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Tangled Redemption

Page 3

by Tina Christopher

  Sydney counted her breaths.

  “Then why am I here?” Marissa stepped beside her, her shoulder knocking into Sydney’s.

  For a second Sydney didn’t understand why the human had drawn attention to herself until she realized it gave her a moment to gather her wits. She widened her stance slightly, standing taller. She would not allow Marissa to sacrifice herself.

  Zwelenki didn’t take his eyes off Sydney. “I have no idea why my time is being wasted with your presence, Food, but we can fix that.” He snapped his fingers and one of the men rose. He was built like a tank and covered in scars. “Take the food away and make her shut up.”

  Sydney tensed, ready to fight.

  “No.” Calatrave’s deep voice echoed through the room. Everyone stopped as he strode in.

  Some of the tension in her shoulders eased, but heaviness grew between her legs. She cursed her inappropriate response and struggled to wrangle her body back under control.

  “No?” The edge in Zwelenki’s question cut like a knife.

  It didn’t seem to bother Calatrave in the least. “We are a business. We lost a whole shipment due to the human idiot and the morons the Vampire Council sent to stop us. She,” he pointed at Marissa, “is all we have to sell, so she will go to her new owners unharmed and unspoiled.” He poured himself a cup of coffee, its scent filling the room. “If you’re in need of sustenance or play, go to the pen.”

  On the one hand Sydney was grateful that he protected Marissa, but the lack of concern behind his words about the monster torturing or killing a human made her want to scream. Instead she waited for Zwelenki’s response.

  The lead Feral tapped his chin and studied Calatrave for a minute. The silence stretched and stretched. Then he nodded. “Good thinking, Miguel. Thank goodness I have you to protect my bottom line.”

  Sydney wasn’t sure, but she thought sarcasm colored his voice. His words definitely carried an edge.

  “You have a buyer already?”

  “Yes. Two of them.”

  “Oh, the Dynamic Duo is back for more?”

  Calatrave nodded.

  Zwelenki laughed. “Delightful.” He turned to Marissa. “Food, you have no idea what’s in store for you. Those two go through slaves like they’re going out of fashion.”

  Marissa swallowed. “Then it will be even more satisfying to bring them to justice.”

  Zwelenki’s gaze narrowed, his neck corded and his nostrils flared. “Be careful, Food, or I will ensure you don’t have a tongue when you meet your new owners.”

  Sydney stepped forward until she covered the human and the monster saw only her. “Why am I here?”

  His emotionless eyes made her shiver. “For my personal entertainment.”

  Jayden Maywater mentally cursed in every language he could think of as he studied the two women. Here he was, surrounded by the most high-ranking Ferals in Nasir’s House of Horrors, pretending to be as bloodthirsty as the rest of them while he waited for an opportunity to kill their leader, and who walked into the room? Sydney Radnall.

  Notification had gone out to all the operatives as soon as the kidnapping in Parvati happened. The intel had also said that Calatrave was involved, but when Jayden had asked where the Spaniard was, “dealing with a problem” had been the response. Jayden had not expected this problem to be a civilian Naema who had nearly died at the hands of her traitorous husband and then decided to join their operation to bring down the Ferals.

  The pictures he’d seen didn’t do her justice. She wasn’t traditionally beautiful. From what he’d understood after what happened to her she’d spent half her time training with the guys, meaning what used to be a soft body was now tight and very, very fit. The rest of the time she dug through numbers and financials in an attempt to give them a way to track down the Vampires involved in the blood slave trafficking ring, either as a smuggler or a buyer. Her very short blonde hair framed an arresting face and her blazing eyes reminded him of the water off a sun-filled beach.

  She maintained a good façade, but as a senator’s daughter she’d have been trained from an early age not to show emotions. He would try to get the details of the human’s new owners and pass it on to Duncan and Tanasha, but his focus was Sydney. Her skill at dismantling Zwelenki’s financial empire was unmatched. It was as if she had a power linked to numbers. Even if he managed to kill Zwelenki, unless all his money was gone or inaccessible his lieutenants could continue their operation.

  Especially if the Spaniard played on their team.

  He studied Calatrave from under his lids. Jayden had been undercover with Zwelenki’s nightmare academy for nearly nine months, but he still had no clue where the other Vampire stood.

  No matter. His mission objective required adjustments.

  Now he just had to see how he was going to pull it off.

  Nasir was in an effusive mood, but that could change at the drop of a hat, especially if Sydney continued to defy him. If their fearless leader’s goal wasn’t the total destruction of the Vampire-Human peace and with that the existing governments of the galaxy, Jayden could have admired his tireless ambition. Nasir followed his goals with no interruption or permission for mistakes.

  Jayden had seen him kill men and women working for him without hesitation or compunction. The first couple of times he’d thought Nasir was insane to just kill the people who kept all the wheels turning. But Nasir had a far better understanding of the running of his empire than any high-flying CEO Jayden had ever seen. He knew exactly who to choose to replace the people who had made mistakes. Usually things turned out running more efficiently and effectively than before.

  Until something else happened and another replacement came along.

  “I don’t make good entertainment.” Sydney’s challenge echoed through the room.

  Nasir laughed. “Quite to the contrary, I haven’t been this happy in a very long time. You are the only person I know in this galaxy that comes close to matching my skill with numbers. Now I have you, no one else will be able to trace my enterprise.” He sat back in his chair. “We really should sit down and talk about our investment strategies. We might learn from each other.”

  Her look made it clear what she thought of that suggestion. “I left easy-to-follow details behind. My friends will be able to continue my work.”

  His smile disappeared. “Don’t lie to me. You traveled to Parvati to investigate my connection to the human who supplied us with food. I am impressed. No one has ever come close to putting us together.” He shrugged. “But you left nothing behind because you didn’t trust your own judgment after your husband played you like a beginner’s tutorial for StarNet.”

  Jayden only saw the flinch because he watched her so closely. Going by Zwelenki’s satisfied smirk he’d also seen it. His good mood restored, he walked up to the Naema and circled her like she was a curiosity. Jayden prepared himself to respond at any moment.

  “Now, I admire your ability and skill, so I don’t really want to add you to the pen. My people can be just a tad ruthless with their food. On top of that Naema blood has that extra zing of deliciousness. What to do with you, what to do with you?”

  Jayden had a few ideas but kept his mouth shut. Zwelenki was in a funny mood, making him more unpredictable than usual.

  He stopped. “I know.” He whirled around smiling at his lieutenants. “I am surrounded by my best and brightest. We’ve made a lot of progress and are only a few days away from our biggest coup to date. You all deserve a reward.”

  Every muscle in Jayden’s body tensed. If Zwelenki didn’t give her to him he would fight any of the other lieutenants for her.

  “Well, who wants this delicious Naema as their personal slave?” He raised his hand to stop responses. “She is too valuable to just tear apart. Whoever takes her has to keep her alive.” His smile clenched Jayden’s insides. “That doesn’t mean she has to be happy about it.”

  Zwelenki wrapped his hand around Sydney’s nape. “So, who wants her?”

  “I do.”

  “I will take her.”


  “She’s mine.”

  Miguel cursed viciously inside his mind. Every single man in the room had jumped up in response to Nasir’s question.

  Why the fuck was he responding to Nasir’s sick games? He knew the bastard well enough not to get involved. He should have just stood where he was and watched the disaster play out before him. Instead he moved and opened his stupid mouth.

  And now fucking Jayden Maywater had spoken at the same time as him. Unless Nasir had some other sadistic plan, it would be between the two of them.

  He did not trust the other Vampire. Jayden was very good at making people disappear and had moved through the ranks quickly, but there was something about him that gave Miguel caution. Jayden’s background check had brought up nothing and Miguel had dug deep, very deep, going back close to five hundred years. Even the kindergarten pictures matched the background story and Jayden’s frat brothers, the ones Miguel had been able to track down, all vouched for him.

  Nasir waved everyone off except for Miguel and Jayden. “Next time you need to be faster.” They sat back down, no one daring to speak up.

  He stroked his thumb up and down Sydney’s neck as he studied the two of them. Miguel remained impassive, knowing he’d set things in motion when he spoke up. The tension between Nasir and him would come to a head.

  “Wonderful, a competition.” Nasir lifted her hand to his lips. Sydney’s arm twitched. “Honorable Radnall, two of my finest want to be your suitor. You’ve already met the Spaniard, Miguel Calatrave. Please allow me to introduce Jayden Maywater. What shall we do with them?” He turned to Miguel, still holding Sydney’s hand, something that made Miguel want to rip off his. “I have to say I’m surprised at your interest. You don’t generally snack with us.”

  “Because what you usually present as food could be sold and made a profit from. And I don’t like sloppy seconds.” He nodded to the Naema. He could not risk appearing emotionally interested in Sydney. Giving Nasir a weapon to use against him was a very, very bad idea. “With her I don’t have to worry about that.”

  “But you do. You have a competitor.” Nasir smiled.

  Miguel grimaced. “We can decide in the ring.”

  Jayden smiled and nodded. “Let’s do it.”

  The two of them were equally matched. It would come down to endurance and Miguel had not spent enough time with the other man to judge his stamina. It would be a tough match.

  “No,” Nasir stopped them. All levity had disappeared from his face. “I don’t want my lieutenants fighting over food.” The hairs on the back of Miguel’s neck rose. “You will share.”

  Miguel bit his tongue until he tasted blood. He knew he had been too blunt, too forceful with Nasir over the last few months, but he had reached a point where he no longer cared. This had now come back to bite him.

  He preferred to initiate any sharing. His leader knew that and he still would make him go through with this. Miguel could step away, leave Sydney to Jayden, but he wasn’t prepared to do so. He’d been sexually active for more than a millennium. There was nothing he hadn’t tried at least once, including loving men. He enjoyed it but had never found a man who could fulfill him to same extent a woman did.

  He met Jayden’s gaze. The other Vampire had risen and stood tall, his hazel eyes filled with heat and the perpetual laughter he used as a shield. He joined them in the center of the room.

  “What if I don’t want to be owned by either of them?”

  Miguel gritted his teeth and suppressed his growl. Why the Jade did the woman have to open her mouth?

  Nasir turned to her, his face impassive. “Why do you believe you have a choice?”

  She pressed her lips together but remained silent.

  “But, after this little,” he twirled his finger, “this little ménage is over, you will tell me who you want to stay with for good and I may let you.”

  Miguel stiffened and Jayden frowned.

  Nasir looked at them. “I did say that this was a competition, did I not?”

  “So just to clarify,” Jayden said. “Miguel and I take the Honorable Radnall as our pet and then she decides who she prefers?”

  “Exactly. You have three days to impress her and persuade her to choose you.” The cruel tilt to his lips as he smiled warned Miguel. “And we of course will ensure that everyone knows who was the preferred lover. You better be impressive.”

  Fucking Jade. He would have to seduce a woman scared out of her mind even if she didn’t show it. A woman who would see him take her human friend away and who knew there was no way out. He didn’t usually lack confidence in his sexuality, but this seemed like a very long shot.

  And he had to outperform another man.

  His gaze met Jayden’s. The other Vampire appeared to have come to the same conclusions.

  His lips twisted, drawing Miguel’s eyes to their fullness. To Jayden’s fair skin decorated with freckles. It should have made him look effeminate, but Miguel’s response to the other man told him that was the last thing on his mind.

  “Does it matter how we reach our goals?” Jayden asked.

  Miguel rose to his full height. What the hell was the other man planning?

  Jayden’s smile gave nothing away. He winked at Miguel.

  Nasir chuckled. “Not the slightest bit. You can do whatever you want as long as she stays alive.”

  Jayden nodded and joined the two women. Marissa flinched away when he reached her. Going by the fury burning in Sydney’s eyes she had a few things to say, but for once she had the sense to keep silent.

  Miguel took Sydney’s hand and had to grit his teeth against the shock that raced through him at the feel of her skin against his. She tugged once as if wanting to pull away, but he tightened his grip. “We have a number of things to work out. We’ll see you in three days unless anything comes up that requires us before then.”

  Nasir laughed. “I’ll ensure you have your privacy. I don’t want it to be said that you were interrupted or your opportunities were unfairly influenced.” He nodded to Marissa. “I can take care of the food if you’d like me to.”

  Miguel gestured Marissa before him and shook his head. “No, thank you. Tank just informed me he has arrived in the landing area. He will meet me at my rooms.”

  “As you wish.” Nasir addressed Sydney. “Honorable Radnall, let me reiterate, just in case you have difficulties understanding—you have no choice in this matter. If you don’t fall in line I will find out. I’ll hand you over to the masses and when the bloodlust rides them they are not a lot of fun for the victim. Do I make myself clear?”

  Sydney paled. Her hand grew clammy in his, but she managed a nod.

  Nasir smiled. “Excellent. Miguel, the next time you grab food make sure it’s not going off.” He addressed the group. “And that goes for everyone.”

  Miguel frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  The other Vampire smirked. “My food had been poisoned last night. It was slow-acting and had barely enough taste for me to sense it, but it was there.” He shrugged. “I am guessing a neurotoxin, made in the lab.”

  Miguel growled. “Why didn’t you call me? I need to know about attempts on your life if I am supposed to protect you. Even if they’re too stupid to make even a dent.”

  Nasir laughed. “Oh, this attempt wasn’t stupid. The food contained just enough poison in his body to kill me.” He grinned. “If I were an ordinary Vampire.” He shrugged and stretched out his arms. “We both know I’m invincible, so a little bit of poison isn’t going to be an issue. I’m only sharing this with you and everyone else so you can be on the lookout. You are my second-in-command. It’s not out of the question that my would-be killer comes after you.”

  Miguel nodded. “I will be careful. But don’t be so sure one day he won’t get it right.”

  Nasir picked up a cup of coffee. “Yes, Mother, I’ll be careful and look both
ways when I cross the street.”

  Miguel snarled and turned away. He walked out the door, Jayden in the lead, the human before him and Sydney at his side. Just holding her hand was as if sticking his finger into an engine core.

  He reminded himself he could not get attached or involved. Nothing could be allowed to split his focus. Not if he wanted to succeed.

  But he already found himself laying out strategies to overcome Sydney’s hesitation, her resistance, putting together ideas for how to deal with Jayden and the fact he had to send off the human before he could touch Sydney.

  He would have to see how good a strategist he really was.

  Sydney vacillated between raging anger, worry and arousal. Of all the things she had anticipated, being handed over as a toy to two of the most attractive men she had seen in a very long time had not been part of her imagination.

  And that was the problem.

  How could she even consider this? They worked for the monster, probably had done plenty of monstrous things themselves. But she had taken the time to notice the sleek lines of Calatrave’s body, the delicious package that was hidden behind just one thin layer of clothes. And then there was Jayden. There wasn’t the instant need to touch she had with Calatrave, but his body was a piece of art and she wanted to stroke and explore.

  She used to enjoy sex. At least until her beloved husband started to chew on her confidence with his little darts of criticism. How she was always so fast to come, how she didn’t know how to suck cock, how her touch was either too light or too hard. Their sex had never rocked her world, but she’d thought with time they’d get better at it. In the end it had gotten worse. She’d planned to address her concerns on her wedding night, believing both of them were looking forward to their future as husband and wife. Instead the bastard drugged her and dumped her into the cellar to use her as his own personal blood bank.

  And now she walked here, her hand in her kidnapper’s, considering having sex with him and another Feral. After watching him hand over an innocent young woman to two monsters.


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