Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah!

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Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah! Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  By the time Tanner joined her in the sunroom, she’d lost what little courage she possessed. He didn’t even glance at her, going right to the recliner. Dressed in soft, worn drawstring pants and a matching T-shirt, she tried not to look at his perfect rear or his wide shoulders as he picked up a quilt. “Do you need anything?” he asked, getting ready to flip off the overhead light.

  Kisses. Hugs. Sex. “No, I’m good.” Liar.

  “Excellent. You shut your eyes and I’ll be right here if you need anything.” Like kisses or hugs or… Tanner groaned at the thought of what he’d like to do to this woman.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hurting somewhere?” She asked from the bed. The fire cast a warm glow around the room.

  “No, just getting old.” He fibbed, flexing his muscles.

  Desiree snorted. “I’m not as young as I used to be either.” Honestly, the years had just sped by.

  “Nonsense, you’re the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth.” In the dark, the words came easier.

  “You’re sweet,” she whispered.

  “I can be,” he murmured lowly.

  Was he flirting? God, she didn’t know. Because she didn’t know what to say, Desiree cuddled down into the covers and sighed. The only sound in the room was the crackling fire. Knowing Tanner was so near, closing her eyes wasn’t difficult.

  But keeping them closed proved to be more difficult.

  Tanner listened at her toss and turn. She sighed and huffed.

  “Can’t sleep?”

  “No, I didn’t take anything but the nerve pill.” Every time she shut her eyes it was the same old story. Desiree couldn’t shut her mind off. She could hear every breath, aware of every beat of her heart. She was just so aware…

  “Desiree, do you need something?”

  “Yea.” With a rush of breath, she admitted the truth.

  “What? Water? A pill? More cover? Something to eat?” He made every suggestion he could think of.

  “You. I need you.”

  Her words resulted in total silence.

  Desiree pulled the covers over her head.

  Tanner lowered the foot of the recliner to the floor. “Do you want me to hold you like I did last night?”

  “You did? I thought I dreamed it.” Chewing on her lower lip, she realized if she didn’t do something – Tanner was going to misinterpret her intentions.

  “No, when you cried out in your dream, I got in the bed with you and I held you until you calmed.” Slowly, he stood. Whatever she needed, he was ready to provide it.

  “I’m not dreaming now. I need…” Words failed her. She felt the mattress give beneath his weight as he sat on the side next to her.

  “Tell me what you need.” He didn’t want to misunderstand. Didn’t the woman understand he’d do anything for her?

  Desiree let out a low moan that ended in a frustrated little growl. “You…if you want me too.” Letting the words pour out in a rush, she worried she was making a fool of herself.

  She didn’t have to worry long. One second he was sitting on the edge of the bed, the next he was stretched out next to her. “If I want you? I’ve wanted you for years.” In case she misunderstood, he clarified. “Not the celebrity, not the singer – I wanted you, the woman who was so generous at Angel House, the caring, beautiful sexy woman that I held in my arms last night.”

  His big body blocked out the light as she tensed, waiting for the first touch of his hand. Her breath shortened and crazy things started happening to her body. Things that hadn’t happened in a long time.

  Beyond dressing and staying lithe enough to perform, Desiree didn’t think about her body too much. She had all the requisite parts – full-breasted, a too generous rear and legs long enough to make the kicks the choreographer required when she shot music videos.

  Now those same areas were reacting to a man, readying themselves for his attention. Desiree pressed her thighs together, trying to assuage the throbbing. She held her breath, but he didn’t move, he didn’t touch her. He seemed to be waiting on her. “Tanner…I don’t know how.” In a move meant to protect herself from rejection, she rolled over away from him, folding her body into a fetal position.

  “Oh yes you do. You’ve been turning me inside out for years.” He shifted closer, right behind her, his arm coming around her waist. Tanner curved his body around hers, his front to her back, his knees coming up behind hers, her bottom cradled against his groin. When he slipped his other arm beneath her head, his breath stirred against her neck. “Just relax, don’t think about anything but how precious you are to me. Let me do all the work.”

  The intimacy of being held in Tanner’s arms this way was almost more than she could process. His big hand was spread across her middle, the little finger almost grazing her mound, the thumb and first finger right below her breast. If she moved one way or the other, he’d be touching places she ached to be touched. Even as her body begged for it, her mind wouldn’t direct her muscles to move. She’d been emotionally alone too long. And now, she was even more of a mess. What if she never returned to normal? Who would want someone who was afraid of something so natural as sleep? “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  With almost reverent gentleness, he pressed his lips to the soft spot where her shoulder flowed into her neck. “Wrong. This is the best idea…ever.” Nuzzling her throat, he waited for permission. “Can I have you? Please?” Would he beg? Hell, yeah.

  Desiree shivered. Tanner was unlike anyone she’d ever known – a force of nature. “Yes.” With his help, she slowly turned in his arms. “I’ve got on too many clothes.”

  Tanner laughed. “Yes, you have.” His hands shook as he loosened the buttons at her neck and wrists. “Easy fix.” He slid a hand past her waist and began working her gown up to her waist, so he could slip it over her head. “You are the best gift I’ve ever unwrapped.”

  “Really?” She raised up to free herself from the constraining material. “You undress too,” she urged him.

  In a few seconds they were skin to skin. Desiree let out a relieved sigh. He was hard where she was soft, angles where she was rounded – every part of her seemed to fit against some part of him.

  “Trust me, Desi. I’ll take care of you.” He kissed her again – softly, tenderly. “I’m going to stroke every inch of your beautiful body, trace the exquisite line of your thighs, the swell of your breasts.” Tanner proceeded to do just as he described. “Later, I’ll kiss you all over. I want you to quiver beneath my touch.”

  Desiree did as he asked, she quivered – not only at his touch, but also at his words. She only hoped she could follow through, she wanted to be able to respond, to cum for him. Underneath her hips, she felt his cock stir and the knowledge that she affected him so made her heart pound. “I want to do this right.”

  Tanner listened, trying to put two and two together. “Anything we do together is right.”

  He was cupping her cheek and her only answer was to turn her head to kiss the center of his palm. They were both naked, but the bed covers were over them both, nothing but their heads exposed.

  “You’re so beautiful, you have the longest lashes and the softest pink mouth.” He allowed his fingers to skim down the silken skin of her back, teasing the top of her hip. “I bet I know somewhere else you’re soft and pink. Will you let me kiss you there?”

  Oh, my God. “Yes.”

  “I look forward to it, love.” He wasn’t in a hurry. Tanner acted as if they had all the time in the world. Layering his mouth over hers, he kissed her leisurely – thoroughly, tracing her lips and twining their tongues. He drew her near him until she could feel her nipples tangling in the mat of hair on his chest. She clasped him to her, wanting to be as close as possible. This was a full grown man who was strong enough, powerful enough to keep all of her dragons at bay.

  “I want to see you.” He raised up, but waited on permission.

  “Okay.” Firelight flickered over his features. She wanted to see hi
m too.

  Tanner watched her eyes as he pulled back the covers, baring her body to his gaze. “Oh, baby, you’re so beautiful.” With a light touch, he followed the curves of her body. “All woman.” He couldn’t take his eyes from her baby-fine skin, her perfect hourglass figure. “Your breasts are magnificent. Full. Ripe.” Bending, he kissed the tip of each, making Desiree thrust them up, silently asking for more. “Oh, I’m going to get my fill. I want to suck those beautiful nipples until you come for me.”

  Desiree vibrated with need. Everywhere he touched her she burned. She felt breathless, hot, each nerve in her body coiled with tension. “Please.” Turning her head slightly, she arched her neck as firm lips kissed the rapidly beating pulse point.

  “I’m going to love making love to you,” he whispered as his palms caressed the indentation of her waist, slipping up to cup the firm swells of her breasts.

  “It’s been a long time,” she couldn’t help but warn him. Desiree had to fight to keep from slipping her own fingers between her legs. Please let me be wet enough to take him. She’d die if she couldn’t respond. How pitiful that she had so little experience she didn’t know if her sex was as engaged as the rest of her body seemed to be.

  His lips feathered at her temple. “It will be my pleasure to take care of you.”

  “Oh.” The rasp of his scruff against her skin made her moan. Her hands stroked his back, gliding over the manly bulges and ridges that defined his strong back. Clinging to him, she held herself up. Her nipples were tight and aching and she longed to drag them against him. “Ah, yea,” she whimpered when she achieved her goal. “Kiss me,” she whispered, joining her mouth to his. Returning her shy kiss, he rejoiced in her sweet response. Unable to contain his desire, he kissed her harder, deeper, thrusting his tongue between her lips to taste the sweet nectar within.

  “You’re so sweet.” Tanner moved on top of her, pressing down, his hands touching, his lips kissing. She writhed in his arms, greedy for every bit of pleasure he was offering. Desiree’s blood ran molten in her veins. When he pulled back to breathe, she licked his neck, then gave in to her fantasy and nipped him.

  Her erotic play evoked a raw emotion in his soul that stole his breath. His cock, already iron-hard, jerked with sheer joy. “I’m going to worship every inch of you with my hands and mouth until you understand just how much I adore you.”

  His words entranced her. Desiree’s heart pounded, her body sizzled. Wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue, she tasted his kiss – tasting him. Feeling alive in a way she’d never felt before, she ate him up with her eyes. All of this newfound wonder was because of him. Tanner. She kissed him along the muscles of his throat, and he leaned his head back to give her greater access. “I dreamed about you, you know. Whenever I would get scared or just wanted to be held, I thought about you.”

  “Damn.” Capturing her hands, one in each of his own, he held them to either side of her head, tracing the lines of her palm. “I know you didn’t realize it, I know it was just fate…but you came to me, sweetheart. You came to me.” Tanner was beyond aroused. He was about to fulfill the most erotic wish he’d ever had. She was everything he’d ever hoped for.

  Pulling one hand from his, she slipped it between them and passed it between her thighs. Letting out a sigh of relief when she discovered that she was wet, a feeling natural to most, yet foreign to her. Aroused – she was aroused! Her pussy throbbed, feeling empty, longing to be filled. Desire enflamed her loins as her fingers skated over the lips of her labia. She needed Tanner to make her feel whole.

  Moving down her delectable body, he kissed a path to her tits – her glorious tits. With fingers and lips, he worshiped her, teasing the tender tips. Oh, Jesus, she was soft. He was greedy, ready to devour the sweet flesh.

  Desiree caressed Tanner’s head and shoulders as he nuzzled the underside of her breast, sending sparks through the quivering globe. With a hungry growl, he closed his mouth over a nipple and suckled hard. She couldn’t be still, lifting her legs to wrap around his waist as he scraped his teeth along the engorged tip, making her moan and beg for more.

  He was glad to give her more – tasting her, his lips pulling at the sensitive nipples, his tongue playing in circles, then opening wide enough to take the entire areola in his mouth. “Oh, God, Tanner!” she whimpered, as he lavished one breast and then the other with erotic attention. Nothing had ever felt so good.

  Tanner was in heaven. He’d always loved sex, but this surpassed the physical. Desiree was his – always had been. He didn’t know how long he’d have her, but he intended to make every moment count. Plumping her breasts together, he thumbed the nipples, tweaking them while he placed soft kisses down her cleavage. Bowing her back, she offered herself to him, wordlessly begging for his hands and mouth – everywhere.

  “God, you are driving me fuckin’ insane,” he moaned, moving lower in the bed. If her breasts were this sweet, he couldn’t wait to taste her pussy.

  “Tanner, please…” Desiree was desperate. Her clit throbbed, her vagina clenched. Curling her fingers into his biceps, she urged him to do…something. Anything to alleviate this desperate, hungry, aching emptiness. Wiggling beneath him, she opened her legs in invitation.

  “That’s right baby,” he murmured, kissing and nibbling his way down her middle. “I’m going to bury my face between your thighs, kiss your pussy, lick your honey until you’re screaming my name.”

  His graphic description only spiked her need. And when he kissed her hipbones, then moved lower, Desiree held her breath. “Ah!” she groaned, when he began nuzzling her slit, licking it from bottom to top.

  “More!” he growled, shoving her legs up and over his shoulders so he had a full view and easy access to the treasure he desired most.

  His hot breath, his questing tongue spearing deep within her – Desiree didn’t know if she could stand it. And when he took her clit between his lips and began to suck, her body bucked upward and Tanner had to hold her down, forcing her to accept all the pleasure he longed to provide.

  Shockwaves of pure delight bombarded her, radiating through her vagina, upward to her nipples and down to her toes, making them curl. All of her attention was focused on what he was doing to her, licking and rubbing her inner walls, then moving up to suck and tongue her clit. Her pussy pulsed and she tightened her legs around his head, gasping and pleading for him to continue. “Don’t stop, oh God! Don’t stop! Tanner!” Mindlessly she rotated her hips, pushing herself against his face, the searing, burning waves of heat building within her. “I can’t…”

  “Oh, yes, you can,” he muttered against her soft skin before returning to her clit, determined to push her over the edge.

  Desiree had no choice, her body succumbed to the exquisite bliss his tongue and mouth offered. Wild, hot shards of pleasure shot through her as a blinding flash of color burst behind her eyelids.

  Tanner felt her explode. He held her hips, eating at her ravenously, unwilling to allow a shred of doubt in her mind as to how passionate a woman she could be – with the right man.

  Him, dammit! He was the right man for her.

  “Tanner!” Desiree cried out as her body pulsed and jerked, the orgasm consuming her entire being.

  Gently he kissed and nuzzled her sex, bringing her down, calming her. “And you thought you couldn’t respond…” he spoke with a teasing voice.

  Desiree panted, sparkles of pleasure still dancing all over her skin. “I never knew….” She clasped his arms, pulling him up, feeling the heavy rod of his erection between them. “Take me, Tanner, make me yours.”

  Tanner’s heart clutched, he wished she meant what she was saying. He’d keep her forever if only he could. Coming up over her, he kissed her beautiful mouth, then let his lips slide to tease the shell of her ear. “Promise?”

  She trembled, chill bumps rising on her arms. The man was good. “You’ve made me feel things no one else ever has. Why would I want to let you go?”

  As if sealin
g a pact, he joined their lips, kissing her within an inch of her life. Setting her ablaze, he slipped a hand between her legs, opening her, slipping his fingers deep inside of her. “You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she assured him as his touch set off firecrackers of need popping and sparking in her lower body. “I need you.”

  Lord have mercy! Tanner didn’t know if he’d survive. This woman would be the death of him. He wanted to mark her, brand her, make it so that every other man in the world would know she was claimed – taken – his.

  Burying her head in his neck, she gave herself over to his touch as his hands skimmed over her body – molding, shaping, rubbing – learning the texture and contours with the same care a potter would caress the clay that would form his creation. She pressed her face into his flesh, inhaling him, breathing him in, absorbing him as if he were as necessary to her existence as oxygen. “Tomorrow, I’m going to look at you, inspect every delectable male inch,” she promised herself and him.

  “I’ll hold you to it…but now…” he gasped as the tip of his cock found her tender opening. “I need you, baby. I need to be inside you.”

  Desiree raised her hips and welcomed him, gasping as he began to slide inside. The wide crest of his cock opened her, parting her nether lips – burning, stretching – as he made a place for himself in her body.

  Feverishly her hands caressed him, running over his shoulders, down his arms. The muscles in his body flexed with his movements. The man was magnificent – a perfect male animal in the prime of his life. Her mouth went dry as the place between her legs became wetter and hotter. “Feels good,” she murmured, as she felt her body begin to accept him.

  Yea, it felt amazing. Tanner groaned as he slid in and out of the sweetest hottest pussy in the world. Rotating his hips, he pleasured her, caressing the swollen sensitive walls of her tight channel.


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