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Alien Lover (Zerconian Warriors Book 2)

Page 4

by Sadie Carter

  She frowned. “My communicator hasn’t gone off.” Dex had given her a personal communicator that looked like a ring with a large, red jewel in the middle

  “Drat. It’s slipped into silent again. I swear it does it on its own.” She turned it on.

  “Did you need me for something?” she asked.

  “No. Just looking for your, ahh, friend here.”

  “Oh.” Silly to wish he might need her for something.

  A stab of loneliness hit her. Most of Dex’s warriors, while polite, were standoffish. Giz was a good distraction and a fantastic listener, but he didn’t have the best advice to offer.

  “Zoey? Dex wants me to conduct a medical examination of your, uhh, what do I call him?” Thor gestured at the big guy.

  “Boris. He wants to be called Boris.”

  “He told you that?” Thor appeared startled.

  “No. But he didn’t not tell me.”

  Thor frowned in puzzlement. “Do I need to understand what you just said?”

  Zoey sighed. “No, I’m used to being misunderstood.”

  “Do not look so dejected. What did you inform Koran a while ago? That the wind might blow and leave him with that appearance permanently?”

  “He was glaring at me so I told him to be careful that the wind didn’t change and leave him looking that way permanently. Of course, with Koran I probably wouldn’t notice any difference. He’s always frowning.”

  “That is why you named him Grumpy?”

  “Yep. And you’re Happy because you’re always smiling.”

  Thor just shook his head. “Shall we take Boris to medical so I can examine him?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you know where Dex is?” she asked as they moved towards medical.

  “He is debriefing the warriors we rescued. Dex is determined to find them all. It is taking up a lot of his time.” There was a hint of sympathy in his gaze and Zoey straightened her shoulders. She didn’t like anyone feeling sorry for her. Particularly when she was just being foolish. “Dex takes his duty seriously. He is a good leader.”

  “I know,” she said. “I wasn’t complaining.”

  “I know you weren’t.”

  “I just need to talk to him.”

  Zoey had decided that she should talk to Dex about her fears of the bond breaking and him leaving her. And she’d prefer to do it sooner rather than later. Before her worries got on top of her.

  She didn’t want to appear needy, but she needed Dex to reassure her that no matter what, he wanted her. Zoey. Just her. Even if she never managed to learn every bit of Zerconian history or recite the name of every Zerconian ruler since the beginning of time.

  “Zoey, there is Dex.” Thor pointed toward the end of the corridor just as Dex and Koran disappeared around the corner.

  Zoey took off. “Thanks! I’ll come for Boris later. Giz, you stay with Boris.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, noticing that Jaxan kept pace just behind her. Macon had remained with Boris.

  “Is there a reason you’re following me around?” she asked Jaxan.

  “The Crown Prince’s orders, milady.”

  She’d ask Dex about that too. But as she turned the corner, she saw he’d disappeared. “Where’d he go?”

  “Perhaps he went into the senior warrior’s area, milady. We should head back—milady!” He jumped forward as she opened the door to the area where the most senior warriors liked to congregate.

  “We can’t go in there, milady,” Jaxan hissed as she stepped inside.

  “So stay out in the corridor. I’m going in.” It would be pretty empty at this time of day, anyway. Especially as they’d just left Musin. Everyone would have duties to attend to.

  I wonder what Koran and Dex are up to?

  Zoey crept forward on her tiptoes, peering over a partition. The large room was filled with a number of seating areas surrounding a raised stage.

  “Milady? What are you doing?”

  So Jaxan had decided to be brave and follow her in.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” she whispered back. “I’m trying to find Dex.”

  And she was doing a little snooping as well.

  “Why are you walking like that?”

  Zoey glanced down at where she was perched on her tiptoes. “So I don’t make as much noise.”

  “Walking on your toes helps you make less noise?”

  “Just hush,” she ordered. “You’ll give us away.” But she lowered her feet so she was walking properly.

  “Milady, why not call out for him?”

  Because she didn’t want anyone to know she was here. Yeah, she could yell out but where was the fun in that?

  A proper Zerconian mate acts with decorum and grace.

  Oh, stuff it. She couldn’t be good all the time.

  She could hear hushed voices from another room. Moving as silently as she could, she made her way towards the open doorway.

  “Are we going to Edreinia?” Koran asked.

  “We have no choice. If that is where my warriors are, then we have to rescue them.”

  “Targos isn’t going to let them go. Not after you gave refuge to Dante. He is furious that you gave his cousin shelter.”

  “I know. Which is why we’ll need to conduct this mission without Targos knowing we’re on Edreinia.”

  “How do we do that?” Koran asked. “Targos is aware of everything that happens on Edreinia. It has become his little kingdom. He has turned Dante’s palace into a casino and the games he holds for his guests’ enjoyment are sick and twisted.”

  Dex sighed. “Dante was aware that Targos has no morals. He still bet his kingdom and lost. He enslaved his people to his cousin.”

  Koran growled. “I would have taken Targos out.”

  “Dante could not do that. Not without going back on his word. You know how much honor means to Edreinians. Targos always coveted what Dante had, even as a young boy. They may have been raised as brothers, but Targos was always jealous that Dante was the true heir while he was a poor cousin.”

  “Targos would never have honored his word. He is the most corrupt being I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Targos could be using our warriors to lure you to Edreinia.”

  “There is always that possibility.”

  “Then you should not be involved. Not if it is a trap. Let me lead our warriors in to rescue them.”

  “They are my warriors. My responsibility.”

  “I did not mean to insult you,” Koran replied with a hint of irritation. Koran had been Dex’s best friend since they were young; only he or Thor would dare speak to him that way. “But you have a mate to think of now.”

  “Zoey will remain safely on the ship, nowhere near Edreinia.”

  “But she does need you. If the worst were to happen—”

  “It will not,” Dex replied. “But if it did, I know you and Thor would look after her.”

  Her stomach twisted. How dangerous would this mission be? The thought of losing Dex made her feel physically ill.

  “Certainly. But Dex, as your second-in-command and as your best friend, I don’t think it wise for you to risk yourself.”

  “I cannot ask my warriors to do something I am not willing to do myself.”

  Koran sighed. “I understand. What about Zoey?”

  “What about her?”

  “What will you tell her? Zoey has a tendency to try and interfere in warrior business.” There was a note of disapproval in Koran’s voice that had her clenching her jaw in irritation.

  She was tempted to storm inside and give Koran a good slap around his head. Or his ribs, since he was so goddamn tall.

  “Zoey believes she is indestructible. She believes she can do anything.”

  “You need to correct that.”

  “It is not that simple. Zoey is not like our females. Zerconian females are used to the restrictions placed on their movements; they see it as beneficial for their protection. Zoey sees it as stifling. That is
why I allowed her to attend the market on Musin.”

  “She had guards.”

  “I am not about to put my mate at risk. But I do need to allow her some freedom. I cannot confine her in a cage.”

  “No one expects that. Our females are not our prisoners. They are cherished and protected. As they should be.”

  “Yes, but Zoey is different from our females and allowances must be made.”

  “This is not what I expected from you.” The disapproval in Koran’s voice deepened. “So you will let her run wild?”

  “Of course not. There will still be rules in place for her protection and I expect those to be obeyed. But I find that her happiness is important.”

  She smiled. So the barbarian could learn.

  “Compromise is important. I have to balance my need to protect her against Zoey’s need to be independent. Sometimes I merely need to give her the illusion of freedom. Like today, she thought she had just the two guards when I had another three watching over her from a distance.”

  Sneaky barbarian.

  “Zoey cares deeply,” Dex added.” That is why she acts without thought for her own safety. Because she attempts to look after those around her.”

  “Earther males have a lot to answer for. Allowing their women to think that they must take care of them.”

  “I agree. It is a fault in her upbringing.” Okay, those warm, fuzzy feelings were fading. “And yet, it is a good trait for a female to have, is it not? To want to protect those they care about?”

  “Not to the extent that they risk themselves to protect them. A female should look to a warrior to protect her. Especially an Earther female. They are so fragile. It is the way it has always been on Zerconia.”

  “I dare you to tell Zoey she is weak. She believes she can take on the world. Her bravery and courage are admirable. If only she knew when to hold back and listen to me.”

  Why couldn’t he open up like this to her?

  “Zoey’s tutor has been sending me reports,” Dex said. “Her progress is slow.”

  “Zoey does not lack intelligence,” Koran defended her. Okay, so maybe she wouldn’t slip a laxative into his food. She’d been prepared to face the embarrassment of asking Thor for a laxative–or whatever it was they used to get rid of sticks stuck up stuffy male asses–just to let a little revenge on Koran. “Good sense, but not intelligence.”

  “I know,” Dex agreed. “But there are customs and duties she must learn as the Crown Princess and I worry that I ask too much of her.”

  Zoey stepped away, not wanting to hear any more of Dex’s doubts about her. She quickly moved past Jaxan, praying she wouldn’t bang into anything and give her presence away.

  “Milady? Didn’t you want to speak to the Crown Prince?” Jaxan asked as they stepped out into the corridor.

  Not right now. She didn’t want to give him more reason to doubt her. “Jaxan?”

  “Yes, milady?”

  “We were never there, understand?”

  “But, milady—”

  She swung around to glare at him. “We were never there. Promise me. Promise me you won’t say anything.”

  Looking as though he’d swallowed broken glass, Jaxan nodded. “I promise.”

  “Good. Let’s go get Boris and find him somewhere to sleep tonight. I’m tired.”

  Although she wasn’t certain that sleep would come easily tonight.

  She’d just have to pull on her big girl panties—figuratively speaking since she didn’t wear panties anymore— and deal with that old bat of a tutor and her pointless lessons.

  She could do this. She had to.

  “Did you hear something?” Koran asked.

  “What? No.” But then, Dex wasn’t at his best right now.

  He was used to operating on little sleep and food, under stressful situations. But right now he was distracted and unfocused.

  Perhaps it was because the mating bond was only half-formed. It added an uncertainty to his relationship with Zoey.

  He needed to concentrate on recovering his warriors, but in the back of his mind was Zoey. All the time. Worry over her. Wondering if she was well. If she needed him.

  If the bond had been firmly in place, he could have used it to reassure himself. He would have been able to sense her emotions. But he was operating blind. He forced himself to put his thoughts about his mate aside.

  “We need to discuss our rescue plan.”

  Chapter Four

  Zoey walked into medical, head down, shoulders hunched.

  “Zoey, look out!”

  Her shin hit something hard and she went flying forward, landing heavily on the floor.

  “Zoey! Are you all right?”

  Thor rushed over and picked her up by the waist, setting her on a bed. “Where does it hurt?”

  “Ow, where do you think?” she snapped, holding her bruised shin with both hands. She glared down at the wide metal box she’d tripped over. “Why is that in the middle of the floor?”

  “It’s not,” Thor replied patiently, moving her hands away from her leg. “You were not paying attention to where you walked.”

  “Whatever. Let me down. I’m fine.” She sniffled, trying to hold back her tears.

  “I must scan your leg.”

  “It’s just bruised. I promise. Let me down.” She scooted forward, but he held her by the shoulders, staring down into her face.


  “I just tripped. No biggie. Let me show you.” She pushed him aside, knowing he only moved because he wished to and jumped down. So maybe she had to hide her wince of pain as she landed. Didn’t mean that she wasn’t fine.

  “See?” She walked up and down the room, this time watching where she was going. “I could dance all night long.”

  “Right.” Thor stared at her skeptically.

  “Oh Lord, you do know what dancing is, don’t you?”

  Thor smiled. “We dance, Zoey.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  Thor frowned. “Are you feeling well, Zoey?”

  “I’m fine. Actually, I do have something to ask you.” She moved closer. “Could you help me learn my mating vows in Zerconian?”

  Thor raised his eyebrows. “Is your tutor not teaching you that?”

  Zoey waved her hand. “She thinks I need to learn other things first. Please, Thor? I know I could learn it quicker from you.”

  Thor sighed. “Very well. But I do not have a great deal of spare time. So you must promise to work hard.”

  “I will. I’ll work harder than any warrior on this ship. Thank you. Oh, and don’t tell Dex. I want this to be a surprise.”

  All she had to do was try harder. Show him that she could do this.

  “All right, little one.”

  “Is everything okay with Boris? Where is he?”

  “I do not know.”

  “You don’t know?” she asked with alarm. “What do you mean? Where did he go?”

  “My apologies. He is located in one of the examination rooms. I meant that I do not know how he is. He will not allow us to examine him.”

  “He spoke?” she asked excitedly.

  “No, but he didn’t have to in order to make his wishes very clear.”

  “Which room is he in?”

  “Zoey, I do not think it wise for you to get close to him. Zoey!” He strode after her as she moved over to one of the examination rooms. “He is behaving very aggressive.”

  “What has he done? He wasn’t acting aggressive before.” She swung open another door. Empty.

  “Zoey. Stop!” Thor grabbed her arm as she opened another door. She froze at the sight that greeted her. In one corner of the room stood Boris. He appeared calm, but there was a distinct air of menace about him. As though he were prepared to rain havoc down on those around him at any given moment.

  Across from him stood Macon, his body tense, his gaze focused on Boris. He shifted his weight, a low growl emanating from him and echoing around the room. His usually tidy h
air had fallen out of its tight plait.

  “What the hell is going on?” Zoey asked.

  “Jaxan, remove her,” Macon ordered. “Thor, where is the sedative?”

  Zoey quickly stepped into the room, avoiding Jaxan’s grasp. “A sedative? Why? What happened?”

  As far as she could tell, Boris was a bit scary but calm. Macon was the one acting crazy.

  Giz moved over to her side.

  “He tried to attack me,” Macon explained.

  “Attack you? Why?”

  Thor slipped forward in front of her.

  “Macon attempted to hold him while I withdrew blood,” Thor explained. “He reacted violently.”

  “What did you expect him to do?” she asked. Idiots. “He’s in a strange place with people he doesn’t know. He can’t even talk to us. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “He did not hurt me,” Macon replied, his voice affronted.

  Lord save her from fragile male egos. These warriors seemed to be worse than most.

  “Fine. Whatever. He was probably just reacting out of fear.” Although he really didn’t look afraid. He looked deadly. Even with his injured arm, she had no doubt that he could easily take Macon on.

  “Get out of my way, Thor,” she demanded.

  “No,” Thor replied. “I will sedate him before reporting this to Dex.”

  Who would lose his mind.

  “Don’t do that,” she said quickly.

  “He is dangerous, Zoey,” Thor warned.

  “The two of you cornered him. He obviously felt threatened and that’s why he acted out. If you tell Dex, he’ll lock him up.”

  “That might be best,” Thor told her, his voice not without sympathy.

  “Just let me try to reason with him.”

  “No,” Macon replied.

  Honestly, he needed to lighten up. “Just because he messed up your hair is no reason to get all riled up.”

  “I am not … I do not …” Macon continued to splutter, but she ignored him, stepping up beside Thor.

  Thor held out his arm, stopping her from going any further.

  Immediately, Boris growled, his gaze moving from Macon to where Thor touched her.

  Jaxan grabbed her arm and Boris’ growl grew deeper, more menacing.


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