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Hitman's Journey Back in Time

Page 9

by Joshua Schank

“Not really sure what to think at this point,” said Ben.

  As they walked into the building, Ben noticed there’s no carpet, just wooden floors. The room is the size of a typical bedroom. There is a huge guy carrying a shotgun. His name is Paul.

  “Who is this?” Paul asked.

  “Relax. This is the man that the boss wants to hire,” Jack said.

  “Ok, but I have to inspect him to make sure that he’s not carrying any weapons,” said Paul.

  Paul sat the shotgun down and walked over to Ben. He patted Ben down from his shirt to his pants. He pulled a pocket knife out of Ben’s pocket.

  “Well, what do we have here?” Paul asked, taunting Ben. Paul lifted a blade and then closed it.

  “I brought that just in case, he (Ben pointing at Jack) turned out to be a psycho,” said Ben.

  Paul laughed. “You can keep the knife. I only had to make sure you weren’t carrying any guns into the boss’s office. We can’t have you carrying around a gun around here until we can trust you,” said Paul. Paul then put the pocket knife back into Ben’s pocket.

  Paul points to the far right corner. You two may go in. At first glance the room looks like it’s the only room, but as Jack and Ben get closer to the corner there is a small hinge that turns and opens into a small dark trail.

  “What the fuck?” Ben asks.

  “You haven’t seen nothing yet, kid,” said Jack.

  They walked through the trail, very slowly as their bodies barely fit through.

  “How do people that weigh a lot get through this?” Ben asked Jack.

  “Well, if they have a high ranking here, they can get through on the other side of the building where the Boss’s office is,” said Jack. “I guess that eliminates any fat people from getting a chance.”

  “Why is this trail set up this way?” Ben asked.

  “Obvious reasons, in case we have unwanted company,” said Jack.

  After several minutes, they came upon a huge door. Jack walks up to the door and knocks.

  They heard a voice say, “Who is it?” This was the mob boss’s voice.

  “It’s Jack, I got good news. I brought Ben,” said Jack.

  The mob boss’s name is Henry. He yells at his right handed man “William.”

  “Unlock the door, so they can get in!” Henry shouts at William.

  After William opens the door, Ben and Jack step in.

  “Come here, Ben. Jack, you can take off,” said Henry.

  As Jack is leaving, he turns back as he’s just about out the door. “I hope he works out for you.”

  Jack then goes through the door, and William shuts and locks it.

  Henry stares at Ben for several seconds as if sizing him up.

  “Have a seat,” said Henry.

  Henry pulls out a cigar and lights it up while Ben gets comfortable in the chair across from him.

  “So, what do you think?” Henry asks.

  “To be honest, I thought that this was some type of joke. I’m still not completely sure what to think at this point,” said Ben.

  “So, do you want to be a hitman?” Henry asks.

  “To be honest, I’m not really sure. Why was I chosen?” Ben asked.

  Henry swings back in his chair and laughs.

  “I know all about you, my boy. I’ve had people tracking you down for a long time. I know all about your past, your time in the Army. I know everything,” said Henry.

  “How is that possible?” Ben asked.

  “Let’s just say, I have connections. I’ve talked to many people that you either worked with in the Army or who knew you. They had nothing but good things to say. The one thing I liked most that I heard was that you were loyal,” said Henry.

  “Being loyal doesn’t make me a killer,” said Ben.

  “No, I guess it doesn’t, does it. But everything I’ve heard about you, makes me believe ‘you’ have it in you,” said Henry.

  “Well, to be honest, I fantasize about killing people all the time, not ordinary people but people that have done very cruel things,” said Ben.

  Henry grows a huge smile.

  “Well, if killing very dangerous men overseas isn’t your fancy, it just so happens that we need someone to kill the ‘garbage’ in our society. Now, it doesn’t pay much, but we do need someone,” said Henry.

  “How much are we talking about?” Ben asked.

  “$100,000, half of it up front,” said Henry.

  “Can I take some time to think about it?” Ben asked.

  “What is it that you do?” Henry asked.

  “I’m sure you already know what I do, but to answer your question I work as a gas station attendant,” said Ben.

  “And, how much do you make an hour there?” Henry asked.

  “4.25 an hour. It’s not much, but it’s the going rate for minimum wage,” said Ben.

  Henry bursts out laughing almost falling off of his chair.

  “So, what is there to think about?” Henry asked.

  Ben seemed offended and liked the challenge.

  “I’ll take the job,” said Ben.

  “That a boy,” said Henry. “I do need to go over one more thing with you. I do trust that you are loyal. I, however, have to go over with everyone that ever walks through those doors. If you ever tell anyone about ‘us’ or this place, we will not only come after you, but we will hunt down your entire family. Even if the cops get to us before we can come after you and your family, we have many more places than just this building. There are many of ‘us’ in other buildings throughout this state and in many others,” said Henry.

  Ben gave Henry a dirty look. Ben understood that Henry was just trying to protect his people and place of business. Henry burst out laughing.

  “I had you going. You should have seen the look on your face,” said Henry. “Now, don’t get me wrong, those things will surely happen if you became a rat, but I know in my hearts of hearts that isn’t the case with you. You are free to go. My secretary, Sara, will send you all the details in a few days for your first ‘hit.’ ”

  “What kind of details?” Ben asked.

  “A photograph, what the man is guilty of, where he’s located at. Those kinds of things. You may go,” said Henry.

  Ben walks over to the door as William unlocks it and opens it for him.

  “Oh, one last thing, if you vanish with my money… Well, I don’t think I need to explain what happens to you,” said Henry.

  “Trust me, that won’t be a problem,” said Ben.

  “I know it won’t. I know enough about you that you wouldn’t do something like that. As I mentioned, it’s standard procedure that I warn you,” said Henry.

  Chapter 11

  Ben opens up a package that came in the mail. In the package contains many documents and photographs. One of the photographs is of an overweight man with dark hair and black glasses. The man appears to be in his early fifties. The man has a big scar on his left cheek. Underneath the picture his name appears “Ken Lanshore.” There were other pictures of Lanshore. One of the pictures has him in the driver’s seat on the bus and another has him communicating with students by the bus. Ben skimmed through the documents. One of the documents lists Lanshore as a suspect in “molestation” and “murder.” On another document four boys’ photographs were glued on the bottom of it. On top of each photograph the kid’s name were given. From left to right were: “Steven, Sam, Beth, and Chris.” Underneath all the pictures, it says, “All four kids are missing and presumed to be dead.” Ben flipped to the next page. Three pictures were on the page. From left to right the names written above them were: “Karen, Amanda, and Darren.” Underneath the three pictures it’s written: “These three bodies have been found. All three kids were sexually penetrated as well as beaten physically.” On another document there is a line in all capital letters that read: “KEN LANSHORE- BUS DRIVER OF WILLIAM BLACKSTONE ELEMENTARY.” Ben went through all the documents and isn’t 100 percent convinced that this man is guilty of anything.<
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  Ben gets up and grabs the phone as he reaches into his pocket to pull out Jack’s business card.

  “Jack, this is Ben.”

  “What can I do for you? You’re not thinking about backing out are you?” Jack asked.

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I don’t think I have enough information here to give the man a death sentence,” said Ben.

  “Listen, Ben, trust me when I tell you, you are dealing with real professionals. These people know as much if not more than the cops. They wouldn’t assign you to do this if they had any doubt at all that the man or woman in question was innocent,” said Jack.

  “Is it possible that I can talk to Henry or someone else?” Ben asked.

  “No, they will not want to talk to you until you have done your job. I’ll give you Henry’s number after you’ve done the job. He only wants to deal with real killers. I have to go now. Good luck to you, Ben,” said Jack.

  Ben walked over to the package. Other contents included a plane ticket to Boston, Massachusetts and a check for $50,000. Another package read: “All items will be reimbursed to you, such as rental cars, hotel rooms, and hospital charges.”

  Ben walked up to the car “Thrift” rental place to rent a car at the airport in Boston, Massachusetts. Ben is greeted by a man wearing a red company shirt.

  “Hello there, can I interest you in a car rental?” The greeter whose name tag said “Shawn” asked.

  “Yes, you can. I’m looking for something nice,” said Ben.

  The associate grabbed a pamphlet and showed Ben many pictures of cars, with the name of the make and model underneath the car’s picture. After looking for several seconds, Ben pointed at a 1996 BMW Series Convertible.

  “How long would you like the car?” Shawn asked.

  Ben hesitated. He put his hands to his chin wondering to himself if three days is not only enough time to find the child killer but to kill the sick bastard as well.

  “We will go with two weeks,” said Ben. Ben figured it probably wouldn’t take anywhere near that long to finish the job, but Ben figured he could use the extra time for “sight-seeing.”

  Shawn clicked at the computer for several minutes. “That will run you $654.33.”

  Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out six $100 bills, a $50 bill, as well as a $5 bill. Ben handed the associate the money.

  The associate sat the keys on the table in front of Ben. The keys had a keyless entry system with them. “$.67 is your change,” said Shawn as he reached out his hand to give Ben the change, only to discover Ben and the keys had already vanished. Shawn walked from behind the counter to look for Ben, only to see he was nowhere to be found. The associate should his head and pocketed the change.

  Ben carried a bag as he walked down the hotel stairs and then began walking down the hallway that led to the entrance/exit doors. Ben stopped with the front desk receptionist to pick up his mail. An attractive red headed desk receptionist in her late twenties made her acquaintance.

  “Good morning! Did you have a good stay?”

  “Yes, I did, ma’am. I’m actually here another week,” said Ben.

  “Oh, please, don’t call me ma’am. Way too young for that,” the girl said giggling.

  Ben laughed back. “Yeah, I just came by to pick up a package. You called my room about a half hour ago or so.”

  The girl smiled and went into a back room. She came back a few minutes later with a box in her hands.

  “Here you go. So, what are you up to on this fine Monday?”

  “Just in town to visit my sick grandparents,” said Ben lying.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” said the front desk receptionist.

  Ben could tell by the way she was engaging in the conversation, and the way she was carrying herself that Ben knew she was hitting on him, and he really didn’t have time for romance.

  “No, it’s ok. But I really have to get going,” said Ben.

  The front desk receptionist waved Ben good-bye with a big smile on her face.

  Ben stared out his driver’s side window as he waited in the drive-thru at McDonald’s. A minivan is in front of him ordering. In the front seat were two parents, and in the back there were several children.

  Ben pulled up to the drive-thru speakers as the vehicle in front of him was making its way out of the parking lot.

  “Can I take your order?” A McDonald’s employee asked.

  “Yes, I would like the number one, with a medium drink,” said Ben.

  “Is coke fine, sir?” The McDonald’s employee asked.

  “Yes, that’s fine, “said Ben.

  “That will be $5.49 at the second window,” said the McDonald’s employee.

  Ben pulled up to the second drive-thru window and is greeted by a chubby red headed girl that appeared to be no older than sixteen-years-old.

  “$5.49,” said the McDonald’s employee as Ben is digging in his pockets for money. Ben pulled out a $5 bill and two quarters. He then handed it to the employee.

  “There you go, and keep the change,” said Ben.

  The girl at the counter grabbed a medium fry, a Big Mac from the bin, and poured a medium coke. She then opened the drive-thru window and gave Ben the bag of food as well as his drink.

  “Thank you, and please come again,” said the chubby red headed McDonald’s employee to Ben.

  As Ben pulled away from the drive-thru window and headed out of the parking lot, he grabbed the Big Mac out of his bag and took a bite. He then said to himself “I got a lot to take care of today.” He said this while admiring his Top hat in his rearview mirror.

  Ben parked his car across the street from the elementary school. Ben opened the glove box in the car and pulled out the pages of the bus driver that was mailed to him. Ben looked over the photos, occasionally looking up at the school to see if any kids were coming out. Ben decided to start the car and pull into the school parking lot. Ben drove up to where the buses were located. He began looking at the buses and trying to see if he could see the bus drivers.

  Ben parked the car in the parking lot. Ben tore the tape off and opened the box seated on the passenger seat that was given to him by the hotel receptionist. There lay a Smith & Wesson in bubble wrap. He took the wrap off and threw it on the floor. There were bullets in a little container next to it. Ben sat the gun back in the box and closed the top of it, so no one that passed his car walking by would notice the gun.

  Ben decided to get out of the car. He noticed other cars waiting, whom were likely parents waiting for their kids to come out. Ben took off his hat and straightened up his suit as he got out of the car. Ben walked up to the buses hoping to appear more of a parent than a man on a mission.

  Children began storming out of the classroom doors on all sides of the building. Ben noticed in the first bus he came to that a very tall slender man is the driver. Ben walked over to the second bus and seen a vastly overweight woman probably in her late forties. Ben was about to look into the third bus in the row when he heard a voice. The voice is his target “Ken.” It was the third bus in the second row. Ben watched as Ken talked to a student named Brian.

  “How are you doing today, Brian?” Ken asked.

  “I’m doing good, Mr. Lanshore,” said Brian.

  “Well, how did you on the test you had today?” Ken asked.

  “I don’t think I did too well,” said Brian looking down disappointed.

  “It’s ok, you will get them next time,” said Ken.

  Ken looked down at his watch. “C’mon, Brian, get onto the bus. We got to get going.”

  Brian got into the bus. Ken looked around before getting into the bus and noticed a man (Ben) staring at him. Ken just shook his head and said “What a strange man,” quietly to himself as he got on the bus.

  Ben quickly got back into his car and waited for the bus to leave so he could follow it. The parking lot became flooded. As Ben is leaving the school parking lot, he found himself three cars behind Ken’s bus. Ken’s bus turned on
to Boriken Street, Ben made a left turn still in pursuit. The bus came to stop letting out the three kids (two boys and one girl). The bus closed its stop sign and went back into motion.

  The bus now makes a turn onto Aguadilla Street. Ben follows closely, as no cars are in front of him any longer. The bus comes to a quick stop and forces Ben to come to a slam on his brakes. Ben goes through the papers as he watches several students getting off the bus. He comes to a page that is written: “Ken Lanshore’s address is 156 Malden Street.” Ben decides to no longer follow the bus. He wanted to follow the bus because he wanted for one, to make sure Ken didn’t kill any more children and two, he felt like his best chance to kill Ken may be when Ken is returning the bus. His thought process is very few people if any will be around. Ben began to think he may have better odds of just killing Ken at home, as he didn’t know if the school had any cameras monitoring its parking lot.

  Ben turns to the nearest alley and grabs the stack of papers to find the map of Boston, Massachusetts. The year is 1997, so GPS devices still didn’t have maps installed on them. According to the map, Ben would need to get back on Tremont, which is the street that Ben started out on (the street that the school is on). He would then have to get on Dedham Street. Dedham Street would then become Monsignor Reynolds Way. Monsignor Reynolds way would then become Malden Street. Ken’s address is 156 Malden Street. It appears to be about a half mile away. Ben puts the car back in “drive” and heads to Ken’s place.

  Ben is parked in front of Ken’s home. Ben looks around at the nearby homes. He doesn’t notice anyone outside. The neighborhood is full of very nice and expensive looking houses. Ben reaches into his right pocket and pulls out a pair of leather gloves. Ben then puts the pair of gloves on. Ben reopens the box that is sitting on the passenger seat. Ben grabs his Smith & Wesson, puts it in his pants under his back and makes his way to Ken’s porch. The house looks nice, but the porch looks like it needs painted, as the blue color is chipped all over. Ben opens the screen door. Ben pulls out a puck and tension wrench and begins trying to pick the lock to the front door of the house. Ben hears a car and steps away. The car goes by and then Ben proceeds, as the car is now a half mile down the road. After several excruciating minutes, Ben is able to pick it. He walks in and closes both doors. He leaves the screen door unlocked and makes sure to lock the front door. He wants it to be the same before he broke in. He has no idea how long Ken will be gone.


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