at Fayte. “When Adam was telling me about what he’s been doing since I was put to sleep, more than half of what he said was about you and what a great person you are. He talked for at least an hour about how you two played old-school console games and the loser had to make dinner. Hee-hee. I don’t know what you did, but you must be really incredible to have made such a strong impression on him.”

  “Th-thank you very much…”

  It wasn’t much as far as compliments went, but Fayte’s cheeks still turned a light shade of red. The fetching color enhanced her pure white skin and beautiful golden hair.

  As someone born from the aristocracy, Fayte Dairing was a woman whose beauty was as obvious as two plus two equals four. Her blonde hair, reminiscent of threads of gold, haloed a regal face with high cheekbones, a small nose, and full, red lips. The turtleneck sweater and jeans that she wore conformed perfectly to her well-proportioned figure. While Aris was very petite, Fayte had a body that put bikini models to shame.

  Adam glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 10:30 AM, which meant more than two hours had passed since Aris woke up. He’d been speaking nonstop for two whole hours. He didn’t think he had ever talked that much in a single sitting.

  “I just have a great deal of respect for Fayte is all,” Adam said as he sat down on the couch next to Fayte. Of course, he had not let Aris go. She was right on his lap, and she’d probably remain there until it was time for him to make lunch.

  “Is that really all it is?” asked Fayte with a winning smile. “You haven’t fallen for my charms?”

  “I have always believed you were a very charming woman,” Adam admitted honestly. “But I have Aris.”

  “I suppose that is true,” Fayte said, and once again there was that odd tone in her voice that Adam felt he should recognize but couldn’t quite place. She also had a strange look in her eyes that didn’t match her smile. “I thought this the first time I saw you two together, but you really do look like the ideal couple.”

  “Hee-hee. Thank you.” Aris wore the happiest smile he’d seen from her in a very long time, though said smile quickly turned sly. “But I think you might actually look better next to Adam than me.”

  “You’re too kind,” Fayte said diplomatically. “By the way, I let Susan and Lilith know that Aris woke up. I told them you probably won’t enter Age of Gods for the rest of today and maybe even tomorrow.”

  Adam’s lips trembled a little as he stared at Fayte with gratitude suffusing his heart. Perhaps she sensed his feelings because Fayte looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. She looked embarrassed. Even the tips of her ears were red now, which he thought was adorable. The contrast between her mature figure and innocent expression created a contradiction that he found appealing.

  “Thank you,” Adam said softly.

  “You’re welcome,” Fayte replied just as softly.

  Aris did not say anything, but the thoughtful look on her face made Adam aware that he should probably not stare at Fayte so intently. He didn’t want his lover getting jealous or feeling left out.

  Because Adam wanted to spend the entire day with Aris, he did not log on to Age of Gods even once. He spent most of that time sitting on the couch and talking to Aris and Fayte. He did leave the two women for a moment to make them lunch, but then he came right back. The three of them also spent a lot of time playing console games. Aris was the worst among the three of them and always lost, but she didn’t seem to care at all. Her smile was infectious and he
r laughter was the most soul-soothing sound Adam had ever heard.

  Later that night, after Adam had bathed Aris, combed her hair, and dressed her in pajamas, the two of them lay in bed, cuddling under the blankets. Aris was resting her head on his chest as he stroked her arm. Her modest breasts were pressing into him. Maybe it was because of how long he had been without her, but Adam found that even though he was impossibly content, it was harder for him to control his base instincts.

  He wanted to devour her.

  Aris was able to pick up on this. “Adam? When do you plan on taking my virginity like you promised?”

  Her words caused the heat in his loins to flare up. She had to know what she was doing to him. Aris had always been aware ever since she promised to marry him that he wanted her. Perhaps she had known about his feelings even before then.

  “When you have gotten better,” he said after mastering his hormones. “First, we need to do the checkup with Dr. Sofocor to make sure your Mortems Disease is really gone. Then we need to begin your rehabilitation. Right now, your muscles have atrophied a lot. I’ve done what I can to keep them from degrading too much, but that’s not enough.”

  “Then… when do you think I will be well enough for it?” asked Aris.

  Adam scratched his head. He tried to estimate how long it would take Aris to heal, but he didn’t know. There was no precedent for this. No one else had ever survived having Mortems Disease, much less been cured of it.

  “I can’t give you an estimated time, but I’ll sleep with you once you can walk for an entire hour without exhausting yourself and straining your muscles.”

  “In that case, I’ll work really hard to get better as fast as I can so you can keep your promise to me,” Aris said in a determined voice. Adam wasn’t sure what he could say to that, so he said nothing, allowing Aris to continue. “Adam?”


  “I’m not tired right now. Can we keep kissing?”

  Those words caused him to smile. “We most certainly can.”


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