The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 18

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Your daughter?”

  “I have my plans. They are none of your business at present. Do your job and you will be amply rewarded.”


  Lucy was aware of every breath and movement Jared took. The ball was too much for him. The men that surrounded him brought back some kind of memory. Her husband had obviously been a loner for much of the past few years. While she wasn’t fond of the crowds, it was more because the noise, the smells, the myriad of unknown faces all swam around and overwhelmed her senses.

  Jared’s gaze was darting around the room. Their back was near a wall and an exit was close by. He was gearing to flee any danger. The music started for the waltz and he looked into her eyes. “Will you do me the honor of this dance?”

  She nodded and placed her hand on his arm as he led her to the floor. She had never danced before but leaning into the sway and movement of the three-quarter time came easily with him leading her. She looked up at him and he smiled.

  “Are you enjoying your first ball, Lady Allendale?”

  “I would enjoy it more if my husband could relax. We are in England. They will not attack you here.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that. The weapons of the beau monde may be subtle but just as lethal.”

  “You fear them?”

  “In your words, aye.”

  “Relax, and smile at me so they believe it was a love match and not something else.”

  “Like an accident?”

  “That will be a fun story to tell our children someday.”

  “You will make a great mother, Luce.”

  “You will be a splendid father, teaching your kids to play hooky from their studies to go fishing with you.”

  “Absolutely. It was what my father did and I didn’t turn out too bad.”

  Lucy winked. “I think you turned out fine.”

  They twirled and swayed until the music ended and Jared escorted her off the floor. He found Michael and told him they were leaving. Michael opted to stay longer and asked Jared to have the carriage return to await his departure.

  Lucy stepped into the carriage. Jared sat close to her and put an arm around her, pulling her close. She snuggled up into his embrace and rested there. His heart beat beneath her ear. Along with the clip clop of horses’ hooves, and the sound of the carriage wheels, it provided a hypnotic background.

  Darkness had fully descended and the gas lights had been lit.

  They arrived at Michael’s home and let themselves in as the butler had the night off.

  Michael led Lucy into the drawing room and poured himself a glass of claret. “Would you like some?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He poured her a glass. They sat together on the divan and sipped.

  “How soon before we can go to this mystical Rose Hill you keep mentioning?”

  “My brother’s estate? Nothing mystical about it, it’s home. We won’t live there, but we will visit for a little before we hole up at my home, Pine Valley Manor.”

  “I can hardly wait. Do we need to attend any more balls?”

  “No, tomorrow we do need to be here for all the visitors who will come to interrogate us. After that we should be free to depart.”

  “But what about the letter?”

  A black cloud obscured Jared’s features. “I’ll take care of it. If anything would happen to me, you are well provided for.”

  “That is the least of my worries. Money is not why I married you. As far as I knew you had little which was why we slept outside so often.”

  “That was not for economy’s sake, but to prevent me from disturbing other patrons with my nightmares.”

  “We found that I was your magic cure for keeping them managed or even at bay.”

  “And here I thought I was just getting a pixie bride.” He nuzzled her neck and leaned over for a kiss.

  “Mmmmm.” Lucy sighed. “Shall we retire to a more private venue? I would hate to have my brother come in on us.”

  “We’re married.”

  “He’s my brother.”

  Jared rose and helped her up. They set their now empty wine glasses on the side table and walked up the stairs to their room. Jared, as was his habit, walked in first and checked out every space before motioning for Lucy to join him. He locked the door behind her.

  “Now, sprite, where did we leave off?”

  Lucy gave a sly grin as she sashayed around him to take off her shoes. He picked her up from behind, tossed her on the bed, and commenced with kissing her. She suspected she would not be getting much sleep tonight. That thought bothered her not a whit.


  A sound jarred Jared to alertness. Slivers of moonlight peeked out from behind the drapes. He rose, threw a robe on, and stoked the fire. He glanced around the room. A letter had been slid underneath the door to the hallway. Jared grabbed his gun, ran to the door, and flung it open. He scanned up and down the hall but saw no sign of life.

  He went back inside, set the gun down, and picked up the letter. It was addressed to his wife. He itched to read it. He was a spy. He was used to intercepting mail and passing it on without anyone being the wiser for his viewing it. He set it down on the table. No. He would wait for her to open it. He paced around the room. Who had left it and why? That question would soon be answered when Lucy awakened. It had been an exhausting day and he wanted her to rest. Now if only he could sleep as well.

  Jared crawled back in bed to wait.


  A hand caressed his chest and he struggled to open his eyes. Hair tickled his shoulder and soon lips followed. He cracked an eyelid apart and saw the room bathed in early morning sunlight, and his fey wife paying him satisfactory attention.

  The letter!

  “Pardon me.” He threw the covers back and and brought the envelope back to bed. He climbed in beside her, kissed her on the forehead, and presented the packet of paper. “This came for you in the middle of the night.”

  Her brows squished and her nose wrinkled. As much as he wanted her attention, he was more interested, at that moment, in the contents of the missive.

  Lucy leaned back against her pillows and broke the plain, red wax seal. She scanned the interior of the letter. When she had finished, she dropped her hands to her lap and closed her eyes.


  She lifted up her hand towards him. “You might as weel then read it. You are dying to anyway.”

  “Dying might be a tad exaggerated.” He took the letter and opened it up.

  Dearest Penelope,

  I understand you have changed your name to Lucille. My little angel of light. The name suits you. You look so much like your mother. Regardless of what she may have told you, I loved her. I let her leave because it suited me to do so. But I have always regretted not knowing you and being a part of your life. I desire to rectify that.

  If you but give me some kind of sign that you would welcome the opportunity to know me, your father, better, I would be honored.

  You have grown into a lovely young woman. Lovelier and purer than even your mother was. My heart is incomplete until you have been restored to me, my lost diamond.


  “He wants to meet me,” Lucy whispered.

  “It’s a trap.” Jared folded the letter and set it on the bedside table.

  “He crushes diamonds. Jared, he would crush me too. He cannot stand the light and it’s not just me, but if he discovers I have a relationship with Christ, he will be furious. He won’t be too pleased by my marriage to you, but it is interesting that he never mentioned you. He must know.” She sat upright. “He knows we are here.”

  Jared nodded. “Yes, but that does not surprise me. We have not been in hiding since we came to London. If I wanted to hide you I could have and he would have never found you.”

  “Why didn’t you?” She turned with narrowed eyes.

  “Because you deserve better than that and the Crown did not feel it was necessary. You are still under their protection
and I need to heed their dictates.”

  “Why? As long as what we do is not illegal, why should they care where we go or what we do?”

  “Because they have a vested interest in seeing your father dead and keeping you alive and away from him.”

  “It makes no sense.”

  Jared drew her close and she rested her hand and her head on his chest. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. This was contentment and joy, holding the woman he adored.


  Lucy looked at herself in the mirror and didn’t recognize this woman who stood there. Her soft ringlets framed her face and a strand of pearls graced her neck. The gown had a higher waist than she was accustomed to and made her small body appear taller. Jared appeared behind her in the reflection and kissed her neck. More skin was showing than she had ever exposed before, with the exception of last night.

  “You look lovely, sprite.”

  She turned in his arms and wrapped her own around him. “I hardly recognize myself.” She stood back to look him over.

  Freshly shaved, and his hair fighting the styling by Michael’s valet. His blue eyes glimmered. His cobalt superfine coat and the matching waistcoat gave him the look of a polished Corinthian-about-town. His trousers and freshly polished boots finished off the attire. She rose on her tiptoes to kiss his lips. “I’m the most blessed woman in London.”

  “‘Tis true. This match was made in heaven.” Jared returned her kiss, and pulled back. “We need to be ready to meet guests.”

  She nodded, put her hand on his arm to leave the room and they descended the stairs together.

  Entering the drawing room, she was confronted with various vases of hothouse flowers. She wandered around to read the notes which gushed with flowery compliments to her. “It’s as if they forgot I was married. Surely this is inappropriate.” She looked to Jared who leaned against the mantle with a half-smile watching her.

  Michael strode in wearing a green coat and a gold waistcoat littered with multiple colorful embroidered flowers. He winked at her and grinned. “Who gave you permission to turn my drawing room into a conservatory?” He strode over to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Good morning, dear sister.”

  He turned to Jared and a brief scowl crossed his features before he made them impassive. “You sent a missive to me saying we needed to talk.”

  “Someone got into the house last night and slid a note for Lucy under the door to our room.”

  Michael frowned and began to pace.

  Lucy found a seat to watch them interact.

  Jared folded his arms. “I thought Whitehall was protecting us? Or at least her.”

  “They promised they would. Lord Hughes seemed determined to keep her safe until we could get the Black Diamond.”

  “What will we do about it?”

  Michael looked from Jared to Lucy and held her gaze. “How about another road trip?”

  “What about the missive Jared received yesterday? If he doesn’t comply then all his attempts to protect me will have been for naught.”

  “You will be alive. That is the most important thing,” Jared defended himself.

  “I have another idea.” Lucy folded her hands in her lap as she sat up straight.

  The men stared at her.

  “What is your idea, sis?” Michael asked.

  “Use me as bait to draw out the Black Diamond.”


  They were interrupted by the butler announcing the first of many guests.

  Lucy gave Michael a wink and he frowned back at her.

  Jared gave her a sideways glance to let her know that this discussion was not over. He bent over the hand of a society matron, introduced Lucy, and spent the next two hours doing much the same thing. He also reminded the young bucks when their socially acceptable fifteen minutes were up.

  By the time the last of the guests were gone and Lucy had consumed enough tea to qualify her for a whale, she excused herself and was able to flee to her room. After freshening up, she returned to find the room cleaned up by Michael’s efficient staff, and her husband and brother locked in his study. Without her. Lucy sat and relaxed against the cushions of the chair. She closed her eyes only for a moment…

  A sound alerted her to someone else in the room. She opened her eyes to find a tall man standing in front of her.

  “Pardon the intrusion, Lady Penelope Diamonte, but I longed to meet you and knew of no other way.”

  Her heart beat erratically as she sat up straight. Why had she left her gun in her room? There was no knife anywhere either. Nowhere to put one with her shoes. “Who are you?” she croaked out.

  His gloved hand went to cover his heart. “You crush me, my lady. Do you not recognize your own father?”

  Lucy brought a hand up to cover her open mouth. “How? Why?” Her father? The world spun, and she clung to the edge of the chair with her free hand.

  The tall man dropped to one knee. “I’ve been misunderstood and maligned and need help to prove I am not the traitor they say I am. I have done nothing but support the cause of England here and abroad. You had been safe in Scotland, but when I found out they wanted to bring you back here, I knew it was a lure to capture me. Believe me, sweet Penelope, I have missed you and long to be in your life.”

  Skepticism washed over her. Who was right? Jared and Michael, or this familiar stranger who stood before her? She struggled to avert her gaze away from his compelling eyes that bored into her very soul. She felt exposed, as if he could see every doubt. “What do you want of me?”

  “Help me.”

  “I am no one, a mere spec in the greater war being waged around us. Lord Diamonte, I believe you will need to seek elsewhere for your salvation.”

  He barked a laugh. “Salvation. A term claimed by Christians about their ineffectual Jesus. I do not need salvation. I desire your help. We would become acquainted and be a family again. Wouldn’t you like that? To have a family?”

  Lucy tilted her head as she considered his words. “I have a family and have no need of the father who threatened me to the extent that my mother needed to flee with me.”

  A leather gloved hand rose with speed and she winced at the anticipated blow. Instead he smiled and in a low, guttural voice said, “You will change your mind in time. You are mine. You have always been mine.”

  “I belong to no one but Christ Jesus.”

  He sucked in his breath as if he had been punched in the gut. His teeth bared and gritted together. “We’ll see just how powerful your Jesus is against my Lord Lucifer.” He rose to his feet and slipped out the door.

  Lucy rose to follow but found her limbs weak and the world turning curiously dark.


  “Did you hear something?” Michael looked past Jared, who turned to glance at the locked door to the study.

  “It was probably Lucy having a tantrum that we didn’t include her in our discussion.” Jared rose. “I suppose we should go join her.” He strode to the door and noticed something on the floor. He bent down to pick it up. “I wonder who left this?”

  Michael glanced at the letter addressed to them both.

  “Are you armed?” Michael asked.

  Jared nodded.

  They opened the door with their weapons drawn and found the hallway empty with the exception of a chambermaid coming out of another room. She squealed and ran down the hall, dropping her supplies.

  The men put their weapons away.

  Michael shook his head. “I suppose I had better go assure her that we had no intention of killing her. Why don’t you see to your wife and I will join you in a moment.”

  Jared nodded and wandered down the hallway, spying out every nook and cranny for evidence of the intruder. Where were the guards Lord Hughes promised? He would have to caution Lucy to arm herself.

  He opened the drawing room and at first saw no sign of his wife. Floral arrangements covered every available space. He came around to the main sitting area to find Lucy crumpled on
the ground. By her side was a black rose.

  He dropped to his knees, brushed the rose away, and placed his hand on her neck. Her pulse was slow but steady. He took a deep breath to slow down his own rapid heartbeat. “Lucy?” He rubbed her cheek. It was so pale. “Sprite, come on. Wake up. The floor is not the most comfortable place for a nap.”

  Her eyelids fluttered, opened, and she turned her head to gaze at him. “Jared?”

  “Yes, my lovely pixie bride?” He scooped her up and sat with her in his lap, her head cradled against his shoulder. He took a whiff of her heather scent and wished they didn’t have important things to discuss. They had not had much of a honeymoon and he longed for extended time to relax and enjoy married life.

  Her hand rested on his chest. “My father…” She closed her eyes tight as if to block out an image.

  “What is it, Lucy?” he whispered.

  “He was here.” She began to sob and he held her close as she soaked his coat.

  Michael strode into the room. “What happened?”

  Jared responded, “I found her on the floor with that,” he pointed to the wicked flower, “next to her.”

  “I’ve checked everywhere and can find no sign of anyone entering or departing our premises.”

  “It’s almost as if it’s a ghost, if I believed in such things.” Jared looked up at Michael.

  “I’ve seen too much evil. I’ve come to believe that there are spirits that can manifest themselves in human form.”

  Jared raised his eyebrows.

  “Remember Tristan?”

  “Your valet who turned traitor?”

  “I thought for sure he was dead, but he recovered and came after me again. It was unnerving to say the least to have my valet die twice, once in England and once in France.”

  “Has he stayed dead this time?”

  “I suspect the wild animals took care to ensure there wasn’t anything left to resurrect.”

  “I thought coming back from the dead was only something Jesus did?”


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