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Falling for my Neighbor: A Virgin Babysitter and Single Dad Romance

Page 3

by Lila Younger

  “Why don’t we just eat on the couch?” he says. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I’m very easy,” I assure him, and winch at the words. He doesn’t notice however, and moves straight for the L-shaped couch. I bring the food to the coffee table. There’s a lot of food, and he points them out to me as we unpack. Spring rolls, deep fried tofu, dumplings in soup, shrimp Pad thai, and chicken and beef skewers. Everything smells strange and yet delicious, and I release my breath. I’m glad there’s nothing strange like snake meat or something like that. The strangest thing is tofu, but I can handle that.

  Macon sits down on the other side of the L, close enough to almost touch. I quickly banish that thought though. He’s just being nice. That’s it.

  “I almost forgot,” he says, standing back up. “Do you want a beer or anything to go with this?”

  “Oh,” I say, heat creeping across my cheeks again. “I… can’t drink. I’m only eighteen.”

  I hate that I reminded him of my age, but there’s no way around it.

  “Can’t or don’t?” he asks teasingly.

  “Don’t,” I admit. “I guess that’s kind of lame, huh?”

  He sits back down.

  “Hey, don’t mind me,” he says. There’s a pause, and the look he gives me is difficult to figure out. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you Vanessa?”

  I’ve always hated that label, because nobody ever says it to be nice, but it’s true. I don’t go to crazy parties, I get good grades, and my biggest act of rebellion is delaying business school for a semester. I didn’t even have the guts to tell my mom no outright.

  “Can you use chopsticks?” he asks, changing the subject.

  For a moment I want to say yes, but quickly decide against it. If I’ve never eaten Asian food, then why would I be able to use chopsticks? Plus, I think, eyeing the wooden sticks warily, they don’t look easy to use at all.

  “I’ll stick with the fork,” I say sensibly, and Macon grins.

  “I don’t blame you,” he says, dropping the chopsticks and picking up the forks for both of us. “I hate the things too.”

  He puts some food onto a plate for me, and I try to balance it on my lap. I carefully stab at the tofu and take a bite. It’s sort of bland, but it is fried, so it’s not terrible. I make a ‘mmm’ noise, hoping it’ll convince him.

  “Try it with the sweet and sour sauce,” Macon instructs.

  I dip it into the bright orange stuff, and take another bite.

  “Better right?” he says, reading my face.

  “Much better,” I say.

  His eyes are on mine, and I can’t look away from them. I want him to kiss me. I’ve never even done that much, but I want him to. It’s the only thing I can think of as my brain short circuits. I want him on top of me, kissing me, ripping off my clothes and taking my virginity on this sofa right now. My heart is in my throat, and I’m not sure I’m even breathing. Finally he breaks eye contact, and I drop my eyes down, letting my hair flow down past my shoulders. God, how embarrassing.

  “So this is your first time,” he says.

  My eyes fly up to his, but then I realize he’s talking about the food.

  “Um, yes,” I say, trying to string two words together. “We’ve never… well my dad’s a real steak and potatoes guy, so…”

  I don’t know why I brought up my dad. Real smooth Vanessa, now he’ll really be into you.

  “But I really like it,” I say quickly. “Especially this spring roll. It’s so minty and healthy.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. These satay skewers are my favorite. I didn’t think that there would be food this good here.”

  I try one of the chicken skewers, jabbing the stick into a chunk of cucumber like Macon did.

  “You must find Summerdale so boring,” I say. “I mean, you can get probably every kind of cuisine there right? And I bet there’s so much to do. Here we have the movies theatre that shows one movie a week.”

  “I actually don’t mind the slower pace,” he says with an amused smile. “I grew up in Anderson. My dad’s actually the mayor. So I know all about small towns. That’s why I picked this place to raise Jamie.”

  “Yeah, it’s not that bad,” I say softly. This is my home after all.

  “So what about you? You’ve graduated already, but you’re not in school yet, are you?”

  “No, I-“ my voice falters.

  I look up at Macon, and he’s leaning forward, eyes intent on my face as if he really does want to know the answer. I swallow hard.

  “My mom wants me to go to business school,” I begin again.

  “But you don’t?” he prompts.

  “No. That’s actually the last thing I want to do. She’d never approve, but I was thinking about Early Childhood Education.”

  There, it’s out in the world. I can’t believe it. I feel a whoosh as a huge burden lifts off my shoulders. Because I do want this, very, very badly. And it feels really good to admit it out loud.

  I glance up, and Macon’s nodding, like I’m making total sense.

  “I can see it,” he says confidently. “You’re a natural with Jamie.”

  Technically I haven’t taught Jamie anything, since she’s a year old, but his compliment still makes me glow.

  “Did you always want to be the manager of a hotel?” I venture.

  “Not exactly,” he says wryly. “To be honest, I followed someone else’s direction for my life too. Luckily, I’m enjoying it, but I had these big plans on becoming a tennis champion. It never happened because of a back injury. I didn’t have a shot at becoming one of the greats, so I figured I’d better retire before I ruined my back for good. It paid my way through college though, so it wasn’t all a waste. And then came Jamie, which detoured my plans further. I don’t regret that part though.”

  We both look toward the baby monitor, where she’s sleeping. She’s curled up into a ball, her butt in the air. It’s the cutest thing in the world, even though it scared me half to death the first time because I thought she couldn’t breathe with her face down in the mattress like that.

  “And now?” I ask softly.

  “Now I’m going to finish my MBA, and see what happens,” he says slowly. “There will be some difficult choices ahead.”

  I have a feeling that there’s a lot more to it than Macon is willing to talk about. I want to say something intelligent, but I’m almost ten years younger than he is. What possible life advice could I to him?

  So I don’t try. Instead eat a bite of Pad Thai. It’s delicious, with a slightly sour note, but it’s balanced by the sweet shrimp and spiciness of the sauce. It’s amazing. How have I not had this before?

  “Good right?” Macon says, shaking off the serious mood.

  “Amazing! I can’t believe I’ve never had this.”

  “That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Asian cuisine. There’s tons of stuff out there: dim sum, sushi, Indian food…”

  We spend the rest of our dinner talking about food, about the funny and adorable things Jamie does, about music and our family and just about everything else that came to mind. I’m smiling so much my face hurts, and I’m having so much fun that I forget to be shy.

  There’s only one moment when I think maybe something’s going to happen again. I’m leaning over for the last piece of spring roll, and the sauce is so far I really have to stretch. My v-neck t-shirt falls open, and my breasts are showing for sure. I straighten up quickly as soon as I realize it, and when I look up, Macon’s eyes are on me for a split second. They look intense, hungry almost, but then his eyes flicker away and I’m not sure if I’m imagining it. He shifts his body away from me, and I have to suppress a sigh.

  Other than that though, it’s a perfectly normal dinner between two people. It’s the first time I’ve ever had food this way, with everything in the middle and shared, and I like it. I get a little bit of everything. And somehow the act of sharing our food, helps me share more than I would have w
ith anyone else. Or maybe it’s just Macon. He’s so open and easygoing, that I’m finally able to see past those handsome looks at the man behind it. There’s something going on with my emotions, and it’s not just the flutter of attraction. It’s something deeper that I can’t figure out.

  But pretty soon all the food is gone, and there’s no more reason to stay. I help clean everything up, just putting off the inevitable for a few more minutes, and then it’s time for me to go.

  “I guess I should head out,” I say. I glance at the clock.

  It’s only eight-thirty, which means that I’d only really been there for a little over an hour. It feels like so much longer though.

  I look at Macon. We’re only a feet or two apart in the hallway, hardly anything at all. This is where my fantasies usually start, with him kissing me, telling me to stay, and we fly up to his bedroom where he fucks me senseless. I pretty much think about this every night after work.

  “You should,” he says.

  My heart sinks like a stone, but I shouldn’t have been that surprised.

  “But I don’t want you to.”

  The change is so sudden I don’t know if my poor heart can take it. The look he’s giving me is intense, like there’s nothing in the world but me. His eyes are dark and filled with need.

  “You-you don’t?” I ask, my throat catching.

  In slow motion, he closes the gap between us, his hand gliding across my cheek. My whole body shivers, but it’s not from the cold. The tension between us is so thick I can hardly breathe. I lean into it, the roughness of his fingers, the warmth of his skin. He smells amazing, like musk and leather and male, and my pussy tightens.

  “No,” he says simply. His thumb traces circles. “I feel something here, don’t you?”

  I want this so badly that all I can do is nod.

  And that’s enough.

  With a growl deep in his throat, Macon pushes me up against the wall and our lips come together. He tastes so good, his tongue sweeping across my bottom lip before plunging into my mouth. My whole body’s on fire, and the air I breathe into my lungs full of his scent.

  His body is hard and strong, and when he shifts, his erection presses right against my stomach. He wants me, almost as much as I want him. I’ve never been kissed before, and I don’t know what to do, but I try to kiss him back.

  With Macon, I don’t want to be shy, I don’t want to be scared. With him, I want to give my everything.


  “Oh,” Vanessa says, her voice filled with awe when we finally part.

  Turns out I definitely wasn’t imagining her attraction to me too. She’s looking at me with this semi-dazed look. Her eyes are beautiful, blue like sapphires, with thick lashes and a heart shaped mouth begging to be kissed again.

  “Good oh?” I ask with a grin.

  “Good. Really good.”

  And then I have to kiss those lips again, taste her, have her. My hand reaches around her back to pull her towards me. Our mouths come together again and I’m gone. As the older one here, I should know better, but my attraction to her is so strong it clouds my judgment. The smell of her fills my lungs, and it’s a clean smell, her own. Nothing like Jamie’s mother, who seemed like she bathed in perfume. She probably did, to hide the smell of another man on her skin. Vanessa is nothing like her, nothing.

  I kiss her again, and somehow I just know that tonight isn’t just a one off thing. She feels fragile and delicate in my hands, but I can’t slow down. I can’t be gentle. My cock needs her, it’s straining from my jeans, and the friction against her soft stomach is more than I can take.

  I’m hungry, and I take what I want from Vanessa’s mouth. When she gasps, I enter again, tasting her. She’s hot and soft, her hands clinging tightly onto my shirt as if she’s worried I’d stop. But I’m not going anywhere.

  I inhale her scent, sweet as honey, memorizing it forever. My hands are everywhere, touching her soft skin, lifting up her shirt so I could explore even further. All the tension, all the desire I felt these past few weeks explodes inside me, and I can’t stop myself even if I tried.

  “Now,” I say hoarsely, panting for breath. “I want you now.”

  She nods, arms looping around my neck. I lift her up, and her legs swing around my waist. I should take her upstairs, take her to my bed and do it right. But I don’t want to wait, so I take the three steps I need to the sofa, crash down on it with her. I have to be careful, she’s so small in my arms that I could crush her, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

  My cock is throbbing with lust, thick and stiff. I grind it right up against her cunt, the heat of her pussy scorching through the thick fabric. I’m rewarded with tiny mewls of pleasure, and I move my hips again, driving rock hard cock tighter against her. She lifts her hips to meet me, just as desperate for this as I am. Pleasure explodes inside of me, and I strain to hold myself up above her. I want to drive myself into that velvety pussy, but I have to do this right. I take all the willpower I have, and force myself to slow the hell down.

  After all, Vanessa’s still a virgin. Jesus, just saying that word makes me want to cream. I knew that she was the opposite of my ex-wife as soon as I laid eyes on her, but it had taken me a while to confirm it. She admitted she never had a boyfriend when I told her that she couldn’t bring guests, blushing at even the thought.

  And then when she hesitated at that kiss, almost as if she didn’t know what to do, that sealed it for me.

  Nobody else will have her. Only me. Hell if that isn’t the biggest turn on. I lift up my shirt and throw it to the ground, and then I help Vanessa’s with hers. The jeans follow next, until she’s just in her underwear. Her tits are captivating, spilling out of the white lacy bra as pure as she is. Her pink nipples peek at me through the lace, hard points pushing the cups out. I unhook it, toss it to the side, and Vanessa momentarily covers herself up with her arms.

  “Sorry,” she says with half a smile. “I’ve never-I’m not…”

  “Sh,” I say, kissing her so she knows I mean my next words. “Don’t worry about it. I know, and I don’t care.”

  I lean back down, kiss along her neck, basking in her soft moans as I make my way down to those heavenly mounds. Her skin is pale and creamy and soft, like flower petals. Her nipples are hard points aching for my tongue.

  I squeeze those heavy mounds, bring the pink frosted tips to my mouth and suck them into my mouth. Vanessa gasps, arches her back on instinct. My tongue swirls over the sensitive tips, long licks designed to make her coo. Vanessa’s hands rake through my hair as I suck harder, increasing the pace. I move to her other breast, do the same thing so that neither is neglected. The way she moves under me tells me she’s loving it, that she wants more.

  My fingers pinch and squeeze the hard peaks, making her pussy gush as I touch her soft flesh. Her hands grip my head, pushing me closer towards her.

  “Ohhhhh,” Vanessa moans in pleasure, the most beautiful sound in the world. “Yes, Macon, Yes!”

  When I’ve got her aching for me, her breasts so sensitive that even my breath hovering above them has her writhing, I move down. She’s covered in simple white panties, the center already so soaked it’s become translucent. The fabric clings to her swollen virgin lips, outlining them for me. And then right before my eyes, she starts to drip, she’s so turned on. Vanessa blinks at me helplessly as her pussy sends out more cream, and her little panties are so soaked, it ends up pooling beneath her.

  “Fuck,” I swear under my breath. “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long. Having you all laid out for me like this.”

  Her legs want to clamp together, but I’m not going to let her. Vanessa’s all mine, and I’m going to take all of her.

  I reach out slowly with one finger, trace it all the way up that virgin slit, that hard little button of nerves poking against the wet fabric. She moans when my fingers reach her clit, her whole body quivering under my touch.

  “You’re so perfect Vanessa,” I groan, my voice
betraying just how fucking turned on I am.

  She doesn’t answer, her breath coming in shallow pants as I caress those puffy lips once more. I lean down, grab her panties, and slowly peel them off of her. Her eyes are hooded with arousal. I kiss her slowly, moving up her leg inch by inch, wanting to prolong the pleasure for her. My cock is achingly hard in my jeans, and I press down with one hand, staying my own desire to come. I’m not going to waste a drop. Every bit of my seed’s going to spill in her.

  My lips nuzzle the soft skin of her thigh, my tongue swirls patterns over her soft skin. I finally make it up to my reward, her pussy exposed and wanton and bare. She smells so fucking good, but I’m not just going to dive in there. Not yet. The sight of her steaming pink flesh, her folds swollen and slick with arousal is driving me crazy.

  “Macon,” Vanessa says, her voice pitched high, her hand pushing against my shoulder so I can’t go further. “I’ve never-“

  “I know baby,” I say with a grin. “You’ve never been eaten out have you?”

  “No,” she admits shyly. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “You’re not supposed to do anything but enjoy it Vanessa. Just lean back, close your eyes, and let me make you come.”

  Her eyes widen, but she obeys. She takes a deep breath, and then she nods.

  “I’m ready,” she says.

  Slowly, so I can really savor that first tangy hit of her, I put my mouth to her cunt. Vanessa tastes so fucking good, I can already tell I’m going to be addicted. There’s no going back. My arousal surges inside of me, and I can’t help it. I lick her again. Her pretty little clit is so aroused it’s peeking out, and I suck it into my mouth. I’m licking all the sweet nectar, and Vanessa cries out, sending another rush of it all over my face. I love that so much I do it again, and her cute little pussy quivers and gushes some more.

  “Macon!” she screams, as my tongue works past those her opening and into her channel.

  The more I eat of her, the more I want. I push her legs fully apart, letting nothing stand in my way of getting to that virgin center. The smell is intoxicating, overwhelming, and that sweet pure taste of her pushes any coherent thought I have left from my head. Vanessa is thrashing above me, pleasure building up in her, her hips fucking my face as she whimpers and begs for more. Her clit is swelling in my mouth as I suck down all that honey she’s making. Her words run together, until she’s just moaning, moaning my name without stopping, so close to the edge that I just press on a bit further, my tongue bumping right up against her virgin wall, and fuck if that doesn’t make me groan. I want her to come, I want her to experience that pleasure that only I can give her, so I fuck her with my tongue, my fingers spreading her wide for me, thumb circling her clit, and I feel it before I hear it, her pussy walls tensing up, and then a cry of release as I push her over the edge.


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