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Shared Wife Miranda: Sperm Count (Full Service Book 2)

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by Matt Coolomon

  “But maybe I don’t want you to have to handle it.”

  “Oh I know, but he’s only here for a few more weeks, and it’s this big deal he’s doing with the firm that I wouldn’t want to stuff up unnecessarily.”

  “Oh…. So, he doesn’t actually work there?”

  “He’s two weeks into a one month contract thingy. He’s actually from near home – just up at Claremont.”

  “Oh really? And what’s this deal he’s doing?”

  “I don’t know – just some big new industrial development or something. I don’t know how we ended up being involved in something all the way up there. The development is out past where we used to go horse riding – out along Greenbank Road.”

  “Oh wow. Seriously? That’s a crazy coincidence.”

  “Yeah but anyway, Carlton said he’s almost done and could even finish up early. He’ll be gone before we know it.”

  “Yeah okay….” The fact this guy is only going to be around for a short time appeases Adin’s concerns a little, but not fully. “Alright, how about a compromise? I won’t turn up at your work and make a scene, but I want to meet the guy…. Or rather, I want him to meet me – your husband. I want to look him in the eyes and make sure he realises those rings on your finger mean you have a man.”

  Miranda’s finger nails dig into Adin’s chest. “Okay,” she utters softly.

  Adin tilts to look at her face. She’s biting a grin and blushing. “Okay?”

  She nods – her eyes alight. “I like it…. I like the idea of him getting eyeballed by my husband…. That’s really sexy.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Uh huh…. I’m going to get Sienna to set it up…. How about tomorrow night? We’ll stop for drinks again and you can pick me up…?”

  “Cool…. And if he’s there, just make sure he doesn’t know I’m picking you up, baby…. Best not to say anything to Sienna either. Just let me turn up out of the blue, and I promise I won’t actually say anything. I’ll just shake the guy’s hand and let him watch me take you home – that’s all.”

  “Ooh I like this!” Miranda cries excitedly. “It’s going to be so hard not telling Sienna, though. She’d be so into it.”

  Adin chuckles. “Yeah? But can we trust her to not give me away? It’s important that the guy won’t know I’m coming.”

  “No – she wouldn’t spoil it, Adin. She wouldn’t want to spoil the show for herself!”

  Adin cuddles his wife, stroking her hair. They rest quietly for a while.

  “So, I got the test results back today, baby.”

  “Oh?” Miranda sits up. “And?”

  Adin huffs a breath. “Not great but not terrible either…. Apparently I have a low sperm count and what sperm there are are kind of weak and not very viable. And the fact that this may have been the case for a long period isn’t good. But on the bright side, the doctor’s opinion is that even if my issue can’t be treated, we should be able to conceive with the help of a fertility clinic…. He seemed pretty confident that I have enough to get the job done if the timing and environment is managed.”

  “Which is good!” Miranda says immediately. “We could do that, Adin. Plenty of other couples do.”

  Adin nods. “Yeah, it would mean more tests and that. And it sounds a bit clinical and unsexy.”

  Miranda cuddles up again. “Oh well – so be it….”

  Adin kisses her hair and resumes stroking. He needed to get that information off his chest but wants to get back to where they were a few minutes ago. He kisses his wife’s head again. “It’s actually kind of interesting about this guy having it so bad for you, baby…. It’s sort of a turn on for me too.”

  Miranda takes a moment to respond, speaking without looking up from Adin’s chest. “He said he wants me to wear a see-through bra to work tomorrow.”

  Adin’s cock flexes against his wife’s arm. She closes her soft fingers around it and squeezes.

  “Do you like that idea, Adin?”

  “Yeah, I guess….”

  Miranda peers up. “I wore my black lace one for him today, and he said he liked it.”

  Adin gulps. “You showed him?”

  “Yeah, he always tries to look…. I just left one button undone on my blouse so he could see better.”

  “Aw fuck, baby, that’s….”

  “I know. It’s bad…. It’s really bad, but it’s so exciting.”

  Adin strokes hair from his wife’s forehead. “How see-through would we want it to be? Like, one of those sexy mesh ones you have for bedtime?”

  “Uh huh – I could wear one of those…. My white one is the most transparent…. If I wear my blue blouse it won’t show unless I undo a button, plus that blouse gives me a bit of support, being tight and fitted.”

  Miranda gets up and straddles Adin, inserting his cock into her pussy. He meets her kiss and they grind together for a long slow fuck before pulling the bed cover over and going to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  Adin wakes in the morning alone and finds his wife on her computer at the dining table. She smiles her greeting, pointing to her screen. “Did you check out Wesley’s resort? It looks amazing.”

  Adin approaches behind and rests on the back of Miranda’s chair as she flicks through images he hasn’t seen. They are candid photos of the guests hiking, sunbathing, dining and swimming in the pool. “I never saw these,” he says.

  “The nudity is strange, but not too confronting,” Miranda suggests. “I don’t know if I’d be able to do it.”

  “You can see it’s predominately men…. It looks like you’d be one of the younger women, judging by those pictures.” Adin squeezes Miranda’s shoulders and kisses her head. “You’d be very popular, baby.”

  She touches his hands and snuggles one of them. “It could be interesting to try it, don’t you think?”

  Adin can see in through the fold of Miranda’s satin robe that she’s wearing her white mesh bra. Their conversation of the previous night comes back to him. He had thought it was probably just sex fantasy talk. “Wesley would be waiting if we decided to check the place out. It’s definitely sexual with him – not just naturalism.”

  “I know…. The total strangers would be daunting enough. It would be freaky to take off my clothes with him watching.” Miranda peers up. “Plus I’d have to shave fully down there. It looks like all the other women do.”

  “Yeah….” Adin breathes and clears his throat. “I’m not sure I’d want to show you off to a whole bunch of other men like that though, baby.”

  “Hmm – and I’m not saying I’d want to do it either,” Miranda replies with a giggle. “But it’s exciting to fantasise.”

  Adin goes to pour coffee and get his cereal. Miranda disappears into the bedroom and comes back after ten minutes dressed in a black skirt to mid-thigh and her blue fitted blouse. She has the top button open and watches Adin taking a peak while she leans across the table to get her laptop.

  He meets her glance. “I sort of thought the see-through bra was kind of fantasy too last night…. It shows an awful lot, baby.”

  “Hmm – and I don’t know if I’ll be game to open the button yet either…. It feels sexy just wearing it, though.”

  “Yeah?” Adin returns a smile. “So – just to tease yourself and me, huh?”

  Miranda does up her button. “Should I change it for one of my usual work bras? There’s no way I could undo this in the office anyway. It opens way too far and would be totally inappropriate.”

  “No that seriously is sexy with you being see-through beneath your blouse. Not just for that Carlton guy either…. I’ll certainly be thinking about you all day.”

  “Oh really? I like the sound of that…. But hurry up if you’re going to drive me!”

  Adin quickly dresses for his day and has Miranda at her work in plenty of time. He remains parked across the road and watches her getting settled at her desk. She waves and smiles. He drives off wishing he could hang around and spy on her all day i
nstead of going to work himself.

  His morning is mundane with a report to type up. Over lunch at his desk he searches the new industrial development in his home town and can’t help himself tracking the investors and developers to see who’s involved. He’s managed to keep his mind off his wife but he gets a text from her mid-afternoon.

  Miranda: All set for tonight at The Boardwalk. I’ll text you when it’s time to pick me up. Love you xxx

  Adin: That’s great baby. Not too late tonight okay?

  Miranda: Definitely. I’m so tired today.

  Miranda: Except I’m getting plenty of attention!

  Adin: Oh yeah?

  Miranda: I’ll tell you all about it tonight. Love you xxx

  Adin puts his phone back into his pocket. His palms are sweaty, his heart pounding. He looks at the clock: 3.18. He shuts down and clears his desk. His office is two blocks from Miranda’s work. He strides fast without much of a plan other than to keep hidden across the street and try to see what’s going on. He approaches close enough to see but Miranda’s desk is vacant, with only her friend Sienna seated in the open office area.

  Adin slips into the lobby of the building opposite where there’s a lounge area. It’s an office tower with plenty of people walking in and out and the reception counter unattended. He stands by the window watching for his wife when he suddenly shocked to see her walk right by with the guy Carlton. They have passed before Adin saw them properly and continue along the street to a parked car with the estate agency logo on the door. Carlton touches Miranda’s back as he guides her around the car and opens the passenger door for her. She’s beaming a huge smile at him, and as she lowers into the seat, Adin sees that her blouse is open at the top. The guy shuts her door and moves around the car. He gets in and drives away.

  Adin’s gut is clenched – his heart in his throat. He grabs his phone and pulls up Miranda’s number, hitting call before his mind can wrangle what he’s going to say. He gets an immediate diversion to voice mail. He’s relieved but further confused and horrified. He stands there staring at the street while anger at his wife and the need to get hold of this Carlton character simmer within him. It’s not 15 minutes later though when the car is back double parked in front of the estate agency and Miranda gets out holding a tray of coffees. She waves, glowing another big smile as the car zooms away, and she does up the top button on her blouse as she turns to enter her workplace.

  Adin is just sick now – ill with relief – his stomach actually threatening to erupt. He slumps into a lounge and covers his mouth with shaking hands. He can see Miranda coming back from the internal offices of her colleagues and sitting at her desk. Sienna has scooted her chair across and they are talking excitedly. Miranda opens her handbag on her desk and applies lipstick, checking it in a small vanity mirror and sharing more laughter with her girlfriend.

  Adin sits there spying for an hour while people come and go, phone calls are taken and typing is done, and everything appears business as usual across the street. He walks back to work and opens a file on a new investigation – just a basic tax audit of a construction company upstate in the capital. He pushes the fear and excitingly edged jealousy from the front of his mind and gets a bit done. He works 2 hours then walks to stretch, finding the other offices on his floor mostly deserted for the night.

  An hour later, Adin is home sitting at the kitchen counter staring at his phone. It’s just after seven, so probably a bit early yet to expect Miranda to call. He wants to drink but can’t of course. He forces down a sandwich and paces around the apartment for another hour before grabbing the car keys and driving across town.

  It’s almost nine when he strides into The Boardwalk bar and right up to Sienna sitting at a table with some guy leaning on a chair talking with her. Adin sits unannounced and the guy moves on.

  Sienna smiles. “Hey, you! Are you supposed to be here yet?”

  Adin shrugs, looking around. “I was just passing,” he says and spots Miranda backed against a wall with Carlton leaning close in front of her. The guy has a hand against the wall and is towering over Adin’s wife, one finger of his other hand hooked in the open front of her blouse.

  Adin stands and strides through the crowd. Miranda’s eyes connect with him, her smile ending and her eyes widening. The guy all over her turns and obviously gets what’s happening immediately. He lifts his hands, backing away. Adin keeps walking right up to him and hits him in the ribs.

  Carlton doubles over then half stands with his arms across his front. “What the fuck, man!”

  Adin is braced ready to go but is grabbed from behind by two men in black pants and white shirts. They pull him back through the crowd and push him out onto the street. Adin stands there looking in through a window and sees Carlton being seen to by another staff member. He’s shaking his head and holding up a hand. The man with him comes outside and talks to the bouncers. They both nod and remain there at the door. “Just fuck off, man,” one of them says to Adin.

  Adin turns his attention to his wife at the table with Sienna. Sienna is beaming a smile while Miranda’s face is pale and her eyes are dripping concern. She looks at Adin through the window. He holds her gaze for a moment then turns and walks. He’s across the road and striding towards the car when Miranda calls out, “Adin, wait!” She has her heels in her hand and is running along the other side of the street.

  Adin sits in the car and waits, staring straight ahead. Miranda gets in pawing at him. “Adin, it was just….”

  “Shut the fuck up, Miranda.”

  Adin pulls out into the traffic and drives.

  “But nothing happened. It’s not what you think,” his wife implores, tears welling quickly.

  Adin gives her a short deliberate look then turns forward again. He then looks at her open blouse and meets her eyes briefly. She fumbles the button through with shaking hands.

  “So, I don’t get to look.” Adin says darkly.

  “What?” Miranda squeaks, clutching hands to her front.

  “You’re flashing that fucker all day and do up as soon as I have a look.”

  Miranda doesn’t respond. She sits quietly looking straight ahead as Adin drives over the speed limit and has them home in 10 minutes. He slams his door and strides up the stairs to their apartment on the second level. He’s at the kitchen counter with a glass of whisky when Miranda comes in and walks directly to the bedroom.

  Adin downs his drink, grimacing at the burn in his throat. He replays the look of Carlton when he turned and seemed to know immediately what was happening. The guy seemed to recognise Adin, and Adin wonders whether he had been seen spying at all. He takes another hit directly from the bottle then goes to confront his wife. She’s lying on the bed, facing the far wall with the cover pulled over herself. Her hands are near her face, her fingers twisting the corner of her pillow.

  “What the fuck was that, Miranda?”

  Her body shudders, her sobs audible.

  “How much didn’t I see? Had he been kissing you? Feeling you up?”

  “No,” Miranda whimpers.

  Adin rips the bed cover away. Miranda turns startled. He crawls over her and takes her mouth hard in a kiss. Her eyes are wide and she keeps her mouth shut tight. He gropes up under her skirt and grabs her crotch. Her mouth opens and he inserts his tongue. She squeals but that turns to a pant as Adin works fingers into her. She’s tacky but hot and wet deep inside. He pulls his fingers out and rips her panties down her legs. “Adin!” she cries into his mouth.

  Adin tears open his trousers and frees his cock. He wipes the head through his wife’s slit once then inserts and rolls his hips, entering her. “Uhh..hh…hhhh…” she moans and pants, and he pulls back and surges forward again, burying himself balls deep.

  Adin pushes his trousers and underwear away. Miranda just clings around his neck while he fucks her with deep slow thrusts. Her legs are opening wider now – her body undulating beneath him. Her teeth are bared against his shoulder. “Uhh..hhhh..hhh…
” she cries out as her orgasm hits, and she writhes and grinds over the base of Adin’s shaft as he powers up into her and blows his load.

  Chapter 6

  Miranda lies still and quietly beside her husband. He has just rolled off her and not said a word. He sits over the edge of the bed and pulls up his trousers, his head dropping to his hands. She shuffles close and touches his back. He fumbles behind for her hand and grips it, still with his head in his other hand.

  “Are you okay, Adin?”

  He shakes his head. “Sorry about that, baby. I kind of lost it a bit.”

  “That’s okay…. It was nice,” Miranda says softly. “Don’t be sorry.”

  Adin draws a big breath and turns a little to look down at her. “It looked like he had been kissing you or was about to.”

  “I know,” Miranda confesses. “I lied a minute ago about that.”

  “So, he did kiss you?” Adin’s voice is breathy and weak.

  “Yes,” Miranda says. “He had kissed me three times before that today, and you’re right – he was about to again.” Miranda kisses her husband’s hand. “And I’m glad you stopped him when you did, Adin, because I couldn’t have.”

  “What…?” Adin groans. “You couldn’t…?”

  Miranda unbuttons her blouse and shows her husband her bare breasts.

  Adin’s eyes widen. He gulps. “Where’s your bra?”

  “He asked me to take it off…. It’s in my desk drawer at work.” Miranda lies back and pulls her skirt up around her waist. “He’s been kissing me and feeling me up all day, Adin. Can you fuck me again, please?”

  Adin stands and undresses fully. His face is chiselled, his eyes narrow but electric. Miranda turns over and gets on her hands and knees, peering back at him. His cock is levering almost horizontal and flexing there. He takes hold of it and kneels behind Miranda. “He actually touched your tits?”

  “Yes…. Through my bra the first few times. Then I took it off for him…. He opened my blouse and held me from behind in our little kitchenette…. Uhh..hhh..hhh…” Miranda moans as her husband enters her. “Hhh..hhh… he um… he tried to finger me but I pushed him away and said no.”


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