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Irresistibly Undeniable

Page 40

by Zoey Derrick

  I walked away ten years ago, and that’s ten years we can’t get back. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let another ten years go by without her in my life. I can’t, I won’t. It will kill me.

  Her eyes meet mine and the pieces all fall in place. The puzzle we’ve been building for sixteen years is complete. I rub both rocks in my pocket, reminded that she gave me her heart and I will never let it go.

  Chapter 68


  “Heartbeat” - Carrie Underwood

  My heart melts in my chest. He’s wearing one of my favorite outfits of his. Black jeans, dress shirt tucked in with a vest and his sleeves rolled to his elbows. His blue-violet eyes are trained on me, his look is impassive. He’s not happy or angry. He’s just staring blankly and I unfurl my arms from my chest. I give him a wink and spin around, showing off my dress and my hair. When I’m done, I stand there, staring at him for a moment before I bring my hand up, bending my finger, beckoning him closer to me. It takes a beat before his feet start to move in my direction. The impassive face starts to turn into a smile the closer he gets to me.

  Once he’s standing right in front of me I realize for the first time in my life, I’m unafraid. I’m ready. I’m willing to accept everything he can throw at me and I’m going to do it with open arms.

  “Say it,” he breathes.

  I give him a crooked smile. “Say what?” I play innocent.

  “Say my name.”

  “Dyson,” I breathe and his arms wrap tightly around me, holding me to him, lifting me off the ground, spinning me in a circle.

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Dyson Cole.”

  His lips crash into mine. Our friends and my family erupt into cheers around us, but I don’t care. I put my arms on his shoulders, clasping my hands behind his head, my eyes boring into his. “Say it,” I breathe against his lips.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, tigress.”

  “Say my name.”

  “I fucking love you, Ireland Vyolet McKidd.”

  I slam my lips against his and that’s all she wrote. My world spins as it rights itself on the axis it belongs on. Everything falls into place like it was never lost to begin with. Everything about this man is everything I have to have in my life.

  “You’re irresistible,” he says against my lips.

  “You’re undeniable,” I tell him back.

  Chapter 69


  “Love Me Again” - John Newman

  We stayed at the party a little while longer. We danced, we laughed. Dyson got to meet everyone, and I grew nervous when he was talking to Dex, Derek, and Caden for a little too long.

  “They won’t convert him, will they?” I whisper to Cotah.

  “Yes,” she says.

  “Oh shit,” I giggle. “That could be fun.”

  Cotah winks at me with a huge smile. “So, happily ever after?”

  “Almost.” I smile and go up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, my front to his back, hiding my face from the stare of the men he’s talking to. No need to give them any ideas. Maybe one day, but for now, I want my Dyson just the way he is.

  He turns in my arms, capturing my face between his hands and bringing my lips toward his. He plants a chaste, gentle kiss against my lips. “Can we go home?” I ask him.

  He cocks his head at me, “hmm, where is home?”

  “Your condo.” I reply.

  “Really? Is that so, Ms. McKidd?”

  “Yes, it’s the only place I want to be,” I tell him. It’s true, it’s honest and it’s raw. Exactly who I am. “I’m ready to start my life with you, Mr. Cole.”

  The most beautiful, gorgeous smile spreads across his lips and his eyes melt into the loving glow I’ve seen before and it makes my insides quiver. His lips press against mine again, then off, then back on, then back, I giggle and press up on my toes, getting closer to his ear. “I’m dripping wet, and not wearing any panties.”

  “Good night, guys,” he says quickly, ushering me toward the door.

  Cami is standing close by and I walk to her. Leaning over, I rest my chin on her shoulder and I wrap my hands around her, my fingers brushing her stomach. “Thank you for everything.”

  “That’s what sisters are for,” she whispers and turns her head, kissing my cheek. Then her voice goes even lower so only I can hear. “Tell him, tonight.”

  I lower my voice to match, “I will.”



  She kisses my cheek again. “Call me tomorrow.”

  “Ready?” Dyson’s impatience gets the better of him.

  I release Cami. “On second thought, call me on Sunday,” she laughs and Dyson escorts me out of the bar toward his Tesla.

  When we get there, he spins me around, pressing me up against it, pinning me with my back to the car and his hands roam up my body. “I don’t think we’re going to make it home.”

  His lips claim mine again and I moan into his mouth. I know what he’s thinking about. I’m not wearing any panties and it would be so easy. I pull back and tell him, “Ten years ago, you left me in a puddle of tears because my heart was broken, shattered into a million tiny pieces after you took my virginity in a barn.” I smile. “The least you can do is celebrate our anniversary in a bed, or up against a wall, or…”

  He kisses me again, this time harder, more desperate than any kiss before this one. He rips himself away from me, and he opens the passenger door. “Get in before I bend you over the hood.”

  “Oh,” I squeak and slide onto the leather seat and he walks around the car. Despite his attempts at hiding it, the bulge in his pants is real and I can see it. I lick my lips in anticipation of whatever he has in store for me when we get home.

  He slides onto the seat next to me and he slides his fingers between mine. Holding my hand. I look at our joined hands; the current flying between us is unmistakable. God, I missed this. I sigh a happy contented sigh and his eyes meet mine as he starts the car. “When did you get home?” he asks me.

  “Cami and I drove back to Phoenix and got here late on Tuesday.”

  “And you made me wait until tonight to see you?” He cocks an eyebrow before pulling out onto Highway Sixty, headed toward his house.

  “I wanted to put us on neutral ground. I was afraid of what would happen if I came to your condo. I didn’t want to feel like I was pressuring you,” I tell him, and it’s the truth.

  “I only stayed away because you asked me to. It killed me a little everyday, but I knew if I could give you what you needed, without knowing what that was, someday you would come back. Though my ability to stay away was falling to pieces.” His voice is so honest and sincere. “If you hadn’t been there tonight, I would have been in Joplin by morning.”

  I smile at that. “I would have liked that,” I tell him. “But, up until Cami showed up, I don’t think I would have let you in. She opened my eyes to a lot of things, but most importantly, to what I wasn’t seeing when it came to you and us.” I sigh. “If she hadn’t come to me, I wouldn’t have come home yet.”

  I feel his hand tighten and the atmosphere shifts around us. “I hadn’t figured out how to process everything. I was so mad at my mother for what she did, for keeping my father away, for holding out on me, never telling me, but it took a lot of tears, a lot of very trying days and a lot of reading of her old letters before I finally understood. She was never mad at my father for leaving her. She was only ever happy to have me. Dusty and I were all she ever wanted and she had that. She had her all, no matter what the price was and I wouldn’t change it. Not for a second.” I squeeze his fingers in mine and he relaxes. “The truth is, I honestly don’t know how things would have been if I’d had Bobby in my life growing up. But I learned through Cami that everything he did, he did to protect his children. All of them.” A tear slides down my face. “Someday I do hope to meet him.”

  “And what about everything else?” he asks.<
br />
  “Did you read my letter?”

  “I did,” he tells me.

  “Well, I meant what I said. I didn’t run away from you because of Tigress. Please understand that, Dyson. I ran because of everything. Because I was forced to face the reality that my mother lied to me, or rather never admitted anything about my father to me and I had to hear it from someone I’d never even met. Coupled with the fact I’d already felt betrayed by her when she left me out of her will and then finding out that wasn’t the only thing I was left out of. I never got to hear the words from her, instead, I had to read them, and I had to know. I’d gone to Vancouver because I wanted to just get away, face something different. Froze my ass off, then Dusty called and his daughter was born, so I ran to Chicago. I stayed there for three days and my brother was going out of his mind because I couldn’t and wouldn’t tell him what was going on. From there, I drove to Joplin intent on finding the answers I needed and little did I know, the letter the attorney had given me had told me where to find them. But after three weeks of cleaning, painting, doing some refurnishing of the entire house, I made it into my mother’s room. It was there I found a box that contained all the answers. It still took me finishing her room before I could bring myself to open anything. I couldn’t have done that with you. You would have pushed me to open it before I was ready and I didn’t want that.”

  He gives me a sad smile as he pulls into his garage. “I’m sorry you felt I would have pushed you that way.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for, Dyson, it was just how I needed to handle things. On my own terms. Being here would have been a constant reminder of what I needed to do, and I couldn’t do that to myself. I think it would have destroyed me beyond repair.” I smile at him. “But I never stopped caring about you, loving you. God, I was so scared you weren’t going to come tonight. I saw you, in your room, looking out the window as the limo drove off.”

  “You were in the limo?”

  I laugh. “I was. I begged you to come tonight.”

  “Huh,” he huffs as he turns off the car. “It wasn’t until I saw that limo that I made my decision to go.”

  I smile at him. “I guess we have a knack for communicating with each other.” I laugh again, “Like my other little hint?”

  “What hint?” He asks.

  I turn toward my left, looking back at the blue Nissan Rogue parked behind his Murano, “That’s yours?” he asks with a little excitement.

  I nod, the smile doesn’t leave my face but I shrug. “Cami’s driveway was full.”

  He snorts. “I figured someone told whoever to park over here. I didn’t mind, but I didn’t see it ‘til I went to get in the Nissan and go to the bar only to realize it wasn’t moving.”

  I snicker, “I know.” I wink and move to climb out of the car. His hand still in mine stops me.

  “That’s my job,” he winks and climbs out of the car, coming around to open my door and help me out.

  He leads me into the house through the second floor. We pass by Byron’s room and he calls, “Welcome back, Ms. McKidd.”

  I giggle. “Thank you, Byron,” I say as Dyson ushers me quickly up the stairs to the living room.

  “You want a drink?”

  I shake my head, then pull out the clip and the rubber band holding my hair in place and let it fall down around my face. His eyes grow hooded as he watches me. I reach under my arm for the zipper of my dress and slowly slide it down. “Upstairs,” he says in a tone I can’t ignore, so I kick off my shoes and go running toward the stairs. When I get to the top, I finish with the zipper and my dress falls away from my body and I hear his intake of breath as he takes in my naked backside. “God, I fucking missed you,” he breathes and I look at him over my shoulder and beckon him to me once again with the bend of my finger as I walk toward the bed and crawl on top of it, literally, like a cat, until I’m up at the pillows and I lay down on my side, hitching my leg up. Giving him a glimpse of my sex, and one of the tits he loves so much. His eyes darken and narrow. He’s scrutinizing my body and this is how I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get away without telling him tonight.

  “You’re, Jesus, VeeVee, you’re glowing.” I smile wide at him. “There’s something different about you.”

  I just nod, my voice on vacation as I watch him watching me, mindlessly shedding his clothes as he does, but I don’t move, I just watch.

  He slides down his jeans and boxer briefs, freeing his cock and my mouth waters. My sex heats and clenches around nothing and I writhe on the bed, begging him to come to me.

  He does.

  He climbs on the bed, straddling my straightened leg so I can feel his cock against my sex, I shiver. My nipples harden. There’s a new kind of ache in them and I know why, but it’s not entirely unpleasant, just different.

  He brings his lips down to mine, kissing me senseless. It only takes a moment before my mind is swimming and my body is on fire for him. His hand comes to my bent leg, grabbing me behind the knee. He starts to lift it and pulls his kiss from my lips as he unfurls me on the bed. His eyes never leave mine.

  His lips press against mine, his cock slides along my sex and he adjusts himself so both his legs are between mine before kissing down my jaw, down my neck, then across my shoulder until he finds a nipple and pulls it into his mouth. The sensation is an overwhelming mix of pain and pleasure and I cry out as his tongue flicks relentlessly against it.

  He releases it with a pop before licking, kissing and sucking his way to the other one. The same spike of pain and pleasure ignites anew and my pussy clenches.

  I want him inside of me, but I have to give him this chance, allow him the chance to worship my body. His mouth releases my breast and he starts kissing and licking his way down my body. I’m still wearing my belly button ring so he stops and flicks it, tugging on it. Then he starts kissing a perfectly straight line down my stomach, right over our baby and my eyes water, I can’t help it. He doesn’t know, but it… god, please let him be okay with this. I will break apart forever if he doesn’t.

  “VeeVee,” he says, his tone accusatory. I find strength to open my eyes and search for his, but they’re not looking at mine, they’re seeing the faint, yet notable brown line he was just kissing along. “What’s this?” he questions. His voice is soft, gentle.

  His eyes meet my tear filled ones and I unload. “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t, I was on birth control. I… I was on the shot, but…apparently I was at the end of my shot cycle and…” He comes up my body quickly and puts his face close to mine. Tears are flowing down my face. “I’m sorry. I know we talked about it, but…”

  “You’re pregnant?” he interrupts my babbling. That soft, velvet filled voice has me nodding instead of answering. “Truly?” I nod again then watch the proudest, smile spread across his face. “Really?” he breathes.

  “Really.” I find my voice.

  “And you’re okay with this?” he asks. I nod, then his arms slide under my shoulders and he’s burying his head in my hair, in my neck, holding on to me for dear life. “It’s too soon. It’s... god, VeeVee, truly? This is really happening?”

  “Yes, it is,” I tell him.

  That’s when I feel it. The silent shaking of his chest and the gentle huffs of breath as he starts crying into my hair. I wrap my arms and legs around him, holding on to him for dear life. After a moment, he pulls back, his eyes red. “I’m going to make love to you now,” he breathes, only releasing me a little so he can adjust himself, and line himself up with my entrance which clenches in anticipation of him sliding home, where I desperately need him.

  When he does, my entire world rights itself further. He loves me, I love him. He’s accepting our new path. He’s making love to me.

  He calls me irresistible, I call him undeniable. Together we are irresistibly undeniable. Everything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life is right here, right now, in my arms and inside my body.

  Happy tears streak down my cheeks and he kisses each on
e of them away, soaking up my sobs as he makes sweet love to me. My orgasm rushes to the surface faster than I could have ever imagined possible as he gently pushes in and out of me. “Oh god.” I throw my head back as my orgasm consumes me. I scream out his name as I topple over the edge. His release follows mine.

  As our breathing settles, his eyes stare into mine. “This is what I should have been doing ten years ago,” he whispers. “Instead, I was a mess. I hurt you so bad and I realized I shouldn’t have, that I was a complete and total dick for what I did. Now look at us.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I tell him, my statement full of truth and the most brutal honesty I can muster. “Are you sure? Like really sure this is what you want?” He releases me and slides down my body, his face coming to rest below my belly button.

  “I always knew I wanted kids, but I only ever wanted them with you. So yes, Ireland, this is what I want.” He kisses me gently above my pelvic bone before climbing back over me. “I knew something was different about you.” He flicks a tongue across my nipple. “My favorite toy is darker, fuller even.”

  “I knew the minute you got me naked, you’d know,” I tease him.

  “I did, but I didn’t. I didn’t know what to think. I kept thinking it couldn’t be possible, but with you, anything is possible,” he breathes before claiming my lips and then pulling back again.

  “I love you, VeeVee.”

  “I love you, Dyson.”

  Chapter 70


  “Dancing In The Dark” - Mat Kearney

  Ireland I spent the next month in bed. Okay, not literally, well, maybe a little. I took a hiatus from work, though I still had to work some days, I kept it as short as possible. I couldn’t stand to be away from her for more than a couple of hours.


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