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Valaisha Defenders

Page 4

by Lara Rose Lee

  Suddenly my mother was there and hugged me. “I am so proud of you, sweetie.” Just then a few reporters of these worlds came over to interview the winner.

  One of them happened to overhear my mother, and she suddenly asked. “Your Majesty, are you related to the winner? Marrie are you related?” She was holding a device that broadcasts these interviews instantly, so all could hear. “Also, why isn’t Queen Rayana here watching the races as it is her birthday?”

  I looked at my mother, and she sweetly smiled, “Yes to your one question. I am related to Marrie.” I could tell my mother was about to lie further and that is not who my mother is.

  I can’t let her lie for me, so I quickly took off my helmet and wig and let my hair loose. Shaking it, I said, “I wasn’t watching the races because I was in the race.”

  I could hear many gasping around me in surprise. “I raced in disguise because I didn’t want any special treatment because of who I am.” I was getting ready to walk out with my mother and said, “Now if you will all excuse us. I must get ready for my birthday celebration. See everyone there.” I waved and smiled. Then lead Selest to the stables and handed her over to the stable hand.

  My mother and I walked into the palace and was met inside by a very handsome King who lifted me into his arms and twirled me around. “You were wonderful!” He said kissing me. “I am so proud of you.”

  “It was great. I can’t wait until the next one.” I said and hugged my man. My mom stood there smiling at us when Bryden walked up and congratulated me on a good win, and Kieran came running in, “That was exciting!” she said and hugged me. “You will have to teach me so I can join in on the next race.” She said all smiles.

  “I will love to teach you,” I said as we all began walking through the palace. “I am going to go get cleaned up now. I will see you all in a bit.” I smiled and walked on towards the room I planned to get ready in.

  I heard rushing footfalls behind me, and he grabbed my waist and walked beside me. “That was an exciting race,” Galen said holding me tightly as we walked.

  “It was fun.”

  “And I did notice that moment you almost lost your balance when that one rider flew into you.” He said opening the door to the room.

  “You saw that did you?” I said walking through the door. “I did recover without falling,” I added turning to look at him.

  He closed the door and looked at me. “I did notice that too. Just call me protective of my wife, but it is my right to be.” He said as he pulled me into his arms. “You are my life, Rayna. I don’t want you hurt.”

  I hugged him tightly. “As you are my life. I do understand. Really I do.” I tiptoed to kiss him. “Now care to join me in the shower?” I said smiling sweetly at him.

  He smiled back and kissed me passionately then said, “Gladly.”

  My mother had the large courtyard decorated for the party to accommodate the many people that will be coming. Over in one corner was set up for all the gifts that are still arriving from all over and close to it was the food table with the cake. Not far from the gifts my mother set up a place for dancing.

  On the opposite side of the gifts is set up for the orchestra to play. There were tables set up around along with glowing lights for nightfall, as well as the glowing summer plants. It looks magical; my mother did a fantastic job. We had to wait until most of the guests have arrived to make our Royal entrance.

  Kristana looked beautiful in a gold gown and crown. My mother wore a lovely red gown and a golden crown with red rubies around it. As for me, I was wearing a soft blue dress and a silver crown. King Derrik and my husband looked handsome. Then there was Bryden looking fantastic in his best and Kieran was wearing a lovely green gown and a small tiara I had gifted to her.

  We were all sitting around the sitting room chatting about the race and how exciting it was.

  “Rayna said she would train me to race in the next race,” Kieran said all excited.

  “I am still not sure I want Rayna to race again,” Galen said and had everyone looking his direction.

  “Why do you say that, Galen?” My mother asked. “She did great today.”

  “I know, and I am proud of her.” He took my hand and rubbed it. “Am I the only one who saw that one careless flyer nearly knocking Rayna off?”

  “I noticed, and Rayna did a fantastic job not panicking and recovered herself well.” Said Bryden, surprising me at the compliment.

  Galen, I can tell was thinking about what to say next. Then Bryden continued. “I remember when Shannon raced, and my heart was on my sleeve with concern. But she was good at racing, and it was a passion of her’s. As her friend, I couldn’t deny her the joy and happiness racing brought her. She was a pro and Rayna takes after her mother. It was like watching her mother race all over again.”

  I smiled at Bryden; he sure earned my respect.

  “Okay, okay.” Galen began and turned towards me holding my hands. “Just promise me you will be very careful.”

  I smiled and hugged him tightly. “I promise. Thank you.”

  It was now time for us to make our entrance and as we got to the large french doors to go out to the courtyard. And again, the guards were there to open the doors as the herald announced us with Galen and me last as the birthday girl. Bryden offered my mother his arm as her escort and Kieran was on the right behind Galen’s parents and in front of us.

  As my and Galen’s names were announced, a special cheer went up to welcome me. I was genuinely amazed at the site. It is beautiful with all the evening glow. The music played, and people began dancing together and smiling and bowing their heads at me as I walked by. Galen lead me right to the dance floor and took me in his arms and began dancing.

  My mother was doing her duties and greeting the guests. Many waved at me, and I would wave back and smile. Having an outdoor party was a perfect idea, and it was my mother’s planning. Everyone looked beautiful in their evening gowns and the men in their best.

  “Are you happy, Rayna?” Galen asked looking down at me.

  “Deliriously happy,” I said gazing up at the man I love with all my heart.

  “I have a special present for you later.” He said leaning down towards me as we dance.

  “A special gift hu?” I said tiptoeing to meet his lips then smiled.

  He twirled me out then back into his arms. “Very special.” He said as I came back into his arms.

  I looked around and saw Kieran dancing with a nice looking young man. She looked over at me and smiled, and I saw her hand on his back as she secretly pointed at him. He sure was looking at her and holding her close. I smiled back and nodded. It seems she and I don’t need to talk to communicate. She would make a great sister, only if Bryden and my mother would get together.

  I looked to find them and saw Kieran signal me to look; I looked where she was indicating and saw them. My mother and Bryden again dancing together looking cozy and gazing into each other’s eyes. I looked back at Kieran, and she was looking at me as I mouth ‘YES!’ to her, and she mouthed ‘I know!’

  “Are you two conspiring a matchmaking plan?” Galen asked as he noticed the exchange.

  I laughed and kissed him, “Maybe.” I said. “I just received a great gift seeing them dancing together.”

  He smiled, “Alright I give up. But it looks like it is happening on its own.”

  “Mmm, with a little help,” I said smiling sweetly.

  “I love you, you little minx.” I laughed and hugged him tightly.

  Just then there was a loud explosion, and I was thrown down to the ground. Suddenly chaos and people were running everywhere as debris rained down on us all. I sat up feeling dazed and looked around. “Galen?” I said looking around for him. Suddenly I felt hands on my arms helping me up and turning me towards him. I hugged him tightly. Then remembered Bryden and my mother. The direction in which I was thrown to the ground, I knew the blast came from the direction they were dancing.

  I spotted Bryden on t
he ground, and he looked unconscious. I ran to where he lay, and Galen followed, and he began to sit up. “Bryden, are you alright?” Galen asked him as Bryden sat fully up.

  “Yeah, where’s Shannon?” He began looking around for my mother. Noticing where they were dancing a lot of debris some heavy due to the wall where my gifts were at was completely gone. I got up, and so did Galen and Bryden, and we began to lift the debris and move things around, when we saw a woman’s hand and brown hair, Bryden checked her pulse and shook his head, she was dead but was not my mother. I began to panic and digging through the debris yelling for my mother. Tears began to slide down my cheeks, but I refuse to stop. Finally, together we spotted the red of her dress.

  We cleared what we could, and Bryden checked her pulse, “She is alive.” We cleared all but this big heavy beam that lay across her. She was pinned down. We tried to lift the beam, but it was too heavy. “Kieran!” Bryden yelled.

  “I’m okay. I am over here dad!” She answered.

  “We need you.”

  “I am on my way.” She was here in no time. And she noticed the problem. “I need space.” We all backed away, and she carefully grabbed the beam and lifted it off my mother.

  Bryden lifted my mother in his arms, and we ran inside the palace. We could hear crying and screaming outside as we took my mother upstairs to her suite. Bryden laid her carefully down, and we all noticed she was bleeding from her head and bruised. “Kieran go find the doctor quick. She is pretty bad.”

  Kieran was out the door fast. Galen had his arm around me, and I was standing there my hands up by my face folded with concern and tears falling. “Is my mom going to be okay?” I asked shakily.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. We were pretty close to the blast. And I am pretty sure that one woman wasn’t the only casualty out there.” Bryden said holding my mother’s hand.

  Kieran came in just then, “I found him he is on his way right now. He was already downstairs in the courtyard. He almost told me to wait, until I told him it was the Queen.”

  “Kieran, can you find out if my parents are alright?” Galen asked.

  “I saw them, they were shaken up and was not standing close to the blast. They are helping to calm the people. I explained about Queen Shannon, and they told me to tell you to stay here with Rayna because she needs you. And that they are okay.”

  “Thank you, Kier. I appreciate it.”

  The doctor finally came in and rushed over to my mother. He checked her eyes and felt her adnominal, then listened to her heart. He stood and looked at us. “I need to operate. She is bleeding inside, and I need to stop it. I cannot operate on this bed I need a hard surface like a table.”

  “The dining room table,” I said still shaky.

  “That would work. I will also need my instruments and my assistant.”

  “I could get them.” I heard Galen say. “I will teleport them here.”

  “And I can make sure the table is cleared off and have a white tablecloth put on it,” Kieran said and was off.

  The Doctor wrote down all he needed and gave Galen the note and told him the name of his assistant and Galen disappeared. Since our marriage, we have developed each other’s abilities. Kieran came back and said, “The table is ready.”

  Wow, a good thing for her speed. “Okay, we need a safe way to get her to the table without too much jarring.” The doctor said to us.

  “I can do that,” I said after Bryden lifted her carefully in his arms I took my mother’s hand which was cold. “Doctor I need you to hold my shoulder please.” Then I placed my other hand on Bryden’s shoulder. I focused on the dining room when suddenly we were there, and Bryden very slowly and carefully placed my mother down on the table.

  “I am going to need more white cloths to cover her as I operate. I will also need help with her dress.”

  Kieran was there fast and went and brought back a few more table clothes. Suddenly Galen and the assistant was there with the things the doctor needed. “I need the cook to boil me a lot of water. And brought in here.” The doctor said. “I need a lot of light also.”

  We all ran around to find as many lamps as we could to help with lighting for the doctor. When all was said and done, the Doctor ushered us out, and we closed the door and went into the sitting room to wait. I couldn’t sit right away and just paced around the room.

  5 disaster

  Derrik and Kristana finally came in, and Derrik asked, “How is Shannon?”

  Kristana looked over at me and came over placed her arm around me and sat me down with her and held me.

  Bryden answered, “The doctor is operating on her to stop the bleeding. She is pretty bad.” Now he got up and began to pace restlessly.

  “Oh, you poor sweet girl. No wonder you are so distraught.” Kristana said holding me to comfort me. She is a beautiful woman, and I am so glad to have her as my mother in law.

  Derrik sat down in a chair not far from where Kristana and I sat on a sofa. “How many people were killed and injured?” Galen asked, sitting on the chair next to the fireplace.

  Bryden stopped pacing and turned to look at Derrik. “There were fifteen deaths some were from the orchestra others on the dance floor. And as for the injured the toll is still climbing.”

  “What happened?” Bryden asked.

  “The military has been doing some investigating right now. All they know is the blast came from the area where the gifts were. That was the area most of the dead were.” Derrik said. I stiffened at the thought the bomb could have been set up and wrapped as one of my gifts.

  I was now laying with my head on Kristana’s lap, and she stroked lovingly my hair which was now disheveled from being thrown backward. I lost my crown, but I don’t care my concern is now my mother. Then a thought came to me. “Are we all safe here?”

  Everyone stopped and looked at me. “What do you mean, Rayana,” Derrik asked me.

  I sat up and continued. “Well, one of my gifts was a bomb, meaning it was either meant for me or meant for the damage it did as a warning. So, if anyone can sneak a bomb to a heavily guarded party who’s to say there couldn’t be more elsewhere?” I looked at each person. “Who was the target meant to be? Are we safe here or should we go to Kaihu or Cainya for safety?”

  I know I was saying what many were thinking and as each one looked at each other, it made for a good discussion. “You made valid points Rayana. I will inform the head military agent our thoughts and have the palace fully checked. We have the means to detect explosive devices.” Derrik said, and before he could walk away, I stopped him with my next words.

  “Wait, what? You mean to tell me there is a device that could check for explosives and it wasn’t used on each item that arrived at the party?” I was stunned.

  “Rayna, since we achieved peace we never thought this would happen. All our guards were down.” Bryden spoke up.

  “Well obviously lack of security and letting our guard down didn’t work, and my mother is in there fighting for her life!” I said pointing in the direction of the dining room feeling angry and emotional. “As Royals, peace or not we always need to take all precaution towards our safety.” Tears were streaming down my cheeks again.

  I could tell everyone knew I was right; we should never have let our guard down and get too comfortable.

  “I will go and talk to the guards and the military…” He paused and turned my direction, “And Rayana, you are right, it was all our faults for not being more careful. I promise you; it won’t happen again.”

  I was so tired from the emotions and tears I leaned against Kristana, and she let me. She wrapped her arms around me in a motherly way and cradled me gently. “You dear child,” She spoke softly as she held me comforting me.

  I closed my eyes as they were feeling heavy with emotion and tears. I must have fallen asleep because I heard Kristana say, “She is asleep. The poor child. She had been through so much already and now this.” She was speaking very softly as not to wake me and I must have
fallen back asleep because someone was gently shaking me awake.

  “Rayana, dear.” I heard Kristana say and I opened my eyes and looked around and saw the doctor standing there cleaning his hands on a tablecloth he had wrapped around him covered with my mother’s blood. I sat all the way up now and looked at him.

  “How is my mother?” I asked trying to figure his expression out.

  “I was able to get the bleeding stopped, but she is not out of the woods yet. She will need to be closely monitored. I will write down what to watch for, and if I am needed, I will be on call for her Majesty. For now, we need to very carefully get her back to her room and to her bed. We need to make her comfortable. I will leave something for the pain she will be having if she wakes up.”

  “If she wakes up?” I said shaking.

  “As I said she is not out of the woods and there is a possibility she might never wake up. She also suffered a head injury and is in a coma.” The doctor looked at me, “Your Majesty, I am sorry.”

  We had gotten my mother back to her bed, and Kristana was kind enough to clean her up from the blood and very carefully with my help put a lovely nightdress on her we even took her hair down and carefully brushed it and braided it making her as comfortable as we could. I leaned over and kissed her bandaged forehead. “Please wake up mother. I love you.” She looks beautiful lying there.

  I stayed in, and Kristana opened the door to let Bryden back in. He rushed next to the bed and sat in the chair that I vacated taking ahold of my mother’s hand and looking at her. “I will stay with her and watch her.” He looked up at me. “I promise to notify you if any change. I refuse to leave her side.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder bent and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, for loving my mother. She needs to know how you feel. Give her a reason to fight for her life.” He patted my hand that was on his shoulder. Then looked back at my mother. I walked out with Kristana and down the hall, and on down the stairs to where everyone was waiting.


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