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Shared Wife Miranda: Sperm Count (Full Service Book 2)

Page 13

by Matt Coolomon

A tall, muscular man approaches and opens the doors. He’s in tight white shorts and a green polo shirt. He’s beaming a huge white smile. “Welcome, I’m Simon. You must be Miranda?”

  “Yes…. Hello!” Miranda replies. “And these are my friends Sienna and Paul. And this is….”

  “Adin!” the man cuts in, extending a hand to be shaken. He nods and greets everyone, shaking Paul’s hand as well. “Wesley is upstairs…. Please…?” He ushers them through the restaurant and upstairs to a landing and open lounge area, where Wesley is seated and talking on his phone. He waves smiling and ends his call.

  “You made it! Wonderful to see you again, Adin…. Miranda!” He leaves off shaking Adin’s hand to pull Miranda into a hug. Adin introduces Sienna and Paul. Miranda is kept hold of with an arm around her waist and strong fingers clutching her tight as greetings are exchanged and the road trip is talked about.

  They are shown to the rail of the landing to look down into an indoor pool with hot tubs bubbling away. There are two naked men and three naked women chatting around one of the hot tubs. They wave and call out hellos. Miranda catches Adin’s glance at the way she’s being held close by his uncle. They have talked about this – about how Wesley made a point of saying he would be very interested in them visiting the resort so he could get a look at Miranda. It seems he’s not going to be at all subtle about it, Miranda is detecting already, with the fingers clutching her side having made their way beneath her tank top and touching her bare skin.

  The people in the hot tub are chatting with Wesley and the other man, Simon, with Sienna as friendly as always and joining in. Wesley’s hand has begun casually rubbing up and down. Adin’s gaze lifts from it and Miranda bites down on a grin as she connects with her husband and lifts her hand to his uncle’s chest, leaning into the older man.

  Miranda also feels Paul watching her being cuddled, and she flashes him a glance and embarrassed smile as well.

  “So – nudity as far as the pool area, but we have a dress code for the restaurant and bar – requiring some form of evening wear and to be moderately well covered,” Wesley explains. “Come on back down stairs and we’ll go for a drive around – have a look see, eh?”

  Simon leads off with Sienna right by his side and buzzing. Miranda is kept hold of and Adin and Paul fall into step behind, making her peep back over her shoulder smiling at them while Wesley talks about the outdoor pool and tennis court area, where another half a dozen men and women are lazing in the sun – two men playing tennis in Speedos, everyone else naked and sun browned. And everyone so far has appeared to be in Wesley’s age bracket, around late forties to mid-fifties.

  Adin and Paul are shouldering beach bags and towels. They are instructed to leave them by the pool, and Adin and Miranda get into a golf cart with Wesley while their friends ride in another with Simon. Miranda has finally been released and is sitting in the back seat. The tour continues through a forest trail to a small sandy beach and the expanse of pristine blue water where parasails and jet skis can be seen in the far distance, along with water skiers and lots of other pleasure craft. There is a small island between the beach and all the activity – some tall buildings visible across the far side of the lake.

  “Yes, this small cove is all part of the resort,” Wesley explains. “It took some doing to get approval for our naturalist activities. The local council wanted it but there were lobby groups arguing it would spoil the lake for families.”

  “And – you obviously won out…” Adin questions.

  Wesley chuckles. “I had to ‘contribute’ to a few local funds and donate the development money for a huge parkland and jetty over there in town.” He smiles and winks. “Got it all through at half the cost I was budgeting for.”

  “And it turns a good profit for you?” Miranda asks.

  “Not really…. It’s more the lifestyle, love…. I live here full time now and commute into the city…. It’s beautiful and peaceful here. Lots of friends visiting every weekend…. There are a couple of regulars who almost permanently occupy some of those bungalows back there.”

  There had been twenty or so small bungalows back in the forest, some with nice little gardens, Miranda noticed. The sandy beach is currently vacant though, with the people back at the pools being the only visitors still there.

  The tour continues around the cove to where a small jetty has a line-up of jet skis and a couple of canoes moored to it. There’s a big white cabin cruiser just off shore, which Wesley offers to take them on for a cruise around the lake some time.

  The small gravel pathway they are traversing winds back though the forest and climbs a ridge of rock to a lookout – inaccessible by golf cart. They pass by that section of the trail and return to the resort complex.

  Simon bids them goodbye until later as he has a few things to do. He’s Wesley’s personal assistant and pilot, and also does a bit of the cooking on slow nights like Sundays. Sienna gives him a hug in parting – his big hand closing over and squeezing her bottom while Paul watches.

  “Okay, folks….” Wesley announces. “I just have to go and resume that call from earlier but I’ll be back to hang with you for the afternoon…. Now, there’s only one rule…. Everyone’s going nudie, right?” he checks.

  The four visitors look at each other gritting teeth through smiles and agreeing to all give it a go.

  “Good. Perfect!” Wesley goes on. “Now, you’ve all got white bits that have never seen the sun – which will burn you pretty quickly today – and so our one friendly rule here is that you’re not allowed to do your own sunscreen.”

  “Huh?” the two men both query, while Sienna shrieks and Miranda just blushes to herself.

  “That’s right,” Wesley goes on, pulling Miranda to his side for another cuddle. “And of course you could simply get your hubby or wife to do yours – which is allowed – but if you all want to break the ice and get into the fun feel of the place, I’d suggest doing a husband swap for the sunscreen rubbing, girls…. These guys both look a bit stiff for mine,” he goes on, pulling Sienna to his other side. “Might be just the thing to get them loosened up,” he concludes and smacks both women’s bottoms as he turns and walks away back into the building.


  Sienna looks to Miranda. “I’m game if you are.”

  They look to the men, who both shrug and check with each other.

  Sienna squeals. “Where are we sitting?” she asks everyone. “Right here?”

  They are at the opposite end of the pool to the other group of sunbathers. The consensus is to stay there and try undressing without too direct an audience. They arrange four deck chairs. Paul and Adin pull a couple around and distribute the towels. The girls get their sun screen and claim the two chairs in the middle of the line of four.

  “So, we just strip down, I guess,” Paul says for everyone. He seems to be quite relaxed, Miranda notices, surprised.

  “Go on, baby,” Sienna encourages him.

  He pulls off his shirt to reveal a flat stomach and hairy chest. He’s not ripped but not too flabby either. Adin joins him in undressing while the girls watch. Adin is powerfully built, particularly his shoulders and chest. They both take big breaths and lower pants and underwear in one go. Sienna squeals again. Adin’s long member hangs between his toned thighs. Paul’s averaged sized penis extends to the base of his ball sac, which is quite droopy and houses a large pair of nuts. He’s hairy while Adin is trimmed. They both sit and look to the girls.

  “Come on then,” Sienna says to Miranda, and they stand and face the men. Sienna gathers and lifts off her top – her little tits jiggling proudly. Miranda drops her tank top on her chair but still has on a bra. She lowers her skirt next and is standing in her lacy pink underwear. The men watch Sienna step out of her panties. She’s shaved bare.

  “Nice….” Adin says low and easily, making Sienna beam a smile back at him.

  Miranda undoes her bra clasp, and the two men turn from checking out Sienna to watch her reveal her brea
sts. She slips the garment and drops it on her chair then quickly lowers and steps out of her panties.

  “Yes – very nice,” Paul says in the same manner Adin had about his wife.

  Miranda sits while he’s watching her, his gaze flashing boldly between her tits and pussy. Sienna gets Adin to lie on his front. She’s squirting and rubbing sunscreen into her hands. “I’ll do your back first too,” Miranda says to Paul. He lies down on his front. Miranda squirts sunscreen and meets her girlfriend’s excited smile.

  The men lie facing each other and watching. Sienna quickly becomes engrossed in rubbing oily lotion all over Adin’s back, legs and bottom. Paul is quite hairy all over, which is different for Miranda. She thrills at the feel of him as she applies his sunscreen, blushing deeply when rubbing it into his firm bottom.

  The men flip over at the same time, their cocks wobbling about. “So – everywhere?” Miranda checks with her girlfriend, including the men in the question.

  “I think everywhere,” Sienna answers quickly. “I think definitely everywhere!”

  The men exchange a glance. “Fine by us,” they both answer, making everyone laugh.

  “Oh shit,” Miranda goes on and she rubs the oily lotion all over Paul’s chest and stomach. She’s going to leave his genitals until last, as Sienna obviously has the same idea. They both do legs and rub up the men’s thighs, pausing with nowhere else left to go and grimacing at each other.

  Sienna takes a big breath. “Okay – here goes….” She carefully lifts Adin’s cock from his leg. “Oh my god,” she squeals under her breath.

  “Oh fuck,” Adin groans, gritting teeth and rolling eyes away.

  “Ooh! Guess who likes this,” Sienna coos.

  “Oh boy….” Adin grips each side of his chair. His cock lengthens and firms quickly. Sienna is staring transfixed and gently stroking it with her oily hand. “Damn – that’s enough of that,” Adin warns and takes it off her to hold it aside.

  Miranda has been watching transfixed as well but suddenly realizes Paul is waiting for his turn. She has her hand lathered. She looks down at his flaccid cock and gathers it softly – squeezing and stroking up then down as it flexes. She just continues to look at it while rubbing the lotion over his balls then squeezing and stroking back up the length of his now full erection.

  “Wow!” Sienna cries. “What the hell, Paul?”

  Paul has teeth gritted and is clinging to the chair like Adin had. He shakes his head and looks to his wife. Miranda smiles at the look between them and strokes slowly down then back up again before squeezing off and rubbing her oily hand across the guy’s stomach. “Holy shit,” he groans and expels a huge breath, turning to Miranda and meeting her smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Miranda utters, blushing a bit deeper.

  “This is so hot!” Sienna says to everyone. “Come on you guys it’s our turn!”

  Miranda hands the bottle of sunscreen to Paul and lies down on her front. She starts out watching what her husband is doing with her girlfriend but the feel of the other man’s strong hands on her shoulders and smoothing down her back and arms soon has her distracted. Sienna is moaning softly and turns her head away. Paul immediately smooths hands up Miranda’s sides and feels in underneath for her breasts. “Uh huh….” she utters, peering back over her shoulder at him, and she lifts to her elbows and shifts one arm away from her body while he reaches further in with that hand and squeezes a breast fully. He just holds it while tipping up the bottle and squirting sunscreen down the back of her legs. He then rubs down one leg and back up the other, working in the oily liquid.

  He releases her breast and just holds her shoulder with that hand while rubbing over her hips and bottom. Miranda checks to see Adin massaging Sienna’s breasts. She’s on her back with her legs bent up. Adin is rubbing sunscreen into her belly but keeps wiping up over her little peaks and making her arch up off the lounger.

  Miranda turns over and Paul immediately rubs over her breasts. He quickly covers her belly and neck then resumes holding one of her breasts while squirting lotion down her legs.

  Adin is doing Sienna’s legs as well. She has them apart for him and he’s staring at her pussy while smoothing slowly up and down over her knees.

  Miranda’s attention is drawn again as a hand slides up her inner thigh and slippery fingers slice through her opening. There’s still a hand on her breast, squeezing firmly. The other hand glides down that leg then back up the other but moves aside and wipes over her hip. Miranda meets Paul’s eyes. He’s lightly stroking her thigh and has released his hold on her breast. He looks at her body, taking a slow tour while Adin and Sienna are chatting and laughing together. Paul looks from Miranda’s breasts to her pussy. He touches her inner thigh, pressing against it. She parts her legs for him and he tilts to look between them but Sienna gets up and clutches his shoulders – Miranda closing her legs and swaying them away from the guy.

  Sienna pulls her husband to his feet and throws her arms around his neck, lifting to kiss him. He responds and takes her passionately. They move away and sit on the edge of the pool together while Miranda rests back against Adin sitting behind her. He kisses her as well but moves to her ear. “I’m going in for a dip and to watch if any of these other guys want to come talk to you, okay?”

  “Okay….” Miranda tells him. “Unless Wesley comes back to have his look at me,” she teases.

  “Yes – better still,” Adin says into another soft kiss. “Are you okay with him, baby? It’s only a little bit weird for me, but also kind of safe somehow.”

  “Safe? What do you mean?”

  “Well, at least I know him and that he’s married and not looking for anything other than a bit of sexy fun…. Not like that beach guy you said was dumped at the altar or Corey who hasn’t had a girlfriend probably ever!”

  Miranda giggles. “Oh, I’m sure he has…. Or where else did he learn to kiss like that?”

  “Yeah, rub it in,” Adin says, chuckling. “But seriously – with Wes being into this lifestyle so full on, I kind of feel more comfortable about him trying to get onto you a bit. Or if anyone else here did….”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Miranda agrees thoughtfully. “I kind of didn’t mind you and Sienna touching each other just now either. It’s like we’re in Rome so do as the Roman’s do…. Like it’s not such a big deal here.”

  “Ah – here comes Wes now…. I’m going to get one of those beers he’s carrying and try one of the floaty chairs.”

  Adin gets up and meets Wes around the other side of the pool. Wes also gives beers to Sienna and Paul then approaches Miranda, grinning. He’s in Speedos rather than the resort uniform of white shorts and a green shirt he had been wearing earlier. He gives Miranda an open beer and strips his swimmers before sitting on the end of the lounger beside her.

  Miranda is taken aback by the size of his balls. His cock is quite thick and reasonably long as well. His testicles are massive. She looks up from them to be caught by his smile. She blushes. He tilts for a look at her pussy. “I like yours too,” he says and winks. His gaze then travels up Miranda’s body and rests on her breasts. She arches forward and stretches. He just watches her tits, with his smile ending and his expression becoming more intense and serious.

  Miranda looks over at Adin. He’s floating there watching.

  “I’ve been hoping you’d come visit, love,” Wesley says. “I’ve been wanting to get a look at you like this since the first time I saw you with Adin.”

  “Uh huh…. I’ve always kind of noticed. At least the few times we‘ve seen you.”

  “You have? That’s good – that’s perfect,” the older man goes on as his gaze travels back down Miranda’s body. “That’s it – open your legs – show me….”

  “Um….” Miranda sucks in a breath and parts her legs, glaring over at Adin now.

  “Yeah that’s nice, love,” Wesley says low and deep, and he has a swig of his beer. “You should show your slit to ever
yone here. It looks nice and tight and smooth….. All these man here are going to want a look at it, okay?”

  “Okay….” Miranda utters, suddenly mesmerised.

  “Has Adin let anyone else fuck you yet? Any other men been with you?”

  “Um – no…. Not with full sex,” Miranda stammers, swallowing hard.

  Wesley nods and smooths a hand up her inner thigh to casually touch her pussy. She grips the seat and braces. He just teases her delicate folds and smears juice that’s leaking from her, pasting her labia open. “Hmm – better,” he says, inspecting his work. “I want Adin to bring you for a full weekend and let some of us men have a fuck. Do you think you’d enjoy that, love?”

  “Um….” Miranda swallows hard again. Her face is on fire now.

  Wesley smiles, finally. “Let’s make that a rhetorical question for now, huh? As long as you know that’s what I have in mind and hope will happen one day.”

  Miranda expels a huge breath. “Really!” She rubs down her legs, closing them and swaying them to one side.

  Wesley chuckles. “A man can dream, can’t he?”

  “You sounded quite serious just then, Wesley…. I think you’re a bad man.” Miranda has a drink of her beer.

  “Yeah, but bad is fun.” He squeezes Miranda’s knee. “So, you don’t mind if I pose the same rhetorical question to Adin?”

  “Rhetorical, huh? Are you sure that’s all it is?”

  Wesley looks down in thought for a moment before answering. He speaks frankly, “The first thing I want is to have some family around, and I don’t have any kids of my own or any family I can share this with – so, I’m hoping Adin will want to get involved here in some way. The second thing is that – yes – I’d like to be allowed to fuck you, Miranda…. I mean – you’re a beautiful girl. What healthy, virile man wouldn’t want to fuck you?”

  “Oh…. Thank you, I think,” Miranda replies, unable to stop her smile. “You’re not very subtle are you, Wes?”

  The man shrugs. “Life’s too short.”

  Miranda rolls her eyes. “And does this sledge hammer approach often work for you?”


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