Scent of Gardenia (Scott Tucker Series)
Page 25
Mike thought about what they had seen. The property confirmed their suspicions about whether she could be holding people, and then disposing of the bodies. Ralph turned off the flashlight and headed back towards the house. Mike followed both of them, but Mercedes stopped at the chaise lounges, waving at Ralph.
She took the flashlight, turned it on, and noticed the bottle of suntan lotion near one of them. She slowly shined the light over the surface of the two lounge chairs. She finally pointed to drops of lotion on both. She held up two fingers, but didn’t say anything. She handed the flashlight back to Ralph, who turned it off, motioning for Mercedes to look in the windows again. He then headed down the other side.
Mercedes looked in the kitchen window. Mike also checked it out. Mike tapped Mercedes on the shoulder, motioning there was a door in the middle of the kitchen. He motioned it could lead down steps. Mercedes nodded, studying it closely this time. She left the window and went to the next one. Mike could also see it was the bedroom. They were about to leave when he tapped Mercedes on the shoulder, pointing down at the floor. There was a pair of man’s boat shoes next to the night stand. She stared at them, and then nodded.
When they reached the cab, Sam had managed to get the cab out of the soft sand and back onto the road surface. They climbed into the cab. Sam immediately started backing up the driveway without any lights. There was just enough moonlight for him to see. There wasn’t any conversation while Sam was getting back onto the main road. Mercedes tapped him on the shoulder when he finally hit the paved surface.
“Sam, I don’t know how you got the cab out of that sand, but nice job,” Mercedes acknowledged.
“Thank you. Did you folks see anything?” Sam asked, as he headed the cab in the direction they came from.
Mercedes responded, “The place looks perfect for keeping guests and disposing of any bodies.” Ralph, we saw a pair of man’s boat shoes on the floor in the bedroom. They were much too large to fit a woman. We also spotted a door in the kitchen, which could lead to a basement area.”
“Judging from the marks leading from the shed, I would say she had a hand truck and moved something heavy. She could have tanks in the shed.”
“Ralph, you saw me looking at the two chaise lounges. I think both of them were used, as there was suntan lotion on both of them. People are creatures of habit, so I don’t think she would have alternated between the two lounges…I think she brought one of her captives outside, most likely Holly,” Mercedes said, excitedly.
Mike finally spoke, “I think we found our bad guy’s property. Now what’s the plan?”
Before anyone answered, Sam was pulling into the previous convenience store.
As soon as the cab stopped, Mike jumped out, heading inside. Mike quickly dialed the number, waiting for someone to answer. It rang and rang. He was about to hang up, when a woman’s voice answered, “Hello.”
He quickly asked, “Would it be possible to schedule a dive session for tomorrow morning?”
There was a hesitation on the line, and then she answered, “That time is available, for how many people?”
Mike could tell she was out of breath, most likely running for the phone. “I’m sorry, I was expecting a man’s voice, are you the owner? However, to answer your question there will be three of us.”
“I hope you don’t have something against a woman…and I’m the owner. My name is Margaret, or you can call me Rusty. What time do you want to leave?” she asked.
“How about nine?”
“That will work. Do any of you need lessons, or are all of you certified?”
“We will just need to have a refresher.”
“Okay, I can do that. The charge will be seventy-five each and another one-twenty-five for the boat and equipment, which comes to three-fifty. What name should I put this under? And, can I have a phone number in case I have to reach you?”
“That’s fine. My name is Mike Miller. You can reach me at the Hamilton Princess Hotel.”
“I detect a Bostonian accent. Are you from that area?” she asked, with a sexy voice.
“That’s very perceptive of you. Yes, I’m from Boston,” Mike replied, wondering now if he had said too much.
“I like Bostonians. Are the three in your party all men?”
He wondered why she was asking that. “Why?”
“I need to know for the wet suits, and possibly some other things.”
“There will be two males and one female.”
“Thank you. How did you get my name and number?” she asked.
Thinking quickly, he replied, “The hotel gave me several numbers to call…I liked the sound of Rusty’s.”
“I’m sure you will enjoy your excursion. I dive with you, unless you would rather dive alone. Do you have the address of my dive shop?”
“I have the address. See you at nine. Do you take Traveler’s Checks?”
She laughed softly. “I like all forms of money…and yes, I take them.” She paused, asking, “Oh, I should have asked you, do you want to go to a special dive location, or the one I usually take people to?”
Mike wasn’t really planning on an actual dive, but answered, “You’re choice, I’m sure, will be fine.”
“Then, I will see you and your friends at nine. Good-bye.”
Mike headed quickly back to the cab. “Well, I booked her for a dive at nine tomorrow. So we should be able to get inside her house at that time.”
Mercedes asked, “Did she sound like she suspected anything?”
Mike was concerned about her detecting his Bostonian accent but answered, “She picked up on my accent, and I told her I was from Boston. However, I don’t think she suspects anything.”
Chapter 72
Margaret thought about that phone call. There’s too much of a coincidence between her new guests; Holly and Scott, and this Mike Miller. She was going to have some fun. She checked her looks in the bathroom mirror, satisfied with how she looked. Now, do I see Holly or Scott?
A few minutes later she stood at Scott’s cell door, watching his eyes looking at her. It was hard for her not to go in and put him through some special treatment, but she had decided it would be interesting to visit with Holly.
She went to Holly’s cell, waiting for Holly to see her standing at her cell door. Holly seemed to be asleep. Margaret was tired of waiting for her to react, so entered her cell. She studied her body.
Her naked body reminded her of when the other women had the men at the warehouse in Boston. They were all naked due to the cold shower they forced on the men. There was no sense getting their clothes soaked, and it was more sensual that way. She recalled the men hanging from the rolling rack, while they showered their bodies with water hoses and paddles. She liked looking at the men’s bodies, but also liked seeing her friends’ bodies as well.
Holly’s eyes popped open. Margaret watched her eyes scanning. “Yes, Holly I’ve dressed for the occasion, or better said…’undressed’ for it.” She saw Holly’s slight movement, smiling at her. It’s okay Holly, I’m not going to hurt you…well, I’m not going to hurt you too much…but that depends on Scott next door.”
“Scott.” Margaret yelled. Scott didn’t answer, so she yelled again, “Scott, answer me, or I will have to hurt Holly here.”
“What?” I answered. “What do you want?”
“That’s better Scott. I don’t like being ignored. I need you to answer some questions for me, and you know the rules about quick answers and truthful ones.” She reached out and squeezed one of Holly’s nipples. Holly cried out in pain.
“Stop!” Scott yelled. “Ask me what you want, but stop hurting her.”
She kissed the spot she squeezed, and Holly turned her head. “That’s better Scott. Now here’s what I want to know, and remember the rules.” There was no answer. “Do you know someone by the name of Mike Miller?”
I couldn’t think fast enough, and didn’t respond. I heard Holly cry out much louder.
I heard her cry out even louder and longer. “Yes, yes I know a Mike Miller. Please stop hurting her, give me a chance to answer.”
“Scott, you have to answer me when I ask the questions. You delay, and she suffers.” Margaret yelled from the other room, “Do we understand each other?”
“Much better Scott, right Holly?” Margaret was entertaining herself, and really didn’t care if Holly answered her or not. She was getting to like this new variation.
I was concerned that there were no other questions, and suspected what might have been happening. “I know a Mike Miller. Why do you ask?” There was no answer, and now I was getting very concerned. I heard chains rattling, but Holly wasn’t crying out. “Please don’t hurt her; I’m the one you want.”
“Shut up Scott!” Margaret yelled.
I waited and waited. I was afraid to do anything that might cause any harm to Holly. I tried to comprehend whether it was better to be the one suffering or waiting. I strained to listen for any clue as to what was happening. Finally—
“That was very well done, Scott. Right, Holly?”
There was no answer.
“Okay Scott, let’s try this one more time. I will remind you about the rules one last time.” The chains started to rattle next door. “So Scott, who is Mike Miller?”
I answered quickly, “He works in our office, and he’s a detective.”
“Is he here to find Holly?”
“Is that why you’re here too?”
“That’s a lie Scott.” Holly let out an awful scream. “You’re here to fulfill my fantasy…isn’t that correct?”
“Yes.” I answered reluctantly. There was a muffled scream.
“Did you answer me Scott, I can’t hear you?”
“Yes,” I yelled. I could hear Holly whimpering. There was some other noise but I couldn’t detect what it was.
“Jules, are you listening to all of this?” Margaret asked.
Holly cried out so loudly; that someone outside would have heard.
“Jules, are you listening now?”
“Yes, leave her alone you bitch. If you want someone to hurt, try me…you’re not fit to be called a human being. You would rather be with me, and you know it. Leave her alone.”
There was a loud rattling of chains, and I couldn’t tell if it was Jules’ or Holly’s. Holly’s loud and continuous screams answered the question. Then things went quiet for a few seconds.
“You’re right Jules; I would rather be with you. However, I need you to understand how much pain I can dish out to this lovely woman, if you aren’t responsive to my needs. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand,” Jules immediately responded. “Now leave her alone.”
“Scott, do you understand?”
“Nils, do you also?”
Paul was still recovering from his recent ordeal. Why bother him. Margaret had already mapped out her strategy for tomorrow, and she knew what she was about to do tonight. She bent over Holly and licked the tears away. “Thanks Holly, I really enjoyed that. Did you?”
Holly didn’t answer her, and Margaret lost her temper and slapped her repeatedly. “Did you?”
“That’s a good girl. I like a fast truthful answer.” Margaret slipped off the bed and headed to the cell door. She had much to think about now. She remembered Mike Miller’s name. He was with the group that saved Scott and Mercedes, causing her to execute her backup plan. She knew who he was before getting answers from Scott, but she wanted to see if Scott was trained yet or not. Holly was just a tool…or maybe, if she was honest with herself, something a little more. She had the men right where she wanted them…I couldn’t have planned this any better. Now, I need to make a phone call, and then who will be first when I return?
Tomorrow, I may have another redhead to add to my gathering. The big question is—what will Scott do to protect her? Maybe Holly needs to check out the inside of a dive cage very soon. Decisions…I just love them.
Chapter 73
Margaret waved to me as she walked by my cell. I was sorry she had mistreated Holly. Neither Jules, nor I, wanted Holly to be hurt. I wondered if Margaret was out of ear shot.
“Holly, are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” she answered quickly. “There’s no permanent damage, but I would sure like to meet her under different circumstances—it wouldn’t be pretty. What do you think she’s going to do now that she knows Mike’s here?”
“I don’t know how she found out, unless that phone ringing was Mike on the line. We better be quiet, she’s liable to hear us.”
Jules broke the silence that followed. “Holly, I’m sorry you’re in this situation.”
Holly replied, “I’m the one who got you into this situation. If we get out of here, I’ll make it up to you.”
“We’ll get out…somehow,” Jules replied.
We stopped talking waiting for the crazy one to come back. I couldn’t help thinking about Mercedes. Now that Margaret knew who Mike was, would he and Mercedes be caught in a trap? If Mercedes was in Holly’s cell, what would I do to protect her? Does it matter? We’re probably not going to make it out of here alive anyway. So, what does Mike have planned?
I closed my eyes, remembered being stranded with Mercedes in the cabin. I recalled being faithful to Lisa, but it was the toughest thing I ever had to do. I felt sorry for Mercedes, she looked so strong and in control, but on the inside she was just the opposite. Then the first night we actually spent together…it was incredible…she was incredible. I could feel my heart pumping just thinking about her now.
Please God, don’t let anything happen to her. I continued that into a prayer for her life, and offered myself in her place. I knew if I got out of here what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Maybe that’s what happens when you see the end near…this is the second time I was facing my end.
“Hi Scott, a penny for your thoughts?” Margaret asked, as she entered my cell.
I didn’t answer her because it was none of her business. I thought of the coin, Mrs. Abbott gave me, wondering how in the hell was I going to make this a ‘heads up’ kind of day. I never saw her hand move, but felt my stomach turn. I tried to catch my breath, and then felt another low blow.
“Scott, I’m not a fighter…I’m a lover. I would much rather put those parts to better use. Now, I’m asking you again…what are you thinking about?”
I forced out an answer, “I’m trying to think of a way to get out of here.”
“Now, that’s my Scott. A nice quick, honest answer. However, you can forget about getting out of here—well, not alive anyway. With any luck, that will be weeks, if not months. The timing depends on many things, but mostly your behavior.” She kissed my recently tender parts. “I think you could use some time to recover, and there are other ways I can entertain myself.”
She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I want you to think of this while I’m across the hall…if you are not one-hundred percent a lover when I come back…well, Holly will have some very unfortunate permanent scars because of it. Let’s just say she won’t be that attractive in bed anymore.” She moved her head. “Besides Scott, you know I get my way sooner or later…why fight it. Remember, you hold her fate in your hands…while I hold yours.”
I wasn’t going to give her the benefit of crying out, but she could easily tell I was in pain.
“Scott, I’ve waited years for your return. I can wait a few more hours to fulfill my fantasy. It will just heighten the experience when it happens. Let me make things perfectly clear to you. Your survival depends upon your behavior…the two men who I killed right here, and one in this very bed, either forgot the importance of that equation, or they didn’t care any longer. You don’t have just yourself to worry about, so give that some thought when I
come back. I know you will miss me…I want you to miss me for the right reasons.”
She finally left. It was cool in the room, but the sweat was running down the sides of my face. She’s not inclined to kill me, but she will if the mood strikes her. I believe she is capable of not only killing me, but carrying out her threats on Holly. Some of the early studies of victim behavior were coming back to me. I knew I wanted to survive. I didn’t want Holly to suffer needlessly for something that was going to happen eventually. I had to get into survival mode, which was my best hope of living and protecting Holly.
It wasn’t long before I heard noises coming from one of the other cells. She’s like a farmer milking all of his cows. However, the problem I shared with the others is that she didn’t know when there wasn’t any more to give.
Mercedes mentioned she had a split personality—maybe there’s a way to provoke the change.
Chapter 74
Holly tried to block the noises coming from the other cells. Margaret was making her rounds. She was with Jules for what seemed like two hours. Then Nils for over an hour, and now she entered Scott’s cell.
Holly had expected some amount of yelling during the various visits, but strangely things were relatively quiet. A few times she heard Margaret loudly mention her name, asking if they indeed wanted her to suffer. So far, Margaret had not entered her cell. There’s good and bad news involved with that.
She could hear Margaret’s voice, but couldn’t make out what she was saying to Scott. She could only imagine what she had done with Jules, Nils and now Scott. She had heard about Nymphomaniacs. Margaret must be one of them. You would think she would stop after a while, but she just kept going and going. She needed to be stopped. She had to think of a way to stop Margaret before someone was killed. Is there anything worse…if there was; she believed Margaret might either know it, or discover it?