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Man Made God 003

Page 30

by Brandon Varnell

  Adam had no idea how much time passed, but it couldn’t have been that long before Aris came a second time. He still hadn’t orgasmed, so he kept going. By this point, Aris no longer had the strength to keep her legs locked around his waist, so they hung limply on either side of his body, small feet shaking every time he thrust his hips. She did not stop kissing him, however. It was the one thing she refused to relent on. Her hungry mouth hampered his, and her tongue filled him, stirring up the saliva between them.

  “Aris,” he grunted. “I’m. About. To cum.”

  “Hm. Do it. Ahn. Cum inside me. Haaaah. Haaaah. It’s okay. I can’t… get pregnant.”

  Adam nodded as he leaned forward again and claimed her mouth once more. He increased the speed of his thrusts before, with a grunt muffled by her mouth, released several spurts of his seed directly inside of her.

  After cumming, Adam rolled onto his back and pulled Aris with him. She shifted so she could rest her head on his chest, eyes closed as they cuddled. Her warmth against him was comforting.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” she murmured.

  “Probably about as long as I have,” he said.

  Aris shook her head. “I wanted to have sex with you ever since we first met.”

  “Weren’t you twelve?”

  “Hee-hee. So?”

  Adam shook his head but didn’t say anything. He couldn’t say he wanted to sleep with her at that age, but he had certainly fallen for her at first sight. Even now, he remembered their first meeting as vividly as if it had happened yesterday. Aris had been his salvation from the moment they met.

  Closing his eyes, Adam listened to Aris’s breathing as it grew softer and deeper. Once he confirmed that she was asleep, he allowed himself to drift off as well.

  Neither of them knew someone had been listening to their conversation.

  Fayte fell face first onto her bed, not bothering to wipe away her tears, which soaked into the mattress. It wasn’t like there was anyone around to shame her for them.

  She had heard the entire conversation between Aris and Adam, along with the lovemaking session immediately afterward. Listening to Adam tell Aris about his past caused her no end of turmoil. Of course, she felt awful for spying on them, but she felt even worse for Adam. She’d had no idea he had that kind of past. However…

  “His hatred for Levon makes sense now,” she whispered. “How could they… how could those people do something like that to a child?”

  It was a rhetorical question. She already knew the answer. The Pleonexia Family acted humble and kind on the outside, but they were despicable on the inside, monsters every one of them.

  “Is there anything I can do… to help him?” Fayte wondered as she rolled onto her back. She stared up at the ceiling and smiled sadly. “I guess there isn’t. After all, he has Aris.”

  Yes, Adam had Aris. Aris was a great girl and didn’t come with any baggage. She was good for Adam. She healed him. Compared to Aris, what could Fayte possibly offer aside from excess baggage and a ridiculous number of skeletons in her closet?

  With a sigh, Fayte buried herself under the blanket and tried to get some sleep. Yet no matter how hard she tried, sleep would not come. It was a long night.

  To Be Continued…

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  Here we are at the end of Man Made God 003. It’s your favorite chuunibyo—no, wait. It’s your favorite filthy weeaboo author, Brandon Varnell. I’d like to take this first paragraph to say that I hope everyone enjoyed this series. Please remember to write a review if you did. It might not seem like much, but they help indie books like mine a lot.

  We have reached the third volume and Adam and Aris have finally consummated their relationship. I know a lot of people were probably waiting for this moment. I wonder if anyone else heard the millions of fanboys crying out “FINALLY” in the Force. Just kidding. In either event, I do hope this scene made the wait all worth it.

  One thing I want to mention about this series is that Man Made God is not really a sexy harem series. It will have a harem, and there will be sex, but the plot and character development will play a much stronger role. This means that some volumes may have multiple sex scenes while other volumes might have none. It really depends on how the story goes and whether or not a sex scene is warranted.

  For the curious, volume 4 will probably have several, but I haven’t written it yet, so we will see.

  Now that Adam has royally pissed off Levon, the series is going to be taking several serious and potentially violent turns. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I just want to say everyone will find out in the next few volumes why I made Adam and his harem so overpowered in Age of Gods.

  Before I leave you all, I would like to give some last minute thank yous.

  I first want to thank my editor and proofreaders for helping me a lot with my syntax, homonyms, and all those silly spelling mistakes that make it through my self-edits. I really do appreciate the help.

  I also want to thank Lonwa_A. He’s my artist for this series and he’s doing awesome. I actually hired him a really long time ago for all 3 volumes, so I need to contact him again to do volume 4. It’s been awhile since we talked, so I hope he still remembers me.

  And finally, I would like to thank you guys. Yes, you. Thank you for reading this series. If you wrote a review on Amazon, thank you so much for that too. It really means a lot that you would continue to support me like this. I hope I can keep living up to your expectations. I also hope you’ll join me in Man Made God 004!

  ~Brandon Varnell

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