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The Captain's Conquest

Page 11

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Aye, he was a good lover and would have been a good husband and provider.”

  “I’m shocked, Agnes.” Lucy put her hand to her flattened chest.

  The older woman smiled. “Aye, gut memories to keep me warm on lonely nights, but I regret not once grabbing for what I desired.”

  “But it is not right outside of marriage.”

  “We were handfasted but had not made it public, so we were as pledged to one another as any man and wife would be. But we had not made a home together before the war called and he went.”

  “So, what do I do?”

  “He’s yer legal ‘usband, aye?”

  “Aye, that he is.”

  “Even if he weren’t, he has compromised ye too much to nae do right by ye.”

  Something for her to think about. How did she get Jared to understand she was more than a duty, however, and to let go of his vain hope of an annulment?


  Jared’s throat was raw and all his energy evaporated in the heat. They hadn’t made it to their destination and had a long way to go over many desolate miles. Fearing he would fall asleep at the reins he pulled over and almost fell off the bench to the ground. His legs failed to support him and he sank to his knees. He leaned over trying to catch his breath as a wave of dizziness overcame him. No, I do not have time for this now. Please, Lord, no…

  The carriage door opened and Lucy was talking to him. He couldn’t make out the words, and why was she dressed as a boy? “Your hair, pixie bride, where is your glorious hair?”

  More words he couldn’t understand as he was dragged to the coach.


  When he awoke, he was in a comfortable bed in a cheery room with a small boy sitting near his bed.

  He groaned as his had throbbed. “What happened?” he croaked.

  The boy sat up and came to sit on the bed next to him. “What do you remember?”

  He gazed at her to take in and make sense of the person before him. “Lucy?” He gave himself to the darkness.


  “I think his fever broke.” A sweet feminine voice penetrated the pit he was in. He had been sick? The last he remembered he had been… He tried to sit up and open his eyes. “I have to…”

  “Rest, Captain Allendale. You must rest. You have been terribly ill.”

  He had known kittens with more strength than he now possessed. He tried to focus his eyes on the person speaking.

  “Aye, ‘tis me, Jared. Your pixie sprite.”


  “Aye, call me Luke. The proprietor thinks I am your servant or valet.”

  “How long?” he managed a scratchy whisper.

  “About a week. I’ve lost track.”

  She reached an arm behind his upper back and helped him up while putting a glass of barley water to his lips. He drank but couldn’t help grimace. She lowered him to his pillow and caressed his whiskered face.

  “I’m not much good as a valet. I do not know the first thing about shaving a man.”

  Jared looked at her. Her hair was a shade lighter than the brown it had been. By the time they reached London she might be back to her almost white blonde hair. He mourned the loss of the long tresses she’d had.



  “A Sir Michael Tidley arrived yesterday asking for you. The proprietor stated you were here and ill and Sir Tidley claimed a friendship and asked to see you. I denied his request.”

  “Did you?” Jared smiled as he wondered how Sir Michael took to being turned down by this pipsqueak of a valet. “How did he take it?”

  “He stared at me for the longest time, smiled, nodded, went to procure a room, and await your healing.”

  “Please send for him. He is a friend.”

  Lucy nodded, doffed her cap, and went in search of the knight.

  Lucy led Michael into the room.

  He sauntered over to the bed. “Jared. How do you fare?”

  “Not well. I have been apprised of my illness only now, and of your presence. I am glad you are here. I could use your assistance.”

  “Whitehall sent me, stating I may have a vested interest in the outcome of your mission. Katrina sends her love. When I found out you were ill, I was tempted to come and wake you up by dumping some whiskey down your throat.”

  “That would only be fair given that I did that to you last we met, but I’m grateful you chose to restrain yourself.” Jared smiled. “How is fatherhood?”

  “Exhausting. While I’m glad that Katrina is a hands-on mother, Adam has a voracious appetite and only sleeps three or more hours at a time, and little Michaela is a terror.” Michael yawned.

  Jared couldn’t hold back his grin. “You love it. I can tell. You and Katrina will have one wild tale to tell them when they get older.”

  “So…” Michael nodded over to Lucy, “do you want to introduce me to your lovely servant?”

  Jared gulped. Michael was smart. Too smart to be fooled by a disguise. “Meet Lady Penelope Diamonte, who has gone by the name, Miss Lucille Cameron, became Lady Allendale a few weeks back, and is now my valet, Luke.”

  Michael’s jaw dropped. “You’re my sister?”

  Lucy’s eyes grew wide.

  “Luce, it’s all right, Michael is one of the good men. He’s here because somehow Whitehall got wind of our need for assistance.”

  Lucy stepped forward and gave a slight nod of her head. “Nice to meet you, brother.”

  “Did you know Damon at all?”

  “Only as a small child.”

  “Well, I’m apparently his spittin’ image and look much like a shorter version of our father. You must take more after your mother.”

  Lucy frowned. “Shall I leave you two alone?”

  “Where did you plan to go, Luce? Grab a pint in the common room downstairs?”

  Lucy brought her head up and glared at him. “You have something against a good Scottish ale?”

  Jared grinned. “Not if you bring me one as well.”

  “You are too sick for that.”

  “No, Mrs. Allendale.” Michael glanced to Jared. “I will hear the story behind that.” He turned back to Lucy. “It would be safer for you to remain here as a dedicated servant to your master. Winter is in town.”

  “Has he seen you?”

  “No, but it has been a few years. The only difficulty will be my resemblance to my father. That is hard to hide.”

  “What if you wore a wig and dress?” Lucy inquired. “Agnes could get you some dresses.”

  “No. I will not do that. It raises too many complications for our travel. How soon do you think you will be well enough to resume your journey? Theo would allow us access to the Diamonte estate near Newcastle-under-Lyme. You could recover more strength there.”

  “I am too weak to drive the carriage.” Jared moaned and yawned.

  “I believe he needs more rest,” Lucy offered.

  “I can drive the carriage and you can tend to your husband inside.”

  “Not my wife.”

  “Excuse me? Jared, did you just say my little sister is not your wife when you introduced her as Mrs.?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “All the best ones are.”

  “I’ll get an annulment when we get to London.” Jared was getting weaker.

  “You compromised her reputation beyond repair so you cannot abandon her when you get to London. No. We will speak no more of this now, but listen well, Captain Allendale, she is not without family to defend her honor.”

  Jared slipped into darkness and dreamt of meeting his good friend on a hill with pistols at dawn.


  Lucy could hardly believe her luck in having her half-brother come to assist her with Jared. Yes, she knew he was really there to help Jared with her, but he was on her side and the feeling that he would defend her warmed her heart to him. He took her to the other side of the room, turned to her, and whispered, “Lucy, that’s what you prefer, am I co


  “Good. I want to assure you that I will stand by this marriage. You may continue to assist him as I know you already have. I’m across the hall should you need anything. We can try to depart on the morrow.” He turned to leave.


  “Yes?” He looked at her.

  “Do you know why Whitehall has sent two of their agents to get me? I was perfectly content in my obscurity in Scotland.”

  “Would you be content to return there now?”

  Lucy looked to Jared who softly snored. She shook her head. “I would return if he refuses to honor the marriage, but I doubt contentment lies in any future without him.”

  Michael nodded and grinned. “You love him.”

  “Aye. Now if only he would love me.”

  “I don’t think love is the issue, Lucy. Duty is getting in his way. Perhaps when this mission is accomplished he can move beyond that and into a future with you.”

  Lucy swallowed and nodded. “Thank you, big brother.”

  Michael grinned and left the room.

  Lucy turned to keep vigil over her patient and pack for their journey.


  The next morning, they managed to get Jared comfortable in the carriage and set out for Biggar. It would be a long journey and exhausting for everyone. After one stop, Lucy chose to ride atop with Michael.

  “Jared tried to teach me to drive.”

  “You want the ribbons for a few miles?” He handed them over to her and she took them. She was changing in so many ways on this trip and not only in the way she dressed or the names she held. Changes were taking place deeper inside.

  Michael leaned back and crossed his arms. “When did you realize you loved Jared?”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. “It will sound odd, but I dreamt about him weeks before he arrived. I even sketched several pictures of him before I met him. I came across him at night in the throes of a nightmare and in an effort to calm him…”

  “You kissed him?” Michael said the words softly and with no condemnation.

  “Yes. I kissed him. I never expected to see him again. He overturned my entire life and took me from all I knew and yet, I love him.”

  “Why didn’t you take a packet through the North Sea on down to Gillingham? You would have been there by now.”

  “Jared was reluctant to spend that much time on the water and no place to escape.”

  Michael sighed. “I cannot blame him. We have both sailed enough with this war and I prefer land.”

  “You served?”

  “I’m retired now, but I was a spy, most often in London, but traveling back and forth across the channel.”

  “You have a child?”

  Michael grinned. “Two, and a lovely wife, Katrina, a woman I could never begin to deserve.”

  “You must miss them.”

  “I do, although I have enjoyed sleeping through the night.”

  Lucy grinned.

  “Has Jared continued to have nightmares?”

  “Not every night.”


  “Only once.”

  “Do tell.”

  “We were in the mountains and he had a particularly horrific one and was tangled in his blankets and struggling and I sought to help him.”


  “I no longer physically go near him when they occur.”

  “Am I to assume he hit you?”

  Tears came unbidden at the memory of that night. “He didn’t realize it was me.”

  “The nights he has no nightmares, what has been different?”

  Now Lucy was certain her face was ruddy. “We were sleeping together, holding each other.”

  “And how do you help him on the nights when he is sleeping alone?”

  “I pray and hum hymns softly. It calms him and he doesn’t awaken in such a dark mood.”

  “You are good for him, Lucy. Now, as your brother, I need to ask. Have you consummated the marriage?”

  Lucy shook her head and focused on the road.

  “You want to change that fact though?”

  She nodded but could not meet his gaze.

  “Keep trying.”

  “He has been steadfast in his refusal as he thinks that will be the ticket to an annulment.”

  “You have time, Lucy, but I do not suspect it will be any easier on you both even if you get what you want.”

  She frowned. “No happily-ever-after for this girl. I’m small and appear like a ghost when my hair is normal. I speak with a Scottish brogue, have a pet lamb, and have never been in society. I already know I am beyond the pale in London.”

  “Being the duke’s daughter and being married to a war hero like Jared will help people overlook your perceived shortcomings and regard you with favor. No one even need know about your unusual pet. You will probably set trends and soon everyone in London will be imitating your delightful accent.”

  “And I could curse at them in Gaelic knowing they would never interpret my meaning.”

  Michael laughed. “You might want to save that for your fights with your husband.”

  Lucy handed him the reins. “When you pull over, I will go rest inside and check on our patient, although I’m certain he is in good hands with Agnes.”

  “Never fear, Lucy, God hears and knows your heart’s desire.”

  “That doesn’t mean I get what I want, Michael.”

  “I realize that, but He knows best and you can trust Him.”

  “Of that I am aware.”


  Jared missed Lucy during the morning, but she was back now and quiet. He wondered what conversation she had with Michael. Would he be facing pistols at dawn?

  Lucy fell asleep leaning against him and he could smell her heather. He was grateful for her care while he was sick and wondered if he bothered her with any of his terrors. She had not spoken of any since the time he hit her, but he was certain she knew exactly when he had them. Now he was afraid he would start having dreams of another sort and feared he might act on those instead. He wrapped his arms around his sleeping wife and prayed for strength to endure this journey.

  They pulled into the Rooster Crow Inn late in the evening.

  Michael took care of the arrangements and helped Agnes and Jared from the coach.

  Keeping up her role as a servant, Lucy helped get the baggage to the rooms and tended to Jared, making sure a hot bath was brought as well as nourishing food and a dark ale.

  Lucy waited for Jared to take his bath and took hers while he ate. She spied the blankets he had on the floor and in a fury whipped them off the floor and back onto the bed.

  “What are you doing?” Jared complained, but not with much energy.

  “You are still sick and are sleeping in that bed.” Lucy left some of her buttons on her gown undone. For days, she’d slept in her clothes to keep her secret but for tonight she wanted to be Mrs. Allendale in whatever capacity he would allow.

  “And where will you sleep?” he asked warily.

  “Jared, get into bed.” She walked him over, tucked him in, and kissed his forehead much like her own mother used to do.

  “Lucy, I don’t deserve you.” He rolled to his side and was soon asleep. Lucy went to finish off his ale and climbed under the covers to spoon with her husband as she had been doing for the past week. The only difference was her attire.


  She was awakened by murmuring. Jared rolled over, sniffed her neck, planted delicious kisses there, and his hands roamed. Would tonight be the night she finally became his wife in truth?


  Morning came. Lucy rose quickly, bound herself, dressed, and arranged for breakfast to be brought to the room.

  Jared stretched and yawned and rolled over to look at her as she sat tucking her hair into her hat.

  She was in a bad mood and wished for a way to expend the energy that thrummed in her veins. She was afraid the first man to cross her this morning would me
et with a fist to his breadbasket. She hoped she could refrain from the more feminine slap, but right now she felt nothing like a lady. She went to the stable and instructed her saddle to be placed on Fiona.

  When Michael arrived to help load the trunks he looked at her with the unspoken question.

  “I’m riding my horse this morning. We both need the exercise.”

  “It’s probably a moot point for your horse, that has been walking and trotting behind the carriage all this time. I’ll assume that last night didn’t go as you liked or you would never make this choice.”

  Lucy frowned. At first, she didn’t understand but enlightenment dawned. Of course, she would have been too sore to ride her horse astride if… “I’m angry and hurt and frustrated and if I don’t ride I might hurt someone.”

  “Would it help to punch me?” Michael asked.

  Lucy bit her lip in an attempt to stave off the tears that threatened. She shook her head. “No, but if I change my mind, I’ll let you now. Be warned, you rile me and I might give it to you.”

  Michael nodded and with one hand lifted her chin so she was forced to look him in the eye. “I understand.” He went inside to get Jared and Agnes.

  Lucy threw herself over her horse and they pranced around the courtyard.


  She was angry with him, but he had no idea what he had done. Had he said something offensive in his sleep? Why would that bother her when hitting her in his sleep was forgivable?

  Michael placed Scallywag into the carriage, and looked at Jared before he closed the door. He shook his head. “Jared, you must be the most addle-pated, bacon-brained person alive.”

  The door slammed, and Jared was more confused than ever. Somehow, he’d angered two people he cared very much about.

  Agnes sat across from him with her needle and thread as she kept remaking dresses, if and when Lucy ever got to wear them again. She glanced at him and shook her head.

  “What? What sin have I committed that has offended all of you?”

  Agnes set down her sewing. “How did you sleep last night, Jared?”

  He squirmed in his seat. “I had good dreams, I think.”

  “Hmmmm. I wonder why.”

  Jared shook his head and leaned back against the squabs so he could rest some more while he tried to think about what might have happened. The day promised to be long as they planned to pass through Coulter and make it to Abington by dark.


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