Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah!

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Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah! Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  Desiree closed her eyes, reveling in the way he made her feel. He was pumping between her thighs now, filling and receding – thrusting, fucking, doing to her what men had done to the women they desired since time began.

  They were making love.

  Undulating beneath him, she moved herself up and down on his rod, her nipples rubbing against his chest with every pass. Tension coiled within her as he fucked her, their movements in sync – in and out – in and out – Desiree gave herself over to him completely.

  Tanner was out of his mind with pleasure. He didn’t know how long he could hold out – years of longing for this woman culminated in the blessed reality of actually loving her. And when she began to cum – he felt it, an explosive pulsing in her body. Her pussy convulsed, milking him as he pounded within her, each powerful thrust bringing a sound of ecstasy from her lips.

  Unable to hold back, Tanner lost control, a shout of triumph announcing his release. She clutched him to her, legs wrapped tight around his waist, still pressing against him, wanting every bit of pleasure she could get. She loved the feel of his hot essence filling her up. “That’s it, baby. Give me everything you have.”

  With a long happy sigh, Desiree clamped down on him one more time, squeezing his cock in a velvet vise. Tanner thought his heart would burst with happiness. Heaving a big sigh, he rolled to the side, giving her a gentle kiss. “Wait here.”

  Desiree reached for him. “Don’t go back to the recliner.”

  “I’m not, I just want to clean you up.”

  Still trembling with aftershocks, she buried her head in the pillow, not quite able to believe all that had transpired. Nothing she’d ever experienced before had prepared her for being with Tanner. “Are you real?” she asked him when he returned with a warm washcloth to press between her legs.

  “Flesh and blood,” he answered. “That’s a question I should be asking you. I’ve made love to you, countless times in my imagination. I’m just afraid I’ll wake up and none of this will be real.” When he finished, he returned the cloth to the bathroom, then joined her in the bed. “Come here, baby.” He fitted her to his side. “Do you think you can sleep now?”

  She yawned against his shoulder. “You’re better than any sleeping pill.”

  Tanner laughed. “As compliments go, that’s an odd one. But I’ll take it.” Contended, he settled down on the pillow, cradling Desiree in his arms. He couldn’t stop the smile from playing on his lips. At this moment he had everything he’d ever wanted. Stroking her back, he gazed at her beautiful face until she fell fast asleep.


  “Christmas gift!”

  Waking up to her happy voice was better than an alarm clock any day. “What time is it?” He opened one eye and beheld a sight he’d never forget. She was naked as the day she was born, and the way she was bouncing on the mattress made her breasts jiggle – which made him erect.

  “Five o’clock in the morning!”

  “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “No, I just woke up happy and thought I’d do the ‘gift thing’ while I was thinking about it.”

  “You beat me to it, didn’t you?”

  “I did. Whatcha gonna give me?” She looked so expectant he would’ve given her the world if he possessed the deed.

  “Hold on.” Time to put his surprise plan into action.

  When he rose, she followed him with her eyes. “You are one fine looking man.” She’d promised herself that she was going to look at him today and she planned to do it – up close and personal.

  He wasn’t gone but a second, returning with his hands held behind his back. “The gift you gave me yesterday and last night puts mine to shame. But since this is the first day of Christmas…” He handed her a small, gaily wrapped box. Desiree accepted it with wonder in her eyes. “I hope you like it.” This was a perfect stocking stuffer for a woman. But Desiree was no ordinary woman, she was a rich celebrity. “But if you don’t, it’s okay.”

  Chewing on her lower lip, Desire pulled on the red ribbon circling the small box wrapped in gold embossed paper. Trying to be careful, she slowly unwrapped it. When she was finished, she found some pear glace body gel. “Oh my, Tanner.” With trembling fingers, she unscrewed the top and took a whiff. “Luscious, yet delicate.” Tipping the container up, she let a small dollop of the whipped cream textured lotion nestle in her palm. “It’s so silky.”

  “Put some on and let me touch,” he teased. When she rubbed her hands together, then framed his face and gave him a kiss, Tanner almost forgot to breathe. “Perfect,” he whispered.

  “I’ve never seen this brand before.” Desiree held the bottle, checking out the label.

  “Cassie made it. She has her own company.”

  “I’d love to see what else she has.”

  “I’m sure she’d love to show you.” Desiree sat beside him so casually. Had she forgotten she was nude?

  Pouting seductively, she smiled. “I love it.” She placed the bottle on the bedside table. “But it’s not exactly what I wanted…”

  It took Tanner a second to get her meaning, but when he did – he was on board. “Oh, really? What did you have in mind? A kiss?”

  Catching her lower lip in her small white teeth, she took one finger and ran it down his chest, the tip of the nail scoring him lightly. “After last night, I don’t think one little kiss is going to be enough to satisfy me.”


  The next second, she was on top of him. Tanner had pulled her down to lie on him, her back to his front. “Oh, I bet I can satisfy you.”

  Desiree tried to turn over, but he wouldn’t have it. “Stay right where you are. This way I can touch all of you.” He proceeded to demonstrate what he meant. His lips were at her neck and his hands were…everywhere. They soothed up and down her body, cupping her breasts, then skimming down her arms – up, down – back to her breasts to pull and tweak the nipples. By the time his fingers found her pussy, she was wet and ready.

  “Easy, baby,” he directed her as he raised his knees and spread her thighs. “Guide me in.”

  “I’ve never…” She was going to say ‘done it this way’. But when she took his cock in hand, fitting it to her feminine well – she couldn’t form the words. “Ummm,” she whimpered. He felt so good.

  Cupping her breasts, he held on to them as he pumped into her body, raising his hips and thrusting hard. And all the time, he was milking her nipples and trailing kisses up and down the side of her neck.

  Desiree braced a hand on either side of his thighs. She felt helpless, possessed, and cherished. And when he slid one hand down to play with her clit, she flew apart with an exultant cry.

  Feeling Desiree tremble in his arms was more than he could take. He bound her in his arms as his release shot deep inside of her. Afterward he held her in his arms, his body wrapped around hers like a big panther, one hand cupping her breast. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” was all he was able to say before sleep claimed them both.

  * * *

  Desiree cooked breakfast, pumpkin pancakes. As she sat at the kitchen table with Tanner, watching him eat with gusto, she’d never felt happier. Tennessee seemed far away. “I have to confess, I slept better last night than I can ever remember.”

  Grinning smugly, he nodded. “See, all you needed was good sex.”

  “Maybe.” Desiree didn’t disagree, but she figured sex wasn’t the complete answer.

  And that scared the living daylights out of her. Tanner didn’t strike her as a man who would follow her from concert to concert. He wouldn’t be a kept man.

  The thought sobered her.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, noticing she had grown quiet.

  Not about to tell him the truth, she jumped up. “I have a surprise for you!”

  “You do?” Now, he was intrigued. “Well, if its anything like what we did earlier, I’m all in.”

  Desiree made a face at him, which brought a smile to his face. “You’re so cu
te.” He watched as she ran from the room.

  “Close your eyes.” She called out.

  Dutifully, Tanner did as he was told. Always aware of her, he had no trouble hearing her slip up next to him. “Can I open them now?”

  “Yes,” she said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

  Tanner did, and when he saw what she’d chosen, he grew still. The painting was beautiful. Rich colors and textures made up the scene depicting a lone cowboy and his horse as they made their way down the steep slope of a mountain. “My lands, that’s gorgeous.” He reached out for it, taking it from her grasp. He recognized the name of the artist, it was an original – and not a cheap one. “I’d say you shouldn’t have, but I can’t, I love it.” He knew exactly how the man in the painting felt. “I’ve been there, done that – more times than I can count.” He could feel the loneliness, the hope, the weight of the missions that rested on his shoulders. Placing the painting gently on the table, he held out his arms. “Thank you, Desiree. That’s the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received.” She went into his arms and he held her close, enjoying the way she felt in his arms. “This is all so unexpected, having you here. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  “Oh, Tanner.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “Me either. I love being here with you.”

  Tanner knew he had the other small gifts for her. Why hadn’t he thought about buying something else to give her on Christmas Day? Suddenly he had an idea. He did have something to offer her. Would she want it? Would she think it was silly? Well, only one way to find out. “Sit down, I’ve got something else for you.”

  “What?” Desiree couldn’t imagine. Tanner was full of surprises. Settling down, she folded her hands in her lap, realizing she was having more fun with him than she’d had with anyone.

  “Just hold on.”

  When he reemerged from the sunroom with his guitar, her mouth fell open. “You’re going to sing for me?” She perked up, excited. “Great!”

  Tanner sat down across from Desiree Holt. THE Desiree Holt with a wall full of gold records. What the hell was he doing? Suddenly he was having second and third thoughts concerning the wisdom of his impromptu gesture. “Don’t get too excited, I wrote this one myself.” He locked gazes with her. “For you.”

  “Oh, my gosh!” Desiree was shocked. “I can’t believe it.”

  Tanner strummed a few cords, clearing his throat. “I named it Head Over Spurs.”

  As he began to sing, Desiree felt her heart pound. She was falling for this guy. Fast. Clasping her hands together, she tried to stop them from shaking.

  The first time I saw your face.

  Was the day I started to live.

  Before you, I just existed.

  Not knowing what life could give

  Now I can breathe

  My heart beats strong

  My world has color because you gave me a song

  You may never know me

  You may never love me

  It doesn’t matter

  What’s a man to do?

  I’m head over spurs in love with you.

  When he finished, Tanner kept his head down. “I’ve never sang this for anyone else.” He glanced up. “I’m not sure why I sang it for you now.” He searched her face. Did she like it? When she put her hand over her mouth, Tanner wasn’t sure what she was thinking.

  “I loved it, thank you.” Desiree did her best not to cry. Overwhelmed, she tried to get a grip on her emotions. People wrote songs all the time, it didn’t mean he was making a declaration of love. Desiree realized she was getting in over her head. If she weren’t careful, this cowboy would break her heart. “No one has ever written a song for me before.”

  “Well, they should have. You deserve songs, poems and sonnets.” Tanner had to bite his tongue from saying more. He wanted to drop to his knees and pour out his heart – but this wasn’t the same woman he’d rescued in the alley. Even if she had feelings for him, what kind of life could they have? She certainly wasn’t going to move to the backwoods and he couldn’t see himself in the city. But when he looked at her, he couldn’t stop his heart from wanting her. If the only time he had to love her was this short time – hell! - he’d take it. He’d grab it with both hands and hold on to her as long as he could.

  “Could you write the words down for me? I’d love to record it someday. You’d get paid for it.”

  “Sure, I’ll write them down.” Shaking his head, he continued. “But the song belongs to you, you can do whatever you want with it. I won’t accept a dime.”

  Desiree was about to argue with him when the phone rang. She waited quietly while he spoke with someone. The conversation was obviously important by the seriousness of his face. “I’ll be right there. Call the vet and put him on stand-by, we may need help.” Once he hung up, he glanced at Desiree. “Would you be interested in seeing a baby born? Elsie is about to calve.”

  “Yes!” Desiree almost squealed. She grabbed her coat and joined him as they headed to the barn. “Is she in trouble? Is that why you called the vet?” The snow crunching beneath her feet as she hurried along almost matched the rhythm of her fast-beating heart. Above them, the sun was shining bright so the winter wonderland wouldn’t last forever.

  “Elsie is getting up in years. Plus, she’s a favorite of mine.” He grabbed her hand when he saw that the ground was slippery. “I just don’t want to take any chances.”

  Once they were inside the barn, Desiree could smell hay, leather and the obvious presence of large animals. Wrinkling her nose, she tried to decide if the scent bothered her and she quickly decided she’d smelled far worse.

  During the next few minutes, it hit home with her that the cowboy clothes Tanner favored weren’t just for show. He handled the big animal with finesse. The cow was obviously in distress, fidgeting, lowing and tossing her head. “Can I help?”

  “Just stay back for now,” Tanner instructed. “Mr. Foster knows what he’s doing. We may have to pull it.” He motioned to a chain and hoist hanging from the wall. “You just stay safe.”

  Mr. Foster gave her a few curious glances. “She’s coming along all right, Tanner. Just have to give the old girl some time and room to work.”

  Desiree found a bale of a hay in the corner to sit on. She’d never witnessed a birth before, and she didn’t know what fascinated her most - the miracle of a new life or the gentleness and skill Tanner exhibited as he took care of the mother and the new bawling bundle of joy that he helped to its feet.

  After Mr. Foster helped him clean up, Tanner motioned Desiree forward. “Come close, let’s see if we can get this young one to suck.”

  “What are you going to name her? How about Noel?” Desiree was almost shaking with excitement. This was more fun than recording a song.

  “Well…” Tanner murmured as he helped the calf find the cow’s teat. “Noel sounds like a girl’s name to me, and this rascal is all boy.”

  “Okay.” Desiree bent to stroke the calf’s soft coat. “How about Leon? That’s Noel backwards.”

  Tanner chuckled. “Perfect name. Just fits him.” He held the calf steady while he sucked. “How about it, boy? Will you answer to Leon?” His only answer was to butt his mother in the bag, anxious to fill his little belly. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.

  If that wasn’t magical enough, the day just continued to get better. Mrs. Foster delivered a full Christmas dinner, including a ham, roasted Brussel sprouts and a three-layer chocolate cake. Desiree realized she’d brought all of Tanner’s favorites. And when dusk drew near, Tanner hitched a pair of horses to a buggy and they set out to sing Christmas carols to a few neighbors and the community nursing home.

  “Warm enough?” Tanner asked, tucking an afghan over Desiree’s lap.

  “Yea, I’m good.” Tanner had made sure she was dressed warm. “We can’t take a chance of you catching cold. You have a concert to put on in a couple of weeks.” All wrapped up, Desiree was dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt, and a he
avy coat. The wind was no threat to her. She also wore a scarf and hat. Although they helped disguise her identity, that wasn’t really why she’d donned them. The darkness was a perfect cloak. And who the heck would be expecting Desiree Holt to pull up in their yard and break out in song?

  “I know. I’m a little nervous.” The concert would be filmed for a Valentine’s Day special. Just like her Christmas show, which had aired a week before Christmas, these events were filmed months ahead of time. “Plus, I’m not ready to go back.”

  “You’ll do fine, you always do. You’re a professional.” But Tanner sure wasn’t ready for her to leave, that was for sure. “You have another week and four days. We’ll make the most of it.” He kept a positive cheerful tone in his voice. If the world were built in six days, surely he could make a lasting impression on this woman in eleven.

  She rested her head on his shoulder as the horses clip-clopped down the country roads. The night sky was bright with stars, and as they moved along, Desiree started to sing. “Silent Night, Holy Night…All is calm, all is bright.” Tanner joined in. Although no one was listening, their voices blended in harmony.

  When they made their first stop, he pulled up close to the gate and they’d no more than got the first few notes of Winter Wonderland out before the family who lived in the home came out on the porch to listen. They sang another carol and while they did, the mother went into the house and prepared mugs of hot cocoa. The two youngest children brought the warm drinks out to them, and when Desiree accepted their gift, the child’s eyes widened in recognition. She put one finger to her lips and winked. The little girl nodded, thrilled to keep their mutual secret.

  Their journey took them to several more houses, and lastly to the neighborhood nursing facility. This time, Tanner and Desiree went inside to sing, going from room to room. Here, Desiree didn’t even attempt to hide her identity. Several nurses and residents recognized her and their excitement only made the time more special. Tanner spoke to the staff, and they promised not to post any photos on social media. They understood about the danger she was in. As far as Tanner was concerned, he’d never been more proud in his life. His Desiree was not only talented and beautiful, she was a good and kind person. How could he not fall in love?


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